Turing’s Code

Chapter 46


In the evening, the two sat on the London Eye super ferris wheel, Tianhe looked outside, but Guan Yue patted him, raised his camera, turned towards the two, and left a selfie, Tianhe was still eating raspberry ice cream , dripping down on Guan Yue's coat.

In Trafalgar Square, Guan Yue guarded Tianhe, being careful not to let tourists crowd him, and said, "That's Nelson's monument."

"The photos are far from the real scene, the building is really beautifully designed." Tianhe looked around in the twilight, Guan Yue raised his camera, and took a selfie photo for the two of them.

"Isn't it forbidden to feed?"

"No one cares, but I strongly advise you not to feed it."

"let me try… "

Tianhe lowered his head and saw someone feeding the pigeons, so the person gave him some bread, and the pigeons rushed up one after another, Tianhe was almost submerged, so he turned his head to avoid it, and shouted in fear, Guan Yue finished taking pictures of Tianhe's panic He went forward and drove the pigeon away for him. Tianhe was almost blown up by the pigeons. He never knew that pigeons could be so ferocious. Guan Yue said, "Look, this is what happens when you don't obey."

"There are subtle differences in dining etiquette between British food and German food." Guan Yue shook out the napkin, spread it on Tianhe's bed, and said in a low voice, "Try this restaurant, although I don't think you may be used to it."

Tianhe tasted it. As a Western food, it was indeed more delicious than home-cooked food. He asked, "Do you eat Western food every day?"

Guan Yue: "The family just invited a chef, and I will start cooking Chinese food for you tomorrow."

Tian He said: "It's actually not bad, I often eat Western food at home."

Guan Yue: "You'll feel like throwing up soon. I'll ask Aunt Fang to send her recipe for a try. Let's make do with it then."

Tianhe just felt that he was eating non-stop all day today, and the chef of the restaurant specially gave him another dessert.

"They said you're cute," Guan Yue said to Tianhe, "so I'll give you a freshly baked tart."

Tianhe: "I really can't eat anymore, I'm going to throw up... But will the chef come out and beat me?"

Guan Yue: "No one in this world is willing to beat you, but I can eat half of it for you."

Tianhe ate half of it, and handed the rest to Guan Yue, who helped him finish it.

When watching a movie at night, Tianhe was still hiccupping, luckily Guan Yue booked the show. The two sat on the big sofa in the middle, Tianhe leaned lazily against each other, Guan Yue glanced at him, raised his hand, and gestured for him to sit in a more comfortable position. Tianhe then adjusted his posture, resting his head on Guan Yue's chest, leaning against his arms, half lying down like when he was a child, and finished watching the whole "Wall-E".

When seeing WallE and Eva flying and chasing in space, Tianhe raised his head and glanced at Guan Yue.

Guan Yue: "?"

Tianhe: "?"

The two continued watching the movie.

After the show ended, Guan Yue took Tianhe up to the top floor of the theater and asked, "Have you ever been in a helicopter?!"

"I sat in Zijian's house!"

With the strong wind coming, Guan Yue protected Tianhe, boarded the helicopter, set sail, turned around, and flew to Cambridgeshire. The plane stopped on the tarmac in front of the house, Tianhe thanked the pilot politely.

The sports car shipped in advance by the family had already arrived in London. It was given to Tianhe by Guan Zhengping, and Tianhe decided to post it to London. Guan Yue just glanced, then nodded, Tianhe wanted to tell him something about Guan Zhengping, but Guan Yue seemed to know everything.

The butler and his servant greeted Tianhe in German. Tianhe recognized him. He was the butler of his uncle's house, and he was sent here! Guan Yue couldn't understand German, and the butler's English was a bit broken, which made him a little annoyed, but Kan Tianhe seemed very happy, as long as you are happy anyway.

"Why did you come in suddenly!" Tian He was soaking in the bathroom, while Guan Yue came in to hang his clothes.

Guan Yue: "Forget that I bathed you?"

