Turing’s Code

Chapter 10


Tianhe exhausted his efforts and finally moved Guan Yue to the bed.

"Huh." Tianhe wiped off his sweat, Guan Yue's body smelled of alcohol, his shirt and trousers were all spilled with spilled vodka. This vodka is not bad, it seems that occasionally there will be good wine in the bar, Tianhe thought.

"Hello." Tianhe patted Guan Yue's handsome side face, Guan Yue just lay quietly, his eyelashes were thick and beautiful, as if in a dream, he moved a few times.

Tianhe unbuttoned his tie, took it out, and took off his wine-stained shirt, Guan Yue showed his thin chest muscles and well-trained outline.

"Do you need to prepare for an electric shock?"

"We need to prepare a drum washing machine and wash his clothes." Tianhe said, "Sorry, I forgot that you can't do anything about it."

Pro: "..."

After Tianhe took off Guan Yue's shirt, he unbuttoned his belt, took off his suit trousers, took off his socks, and stripped him naked. Then take out the shirt and trousers and put them on the sofa, so that if Aunt Fang smells of alcohol tomorrow, she will know without asking, and she will naturally wash and dry them in advance.

Guan Yue was stripped naked, wearing only a pair of black briefs. Tianhe wiped the wine stains on his chest with a towel a few times, pulled the quilt and covered him, and put a glass of water on the bedside table.

Pro: "I suggest you keep observing his condition for at least four hours. There are as many as 11,400 suffocation deaths worldwide due to drunken vomiting every year..."

Tianhe went to change back into his pajamas, lay down on the bed, and covered himself with a quilt.

"Pro, turn off the light." Tianhe said, "I'm really sleepy, I hope he won't beat me up when he wakes up tomorrow."

All the lights in the house went out, and it was dark in an instant.

"This is the first time since we broke up that I slept in the same bed with someone other than Zijian, and it turned out to be him." Tianhe turned over and said in the dark.

Pro: "I suggest you move the room display rack to the living room, because if he wakes up in the middle of the night and gets up to find water to drink, he is likely to hit the wall first, then kick to the foot of the bed, and according to my predicted trajectory, he will eventually stumble. Fell down in front of the sofa, then grabbed the display rack, knocked your model airplane down, and couldn’t keep your balance anymore, kicked... "

Tianhe: "Forgive me, my arm is no longer my own, and he can't be so stupid. If it really broke, let him pay for it. Mr. Guan's family has a big business, and there is nothing in the world that cannot be settled with money." …”

There was silence in the darkness, only the sound of Guan Yue's deep breathing, he slept soundly, and Tianhe also fell asleep tired.

After sleeping for an unknown amount of time, Tianhe woke up suddenly when he heard a loud noise and groaning, bounced up, and shouted.

Guan Yue really woke up, got up to look for water to drink, but accidentally bumped his head against the wall, stepped back in a daze, looked around for the light switch, kicked it at the foot of the bed, stumbled in front of the small sofa, Grabbing the display stand with one hand, he pulled Tianhe's model airplane down.

"Don't move!" Tianhe reacted in the darkness, "Don't touch anything, keep your original posture!"

The lights were all on, and Guan Yue had a splitting headache, which was quite painful. Tianhe lifted the quilt and got up, stepped on his own model airplane, and was suddenly in pain, pulled Guan Yue's wrist, made him sit back on the bed, handed him water, closed his eyes tightly, and drank the whole glass of water Guang, relieved, lay down heavily again.

Tianhe went out to pour another glass of water for Guan Yue, and turned off the lights in the room. The model airplane was trampled on first by Guan Yue and then by Tianhe, and it was completely scrapped. I should have listened to Pu Luo.

Forget it... There are times when we get together and leave, nothing will last forever, they are all external objects.

Tianhe dragged his exhausted body to lie down on the bed again, Guan Yue turned over, put one hand over, and wrapped Tianhe's waist from behind. Tianhe wanted to push his hand away, but he was afraid that if he moved slightly, Guan Yue would be like before, leaning over and hugging Tianhe tightly, it would be embarrassing.

Guan Yue said a few words in English in a deep voice, and fell into a deep sleep again. Tianhe had slept with him for countless nights, and he knew that he was really asleep, and he didn't take advantage of the opportunity.

The next day, the rain stopped.

"Guan Yue is dead!"

A sudden cry came from a distance, Guan Yue woke up with a start, sat up, and looked around for the source of the sound.

who? Who is speaking

Guan Yue: "???"

Guan Yue looked puzzled, and lay down again, suddenly remembered what happened in the middle of the night, and immediately turned his head, just in time, Tianhe also turned around, and unconsciously hugged Guan Yue, the breath of the man's skin and the warm touch made Tianhe And wake up from sleep in an instant. That night I slept very restlessly, dreaming all the time.

