Turing’s Code

Chapter 33


the next day.

"Mr. Guan, open the door," Tianhe said at the door of the CEO's office, "I need you for something."

Guan Yue was in a meeting with India and brought in the aggressive Tianhe. The whole meeting was opened to the outside world. An Indian was very excited and clattered to explain to Guan Yue. A gust of curry-smelling English rushed to his face. Tianhe almost collapsed and fell to the ground laughing.

Guan Yue frowned and asked the other side to repeat it again.

Tianhe had no choice but to find a place to sit down, but Guan Yue walked over and put the things behind Tianhe into his pockets, Tianhe noticed that they looked like two parts.

Guan Yue was obviously very angry, but he didn't scold the Indian partner in front of Tianhe.

Pu Luo: "Look, his mood has obviously improved now, and he didn't even curse at people in the meeting."

Tianhe heard what the Indian said, that the cross-border financing project initiated by Guan Yue has now been screwed up, and the other party has resigned and moved to another company.

Sure enough, it has a Far Eastern style, but you should have thought of it when you initiated the proposal. PPE top students would actually make such low-level mistakes in human nature. It’s true that even the second Socrates can’t help you.

Guan Yue was quite irritable and walked a few steps around the office.

Pro: "Pay attention to his brisk steps."

Tianhe: "..."

The quick, curry-flavored English is crackling, like setting off a firecracker in the office, crazily scolding a man named Andy in the Wall Street headquarters, and the slang and swear words combined by the two major languages of English and Indian are playing back and forth quickly in the CEO's office Go, Guan Yue couldn't get in the conversation for a while, his fingers twitched slightly, Tianhe felt that he was going crazy with anger.

Pro: "Pay attention to his rich body language."

Tianhe: "..."

Guan Yue pointed at the man in Mumbai who was wearing a turban, a pure gold nose ring, and ten gemstone rings. He was waving his golden fingers and staring at him, accusing him from a distance of thousands of miles. The evil partner in the headquarters, his eyes fixed on the man, his brow furrowed.

Pro: "Pay attention to his delighted eyes."

A series of "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck—" started over there. The Indian partner started from New York and fucked all the fifty states of the United States one by one.

"Fuck yourself."

Guan Yue said coldly, when the other party Fuck arrived in Pennsylvania, he finally didn't want to listen anymore. He sat down, pressed the remote control, and with a "swish" sound the video page and all the information displayed on the light screen were all turned off.

The world became quiet again, Guan Yue sank into the soft chair and let out a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Guan, my colleagues asked me to ask you, is it okay to choose the South Island of New Zealand for team building?" Tianhe said, "Or do you have a place you want to go more?"

Guan Yue quickly returned to normal, as if nothing happened yesterday.

Tianhe didn't want to come at all, but last night he remembered Guan Yue's words "You are the best" - he still recognized his talent, so Tianhe decided to be magnanimous and not to argue with him any further, just like what Pu Luo said , there is always someone who needs to speak first, after all Guan Yue has done so much for himself... Of course, the most important thing is that Tianhe has set a trick for Guan Yue, but he is not going to tell anyone or even Pro in advance, so as not to suffer Probabilistic speculation will shake his determination.

Let's see how long you can keep your mouth shut—Tianhe thought.

Guan Yue started to boil water, ready to make tea, and his anxiety disappeared.

"No." Guan Yue said coldly.

Tianhe said lightly: "That's just right, I don't want to go either, I'm really busy recently." Tianhe really didn't want to go, before he decided to join everyone just to accompany Guan Yue, but now it's just right, he's too busy recruiting people Come.

"In addition, I would like to ask if I can ask Zijian for a job, and find a job for his 'Xiao Kai' in Qingsong." Tianhe said again.

"I don't have time to act with them." Guan Yue bluntly rejected the proposal.

"Okay." Tianhe didn't expect to be rejected even this, so he said politely, "I'll find another way, make an appointment to play cards, and leave first."

Tian He turned and left, while Guan Yue sat silently behind the desk.

After New Year's Day, Tianhe promoted the resurrection of Epeus at the fastest speed, and kept ticking off various tasks from the schedule. As an intelligent program, Pro can help him program to a certain extent, but it cannot play a decisive role and can only save part of the labor cost. The most difficult thing now is that he must find the right person.

But he suddenly discovered that under the aura of the Wen family, things seemed not as difficult as he imagined.