Tianhe was very embarrassed, pulled the shower curtain, Guan Yue came over to pull the shower curtain, a dog barking "Wow", startled Tianhe, Tianhe said: "Get out quickly! I don't wear silk pajamas."

Guan Yue: "My mother specially ordered it to be made for you."

Tianhe: "The weaving count is so high, it's too dense and slippery, it's uncomfortable and insecure, like wearing two garbage bags on your body, I wear cotton."

Guan Yue had no choice but to give up, went out and changed into padded pajamas, thought about it, called the housekeeper over, and together they changed all the bedding including pillowcases for Tianhe, and took away the silk products sent from home.

After taking a shower, Tianhe was finally sleepy. He sat on the bed with his head tilted and poured out the water from his ears.

Guan Yue: "Sleepy?"

Tianhe leaned on the seat of the plane, looked sideways at Guan Yue, the reading light illuminated their eyebrows, Guan Yue raised his eyebrows with a questioning expression.

Tianhe said: "Your silk pajamas really look like garbage bags."

Guan Yue: "..."

Guan Yue couldn't imagine why Tianhe would mention his pajamas on the plane.

"You were born to mock me." Guan Yue said.

"Yes, go to sleep." Tianhe said, and then laid the seat flat.

Guan Yue turned off the light, the stewardess came over and closed the door, the first-class cabin turned into a small room with a double bed in the center, Tianhe lay down, sideways, with his back to Guan Yue.

"I overslept at the airport that day." Guan Yue was reminded by the garbage bag that he remembered the day when Tian He first arrived in London, and said suddenly in the dark, "You still suspect that I have a girlfriend."

Tianhe replied: "I really thought there was, and I bought her a bag in the duty-free shop. I was afraid that if I went to live in your house, I would be rejected by her, and I would be driven back to the school dormitory alone. How could I even be rejected along the way?" Things are all sorted out.”

Guan Yue said to himself: "When I was young, you were so possessive of me."

Tianhe: "Because I lack a sense of security, children with incomplete native families are a little worried about gains and losses. My elder brother left home, my father passed away, and the departure of relatives aggravated my anxiety. I was afraid that I would suddenly lose important things. People, until we broke up, returned to China, and my second brother abandoned me. I always thought, why do I think it’s okay to go bankrupt? At that time, I might have nothing to lose.”

Guan Yue: "I don't want to hear you dissect your own heart, it makes me very uncomfortable."

Tianhe could only laugh and said, "Well, to tell the truth these days, I'll be scolded too."

Suddenly the plane bumped, Tianhe was shaken and hit Guan Yue's arms, Guan Yue immediately reached out and hugged him.

Tianhe: "..."

Guan Yue maintained this posture without moving, and said, "Fasten your seat belt."

Tianhe sat up, fastened the seat belt outside the blanket, and said, "Have you fastened it?"

Tianhe touched Guan Yue's waist and tied it up. When he lay down again, he lay on the pillow. Guan Yue turned sideways and looked at Tianhe in the dark. Tianhe turned his head and looked at Guan Yue. After a while , Guan Yue turned his gaze.

First night before arriving in London:

"Sleep with you?" Guan Yue asked before turning off the lights.

"Is it okay?" Tianhe sat on the bed and asked.

Guan Yue lifted the quilt and lay down on the bed, but Tianhe still didn't want to sleep, so he rolled on the bed.

Tianhe: "This mattress is exactly the same as the one at home."

Guan Yue: "I asked Aunt Fang and ordered it from Germany."

Tianhe: "Germany sends mattresses so fast?"

Guan Yue: "It was booked half a month ago! You know how to annoy me, every time you are so angry that you can't speak. Go to sleep, aren't you sleepy?"

Tianhe: "Are you at home tomorrow?"

Guan Yue: "Are you listening to me seriously? I'll tell you today. I won't go anywhere for a month. I'll take you out to play! Turn off the lights."

Tianhe didn't want to sleep yet, so he curiously started to rummage through boxes and cabinets to see what was in the house, but Guan Yue turned off the light, hugged him by the waist and dragged him back to the bed, Tianhe struggled a few times, and was pressed down by Guan Yue's foot , had to move.