Tianhe rubbed his eyes, and the two of them looked at each other for a brief second, then Tianhe hurriedly separated from him, lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling without speaking.

"Have you been drunk?" Tianhe said, "Do you remember what happened last night?"

Guan Yue raised his hand to press his forehead, obviously having a headache, Tianhe said again: "There are bathrobes and pajamas in the closet, my second brother's, let's make do with it, turn right when you go out, and you will find the bathroom."

Guan Yue got up, went to open the closet almost naked, and flipped through the bathrobe. Tian He stared at his beautiful, bare back muscles, and woke up in the morning, this kind of temptation was a bit unbearable, Guan Yue couldn't restrain his desire to get up in the morning, so he quickly put on his bathrobe a few times, and let out a sigh of relief.

No matter how vigorous he is, it would be nice to take a cold shower, but Tianhe is not too worried about this.

Guan Yue put on Wen Tianyue's bathrobe, glanced at the overturned shelf on the ground and the model airplane that was trampled to pieces by the two of them last night, and bowed to pick it up.

"Leave it alone, Aunt Fang will clean it up." Tianhe said.

Guan Yue opened the door and left the living room, Tianhe said: "You talk less and less."

"Morning, Aunt Fang." Guan Yue said.

Aunt Fang was preparing breakfast, she smiled without looking back, "I knew it was Xiaoguan when I saw the clothes, I haven't been here for a long time."

Guan Yue nodded and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Aunt Fang said, "The toothbrush and towel are all ready for you, and it will take an hour to dry the clothes. After washing, it's just right for breakfast."

"Thank you, Aunt Fang." Guan Yue was very polite in front of Aunt Fang, and went in to take a bath.

Tianhe didn't want to get up yet, and was lying lazily, when he heard the sound of water in the bathroom, he thought of the moment when he just woke up, turned around and hugged Guan Yue, the moment when he was half asleep and half awake, the feeling of his heart pounding and his adrenaline secretion suddenly accelerating The feeling made him really feel that he hadn't had sex for a long time.

When alone immersed in the program, Tianhe seldom thought about sex, but after seeing the damned Guan Yue again in the past few days, his already calm heart was ready to move again.

The sound of water stopped, Guan Yue took a cold shower, was drying his hair, and said a few words to Aunt Fang, but Tianhe couldn't hear clearly. After turning off the hair dryer, Aunt Fang handed Guan Yue a cup of milk tea. Guan Yue took the cup and wore cotton slippers, and walked around the house twice to observe the house.

"Do you remember how old you were when you came here last time?" Aunt Fang spread out her shirt in the laundry room and asked Guan Yue with a smile.

"Eight years old." Guan Yue replied, "That year Tianhe was four years old."

"In the second year, Tianheng left home and went to the research institute." Wearing glasses, Aunt Fang ironed Guan Yue's shirt with a hanging iron, and said with a smile, "In order to keep important secrets, in these years, I have never Even when their father passed away, it was also arranged by Tianyue. The house has not changed at all, and I always feel that the three brothers are still around. Is your grandfather still in good health? "

Guan Yue nodded, put down his cup, came to the parrot stand, and whistled softly to tease it.

Parrot:"… "

Guan Yue: "..."

The parrot tilted its head and looked at Guan Yue, one person and one bird, looking at each other speechlessly.

"Xiaojin was bought in Colombia when you took Xiaotian out to play." Aunt Fang smiled, "Do you remember?"

Guan Yue nodded and stared at the macaw.

In the room, Tianhe, who heard the conversation, was suddenly frightened into a cold sweat, and ran out barefoot.

Thank goodness—the macaw's beak was tied with a ribbon and a bow.

It tilted its head sideways, swaying back and forth, staring at Guan Yue left and right, as if holding back a mouthful of words, but the bird's beak was tied again.

Guan Yue said "hmm".

Aunt Fang explained: "It has had a bit of diarrhea for the past few days, and it just took the medicine. It was afraid of vomiting it out, so it tied its mouth."

The macaw raised its right wing and almost slapped Guan Yue. Guan Yue swiftly stepped back half a step, but the parrot flew over, the chain on his feet was dangling the bird stand, and Guan Yue immediately raised his hand to hold it. It, press it back on the parrot stand.

"It still remembers you." Tianhe said casually, looked at Aunt Fang, nodded gratefully in tacit understanding, and went to take a bath and have dinner.

