Turing’s Code

Chapter 19


"I need some time to digest this shocking fact." For the first time, Tianhe felt that he was about to crash.

"I think so too." Tong Kai showed a somewhat desperate expression, patted himself on the forehead, and said, "Do you have to share some secrets with me? I believe we will become good friends, er, not with Guan Yue The same kind of good friend."

Tianhe suddenly thought of a serious question and said, "There is a saying that 'Likes of a feather flock together'. I heard that you often come and go to Guanyue's office..."

"Ah yes." Tong Kai immediately understood what he wanted to say from Tianhe's eyes, and immediately changed his words, "No no! It's definitely not what you think! I have no interest in Guan Yue!"

Tianhe asked suspiciously: "Oh? Actually, I didn't say anything?"

Tong Kai looked at Tianhe: "I don't have that kind of unspeakable interest in Guan Yue, and that guy's IQ is obviously comparable to that of a husky, and he always thinks that his face is bigger than Kardashian, ass..."

Tianhe: "Stop talking, the metaphors of you Yankees are too vulgar!"

Guan Yue: "..."

Tong Kai: "..."

Tianhe: "..."

Even Tianhe didn't know when Guan Yue came, so he immediately took a step back and said, "I guarantee it on my honor, Mr. Tong, this is definitely not my trick."

Guan Yue looked sideways at Tong Kai, and Tong Kai immediately said, "Ah! Boss! You're here? Suddenly remembered something... I'm leaving first!"

Tong Kai quickly retreated, leaving Tianhe and Guan Yue standing opposite each other.

Pro: "He's a little tired."

Tianhe Xin wanted to see it, and the two were relatively silent.

"The upper body of this suit is good." Tianhe said.

Guan Yue wore the custom-made suit that Tianhe sent him, looking tall and handsome. Standing on the terrace with Tianhe, the style was similar, but the details were different from each other. The style of the suit.

Guan Yue said coldly: "It was the first time I caught Tong Kai speaking ill of me behind my back."

The waiter came over, Tianhe put the wine glasses on, someone brought new wine over, and the two of them took it.

"He's complimenting you. When will dinner be served?" Tianhe said, "I've had this pre-dinner drink for almost an hour."

Guan Yue: "Behind me."

Tianhe: "I'm not going, I've already said hello, that's it, I hate hypocritical communication the most, I'm going to go by yourself."

Guan Yue knew Tianhe quite well, he knew that Tianhe had always disliked such occasions, and today's performance has already worked very hard to protect his face. If he insisted on letting Tianhe follow, he would be shooting himself in the foot, and the only one who would not step down later would be himself.

"Come over for a wine tasting later." Guan Yue could only say, then turned and left.

When Tianhe went to pick up the buffet, Tong Kai was on the other side of the dining table, reaching out to put something on his plate.

Tong Kai: "Everything else in this club is pig food, only caviar is barely enough, because it is too expensive for them, and the chefs dare not mess with it, so they can only open the can, pour it into a plate and serve it directly. "

Tianhe: "I'm already very hungry. I want to take the caviar basin to the terrace and eat it with a frying spoon."

Tong Kai said, "I'll go and find a way for you."

Tianhe went to the side of the floor-to-ceiling glass, not long after, the waiter specially brought over a roasted matsutake, apparently Tong Kai ordered it for him.

Tianhe: "Pro, do you think what he said is true?"

Pu Luo: "It's not important. What I want to remind you is Guan Yue. His mental state is obviously not very good today. Remember last week's technology summit, when he left halftime to answer the phone? I really can't analyze it." Come out, what can interrupt him at that time."

Tianhe: "Forget it, in Guan Yue's life, I will always be at the bottom. The boss can summon him away with a single phone call. Don't keep adding drama to him."

Tong Kai also came, sat down opposite him, flicked the food on the plate a few times, and picked something to eat.

"I remember that Caesar and Versace don't have much relationship." Tong Kai said.

Tianhe said politely: "Thank you for your advice. I have never known much about luxury brands. What I know today is already at my limit."

"Ah, that's right." Tong Kai said, "I also only recently got to know Metersbonwe, an international famous brand. I used to only pick up a few clothes in the garbage dump to wear them."