"It's too heavy!" Tianhe called out.

Guan Yue turned his body sideways, with one foot slightly propped up, his left hand resting on Tianhe's pillow, and his right hand also supported it, like a man-made cage, confining Tianhe in a small area.

Guan Yue: "Why are you so energetic? Are you not tired? Tell you a story?"

Tianhe: "The story you tell is too ups and downs, the more you listen to it, the more energetic you become."

Guan Yue: "Poetry?"

"Aquí te amo." Guan Yue's voice said in the darkness, "En los oscuros pinos se desenreda el viento."

Tianhe: "I don't understand Spanish."

"Fosforece la luna sobre las aguas errantes..." Guan Yue's voice was deep and clear, full of rhythmic beauty, just like a poet.

“Andan días iguales persiguiéndose…”

Tianhe rested on Guan Yue's arm, casually playing with the buttons of his pajamas.

The plane encountered the airflow again and began to bump and vibrate. The past and the present, countless memories seemed to be shaken together in the turbulence.

Tianhe turned sideways, saw Guan Yue's back was facing him, watched Guan Yue's back for a while, and gradually fell asleep.

New Zealand, Wellington, 11 am, the first day of team building, free activities.

In the cool midsummer of New Zealand, the sun almost blinded Tianhe's eyes. Most of the employees were resting in the hotel to overcome jet lag. Tianhe was fine. He changed into a cool white shirt and black sports shorts and decided to go out for a stroll . Guan Yue was wearing sunglasses, a blue palm tree patterned shirt and beach pants, with only a card in the breast pocket of the shirt.

Tianhe originally wanted to go to the museum, but found that many employees in the lobby were eager to keep up. He must have wanted to play with him and Guan Yue, but he was afraid of disturbing them.

The former Qingsong front desk girl who has been upgraded to an administrative assistant smiled and said, "Where did Mr. Wen go to play?"

"Museum, do you want to go?" Tianhe said, "Let Mr. Guan explain it to everyone for free."

Guan Yue put his hands in the pockets of his beach pants and waited patiently at the hotel entrance wearing his sneakers.

"Okay." Everyone stood up one after another.

Judging by the speed at which he got up, Tianhe seemed a little reluctant, so he smiled and said: "Then go shopping and ask Mr. Guan to provide the closing service?"

"Okay!!!!" Everyone cheered and rushed over in an instant.

Tianhe was thinking about where Tong Kai and Jiang Zijian had gone, but he didn't want to disturb their world, so he went to a jewelry store and opened the door to go in.

Guan Yue followed Tianhe, showed his card, and the shop assistants closed the shop to keep the employees out.

"Mr. Guan! Let us in!"

The shop assistants all looked at Guan Yue's face, Guan Yue lowered his head slightly, turned to Tianhe and said, "You go shopping first."

Tianhe said: "I don't have anything to buy, I just come with them."

Tianhe would rather go to a museum than to visit this kind of store, Guan Yue signaled the clerk to open the door, and the company employees came in one after another, then Guan Yue handed the credit card to Macy and said, "You lead the team, let's go."

This is the best way, so Tianhe smiled at them and said: "Don't buy too much, there are still a few places to go, have fun, bye."

So he went out with Guan Yue again.

"Museum?" Guan Yue asked.

When Tianhe and Guan Yue came to New Zealand last time, they had already visited all the places, and suddenly they didn't want to go any more, so they said, "Walk for a while?"

Under the bright sunshine, the birds passing by outside the harbor made melodious chirps, and the white clouds floated in the sky like cotton candy, drifting slowly driven by the sea breeze. The surrounding houses are bright white, reflecting the blue water of the deep water port, just like walking into a cartoon.

Tianhe sat down on the bench in front of the harbor, and Guan Yue also sat down beside him. Tianhe leaned back in his chair, looking at the snow-capped peaks of Mount Kaikoura in the distance. Guan Yue lowered his head slightly, looking at the seabirds jumping at their feet.