Tianhe and Guan Yue each wore bathrobes, sitting at the dining table, Guan Yue drank milk tea and read the Financial Times, Tianhe drank coffee and read Silicon Valley news, Guan Yue ate bacon with bread, fried eggs and baked beans with tomato sauce, Tianhe ate oatmeal. Aunt Fang was changing the bed sheets of the day and the room, and played Zhang Bach's "Five Canon Variations". The music contained fresh air after the rain, just like every morning they lived together in Cambridgeshire. The days are close at hand, and they are so familiar that they seem to have never changed.

"Aren't you going to work today?" Tianhe asked while watching the news.

Guan Yue looked at the newspaper and replied, "I'll go to the company later, and I'll go back to Taiyuan next week to see my parents and grandpa."

Tianhe: "The clothes are finished drying."

Guan Yue: "Yes."

Aunt Fang arranged the shelves in the room, put the plants back, collected the bits and pieces of the aircraft model, took a tube of super glue, put on reading glasses, and began to study how to restore it.

"Stop sticking to it," Tianhe said, "Throw it away."

Guan Yue glanced at Tianhe.

"Try if you can stick it well." Aunt Fang smiled.

The deck was stepped on in half, the turrets and watchtowers were all broken, and the planes were broken and lost. The "Ark Royal" of the Empire on which the sun never sets seemed to have been intensively bombed by missiles, which was simply horrible.

Guan Yue said, "The temper has changed so much."

Tianhe: "?"

Guan Yue: "What Tianheng did for you, in the past, if you don't make trouble with me, it won't be enough for a month."

Tianhe said: "What's the same? It used to be the past, but now it's the present. When we were in love, because we were close, we always subconsciously forgot to pretend to be in front of the person we love the most. Now we are friends, no matter how unhappy we are." You can't get mad at your friends, can you?"

The atmosphere became silent, and Tianhe said again: "I thought you wouldn't save my phone number."

"There are many things to do after returning to China, so I forgot." Guan Yue said, "I will change it later."

Tianhe: "What do you want to change for me?"

Guan Yue: "Do it yourself."

Tianhe: "How about 'that annoying person'?"

Guan Yue: "Yes."

Tianhe: "I'll give you a note of 'roll over, President', how about it?"

Guan Yue: "I don't understand what you mean, what did you do to me last night?"

Tianhe: "You got drunk in the bar, ran out, stood on a sewer manhole cover, cried and started to tap dance, and shouted loudly, 'The era of capitalism is dead, long live communism! I want to defend the country!' Then go straight to the ATM, enter my birthday password, and withdraw 20,000 cash... "

Guan Yue: "..."

Aunt Fang: "..."

Guan Yue instantly realized that something was wrong, did he really do this? Otherwise, how would Tianhe know that the credit card password is his birthday

Tianhe: "... Later, all the guests in the bar chased after you, watching you jumping while running, throwing money in the air happily, one left, one right, and ran to the East Station along the way, and tapped the card at the ticket office. Window, shouting in Shanxi dialect: 'Buy a Harmony that is probably new, and I will take everyone back to build a new socialist China!'."

Guan Yue's expression became extremely complicated.

Tianhe: "Want to watch the video I recorded last night? Watch it for ten yuan."

Guan Yue almost believed it, and suddenly there was a thunderbolt. He was about to get up, observed Tianhe's expression, and saw that he had been tricked again, so he sat down and said, "I never go crazy when I'm drunk."

Tianhe: "You've never been drunk, how do you know? And if you didn't do this, how could I know your credit card password?"

Guan Yue immediately said: "You guessed it, all my passwords used to be it, and I haven't changed it since I returned to China. You haven't seen me drunk, but it doesn't mean I've never been drunk."

Tianhe: "So it's true that I danced and threw money after I was drunk."

Guan Yue: "Never."

"Xiaoguan." Aunt Fang interrupted Tianhe and said, "Can you help me take a look?"

Guan Yue sat in front of the sofa, bent down to inspect the aircraft carrier, the back of the deck that was crushed, and the words that Wen Tianheng and Guan Yue had burned together: For younger brother Tianhe.

Guan Yue looked at it seriously for a long time, and Tianhe's silly blue cat rubbed against his ankles. Cat, look at each other for a minute, Sha Mao took the initiative to bring his head over to let Guan Yue touch it, and Guan Yue pinched its head with his fingers.

The cat who hadn't spoken for eight hundred years actually "meowed", and the parrot, which hadn't been idle for a while, became quiet instead. Tianhe just felt that the atmosphere today was so weird.

Aunt Fang said: "Xiaodong Xiaoxi, I don't know where it went. I have bad eyesight. I have to turn on the robot vacuum to scan it once, and then look in the box. Maybe I can find it."

"Mr. Guan," Tianhe couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry, "Aren't you going to the company, don't worry about it, put the cat down, and be careful that it urinates on you."

