True and Fake Young Master

Chapter 39


It was just her inferiority complex that made her dare not face him, so she timidly fled, but after a year of running away, she still couldn't forget him.

Qin Yaotang hugged her tightly. "Stay by my side forever, eh?"

Du Miaofu wanted to nod, but hesitated. "But Pei Shaoqing..." She was afraid, afraid that Pei Shaoqing would not let her go.

She could see clearly what happened during the day. She was clearly in her body at that time, but her hands and feet were imprisoned by the invisible darkness. She struggled, but the bound darkness bound her even tighter, leaving her helpless and could only watch nervously. Follow Pei Shaoqing's every move.

When Pei Shaoqing hurt herself and threatened him, she wanted to stop it, but couldn't find a way to break free. Just when she didn't know what to do, she heard him say yes.

At that time, she was restless and angry, desperately yelling no, reckless, revolting against the darkness regardless of pain, thinking in her heart: how can Pei Shaoqing succeed

no! Absolutely not! Pei Shaoqing! I forbid you to do this—

She yelled angrily, the darkness disappeared instantly, and she was pleasantly surprised to find that she could move.

She finally took back the ownership of her body, but she knew in her heart that it was temporary and Pei Shaoqing would not give up easily.

Thinking of Pei Shaoqing's perseverance, Du Miaofu's heart could not help but raise fear.

She saw Pei Shaoqing's madness with her own eyes, and she wanted to get everything she wanted even if she hurt herself. This kind of persistence made people feel terrible.

"Don't be afraid, I will find a way." Knowing her worries, Qin Yaotang comforted her.

He won't let her disappear, never!

chapter Ten

Day by day, one body and two souls compete with each other, making the body weaker and weaker.

It's not that Pei Shaoqing has never appeared before, for fear that she will hurt her body, so as soon as Pei Shaoqing appeared, Qin Yaotang tapped her fainting point to prevent her from having a chance to make trouble.

But this is not the way to go on for a long time, because Du Miaofu appears less and less time, and every time she falls asleep, she is afraid that she will not wake up again.

Therefore, she didn't dare to fall asleep easily, she always kept her spirits strong and dared not even close her eyes, because Qin Yaotang couldn't stand it any longer, so she clicked on the sleeping hole and forced her to fall asleep.

"No, no acupuncture..." This time she finally woke up, and Du Miaofu leaned into Qin Yaotang's arms, pleading in a weak voice.

Her spirit was depressed, her eyes were sunken, her eyes were bloodshot, and the flesh of her cheeks was sunken. In fact, she couldn't hold it any longer.

Every time she wakes up, she feels so tired, and every time she closes her eyes, she wants to stay awake.

But no, she has to hold on, she doesn't want to disappear, she can't bear...

"Talk to me." She smiled at Qin Yaotang, her voice so soft that it was almost inaudible.

Qin Yaotang held her skinny hand distressedly. In just half a month, she was so skinny that he panicked and panicked.

He, Jiang Chuwei and everyone tried everything possible, but they couldn't get rid of Pei Shaoqing's soul. Pei Shaoqing obsessed over his body, and every time he woke up, he shouted for Du Miaofu to disappear.

They know that this is Pei Shaoqing's body, and she should return it, but people are selfish. In their hearts, Du Miaofu is definitely more important than Pei Shaoqing.

They wanted Du Miaofu to live and Pei Shaoqing to leave.

"Damn it! Is there no way?" Jiang Chuwei walked around in anger, while Jiang Haocheng was frightened and guarded by her side.

"Sister, don't go so fast, be careful of your stomach..."

"Be careful!" Jiang Chuwei roared, "Every time I see Pei Shaoqing's arrogant appearance, I'm going to get so angry that I have a miscarriage!"

Knowing that Du Miaofu couldn't take it any longer, Pei Shaoqing always laughed proudly when she appeared, and Jiang Chuwei wanted to slap her with anger.

If it weren't for the body being wonderful—yes, she just thought the body was wonderful.

Just kidding, Pei Shaoqing died when he fell from the horse, so why are you messing around now? The dead are meant to be reincarnated.

"Chuwei, don't be angry..." Du Miaofu comforted her friend softly after seeing her friend's anxious appearance.

"Why don't you tell me to be angry... Damn it!" Du Miaofu's haggard appearance made Jiang Chuwei unable to scold, she tried her best to blink away her tears, and she took a deep breath.

After all, the culprit is Qin!