Turing’s Code

Chapter 14


The two got up after eating the hot dogs, walked around a few streets, Guan Yue made a few phone calls, and finally said: "The Phantom of the Opera, VIP seats."

"I don't want to go to Broadway. It's a headache." Tianhe is seeking advice from his teacher. Cambridge Social Research Institute has detailed first-hand information. Two years ago, he participated in the design of a software architecture for social personality analysis and conducted several experiments. , Relatively speaking, they have accurately predicted several major financial trends.

For Tianhe, this trend is just an analysis result, but it is very important for Guan Yue, because it is related to the exchange rate trend of the euro and the British pound. Now the company still has different opinions on tomorrow's situation. Based on his own judgment, Guan Yue repeatedly suggested that Brexit was imminent, and the partners repeatedly refuted his proposal mercilessly.

"What did Buffett say?" Tianhe said, "Didn't your boss take you to have dinner with him last week?"

Guan Yue said: "You can't listen to him, you are so stupid."

"No matter how old and foolish you are, you will understand better than you." Tianhe mocked.

Guan Yue: "What if Buffett's opinion is contrary to mine?"

Tianhe frowned.

Guan Yue: "Look, aren't you also influenced by other people's opinions? No one is exempt, not just me."

"I don't believe this is the old fox's sincere words." Tianhe still insisted, Guan Yue didn't take it seriously, looked sideways at Tianhe's phone screen, raised his eyebrows, meaning: How to say

"It's already twelve o'clock at night over there." Tianhe came here on an almost eight-hour plane, and now he is quite irritable. Just like the outdated computers in our lab, the boot time is always long, please be patient."

Guan Yue had no choice but to wave his hands, and Tianhe walked back to Fifth Avenue from Central Park, and he didn't know where he wanted to go. Guan Yue pushed open the store door and went in. Tianhe knew that he wanted to buy himself a birthday present, so he said, "Don't buy it, I just made autumn clothes."

Guan Yue took out his card and signaled Tianhe to choose. Tianhe chose a watch at random. Guan Yue himself was wearing Roger Duby's Knights of the Round Table, which was a graduation gift from Tianhe.

Tianhe put on his watch, turned around and left, Guan Yue went over to swipe his card, took the receipts, he didn't know where to put them, there was a big pile of them, and finally had to be thrown into the trash can.

Tianhe took a bag of chocolate beans and ate while walking, checking his phone from time to time, when there was a message over there.

"According to the results of the model analysis, the Brexiteers will win by a narrow margin." Tian He glanced at Guan Yue and said, "Pay attention to the professor's words."

Guan Yue knew the tone of those words, and the old professor was confident in the conclusions drawn from the laboratory model. But Guan Yue didn't have much confidence in the British, after all, it was the opposite of the conclusion they reached in the afternoon meeting.

"Anyway, there are only three results." Tianhe said, "You can figure it out."

Guan Yue was a little confused when he heard the "three results".

"Off, not off, Schrödinger's off." Tianhe replied calmly, "Schrödinger's British, Schrödinger's British, don't ask me what it is."

Guan Yue knew that Tianhe was teasing him again, and was about to match his humor and lighten the atmosphere, Tianhe said again: "Boss, shall we sleep outside the convenience store at night? I'll take a seat first, I really can't go I moved, I think there is a good space between the two homeless people, it can block the wind."

Guan Yue took Tianhe to the hotel and lay on the bed by himself.

"You wash first?" Tianhe said.

Guan Yue looked tired, he had been working twenty-seven hours straight, so he nodded.

Riding on his waist, Tianhe unbuttoned his shirt, took off his watch, bowed his head and kissed his chest. Guan Yue turned his head and edited the message quickly on the phone, arranging for tomorrow's response, but just before sending the message, he hesitated again.

Tianhe stretched out his hand and pinched it twice through his suit pants, "President, can I still be a wild stallion today?"

Guan Yue raised his hand, held Tianhe's forehead hair with his slender fingers, and kissed Tianhe's eyebrow: "Are you satisfied with what you touched?"

Tianhe didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "Wash together?"

Guan Yue is still thinking about whether to send out that piece of news. If the result of the Brexit referendum tomorrow is contrary to his analysis and Tianhe's computer model prediction, one of his decisions will cause heavy losses to the project team he is in charge of.

"Don't you all do hedging?" Tianhe said as he undressed in the bathroom and lay down in the bathtub.

"Do it." Guan Yue said, "Each decides."

Tianhe said, "We've all made our own decisions, and why did you find a group of people to criticize you in the conference room?"

