Turing’s Code

Chapter 15


September 29th, the main hall of Changzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center, at 3:28 pm.

Under the giant display screen, Tianhe's figure appeared very small.

"Capital's expectation of us can make a person; it can also easily destroy a person."

At the high-tech summit, Wen Tianhe stood in the center of the stage and opened the session with these words.

"I don't want to explain too much about the recent rumors about Epeus." Tianhe raised his wrist and looked at his watch, and said, "There are two minutes before the opening of the Financial Times Index, let me give you a demonstration, using the brand new Epeus we developed function, predict the opening direction of the UK stock market today."

The venue was silent.

As he said that, Tianhe raised his hand and snapped his fingers crisply. On the big screen, countless information began to scroll. In the earphone, Pro's voice came: "This must be quite thrilling and exciting, with huge cost and little effect. God And, it’s still too late for you to change your mind.”

Tianhe didn't answer, nor did he send out the signal of repentance. One week before the summit, he spent a full six days improving this module, rewriting some areas, and adding a new analysis algorithm. After that, its accuracy has been fluctuating around 40%, and occasionally it can exceed 50%.

"Choose the Financial Times instead of Nasdaq," said the thousands of people in the Tianhechao venue, "this way you don't have to wait until night, and you stay until nine o'clock. If you make a wrong prediction, I think I will be punished by everyone." trampled to death."

There was a burst of good-natured but restrained laughter in the venue. In fact, Tianhe neither re-introduced his company nor looked forward to the impact of computer technology on the future. He opened the analysis system directly in front of everyone. The interviewer was full of doubts, and it took a while to realize that he actually wanted to do a road show at the summit!

When the data analysis was coming to an end, the scrolling screen suddenly stopped.

Pro: "I must faithfully remind you that this is your last chance, Tianhe."

"Ah," Tianhe said, "it's always stuck. This software is too old. Some parts were developed by my father. We two brothers haven't dealt with it for so many years. We only know how to live on our laurels."

Most of the people in the audience burst into laughter, but the participants in the first three rows stared at the big screen with serious expressions.

Tianhe said: "It's a pity that we can't give it two shots like shooting old-fashioned TV sets."

The data analysis continued to roll, and Tianhe's heartbeat accelerated instantly uncontrollably. A layman may not understand it, but investors from hundreds of institutions sat in the summit venue, and nearly 90% of the investors from technology companies in this city were present. . The technology industry may not understand what these data represent, but investors have rich experience in the financial industry, so they naturally understand.

Many people also showed absurd expressions, because Wen Tianhe's operation can only fool the layman, even if the prediction accuracy rate can reach the so-called "amazing" 100%, it can't prove anything.

What the analysis system pays attention to is probability—using computer technology, from historical data and information capture, try to find ways to target high-probability events that cause excess returns, and formulate strategies accordingly. Computer analysis can reduce investors' conclusions influenced by expectations and emotional fluctuations, and avoid making irrational decisions when the market is frenzied or pessimistic.

In other words, if Tianhe can use his card machine software to accurately predict hundreds of times in a row and hit every time, then the guests in the first three rows of the venue will definitely kneel down and shout Dad, begging to buy this software, Otherwise, even if today is right, it is only once.

However, the prediction itself is not that important. The signal that Tianhe demonstrates the software here is the most important thing—this means that he is quite confident in the probability, so he dared to show it in front of the media and the government demo.

At 3:29, the result was presented on the big screen.

"The opening price was 7663.6," Tianhe said, "the error is within three points."

On the stage and off the stage, both sides were mocking each other in their hearts, Tianhe just stood quietly, did not prepare any extra words to break the silence, and turned his gaze to the exit of the venue.

Guan Yue was not in his seat. Just three minutes before Tianhe took the stage, he, who was sitting in the first row, answered a phone call temporarily, left the seat, and has not returned until now.

Earlier today, before entering the arena, Tianhe and Wu Shun were taking pictures of each other outside the arena, Tianhe did not expect that Guan Yue would also be present. It is not strange to invite the CEO of Qingsong Capital. What is strange is that Guan Yue seldom attends. Not only did Qingsong decide to attend today, but Guan Yue also agreed to accept an interview at the venue. It will start at four o'clock.

