True and Fake Young Master

Chapter 31


"It's always better to treat other women than you, because that person will only be vicious to you, speak only with orders, and will only bully you. You feel like a pet. Maybe one day that person gets tired and will change. New darling, and then you'll be discarded... what? Am I right?"

"You..." Du Miaofu was speechless, her heart was full of shock.

Seeing Du Miaofu's appearance, Jiang Chuwei knew she had guessed right, and she couldn't help shaking her head. "I wonder how I would know?"

Du Miaofu nodded.

Jiang Chuwei sighed softly, knowing Du Miaofu's hindsight, "Miaomiao, don't you think these qualities are very similar to your former boyfriend?"

Uh... Du Miaofu thought for a while, her eyes slowly widened.

This woman... Jiang Chuwei really didn't know what to say about her slowness. "Every time you have a boyfriend, you are treated like this, and then you feel that the other person doesn't love you, so you avoid him, and you get rid of him. Then the next one is the same type of man, and then the same pattern, Miao Miao, I feel so sorry for your ex-boyfriends."

"Why?" Du Miaofu frowned, pleading for herself. "It's clear that the victim is me, they just want an obedient lover, and they decide things for themselves regardless of whether I want it or not. I don't even have the right to say no."

That's why she hates strong people. They are too good to understand the sorrow of small people.

"But did they treat you badly?" Jiang Chuwei asked back. "I decide things for you without authorization, but if you really protested violently, did they force you?"

Du Miaofu was stunned. No, although the boyfriend she made has a domineering personality, once she exceeds her limit, she will refuse, and they usually don't say much.

"But, but he's not like this, he's worse than them, more domineering, and authoritarian, he's very bad, he only bullies me, doesn't treat me well, doesn't hurt me at all, and my former boyfriends Totally different, he's much worse than them!"

"Oh, so damn..." Jiang Chuwei nodded, and then asked inexplicably, "Then why do you keep thinking about him? You've dumped so many men before, and I haven't seen you miss them."

"How can I miss him..."

"Then what is this?" Jiang Chuwei shook the wooden comb in her hand. "You used to throw away the gifts that those men gave you when you broke up. What about this? Why keep it?"

"That, that..."

"Don't say he didn't give it." Jiang Chuwei didn't believe it.

"I, I..." Du Miaofu opened her mouth, but under Jiang Chuwei's clear eyes, she bit her lip and turned her face away in embarrassment.

Jiang Chuwei sighed, she didn't want to force her too hard, but she also didn't want her to be on the horns all the time.

"Miaomiao, you are always too passive, you think in the bad side of everything, and you have no confidence in yourself at all. You say that those who chase you are just pets who want to be obedient, why don't you think that they will only really like you? Chase you?"

"Why..." Du Miaofu wanted to refute, but she swallowed it under Jiang Chuwei's eyes.

"Haven't you ever thought that on their terms, how could there not be a woman who wants to be beautiful and obedient? Why do you want to chase the ordinary and ordinary you?"

Du Miaofu was stunned, she really didn't think about it.

"Miaomiao, do you know that you are very good?" Jiang Chuwei smiled and said seriously: "No one like me wants to be my friend at all, because I have too many advantages, and I am beautiful, and people who are jealous of me Too much, too much."

She sighed, she didn't blush at all, while Du Miaofu's mouth twitched, she was used to the Queen's narcissism, but it was a bit strange to say such words just looking at the black face.

Jiang Chuwei turned a blind eye to the expression on Du Miaofu's face and continued to make big comments. "But you are the only one who approached me without jealousy or envy. You looked at me like an ordinary person, and treated me with no intentions at all." Seriously, when she first met Du Miaofu, Jiang Chuwei was not unfamiliar.

"You are always sincere to everyone. You have encountered a lot of bad things from childhood to adulthood. You are pushed around like a ball of flesh by relatives, and you end up in an orphanage, but you don't complain at all, and you are still so strong. Happy. Miaomiao, you are very attractive like this, really! If I were a man, I would definitely chase you."

Originally, A Hao wanted to chase Miaomiao, but she stopped her with her fist. She found Miaomiao and no one could rob her!