Guan Yue was upset and said, "Don't ask."

Tianhe: "Tomorrow you have to stay with me for a day, otherwise you just wait and see."

Guan Yue didn't answer.

When Tianhe came out of the shower, he saw that Guan Yue didn't even take off his black socks, lying on his side on the big bed, his upper body was bare, and he was only wearing a pair of trousers. What did he look like when Tianhe went to take a shower, and what did he look like when he came out? Just fell asleep in the original position.

Tianhe: "..."

The next day, Guan Yue and Tianhe went to the Metropolitan Museum. Tianhe had been here many times, but each time he lingered in front of Gauguin's paintings.

"I want to go to Tahiti." Tianhe said, "But I think the Tahiti in the painting and the real Tahiti should be two different places."

Guan Yue stood behind Tianhe and said, "I can't appreciate the one-line flat painting."

Tianhe said: "Well, you only like Van Gogh, the color of a thriving life that is rooted in suffering. Be it Beethoven or Van Gogh, you have pessimistic romanticism."

Guan Yue looked down at the phone, Tianhe looked up at the painting, and whispered: "His teacher, Pissarro, is a little softer. There is a kind of sympathy for the world in the painting. Sometimes I always feel that you may need..."

Guan Yue answered the phone, the surrounding was very quiet, his voice was especially abrupt, he immediately waved his hands, and went out to find a place to make a call. Tianhe frowned, waited for almost half an hour, and finally had to sit down on the bench in front of the painting, looking down at his phone.

"I have to go back to the company." Guan Yue stepped in quickly and said, "The boss asked me to explain the operation last night, otherwise they would not let this decision go."

Although Tianhe was a little angry, he still controlled the volume and whispered, "You promised me."

"Half an hour." Guan Yue said, "Wait for me at the salon for a cup of coffee."

Tianhe stopped talking, Guan Yue turned around and left the museum.

"The door is over there." Tianhe said.

The metropolis is like a maze, Guan Yue went down the stairs and left the museum. Tianhe went up to the fifth floor to enter the salon. When Guan Yue entered New York, he donated a large sum of money to buy the membership of the salon. Tianhe came two or three times a year, and occasionally came to drink coffee. So Tianhe drank six cups of coffee in the salon until five o'clock in the evening, seven hours later, Guan Yue still hadn't come back.

The voting for Brexit ended, and the news came out, 52%. Sure enough, the Brexiteers won by a narrow margin, and the pound collapsed.

"Hi." Tianhe called Guan Yue at the airport.

Over there, Guan Yue had just sent Tianhe a location. He had already left Wall Street, sat in the car, and headed for the museum.

Tianhe: "Don't come, you keep on fueling. I'll go back first, and I still have classes tomorrow morning." He signaled the captain to take off. The stewardess came over to fasten Tianhe's seat belt, Guan Yue was about to say a lot, but fell silent over there.

"Your boss should be very happy." Tianhe said, "Maybe this will help dispel some of his prejudice against you, bye."

The plane took off and the mobile phone signal was cut off.

When Guan Yue returned to the office at night, the cake that Tianhe brought was still on his desk. Guan Yue was about to throw it away, but he hadn't eaten anything all day. When he opened the box, the cake was covered with The little sugar figurines in suits, one is Guan Yue standing holding banknotes, the other is Tianhe who is kneeling on one knee and raising his head in a gesture of marriage proposal. .

A week after Tianhe returned to London from New York, he always closed the door to thank guests. Guan Yue came back twice in a row. Urging him hard like a mad dog, there was really no other way but to hurry back.

"I have to concentrate on my graduation project." Hearing the romantic and pleasant music from over there, Tianhe said, "It's been like this for the past two or three months. You probably can't get in touch with me."

Guan Yue was attending his celebration party, picked up his phone, and turned the camera to the party venue.

Guan Yue: "Do it seriously, you are a genius, thanks to you, I can make up my mind this time."

Tianhe said relaxedly: "With or without me, your decision-making will not be changed. You are a person who will never look back after you have made up your mind. It is because of your talent."

After Guan Yue joined the company, he became the most outstanding Chinese investor in the history of the company, but this fund has never recognized his status. Of course, it may be waiting, waiting for someone. He is like a supernova. Ordinarily, the opportunity to burst into a bright, dazzling light in the night sky on Wall Street has finally come.

The two were separated by the Atlantic Ocean and were playing the video. After a period of silence, Guan Yue suddenly said, "Baby, I have a very strong feeling that you are about to leave me."

