True and Fake Young Master

Chapter 41


Qin Yaotang ignored Jiang Chuwei's stare and asked, "According to you, Miao'er has three souls and seven souls, why can't she match Pei Shaoqing's soul?"

"Tsk tsk!" The man shook his finger lightly. "You too underestimate the resentment of people. Once resentment arises in the human soul or spirit, the resentment will become a demon, so resentful spirits cannot be provoked, and..."

He looked at Du Miaofu. "Girl, if you want to live, you can't be too kind."

Du Miaofu was startled and lowered her eyes lightly.

"You are kind, but the other party is cruel. If you are not crueler than the other party, you will be swallowed up." He paused and looked at Du Miaofu seriously. "Girl, let me ask you, do you want to live?"

Du Miaofu lowered her head, Qin Yaotang held her hand tightly, she looked up at him, his eyes were as calm as water, but she saw his dedication and nostalgia for her.

Her chest was sore, she held him back, her lips raised.

For him, for the people who care about her, she wants to live. "Well, I want to live."

"Very good." The visitor nodded in satisfaction, waved his hand, and suddenly seven lotus lanterns appeared on the ground, circling in a circle.

"Enter the circle, and then it's your battle, girl. If you win, it's you who wakes up. If you lose, you will disappear."

"What? How does this work?" Jiang Chuwei exclaimed, if Xia Houyin had not held her back, she would have rushed to beat her.

Others were amazed when they heard what the mysterious man said. There is such a miraculous thing in this world.

As for Jiang Haocheng, he didn't understand it at all, so he just let it go.

Qin Yaotang looked calm, picked up Du Miaofu, placed her in the circle surrounded by lotus lanterns, and gently stroked her eyebrows with her fingertips.

"I'll wait for you, remember not to sleep too long."

"Yeah!" Du Miaofu nodded, smiled at everyone, and closed her eyes gently.

Qin Yaotang stayed by his side, still holding her hand.

He waits for her, when she wakes up—


black, familiar black...

Du Miaofu stood in the dark with a familiar fear in her heart.

Every night in her dreams, she was chased by the darkness, and there was always a voice ringing in her ears, gloomy and sharp like a ghost.

"Give it back! Give it back to me..."

coming! She closed her eyes and subconsciously wanted to escape, but she raised her foot and stopped immediately.

No, can't run! When she ran, she conceded defeat.

Opening her eyes, she clenched her palms and looked around calmly.

Not afraid, she is not afraid, there is nothing to be afraid of, this is her dream, she is the biggest in her dream.

"Ah!" Her feet were suddenly caught, and a hand appeared on the ground to pull her down. Du Miaofu screamed and kicked the hand below. "Go! Go away! Pei Shaoqing! Come out! Stop playing these tricks!"

She is not afraid of her, not at all!

"Giggle..." A strange laughter sounded in the darkness, and a figure appeared, staring at her with wicked eyes.

Opposing two people is like two sides of a mirror, with the same appearance but different temperaments.

"You thief! Give me back my body!"

"You are already dead." Du Miaofu raised her chin, not allowing herself to be soft-hearted or weak. "The one who should leave this body is you!"

"Ah—" Pei Shaoqing roared, knocking down Du Miaofu and strangling her neck. "Why did you? Why did you get him? This body is mine! It should be me who got him! He is mine!"

"Hmm..." Du Miaofu was pinched, her face flushed red, Pei Shaoqing's strength was too great, she couldn't lift her hand at all.

Do not! She can't lose!

Du Miaofu bent her knees and pushed up hard, hitting Pei Shaoqing's abdomen, kicking her away while Pei Shaoqing was in pain.

"Uh!" Unexpectedly, Du Miaofu resisted, Pei Shaoqing clutched her stomach in pain.

Du Miaofu coughed and panted hard, she looked at Pei Shaoqing without any sympathy in her eyes.

"Qin Yaotang is a person, he has feelings, he is not an object, not who can get him, but who can make him fall in love." She raised her chin and said word by word, "The person Qin Yaotang fell in love with was me, and he loved me. It's not your body, it's me, the soul of my Du Miaofu!"