Financial computer engineers have their own circle. Tianhe received an invitation from the club after returning to China. The club has only one main activity—playing Texas Hold’em. Just like the small circles in London and New York, these engineers who are mixed in cross-industry are used to communicating in the game of cards.

Tianhe funded this club with a sum of money, but never went to it. It was not until after bankruptcy that it was necessary to rewrite the system framework and design new algorithms, and only participated a few times. The problems that Tianhe cannot solve cannot be solved by other Quants, but playing cards together can inspire some of his inspiration.

"I can let you win the whole club if you want," Puro said.

"No," Tianhe pushed open the club's door and said, "I don't want to cheat, I want to win with my own skills."

"I'll think about it." During the game, a Quant said, "I believe you can make something good. We are still using the book your father wrote back then."

Tianhe said: "I just want to support my family." He turned over the hole cards and took a serious look at them. His habit is to only look at the hole cards when the fourth card is dealt.

He knew what these programmers wanted: stable work first. Secondly, enough money and shares are given. Again, don't have any workplace struggles, do something that you don't have. Compared with a well-rounded CEO, these high IQ talents are obviously more willing to follow the leadership of technical background, because there are few things to do.

After that, we talked about profession and ideals, so Tianhe gave a 140% salary increase, dry stock, and stable promises about the future.

"Have you found a product manager?" Another Quant asked, "Are you the technical director?"

Tianhe replied: "I didn't find a good one... I was thinking that I would rather be a CTO... Stud. There is no suitable candidate for a product manager yet."

"You need to find a good product manager." The Quants smoked electronic cigarettes. Although a young man who worked at Morgan rejected Tianhe's proposal, he made a suggestion to him, saying, "Your second brother is a good product manager." product manager."

"Yes." Tianhe said, "But his greatest strength is playing the capital game, and he is really good at it. Unfortunately, he is too arrogant to play it, so he has to run away and throw the mess to me."

Everyone laughed, each played their cards, everyone made a frantic sound, and Tianhe won again.

"Stop fighting," said the young man, "take a rest."

"Have you two brothers discussed the conspiracy?" A Quant couldn't help asking, "Otherwise, how could you persuade Qingsong to make a move?"

"Ah? No," Tianhe was stunned, and smiled, "Second brother really disappeared from the world. I now suspect that he has converted to some religion. Qingsong voted for Epeus because he thought I could make software, but in fact he did. so."

"It's not easy, you really did it." Everyone sighed again. Tianhe came to them occasionally to play cards after joining the company. For most of the programmers in the club, the transaction analysis system was a task comparable to God's creation. In the end, Tianhe succeeded in successfully Passed the evaluation, which is beyond everyone's imagination.

"Where's the CEO?" someone asked again.

Tianhe pondered for a moment, and then replied: "CEO... I have an ideal candidate, but it is a bit difficult to convince him."

Everyone nodded, Tianhe knew that they still needed to think about it, but this was enough for the time being.

The young man said, "Why don't you consider Liao Shan?"

Tianhe said: "Genius Liao Shan, she is the best candidate for a group of project leaders, but unfortunately I don't have her contact information, even if I do, it is said that she won't answer calls from unfamiliar numbers, the only way is to break through her firewall, Send an offer directly to her machine... "

A Quant said: "If you can completely crush her, she will definitely come to you with a keyboard, mouse, and monitor."

Tianhe said: "The key point is that I can't do it. We are evenly matched. The Ministry of National Defense adopts the firewall that she participated in designing part of when she was sixteen. It will take more than two hundred years to crack that damn thing. I guess her I'm still patching it, and I'd rather keep talking to her in person."

The young man said, "She doesn't like the investment banking environment very much. I think as long as you find her, you have great hope, but you'd better not show her your software, because she will say..."

Tianhe: "I know, she will exclaim, 'It's amazing that someone in the world uses bugs to write a piece of software!' Our professor was ridiculed by her like that, and the old man got upset on the spot."

Everyone nodded unanimously.

"Today's goal is Feng Song..." Tianhe glanced at the schedule, "Puluo, are you sure he will definitely go to that eel restaurant?"

Pu Luo: "Yes, he has eaten the same eel rice for lunch every day for three years in a row."

When Tianhe walked into the Unagi restaurant, Prou said, "I've never heard you talk about the goal of the general manager."

Tianhe replied: "Well... this is not that important at the moment. Hi, Hanawa-san, hello."