"This idea has always been there." Tianhe replied, "From the day you decided to go to New York to start a job, you have been there, like a ghost, but you were caught by me that day."

Guan Yue: "I know we have many problems."

Tianhe: "I don't want to recall those problems anymore, I hope that what we leave behind are all good memories."

There was another long silence.

Guan Yue: "You regret it."

Tianhe said: "One thing, I regret that after hearing your confession on the Thames, I shouldn't impulsively agree to you."

Guan Yue looked at Tianhe seriously, compared to the day when he confessed to Tianhe five years ago, Guan Yue's brows and eyes have gradually become less sharp, but the expression on his face is still the one Tianhe is familiar with.

Tianhe: "I know, but if you don't say that sentence, we will still be best friends. I won't be angry because you are late or miss an appointment. I can joke with you as much as I want, and I don't need to take your words into consideration." Small self-esteem. You will continue to give me many gifts, and I will also sincerely like and be moved."

"If we hadn't fallen in love, you could still attack me anytime and anywhere like in those days when we grew up together, and show my face." Tianhe said, "I won't go west if you say so, follow you Go to Antarctica, go to Brazil, go to Costa Rica... call your father to be your father, call your mother to be your mother, don't have to think about whether there is other meaning in their words, and don't need to put yourself in your shoes... "

"... I will not tremble with anger when I hear you go on a blind date with a girl, but bless you happily. I will bring my boyfriend to show you, and if anyone dares to throw me anywhere, Make me wait hungry and tired for seven hours, you will definitely find me and beat up my boyfriend, now? You can't beat yourself up, can you?"

Guan Yue just listened silently, when he got here, Guan Yue interrupted Tianhe's words.

"I swear to God, I didn't go on a blind date." Guan Yue said, "That girl is the daughter of the boss of a branch under China Construction Group. I just had a meal with her and gave her some advice. the meaning of."

Tianhe replied: "I know, she just wanted to talk to you about investment. Fortunately, she didn't like you. Your father has now switched to contracting infrastructure projects, so he has to serve them well."

Guan Yue: "Who told you, Tianyue?"

"Is this important?" Tianhe said, "The ideal daughter-in-law should be like her, right? It won't be me."

Guan Yue said, "I don't love her."

Tianhe: "That's not important. Family marriages usually don't take love into consideration."

There was a call from Guan Yue, Tianhe saw him looking down at his phone, but this time Guan Yue hung up the phone and continued the video.

"It's her?" Tianhe said.

Guan Yue shook his head, thought, and replied, "Boss."

Tianhe said: "It's the first time I saw you hang up the phone with the boss. It seems that today's situation is indeed a bit serious."

Guan Yue still didn't speak.

"Forget it, I'm a little tired today." Tianhe said wearily, "I'm thinking about things, let's talk when I'm free."

From the quarrel every day two years ago to now, I don't want to quarrel anymore. Tianhe just wants to go back to his data and code, so he doesn't have to think about anything, so he turned off the video.

This is how they went along the way until the day they finally broke up. Tianhe only felt that the time it took to break up with Guan Yue seemed as long as a century, but counting it down...

"It seems that only one year has passed." Tianhe said in the conference room, "I always feel that it has been a long time."

"You often reminisce about the past," Puro said.

Tianhe: "No, very rarely, if you hadn't asked me, I would have almost forgotten."

When it was almost seven o'clock, Tianhe was not angry anymore, but felt a little ridiculous. You asked me to meet at 2:30, and wait until 7:00 in your company

Guan Yue's progress today is two forts and one plane. The pile of decks and ship sides has been put back under the box by his assistant so as not to disturb his attention. At dusk, the chief financial officer sorted out the approvals from the headquarters, and today he specifically mentioned that he will guarantee Epeus in the next quarter. They have always believed in Guan Yue, and they didn't even listen to the details carefully. They just got started, big boss Then he said many other things.

"Still not here?"

Guan Yue forgot about the appointment with Tianhe.

"Did someone bring you clothes?" said the treasurer. "Still waiting in the reception room."

Guan Yue: "..."

Qingsong's rule is that there will be no private customers at work. Although Guan Yue has been working on model airplanes for the past few days, his work has not stopped, and everything is running as usual. The chief financial officer saw that something was wrong, and remembered that he had an appointment with Wen Tianhe in the afternoon, so he hurriedly got up to look, and greeted the tailor by the way, but he didn't expect Tianhe to be alone in the reception room.

Guan Yue had no choice but to get up, put away the model parts in his hand, and sat back behind the desk. As soon as he sat down, Tianhe came in with two suits and looked at Guan Yue.