Guan Yue wore a casual thin sweater today, his shirt collar was turned out, his hair was cut short, and he looked very casual. When he appeared quietly, Tianhe's eyes dazzled, and he almost didn't recognize him.

"Stay and wait for me after the end." Guan Yue said to Tianhe without looking at Wu Shun.

Tianhe is used to bringing special effects of flash lights every time Guan Yue appears on the stage. Qingsong executives lead the way in the front, followed by a group of reporters chasing after him. Today, Guan Yue is so silent. Startled.

When Wu Shun saw Guan Yue, he wisely walked aside to avoid him.

Tianhe: "I still have something to do, let's do it next time."

Pro said: "Tianhe, if you succeed, you will not leave the field so easily today; if you fail, you should be fine."

Guan Yue: "It's very important."

Guan Yue's expression became much gentler, and he sprayed a little blue on his body, which was Tianhe's favorite and most familiar smell in the past. He had to admit that Guan Yue's move pulled back a little bit after the last conversation. into negative favorability.

"Let's talk about it." Tianhe said, "The thing I want to do the most now is to go back and take a shower, have a big meal, and sleep well."

Guan Yue: "How much did you pay for today?"

Tianhe said: "Do you expect me to say that I regret rejecting you? Then I can lie at home and wait to burn the money you sent to my door instead of participating in this summit."

Guan Yue looked at Wu Shun who was standing under the large floor-to-ceiling glass window with his back to them, raised his brows slightly, as if he was thinking, and finally left without saying anything.

"It's coming in." Wu Shun came back and said kindly to the sky, "Let's get started, come on."

Tianhe was arranged to sit on the side of the second row, looking not far away, Guan Yue was sitting next to the person in charge of the organizer and several officials, listening politely to the other party, only listening, not speaking, keeping his consistent style.

Guan Yue's government relations are very good, partly from his family, and partly from the attitude implied behind his sentence "I am a Chinese". Although there are few opportunities to deal with the government, and he doesn't talk much when we meet, everyone evaluates him as a "steady and decent young man".

Of course, there are gains and losses. The government likes him, but Qingsong's headquarters doesn't like him so much.

When Tianhe finished his makeup after arriving at the venue, he could see from the backstage that the host was introducing the history of Epeus for nearly 20 years. The PPT was playing on the background screen, and Tianhe saw that at this moment, Guan Yue answered the phone , put on the bluetooth headset, get up, and leave the table.

After Tianhe entered the stage, Guan Yue's seat was still empty, and the chief financial officer named Mario watched anxiously. He just glanced casually and started his performance.

On the big screen, the minute hand jumped one tick, pointing to half past three.

The screen of the venue flipped to show today’s London stock market, with the previous forecast results on the left and the opening data of the Financial Times Index on the right—there was an indistinct commotion in the audience.

The sound of discussion suddenly dragged Tianhe back from his memory to reality. When he looked at the screen, Tianhe's heartbeat stopped instantly.

Pro: "This is really the favor of the goddess of luck for you."

The Financial Times opened at 7663.62.

Both Tian and himself were a little dizzy. After predicting for ten days in a row, this was the most accurate time, regardless of individual stocks or the market.

There was applause from the audience. No matter what the probability was, such a prediction result was quite rare. Wu Shun couldn't help but smiled and whistled towards the stage.

"Tianhe, talk quickly," said Pro, "or they will see through your expression."

Tianhe said calmly: "Well, I only have one thing to say about this."

"This is Epeus, this is us. I hope there will be more opportunities in the future to change the world."

Pu Luo: "Also, Tianhe, you forgot! There is more!"

Tianhe nodded politely, turned around and left the stage, the applause was even louder, the host had just stepped onto the stage, but Tianhe remembered something, and came back quickly.

"Dizzy with joy." Tianhe said with a smile, "Please look at the Nasdaq index tonight."