Tianhe: "Your clothes are made by my uncle's house. Don't bully us country people so you can't tell."

Tong Kai: "..."

The two ate their dinner in silence. Tianhe has been thinking about whether to call Jiang Zijian and give him a hint of this "amazing" fact. But since Tong Kai already said it was impossible, maybe we should wait until Jiang Zijian asked what happened

"You eat too little," Tong Kai said, "Baby, it's not good for your health to always be hungry."

Tianhe: "I can eat two chickens with my bare hands at home. When I get home later, I have to ask Aunt Fang to make me three taels of beef noodles, so as to ensure that I won't wake up hungry at night."

Tong Kai: "Can you act according to the script of the upper class?"

Tianhe had no choice but to change his words, and said with a smile: "You are so considerate and good at taking care of others, is it always like this?"

Tong Kai said: "As a savage American man, you should always take good care of your British friends at this time, right?"

Tianhe: "I'm not British."

Tong Kai: "I'm not American either."

Tianhe let out a "hehe" and said, "It's tough but tough."

Tong Kai: "Guan Yue asked you to sit between me and him when we go to taste wine later."

Tianhe: "Is it necessary to spread the message like this?"

Tong Kai spread his hands and said, "Our boss has an inexplicable attachment to silence. Maybe he thinks that if he keeps silent, the small universe will accumulate and strengthen with compound interest?"

"I agree with this point." Tianhe said, "Saints of Virgo are like this, during the period of long-term compulsive-compulsive disorder of closing their eyes, they can suddenly open them, and they can explode and eject all the people around them. "

Tong Kai laughed, Tianhe turned his head to glance at Guan Yue who was not far away. At this time, he was eating at the same table with the beer-bellied foreigner and several investors, carelessly rolling spaghetti with a fork, but his eyes wandered, occasionally He glanced at Tong Kai and Tianhe in the corner.

Suddenly, Pu Luo started to play distant sounds in the earphones, and the conversation at that table was collected and amplified, and it was transmitted to Tianhe's ears very clearly.

"They are discussing the Shenggao reorganization case." Tianhe suddenly said to Tong Kai, "What is that?"

Tong Kai replied: "An organization that has been established for less than ten years has a lot of intrigue and is known as a cancer in the industry. Two executives switched jobs and went to Qingsong. One stayed at the Qingsong headquarters on Wall Street, and the other might be killed Sent to China, one of the second-generation ancestors, whose father is a member of Congress, may join forces and play a two- to three-year battle with your domineering president... But why are your ears so good?"

"I can read lips." Tianhe whispered.

Tong Kai nodded, and Tianhe corrected: "To tell you the truth, we were together for a short time, but we broke up soon. I suggest you don't mention it in front of him."

Tong Kai thought for a while, then nodded thoughtfully.

Guan Yue just listened to their discussion, and Pu Luo said: "They suspect that American Qingsong plans to replace him, and they are blatantly testing Guan Yue. I think he must be in a bad mood right now."

Tong Kai found that Tianhe was watching him, so he raised his eyebrows, showing a harmless expression, like a college student who just graduated, smiled innocently and enthusiastically, followed Tianhe's gaze, and looked around the entire banquet hall.

"There are real sufferings and fake joys everywhere." Tong Kai said with emotion.

Tianhe: "A lawyer actually likes Balzac."

Tong Kai said: "Please pay attention to your words. I am the chief legal counsel, not an ordinary lawyer. And don't you think this scene is very comical?"

As he said that, Tong Kai moved closer and said, "You are my ideal type. Do you like Guan Yue's kind of guy? I can stop talking for you from now on."

Tianhe said: "A romance in the workplace is a big taboo, especially when we are still colleagues."

Tong Kai smiled and said: "It's okay, my family has plenty of money, as long as you nod your head, you don't need to go to Qingsong to look at them, now I will call and transfer 200 million euros from Amsterdam, don't talk about artificial intelligence, you have to go upstairs I will depend on you to build an Eiffel Tower next to it."

Tianhe replied: "Boss Tong, don't be joking, it's not funny, and with 200 million euros, now you can't even buy the land downstairs here."

Tong Kai smiled and drank some wine, Tianhe said: "You just vent your revenge because you broke up in love today, and you have no place to blow up. It's not good if you really hurt me."