"Aunt Fang made it for you." Tianhe said with a smile, "You're welcome, it seems that you are very busy today, so I'll leave on my own and don't bother you, bye."


Guan Yue knew that Tianhe was angry, so he put down the documents in his hand and didn't speak.

The office door can either be opened by fingerprint, or closed by pressing the remote control on the desk, the chief financial officer was closed once, and Tianhe couldn't get out.

"I have something to say." Guan Yue said.

"Don't open the door to call the police again." Tianhe said coldly.

"I suggest you listen to what he has to say," said Pro in the headset.

Just as Tian He turned around and stared at Guan Yue, Guan Yue pressed the remote control, and the door opened. When Tian He was about to go out, the chief financial officer came in.

Guan Yue gestured to Tianhe to please sit down, the chief financial officer pulled the chair over and sat down first.

All right, Tianhe held back his anger and stayed.

The chief financial officer flipped through the documents in his hand, and sat at the side of the desk, while Guan Yue opened the mailbox and began to reply today's domestic mail.

Chief Financial Officer: "Mr. Wen, according to your last visit to our company and your application to Mr. Guan, we have considered it for a while..."

"What application?" Tianhe replied, "I don't remember any application to you Mr. Guan."

The optical touch keyboard was embedded on the desktop, and Guan Yue typed replies quickly, zooming in and out with his fingers from time to time, and threw some letters that he thought were meaningless into the classification column of the mailbox.

"The application to save Epeus." said the treasurer. "We have investigated your company's financial situation and listened to the advice of some relevant experts..."

Speaking of this, the chief financial officer stopped, flipped through the iPad in his hand, crossed his legs, and said solemnly to the sky: "To be honest, I personally don't think much about it."

Tianhe's eyes turned from the Chief Financial Officer to Guan Yue.

Tianhe frowned slightly, showing a sad expression.

At the same time, Guan Yue's brows were also frowned. He encountered a troublesome incident and was involved in the factional struggle of personnel in the headquarters. He got angry and unceremoniously accused the partner in India, and the partner's project was finalized after discussing with Guan Yue in June this year.

This is a merger across China, India, and the United States. The boss copied the email to Guan Yue, and his attitude can be imagined. At this time, Guan Yue must be very careful with his wording.

He raised his eyes from the mail, and looked at Tianhe.

Both of them frowned deeply, and Guan Yue thought that the words that he had used frequently a few days ago could just be embedded in the email, so he continued to reply to his email.

Tianhe looked at Guan Yue silently, and said, "You haven't changed at all, you're still as crazy."

Guan Yue didn't answer, Tianhe said: "This is not the first time."

After Guan Yue finished replying to the email, he swiped four fingers with his long and slender left hand, and the email flew across the Pacific Ocean to New York on the east coast of the United States. He turned around and faced Tianhe.

After Guan Yue glanced at Tianhe and then turned his gaze away, Tianhe finally broke out. His tone was quite calm, but his words were the most direct.

"The night you were so drunk at the bar, I seriously thought that maybe we could still be friends again." Tianhe said, "But today I think it might be my wishful thinking. In the reception room outside, you know I'm Thinking about something?"

The chief financial officer got up immediately. If he didn’t run away at this time, he might not have the chance to run away in the future. Tianhe’s reaction confirmed his guess. In order to continue his career so smoothly and receive a generous annual salary plus share dividends, The boss's personal privacy must not be listened to too much.

Guan Yue tapped the touch button and released the chief financial officer.

Tianhe said again: "This is not the longest wait, the longest time, I waited from ten o'clock in the morning to five o'clock in the afternoon, at the Metropolitan Museum in New York, remember?"

Guan Yue suddenly said: "Turn it over, I know you want to turn over the old score."

Pu Luo: "Tianhe, calm down and calm down. We have succeeded, he has made a decision, but whatever he decides will not be changed."

Tianhe took a deep breath and said angrily, "Guan Yue!"

Tian He was completely furious, but Guan Yue frowned even tighter.

"Forget it, Guan Yue." Tianhe said, "I came to ask you to lend a helping hand because you were the person who knew my talent and value best in this world. When I visited last time, I Holding the last sliver of hope, I ask you to become my investor, and I will do my best to repay you at the capital level, satisfy you, and move forward with you."

Tianhe said sincerely: "I really came to you with the mentality of a partner. Those who engage in capital operations don't understand me. I thought, you understand me. I didn't expect you to say that I've seriously overestimated my own value." Professional level'."