China time and tonight's Nasdaq index forecast were displayed on the screen. The audience stopped applauding and took out their mobile phones to take pictures. Tianhe felt a little regretful, this kind of luck was unlikely to happen a second time.

But the second forecast is necessary, so I have to pray to God to give me another favor. If the first time was just a performance, what really determines the outcome is the second prediction tonight after the summit.

After stepping off the stage, Tianhe returned to his seat and sat down. Wu Shun patted him on the shoulder, Tianhe smiled at him, and said in a low voice, "I haven't handed in the paper yet. I have to wait until the U.S. market opens tonight."

Wu Shun said in a low voice: "That moment just now is enough to be recorded in the annals of history."

Tianhe laughed and said, "I feel like I won the lottery."

Wu Shun smiled and said nothing, and Pu Luo said: "The odds are higher than buying two-color balls. If you guess wildly, you only need to be accurate to two numbers. The probability is..."

Tianhe took off his earphones, he didn't want to listen to Promoji anymore.

The next one to play is Ronghui Venture Capital. The theme is to promote technology and focus on the future. After Ronghui Venture Capital ended, it was time for tea break. The time slot that Wang Su arranged for Tianhe was indeed quite precious. He moved Ronghui to the last stage and specially asked Tianhe to come to the finale. Tianhe wanted to thank him, but Wang Su left after he stepped down.

"Have afternoon tea?" Wu Shunzheng suggested, but he came back to his senses and said, "You have to wait for Mr. Guan, remember."

Tianhe had originally agreed to drink afternoon tea with Wu Shun to thank him, but Wu Shun was very understanding and said, "Then I'll go back to the work unit first, and make another appointment?"

Tianhe said, "I'll come to the door another day to thank you."

Wu Shun said: "Why are you being polite? I'm going to have a holiday and ask my son Jian to get together again. Let's go."

As soon as Wu Shun left, someone came to Tianhe and handed over his business card to Tianhe. Tianhe smiled and chatted in a low voice, and found that there were still several companies waiting.

"Call me when you're free."

"Wen Tianhe, do you have time to chat after the meeting?"

Tianhe received a few business cards, all of which were VCs and funds. Presumably many of them intend to understand the effect of his software iterations, or some people may want to invest in Epeus, or both. As long as there are real materials, the funders are usually very willing to spend money, which can not only control the technological achievements in their hands, exclude competitors, but also make money. If it was Wen Tianyue, he would probably just have a laugh, let the investor stand with his legs crossed, and chat casually.

But Tianhe got up, politely accepted all the business cards, and said politely: "The new software is still in the research and development stage, and we will see the results tonight. I will definitely visit after the festival."

Investors have never paid much attention to attitudes. As long as you can make money, I can eat shit to make you happy; But everyone likes a person with a good attitude, so everyone nodded to him. After a short coffee break, they chatted casually and then returned to their seats. Wu Shun's seat was vacant, many people were afraid that he would come back suddenly, no one dared to sit in his seat to talk to Tianhe, and Tianhe didn't dare to move around, so he just leaned on Wu Shun's remaining prestige and stopped for a while.

The Science and Technology Summit Forum started in the second half, and the theme of the first session was about investment in technology companies.

Five single sofas were placed on the stage, and the CEOs of the four funds were seated respectively, and the audience applauded. Tianhequan met these few people, including the bosses of the two fund managers who came to collect debts. Today is really a grand event in the industry.

Pro said, "What are you thinking?"

Tianhe: "I'm thinking, if a grenade is fired at the stage at this time, the A shares will definitely collapse tomorrow."

Pro: "I thought you were wondering when Guan Yue would come."

The small sofa in the center was still empty, and Tianhe gloated and said, "Do you think he dares to let the audience wait for him for seven hours?"

Tianhe knew that everyone in the venue must have the same thoughts as him—everyone was waiting to hear how many words Guan Yue, who said "Silence is golden", would say today.

"It's really interesting." Someone behind whispered, "This is Guan Yue's first time participating in the forum."

Someone teased again: "Should I ask him to give a tongue twister on the spot later?"