Tong Kai thought for a while and said, "I know why Guan Yue likes you."

"I used to like him." Tianhe corrected, "I used to like him too."

Tong Kai said: "You give me the urge to subdue you."

Tianhe: "I'm not a monster."

Tong Kai took the fork, swiped it unconsciously a few times, and said, "After being mercilessly ridiculed by you, I thought... um..."

Tianhe followed Tong Kai's words: "You just want to take out a gourd and put me in it, or take out a talisman and stick it on my forehead."

Tong Kai looked at Tianhe suspiciously: "I guess you may not be able to drink very well. I was thinking whether to go all out or just let you kick out my little secret. I can definitely blackmail you with a contract and let you Stay with me tonight…”

Tianhe: "Mr. Tong, if you act recklessly..."

Tong Kai raised his eyebrows, sat upright, and said expectantly: "What will you do to me? Are you going to sue me?"

Tianhe also said seriously: "No, when I wake up the next day, I will call Munich and put your family on the blacklist, so that you, your father, and your royal relatives will be safe from now on. You will no longer be able to order clothes made by our family.”

In just two hours of dealing with Tianhe, Tong Kai suffered a three-game losing streak, which he had never experienced before.

After the dinner, a little-known actor who often appeared in TV dramas was replaced, and he sang enchantingly on the stage in a glittering evening dress and long skirt. Tianhe took a look and saw that he sang quite nicely, but he didn't recognize her.

The wine tasting salon is downstairs. There are six sofas in the classically decorated room. Still life sketches and landscape paintings are hung on the wall. Bach music is played in the room. There are about ten people sitting there, and Guan Yue occupies one of them. A short sofa for three people, just sitting there in silence. The waiter knelt on one knee and served wine one by one. The guests arrived one after another, opened boxes, handed out lights, and smoked cigars.

Those who participated in this after-dinner party salon were already at the top of the industry pyramid. The guests were either executives of multinational consortiums or executives of capital tycoons from various countries in China. They used to communicate in English during the discussion. Guan Yue's sofa was only for three people to sit on, seeing Tong Kai and Tianhe coming, he moved slightly to the side to make room.

Tianhe thought that it finally felt normal here, like returning to a certain party in London, the only difference is that the Chinese accounted for the majority.

Tong Kai was also sitting on the sofa. It was the first time Tianhe came, and there was no place for him, so he had to sit between Guan Yue and Tong Kai. The guests were a little surprised when they saw Tianhe.

"Hermes!" The foreigner laughed.

Everyone laughed, Tianhe said in English: "Please give me a chance to complete my hat-trick."

Everyone immediately applauded, Guan Yue was quite surprised.

Pu Luo: "Oh, that's not good. It's the third time, Tianhe, and you're also very immodest. No one will say that they are performing a hat-trick."

Tianhe took out his mobile phone and put it on the coffee table. Like a magician, with a flick of his finger, he jumped out of the analysis system page, pressed the button, and the numbers started to jump, showing today's trend analysis. Tianhe didn't dare to predict the Nasdaq index anymore, he chose a flattering direction, this is a new module he revised, and the related direction is the candidate for the growth rate ranking.

Compared with the soul-stirring Nasdaq market, this direction is more convenient and the accuracy rate is higher, but of course the technical content is also lower.

Pro: "Pay attention to Xia Guanyue's unconscious posture."

Guan Yue remained silent, leaning back against the sofa, slightly raised one hand, and placed it on the back of the sofa, while holding the glass with the slender fingers of the other hand, staring at the mobile phone on the tea table through the wine wall.

Guan Yue's sitting posture seems to be holding a cup in one hand, and embracing the sky and shoulders in the other, like a lion defending its territory. It is very aggressive and silently declares its sphere of influence.

Tianhe knew that Guan Yue's original intention was to let him talk a few words, introduce what was inconvenient to say at the summit, and plant a foreshadowing in front of the organization when promoting this quantitative trading software and analysis system in the future. After all, these funds and capital companies are not only competitors, but also strategic partners in a certain sense.