"I don't know what happened," Tianhe said in a daze, "it will make you suddenly change your mind and judge me like this. I think this may be the normal state of breaking up. The deeper the love, the deeper the hatred after separation. How much you recognized me before, how much you despise me now, and today you are like a beggar who comes to beg, implying that your subordinates are sneering at me. I am a member of the Wen family, even if I go bankrupt, it will not be his turn I don't mind ridicule, but you have erased all my value."

Guan Yue finally said: "You have not changed at all, you are still the same as before. You are a child, Tianhe, you live under the protection of everyone, you can pursue your talents, your dreams, and reflect your value. But you don't know how many people have put in so much effort in places you don't know to protect you from this malicious world."

It's not that Guan Yue can't speak, many times, he just doesn't want to talk.

"Someone once said that they would protect me like this for the rest of my life." Tianhe's anger finally calmed down here, like a gust of wind blowing away, blowing away the dark clouds, he laughed again, and said, "It's just that today, it has become a face-to-face relationship." Thank you, Guan Yue, for teaching me to grow up and giving me such a practical lesson."

Guan Yue: "..."

Guan Yue regained his silence, staring at Tianhe, his hand on the table trembling uncontrollably.

Tianhe got up, and explained politely: "A company has already provided me with a bankruptcy extension guarantee. I really just came to deliver clothes to you today. Do you want to see it? Although I don't think you can wear it either."

Tianhe walked towards the door of the office, but Guan Yue was unwilling to press the switch on the remote control.

Pro: "Count from one to ten, I promise..."

"Open the door!" Tianhe said, "I really have to go."

Finally, the door of the office opened without warning without Guan Yue touching the button.

"Thank you." Tianhe said, and left Qingsong Capital without looking back.

"I'm sorry, Tianhe." Pro's voice said, "I'm an AI, I didn't know that under your calm words, you hide such complicated emotions. If you told me earlier, then I don't think I might suggest you Come find Guan Yue."

"It's okay, Pu Luo." Tianhe said, "Since I have made a decision, I will be responsible for it. It is a child's behavior to be angry at the person who made the suggestion."

Tianhe drove away from Financial Center Avenue. There were not many cars on the road today, and the road was smooth.

Pu Luo: "I love you, Tianhe. Compared with my demise, I hope you can live happily."

Tianhe was amused by this sentence, and said: "You will not perish, you will live longer than us, I promise you, Pu Luo, as long as I live, I will try my best to keep you alive .However, don't just say 'I love you' casually, because you still don't understand what love is."

Pu Luo: "Like Wu Shun?"

Tianhe drove the car quietly, and Pu Luo said again: "But you rejected Wu Shun."

"Yeah." Tianhe felt a little tired, sighed and said, "I'm just such a person, I live like a child, and I don't understand any stakes. In the end, you opened the door for me, right?"

Pu Luo didn't say a word, Tianhe said: "Guess it's you, but this is too dangerous. The CEO's office door can be opened casually, and he will definitely doubt me."

Pu Luo: "No, his hands were shaking at that time. From what I know of him, once he gets nervous, his two fingers will tremble slightly, with an amplitude of 0.5 centimeters. Now he will only think that he was not careful. Touched the automatic control area of the desk."

Guan Yue's desk was custom-made. The desktop is equivalent to a large screen display. Just click on the corresponding area on the desk to complete the raising and lowering of the display screen and projection screen. It is as large as investment analysis and stock and futures trading. , as small as making a table or even opening the door of the office, boiling water and making tea, etc., to meet all his needs. And just before Tianhe left, Guan Yue's hand was placed on the touch-sensitive door opening area of the desk.

Pu Luo: "Although according to my prediction, if you stay in front of the door for another ten seconds, he will stand up, run to the door, hug you from behind, press you against the door, and kiss you crazily. Why he's nervous."

"Stop!" Tianhe said.

Pro said: "But I understand you and why you separated in the end. Tianhe, I believe that your speech has a high probability of success. After the summit is over, I still believe that someone is willing to vote for you."

"Thank you." Tianhe stepped on the gas pedal, the engine of the sports car let out a low roar, accelerated at once, accompanied by the autumn monsoon, blowing up the fallen leaves, and drove away along Linjiang Avenue.

"Wait, you have successfully hacked into his personal office system?"

"To be precise, it is a certain two modules. After all, the stock and futures trading, and the company's top-secret files are all encrypted with quantum codes."

"Which two modules?"

"Control the door of the office and boil water. Do you need me to boil a pot of water for him now? He might be startled."

"Burn it, burn it continuously for thirty-six hours, he will definitely think it's haunted hahahaha!"