"Boss Guan is stuck on something." One of the oldest fund bosses calmly said, "We won't wait for him, let's start first."

"Anyway, he always listens more and speaks less." The boss of the Conrad Fund said with a smile.

The audience immediately burst into laughter, and when it was about to start, Guan Yue stepped onto the stage quickly, and applause erupted immediately from the audience, Guan Yue took Mai Dai on, nodded and expressed his apology.

The host asked him to sit down on the small sofa in the middle.

"Position C." Tianhe said with a smile.

"Pine is the biggest financier of many technology companies, and for good reason," Puro said.

Tianhe: "Where did you learn this kind of words, Pu Luo, why do you often come up with some inexplicable words."

Pro said: "Every day I study non-stop on Sina Weibo."

"Today let's talk about the financial support and prospect analysis for technology companies in the next three years..."

Tianhe looked at Guan Yue. Guan Yue didn't have any makeup on. He just trimmed his hair and eyebrows before he came. Tianhe.

When the spotlight came on, Guan Yue without makeup was still shockingly handsome. The camera panned over, planning to urge the photographer, and kept saying, "Give him more shots."

Tianhe whispered: "The organizers let him sit in the C seat, they probably just think it can increase the ratings."

Pu Luo: "You are a bit jealous of him, Tianhe, this summit will not be broadcast live."

Tianhe said jealously: "Don't spread rumors, why am I jealous of him?"

Guan Yue is really handsome, with the kind of aura that is like a knife's edge, he can cut everything at any time when he encounters it. Among the five celebrity investors, he is the youngest and earns the most money. The money he makes alone is equivalent to the sum of the four companies around him.

Pu Luo: "I searched for reviews from magazines, and they believe that these four investors are like money printing machines, printing money non-stop. As for Guan Yue... he only needs to take out a blank piece of paper and write on it amount, that piece of white paper will be directly converted into banknotes of equivalent value."

Tianhe: "The kind of paper money used for burning?"

"Where is Mr. Guan who is known as 'turn stone into gold'?" The host laughed, "What do you think?"

Guan Yue is about to speak! He held his breath off the field and waited and watched.

"Not optimistic." Tianhe said in a low voice.

"Not optimistic." Guan Yue said simply.

Sure enough, the answer was exactly the same as imagined, everyone laughed, and Tianhe bowed and burst into laughter.

Host: "Why?"

Tianhe laughed so hard, he said intermittently: "It's obvious...it's obvious!"

Sure enough, Guan Yue said coldly: "Obviously."

Although these words were said as if they were not said, they were concise and informative, and just four words scolded a large number of technology companies present. Many technology companies have been unable to complete the bet for years, and the institutions are constantly exerting pressure, and the bosses are in a state of desperation.

There was another burst of laughter off the court, Tianhe couldn't stop laughing, and said, "Pu Luo, can you tell me why he is here?"

"I remember that Qingsong said that he would not invest in technology startups this year." The founder of another fund saved the host.

Guan Yue thought about it.

The laughter became louder and louder, as if what was said on the stage was no longer important, Guan Yue's answer far exceeded the information technology content of the speeches of this group of money printing machines.

Host: "However, I still have to give everyone present some confidence."

"That's not accurate. This year we only voted for one," Guan Yue said, "the only one."

The laughter of the audience gradually stopped, and Guan Yue's curiosity was aroused for a moment, Guan Yue said: "Epeus."

Tianhe: "..."

There was a small cry of surprise in the venue, Tianhe suddenly realized that something was wrong, but Guan Yue's sharp eyes glanced at him directly, Tianhe took a deep breath, and frowned deeply.

Pro: "Calm down."

Tianhe: "What do you mean?"

Pro: "I can't stand up at this moment and shout 'Liar! He's a liar!' It's too embarrassing."

Tianhe: "..."

Guan Yue said: "I believe that after seven years of precipitation, Epeus can hand over a brilliant report card for us."

The audience fell silent, and another founder of the fund smiled and said, "What do I mean, is today a small notice issued by Qingsong in advance?"