A young boy with dyed yellow hair, wearing a cross-country military uniform, and a few freckles on his face was eating eel rice in the corner. He looked up at Tianhe, as if he didn't exist, and continued to look down at his phone.

"Get lost." Feng Song said, "Wen Tianhe, I won't go to your company."

"Help me do a test." Tianhe sat down, pointed at the phone, and said, "Pu Luo, let's go. We'll leave when we're done."

Feng Song: "???"

Feng Song stopped eating, as if he realized something.

"Your artificial intelligence? Made it?" Feng Song looked at Tianhe suspiciously.

Pro said in the headset: "Tianhe, go back to Qingsong."

Tianhe: "???"

Pro: "Listen to me."

Confused, Tianhe got up, put away his phone, turned and left the restaurant.

"Ha ha ha ha-"

"Ah ha ha-"

Tong Kai and Jiang Zijian were sitting in the park, arranging LV shopping bags, in front of a group of old men and women who were doing Tai Chi, this is the first time he and Jiang Zijian ran out of the foot bath city hand in hand, this long Chairs are also their favorite benches. As long as the weather is fine and they don’t want to spend money, they like to come here to lazily bask in the sun and quietly watch people doing Tai Chi.

Jiang Zijian always felt that he had seen too much, and he knew how to fight, and occasionally he and Tong Kai learned how to fight from them.

Tong Kai's phone rang.

"I have something to go back," Tong Kai said suddenly, "Notify me to go for an interview."

Jiang Zijian: "Shall I see you off?"

Tong Kai immediately waved his hand, forgetting to take the paper bag,

Jiang Zijian: "Hey! What's wrong?"

Tong Kai turned around and gestured for a phone call, signaling for a call.

Qingsong Capital and Tianhe felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong when they first joined the company.

Pro: "Wall Street is here."

Tianhe: "Guan Yue just went back to report on his work last weekend. What do you want me to do? He hasn't apologized for what he said last time. I really don't... forget it."

Pro: "I think they might call you in later."

Tianhe went back to his work station and sat down, pondering for a moment, but knew that now was not the time for a cold war with Guan Yue, private accounts could be settled slowly, but the company's affairs had to take into account the overall situation.

Pro said again, "Look to your left."

Tianhe turned his head and looked out from the left side of the water dispenser. The floor-to-ceiling glass wall in Guan Yue's office changed color, and the reflective smart glass was adjusted to be transparent by Pro.

Tianhe: "The transparency of this wall can be changed!"

Pro: "I just broke through the light control system a day ago."

In Guan Yue's office, the situation can be seen at a glance. Guan Yue is sitting behind the desk, and Mario, the chief financial officer, is standing beside Guan Yue. Five middle-aged Caucasians and one young Chinese sat around Guan Yue's desk in a fan shape, and the scene was like a hearing.

Tong Kai almost ran into the company, looking around, Tianhe raised his hand to indicate that he was there, Tong Kai nodded, turned and entered Guan Yue's office.

When Tianhe saw Tong Kai go in and sit next to Guan Yue, it was obvious that the head office representatives leaned back a little.

"Are they actually afraid of Tong Kai?" Tianhe whispered.

Pro said: "During the reorganization of Qingsong China, Tong Kai and Guan Yue joined forces to play them around. The Chinese name is Andy, and his father is a member of Congress. He may be re-elected in April this year."

Tianhe remembered that he was one of the crazy fuckers of that Indian.

Tianhe: "Is the situation so serious?"

Pro: "I overheard the employee's conversation. Wall Street asked Guan Yue to pull back for a while, wait for the situation in North Korea to stabilize and announce reform and opening up, and enter the North Korean market."

Tianhe: "North Korea... Uh, I don't think he will go, but this strategic decision does have its reasons. If Qingsong can successfully seize the North Korean market from the very beginning, it may be able to reap a considerable profit."

"They now have several excuses. One is that Guan Yue and Epeus are suspected of related transactions, and the report to the headquarters is inaccurate."

"The second is his cross-border financing case."

"The third is from Guan's family in Taiyuan. Wall Street believes that Guan Yue violated the non-compete agreement to some extent and used company resources to assist his father in reorganizing part of his assets."

"Although the first accusation is serious, I think Tong Kai can completely resolve it and handle it with ease. It's just that you may need your cooperation later to accept their sudden questioning."