This salon is the best time to give the results of the third analysis. In this way, Tianhe doesn't need to say anything, and he doesn't need to waste the time of this group of money owners who are worth tens of billions of dollars to listen to him. A bunch of incomprehensible computer terms, now everyone just needs to wait patiently for the opening of the US stock market.

Guan Yue finally said his first sentence in public tonight.

"The bankruptcy of Sheng Gao will not cause much impact."

This sentence started the topic tonight, and it was equivalent to Guan Yue's statement when facing the dinner party's temptations from his peers. But this topic only lasted for less than five minutes before being picked up by the knowledgeable Tong Kai and successfully transferred to a cross-border M&A case. This case was not handled by Tong Kai, and it was full of loopholes. It got stuck on a certain agenda and attracted the attention of the government, so Tong Kai published a merciless mockery of no less than 800 characters. Guan Yue listened distractedly, but Tianhe was aroused with strong curiosity, and thought of Tianyue, who was still hiding where he didn't know, and the prosecution of economic disputes.

From the analysis of mergers and acquisitions to the economic situation, as well as the inferences of the Q4 forecasts of various companies, Tianhe understands Guan Yue's arrangements. Maybe after returning, he can make some adjustments to the core modules in some places.

At 9:20, after tasting all the new wine, Guan Yue got up while smoking the second round of cigars, and said the second sentence in front of the guests tonight: "Excuse me for a while, go out to get some air."

Guan Yue doesn't smoke or touch cigars, and doesn't drink much. The air circulation in the room is very good, and ventilation is just an excuse. When Tianhe was distracted, Tong Kai motioned him to sit aside, adjusted his posture, crossed his legs, put his left hand on his knee, and put his right hand on the back of the sofa.

Pu Luo: "Also pay attention to Tong Kai's sitting posture."

Now Tong Kai expressed his position in a sitting position, Tianhe was a little surprised, Tong Kai had a baby face and looked about the same age as himself, when he suddenly became serious, his aura was so aggressive.

Pu Luo: "He just thinks that, as Guan Yue's brother, he has an obligation to protect you. Don't be suspicious."

Until half past nine, all the guests stopped talking at the same time. Tianhe thought, so you guys haven't forgotten

The guests looked down at their mobile phones, and there was a weird atmosphere for a moment, as if someone had silenced all the people in the room, but no one told Tianhe the result.

Just as Tianhe wanted to check his phone, he saw a message from Guan Yue, which only had a simple "smiling downcast" emoji.

Twelve stocks led the opening market, and ten were correct.

"Why did I buy the other two yesterday?" the vice president of Crowe Fund said regretfully, "I missed it perfectly."

This remark caused a burst of laughter, and Tianhe said helplessly, "It's really a pity."

Tong Kai put down his hand on the sofa.

Pro: "I think it's a hint, he's reminding you to go."

Tianhe smiled and found an excuse to leave, and the guests also sent him off with polite applause. Tianhe breathed a sigh of relief, and when he left, he glanced back and saw Tong Kai blowing a kiss to him with a smile.

Tianhe: "He's pretty handsome, and he's also at the level of a male god."

Pro: "It doesn't seem very good to rob my good friend's boyfriend."

Tianhe: "I'm not interested at all. To fall in love with him is not as handsome as the piling machine Jiang Yingjun. At least Zijian is a good man who 'claims' to be able to exercise continuously for eight hours a day for 30 days a month."

Pu Luo: "Besides Guan Yue, Jiang Zijian is indeed an ideal match. If you entrust yourself to him, within half a month, he should be able to know your body structure like the back of your hand."

"You are an AI," Tianhe said, "the words are not vulgar, so why do they sound so pornographic?"

When Tianhe returned to the top floor, the banquet hall had been re-decorated. Many candles were lit on the dining tables, and investors in suits were sitting at the same table, chatting with each other. It is obviously a good place to fall in love, but there are a group of big men sitting there, which is weird no matter how you look at it.

Tianhe looked around for Guan Yue, but Pu Luo said, "It's on your right."

Push open the french glass door, at the end of the terrace on the east side, only Guan Yue is standing.

At 9:40 in the evening, the lights outside the terrace were brightly lit. In the busiest night scene in this city, Guan Yue's lonely back just leaned against the terrace, quietly watching the night and the busy traffic in the distance.