"What notice?" Guan Yue pressed his fingers, puzzled.

The host said: "Epeus accurately predicted the opening of today's Financial Times Index for us in the first half, accurate to one decimal place."

Guan Yue nodded, separated his fingers slightly, and replied: "I didn't see it, I left for something. Qingsong submitted a proposal a month ago."

Everyone looked bewildered, Guan Yue added another sentence: "Accurate prediction? Just try your luck."

The audience burst into laughter again, Tianhe really wanted to go on stage at this moment, punch Guan Yue and knock him over on the stage.

Guan Yue motioned for everyone to continue talking, and the host changed the topic. When the others were speaking, Guan Yue waved to the host, and the host went over, bowed, and Guan Yue whispered something in her ear, The host nodded. In the following whole forum, the host showed a strong professional level. No matter what topic was thrown at Guan Yue, the host could pick it up beautifully. Come, Guan Yue has already participated in the entire forum.

After the summit ended, Tianhe walked out of the venue. At the end of September, the autumn wind was bleak, he walked quickly into the parking lot, and Guan Yue's car drove over.

Tianhe ignored him, got into his sports car and drove away.

Guan Yue's car followed Tianhe, Tianhe drove the sports car away, saw Guan Yue call himself, and hung up.

Guan Yue followed patiently and followed Tianhe all the time. Tianhe drove the car to the country park ring road outside the venue and stepped on the accelerator.

The sports car made a "buzz", full of anger, and rushed away.

The Audi R8 behind also made a "hum", full of horsepower, and followed.

As long as Tianhe speeds up, he can get rid of him at any time, but he can't speed the car. Once he speeds up, the violation of the rules is small, and the mistake is big. Red light, the sports car stops, green light, the sports car turns right, and there is no speeding.

So the people in the park watched a Lamborghini driving weakly while roaring "buzzing", followed by an Audi R8, circling round and round on the road outside the park.

Lamborghini hums once, Audi hums once, Lamborghini hums twice, Audi hums twice, like two dogs barking at each other in the air.

"Die rich!" Someone shouted on the road, "you are sick!"

Pu Luo: "You have taken him around forty-five times, do you want to hear what he wants to say?"

Tianhe: "I see what time he will follow. If I have the ability, I will follow until tomorrow morning."

Pro: "In this case, your car will run out of gas first."

Tianhe: "..."

When Tianhe reached the fifty-first lap, it finally turned around and got on the elevated road, and the R8 followed. At six o'clock in the evening, the whole city was stuck in traffic, Tianhe had lost his temper, and Guan Yue would follow him wherever he drove.

"It's time to refuel." Pro reminded kindly, "There is a camera fifty meters ahead, turn right and go straight one kilometer to a gas station."

Tianhe had no choice but to drive the car to the gas station, and the R8 also followed. The two cars were filled up, and it was even more impossible for Tianhe to reconcile with Guan Yue.

Tianhe kicked the door of the car and went to refuel. The R8 was parked at the refueling space on the other side. Guan Yue got out of the car and came over, took out his card and paid for the two of them.

Tianhe wanted to go home for dinner and was already hungry, but Guan Yue said, "I have something to say."

Tianhe stared at Guan Yue and took a deep breath.

Guan Yue: "Want to quarrel at the gas station? Today's speaking quota has been exceeded."

But the next moment, Tianhe didn't make any sound, took a step to the left, lowered his head, and bowed slowly.

Guan Yue: "!!!"

Tianhe raised his hand to signal to move away a little. He worked for too long and ate too little, which made him dizzy.

"It's okay, I'm just hungry."

Guan Yue opened the car door, put one hand under Tian He's arm, wrapped his arms around his waist, and led him into the car. Tian He staggered and sat in the passenger seat, and Guan Yue fastened his seat belt on him.

Pro: "Your blood sugar is a little low."

Tianhe only drank a cup of coffee before going out, but he felt much better as soon as he sat down. Through the car window, Guan Yue entered his car, drove to the parking lot and stopped, returned to the driver's seat, and brought him a bottle by the way. Cola.