"The second accusation is a bit troublesome. The third accusation is completely out of thin air. He just made some inconspicuous adjustments to the Guan family's capital structure through Mario to help the family business go public through a backdoor in the future. If Mario hadn't tampered with it in private."

Tianhe roughly understood that the headquarters hoped to firmly control the results of Guanyue's establishment in mainland China through personnel transfers. This naturally angered Guan Yue and was rejected.

"Take out the contract and I'll read it again." Tianhe turned on the computer and said in a low voice.

Pro: "...but Mario betrayed him, handed over some business secrets to the head office, and created many accusations out of thin air."

Tianhe said: "That makes sense, but I still don't understand why he regards Mario as his confidant."

Pro: "Mario has followed Guan Yue all the way since he was still working in Constanley. Although he is often ridiculed, his professional level is not bad. Guan Yue is the blade of a knife and has no friends. Mali Ao and Tong Kai can be said to be his only two partners."

Tianhe: "What's the worst case?"

"There is only one situation, there is no best or worst," said Pro. "The probability of this happening is 100 percent."

Tianhe: "There is no 100% probability in the world."

Pu Luo: "It exists for Guan Yue. Because as long as he makes up his mind, he will not make any changes. The final situation depends only on Guan Yue's goal."

Tianhe: "Their biggest obstacle later on should be Guan Yue's decision to invest in Epeus."

Pro: "I think so."

Tianhe: "They will definitely try their best to deny the value of Epeus and treat it as a shell company, so that they have reason to doubt our related transactions."

Pro: "Very reasonable."

Tianhe: "Then I need to play a little trick to scare them properly. Can you hack into their mobile phones?"

Pu Luo: "If they are all connected to the company's Wi-Fi, I'm searching, but there are fingerprint and face recognition software, and my ability is currently limited."

Tianhe: "I don't think there is a big problem with the music playback system."

Pu Luo: "Small, I have searched for five mobile phones, Tianhe, do you want to print this contract by the way?"

Pro helped Tianhe call out another contract, Tianhe was silent for a moment.

"Qingsong's financing hasn't arrived yet," Tianhe said, "It's cheaper for them."

Pro: "Once the bankruptcy guarantee is released, there are certain risks, but I believe you can find money from other channels, and if not, I can also help you by peeking at the way to enter the password."

"Because I'm currently trying to hack into several infrared cameras near an ATM machine, and found that through the vehicle's mirror, from certain angles, it can effectively... "

Tianhe: "Don't! Mention it again! Robbing a bank! Related! My artificial intelligence program actually hacks into the street cameras and uses the reflection of the rear mirror and glass of the vehicle to guess the person by peeking at the person pressing the keypad manually in front of the ATM machine. It’s a disgrace to the AI world.”

Pu Luo: "This method is obviously much simpler and faster than breaking through the central bank's firewall. Why not use a simple method and use a complicated one? Hackers are always unkempt, sitting in front of the computer day after night, and their work and rest disorder lead to hormones Imbalanced, constantly analyzing the secret keys of various banks, maybe nothing will be found for several years, and maybe I will be imprisoned for investigation at any time, but I only took less than half a year to peek at it... "

"Stop." Tianhe said, "Never do this kind of thing, print this contract."

In the quiet office, the printer suddenly started beeping automatically, startling everyone.

When the clerk was walking over, Tianhe walked quickly to the printer, nodded politely, and took away a dozen or so pages of paper.

Today's green pine is full of weird atmosphere, Tianhe first re-read his guarantee contract, and then read another one.

"Why don't you have another copy?" Tianhe said, "Anyway, there's already a copy. Pro, please print out the contract that Tong Kai made."

Five minutes later, the printer beeped again, and no one came this time. After Tianhe took away the contract, Mario came out of Guan Yue's office and said, "Wen Tianhe, please come in for a meeting." .”

Tianhe took a folder, threw the two contracts into a drawer, locked it, and went straight into Guan Yue's office with the bankruptcy guarantee agreement.

In Guan Yue's office:

"Wen Tianhe," said the young Chinese named Andy, "please answer our following questions seriously and truthfully..."

Tianhe sat next to Tong Kai, and said sincerely to Andy as soon as he sat down: "I'm sorry, I really don't understand Texas dialect very well, can you find a translator for me?"

"Hahahahaha!" Tong Kai endured it for a long time, and finally went crazy laughing under Tianhe's words.