True and Fake Young Master

Chapter 9


Besides, Pei Shaoqing, before he fell off the horse, once hid a needle under Die'er's horse pad in an attempt to make Die'er fall from the horse. Butterfly.

However, he never imagined that Pei Shaoqing, who wanted to harm others, would suffer the consequences and fall off his horse, and then his attitude changed completely.

He didn't think that Pei Shaoqing was hiding his nature and wanted to do some tricks in private, but this idea was overturned by him after a while.

Because Pei Shaoqing doesn't have such good acting skills, let alone such IQ, he will only be stupid enough to use his identity to overwhelm others, naively thinking that the Pei family will always protect him, and it's ridiculous to think that he is right.

Therefore... The black eyes are too cold, what is this Pei Shaoqing thinking? Or maybe he thinks too much, has Pei Shaoqing really changed it

With her head down, Du Miaofu was full of anxiety. Of course, she felt Qin Yaotang's sharp eyes, as if she wanted to see through everything about her, which made her heart tremble. The surnamed Qin was as difficult as she thought, and she miscalculated. , I didn't expect him to care about her.

She thought he would ignore her like he ignored Pei Shaoqing, after all, this body is still Pei Shaoqing himself!

Now how to do? Can't keep silent forever? She was stared into a cold sweat.

Unable to bear the pressure of this silence, Du Miaofu moistened her dry throat and decided to speak first to suppress her fear. She looked at Qin Yaotang with doubtful eyes. "Big brother, why did you propose to my father that I should contact the Pei family's career?"

This doubt is true. He wants her to contact the Pei family's career for no reason. What does he want

He thought the little mouse was going to be silent forever! I didn't expect to be full of courage, interesting!

Qin Yaotang walked towards the bookcase in front and picked up an account book casually. "You are the young master of the Pei family after all. Sooner or later, the business of the Pei family will be taken over by you. Since you have figured it out now, this is also a good opportunity. After all, I am just an outsider, and it is not easy to take over the management of the Pei family." The voice was flat, straightforward, without a trace of irony, but Du Miaofu was completely harsh.

These words are all what Pei Shaoqing once said to Qin Yaotang. Is this man taking revenge on Pei Shaoqing now

"Oh, big brother, what are you talking about, how can you be an outsider?" Laugh - Du Miaofu, you have to laugh! Even if your heart is very dry, you still have to laugh! "Father treats eldest brother better than his own son! Dad will be sad to hear eldest brother say that."

To be ironic, who wouldn't

"After all, my surname is not Pei. No matter how nice Uncle Pei is to me, his name is not right. Younger brother, you have to study hard. The career of the Pei family will be handed over to you in the future." Miaofu's sarcasm, Qin Yaotang's tone is still flat.

It's just that Du Miaofu's unhappiness level began to rise slowly, maybe it was inherited from Pei Shaoqing's memory, it was obviously none of her business, but her emotions were still affected. And what annoyed her the most was that Qin Yaotang's words made her feel like she was being charited.

Squinting a little, she smiled more gently, "How can eldest brother think so? It's not easy for eldest brother to have the surname Pei? And if Dad knew about it, he would be very happy, or I'll help eldest brother to tell Dad? "

Qin Yaotang didn't respond, just looking at her, Du Miaofu was still smiling, the sincerity on her face was appropriately decorated.

"Ha!" Qin Yaotang laughed softly, Du Miaofu was stunned by the sudden change, and her reason returned quickly. Damn it! She was out of control.

Qin Yaotang walked up to her and handed her several account books. Du Miaofu had to reach out and take it. She didn't show any panic, but her fingertips trembled slightly.

"This is the basic account book of the embroidery workshop and the tea house. You can study it today, write it down and ask me if you don't understand anything, and go out with me the day after tomorrow."

away from home? Du Miaofu frowned, "Where are you going?"

"Check out the embroidery workshops and teahouses in Xiangcheng. By the way, I'll let you meet the stewards in charge of these stores. Don't be late tomorrow." After speaking, Qin Yaotang stepped out of the study.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Du Miaofu breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way," Qin Yaotang said lightly as if thinking of something when he stepped out of the threshold. "Remember when you want to laugh in the future, don't look so cold, or you will laugh too fake."

Du Miaofu froze, she definitely heard the smile in his tone, the account book in her hand was squeezed tightly by her, she heard the footsteps away, and her straight body began to tremble.