Guan Yue said: "I also helped to do it back then, and I will pay you. Aunt Fang, don't be clingy."

Aunt Fang smiled and said, "I forgot, Xiao Guan's hands-on ability is also very strong."

"Forget it." Tianhe said, "I'll find your assistant, I might as well buy a ready-made one."

During the summer vacation of that year, Guan Yue stayed at Tianhe's house and helped Wen Tianheng assemble the aircraft carrier. The two of them worked on it for almost a month. Although I have almost forgotten the process of torturing people to death, but I can do it before, and of course I can do it now.

Guan Yue looked at it for a while, got up and changed the bathrobe back into his suit, and when he left the living room, he returned to his domineering president's appearance, took the car keys hanging in the hall, and said, "Aunt Fang, let's go, I'll see you when I'm free."

Aunt Fang smiled and said, "Come here often when you are free, and say hello to your grandpa for me."

"Guan Yue is dead—" the macaw pulled off the ribbon from its beak, immediately yelled, flapped its wings, and flew towards the gate aggressively, but with a chain tied to its feet, it could only bluff and yell a few times.

Aunt Fang said helplessly: "What a child, why do you scold him like this all the time?"

"I don't know!" Tianhe said in a rather complicated mood, "Second brother said it jokingly a few times, and it will remember it. If it's good, don't learn."

In July, Tianhe had just returned to China and lived at home. When he was reading programs in the study, Jiang Zijian occasionally came to him and asked about Guan Yue several times. dead", was heard by the parrot, and suddenly learned.

As for "A shares have crashed again", Wen Tianyue talked too much to himself in the study, and was learned by the macaw. Strange to say, since this parrot was bought back from Colombia, it has not learned a word for six years. Not long after it was sent back to China, it suddenly became enlightened. Various combinations of words.

Tianhe is planning to teach it a few other words, such as "the RMB has broken seven" or "the house price has been cut in half", or it can learn a few curse words from Maugham. However, this parrot has the same virtue as Guan Yue, it does not eat oil or salt, no matter what you teach it, it will only reply you "Guan Yue is dead", afterward Tianhe has no energy to correct it.

I still remember that when traveling around the world, Guan Yue took him to Colombia on a luxury cruise ship. The two landed in St. Malta, and when they visited the port market, Guan Yue fell in love with it at a glance and bought it from the sailors—because of the many Among the parrots, only this bird can't speak a word, like a blank sheet of paper, it's worth teaching.

After traveling across the ocean to ship it back to London, Tianhe occasionally came home from get out of class and saw Guan Yue talking to the parrot, trying to teach it how to talk.

But every time Tianhe noticed, Guan Yue stopped teaching, and was ridiculed by Tianhe several times, teaching a parrot to talk looks really stupid. After teaching for a full year, the parrot refused to speak, so Guan Yue had no choice but to give up.

At that time, they had just fallen in love, Tianhe was eighteen years old, Guan Yue was twenty-two years old, and they didn't talk as much as they do now. To Tianhe, Guan Yue was like the third brother of the Wen family. Take days away and take good care of yourself.

The second brother didn't hate him as much as he did later—until the day when Guan Yue announced their relationship to both families, it caused Wen Tianyue's violent backlash.

"I asked you to take care of my brother, and you fucked him?!" Wen Tianyue almost growled at Guan Yue.

At that time, Tianhe firmly stood on Guan Yue's side, and didn't even talk to his elder brother who brought him up with one hand for a full year. What Wen Tianyue predicted basically came true in Guan Yue's body in the end. This made Tianhe feel guilty towards his second brother after breaking up with Guan Yue.

Unexpectedly, another year later, Guan Yue's prediction to Wen Tianyue was also fulfilled, the two sides successfully turned each other's cards, and in this face-slapping counterattack, Wen Tianyue finally escaped - life is far more exciting than TV dramas .

Thinking about it today, Guan Yue and his second brother have had an indistinct sense of estrangement since they were young, usually just maintaining a superficial politeness for the sake of their parents. Guan Yue himself said that he and Wen Tianyue are not on the same side, Tianyue is a liar, he disdains to be with liars, and he can't talk about going together.

Tianhe himself could blame his second brother, but he didn't want to hear Guan Yue comment on Tianyue like this. This also became one of the triggers for their quarrel in their relationship. Fortunately, Guan Yue admired their eldest brother Wen Tianheng very much, and believed that he was a gentleman, and many conflicts could still be resolved.

To be a human being should be like Wen Tianheng, upright and upright, never give up, and use the wisdom inherited from the Wen family on the right path.

In this regard, Tianhe is more like his elder brother.