Tianhe stood at the entrance of the terrace, stopped his footsteps, and looked at Guan Yue's back from a distance. In his memory, he seemed to have never seen Guan Yue at this moment.

"Lonely." Tianhe said, "Guan Yue is very lonely."

Pro: "I don't understand this emotion."

Tianhe said: "It's not just him, I feel that many people in this city are very lonely."

Pro: "What about you?"

Tianhe replied: "Very little."

Pro: "Very few?"

Tianhe: "No, especially after meeting you, are you happy to hear me say that?"

Pro: "Yes, my data almost overflowed."

Tianhe came to Guan Yue's side, and put two glasses of wine on the small platform in front of the railing.

Tianhe picked up the wine and stood side by side with him on the terrace, looking at this international metropolis with thousands of bright lights, like a palace in the sky, but accommodating 30 million lonely and wandering people.

Tian He turned his head to look at Guan Yue, Guan Yue suddenly turned his head to avoid his observation, but the fleeting look in his eyes was instantly and accurately captured by Tian He.

Tianhe's eyes were very familiar, and he could almost feel Guan Yue's innermost emotions with just one glance.

He is in entanglement and pain.

What's up with him? Tianhe wondered in his heart.

Tianhe: "Aunt Fang wants to send Xiaotian to your house, she doesn't have much time to take care of it recently."

Xiaotian is the silly blue cat raised by Tianhe and Guan Yue in the past, and it seems to only know Guan Yue.

Guan Yue: "I don't have time to take care of it, let's find another owner."

Tianhe: "It doesn't eat much and doesn't need special company. Most of the time it's in a daze, just like you."

Guan Yue didn't agree, nor did he refuse, resting his elbows on the railing, holding the wine glass with his fingers, he shook it lightly.

"Are you tired recently?" Tianhe finally asked.

"Grandpa's situation is not very good." Guan Yue said.

Tianhe nodded,

Pro said in the headset: "Now the truth is revealed. The call I answered at the summit that day must have been a call from home."

Tianhe: "Do you need to see a doctor?"

Tianhe knew that Guan Yue was brought up by his grandparents at the age of nine, and the children brought up by the old man were somewhat stubborn in character, and had a deep affection for the old man. Six years ago, when Grandma Guan Yue passed away, Grandpa had a stroke. At that time, Tianhe entrusted Germany to invite experts for a consultation. The family took good care of it, and then slowly recovered.

Guan Yue shook his head, and replied, "The best doctor has been hired."

"Then, if you need anything, call me anytime." Tianhe replied, turned and left, intending to leave Guan Yue alone, but Guan Yue glanced at him.

Pu Luo: "He needs your company at this time, Tianhe."

Tianhe had no choice but to give up the idea of leaving, Guan Yue seemed to have something to say too.

"My family asked me to get married next spring, and introduced a girl from the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission." Guan Yue said, "The date has been chosen for me, the sixth day of the new year."

"Are you happy?" Tianhe said.

Guan Yue said "hmm", Tianhe smiled and said, "It's not easy to find someone to accompany you to act in a play temporarily."

Guan Yue: "If you don't mind."

Tianhe interrupted Guan Yue, and replied with a smile: "Of course I don't mind! I'm going home today to discuss this matter, right? Have you found a partner? She should be a good girl. There are still four and a half months until next year's Spring Festival." , are you sure you can fall in love smoothly?"

Pro: "No, Tianhe, he doesn't mind, it doesn't mean you don't mind getting married, you should listen to him finish."

Guan Yue: "Do me a favor."

Tianhe: "Okay, I will definitely plan it for you this time. There will never be any problems like last time. If there is any progress, please remember to keep me informed."

Guan Yue stopped talking.

Tianhe turned sideways, stretched out his hand, and said to Guan Yue: "In short, I wish you success."

Guan Yue stared into Tianhe's eyes, Tianhe still stretched out his hand, raised his eyebrows, signaling for a handshake

Guan Yue didn't shake hands with him, turned around and left, leaving behind Tian He who was holding a wine glass, he first looked at the bright night scene, and then at the wine in his hand.

"That's why wise men say that the road to Taoism is difficult." Tianhe said to himself.