Tianhe turned his head and stared at Guan Yue. Suddenly the seabird flew away. Guan Yue raised his head and watched it leave. His sunglasses reflected the white clouds in the sky. Tianhe followed his movements and looked up at the sky.

"Whose poem is suitable for this time?" Tianhe turned his head, looked at Guan Yue again, and said with a smile, "Does the president know any New Zealand poets?"

"You." Guan Yue said seriously, "Look at the clouds for a while, and me for a while."

"I think," Guan Yue turned his head and looked at Tianhe, "When you look at me, you are far away, but when you look at the clouds, you are very close."

Tianhe: "The last days of Gu Cheng's life are left at the end of the world."

Guan Yue: "Yes, New Zealand."

Tianhe: "You are full of romanticism in your bones. In fact, I think all the poems you selected in the book of poems you translated and published are very beautiful."

Guan Yue took off his sunglasses, put one hand on the back of the chair, crossed his legs, and stared at the harbor.

"No." Guan Yue said, "I'm not romantic, I only know how to read, but not how to write. I don't have talent, and in this life, I will never see the gate of the Temple of the Muse."

"That's because you didn't try." Tianhe said, "Want to try? I'm willing to be your first reader."

Guan Yue: "I'm not romantic, so I long for this kind of innate romance, and I also long for people who have innate romance."

Tianhe looked towards the harbor and smiled hard: "The latter half of the sentence sounds a bit pun."

Guan Yue said: "You are not wrong. I thought about it for a long time that day. I was the one who was wrong."

His fingers tapped lightly on Tianhe's shoulder.

"I like what I don't have." Guan Yue said, "If you say, give me a goal in this life, maybe it is to protect the child in my memory."

Guan Yue tilted his head and looked at Tianhe. His deep eyes looked at Tianhe's eyebrows, nose bridge, his lips, and then raised his eyes again to look at his eyes.

"When I heard you say that you have to accept the reality that day, I felt like I saw with my own eyes the pain when something I cherished for so long was broken. The moonlight shone on the sixpence everywhere. I only knew I bowed my head and walked forward, thinking that the shining light was my way, but I forgot that I was also a person who stared at the moon for a long time.”

"So the wrong person should be me. I forgot my ideal for a while. I'm sorry, baby."

Tianhe turned his head and looked at the distance on the pier.

Guan Yue: "Would you like something to drink?"

"Not... not bad," Tianhe's voice trembled, "I'm not too thirsty."

Guan Yue remembered and said, "I don't have any money with me, I'll go and find a way."

Guan Yue got up, put on his sunglasses, and went to the drink stand. Tianhe looked at him blankly. Guan Yue chatted with the owner of the drink stand. The boss made an "OK" sign and gave Guan Yue a drink. .

Tianhe got up and walked over quickly, wanting to hug Guan Yue from behind and stick it on his back, but Guan Yue had already turned around and casually patted his head.

The boss smiled at the two of them.

Guan Yue handed the drink to Tianhe, Tianhe thanked the boss, Guan Yue put his shoulders on his shoulders, went to the pier, leaned against the railing and looked at Tianhe sideways. Tianhe said, "How did you get the drink?"

Guan Yue replied: "I just said that you are thirsty and want to drink something, but I am poor and cannot afford his drink."

Tianhe: "..."

Guan Yue said solemnly, "That's really what I said."

Yachts come and go outside the pier, stirring up the white waves.

Tianhe: "What birthday gift do you want? A yacht for you? Midgard's yacht has not been used for a long time, it has broken down."

Guan Yue: "I'm thirsty too, can you give me a sip of the drink?"

Tianhe laughed, and handed the drink to Guan Yue, Guan Yue drank some through the straw, and wanted to hold his hand, when suddenly a yacht flew over and made a quick turn around the pier, "Wow!" There was a sound of sea water flying up to the shore like a waterfall, splashing on both of them.

Tianhe: "..."

"Hey!" Tong Kai shouted from the boat, "Come down and play!"

Guan Yue was almost blown up by Tong Kai, Jiang Zijian climbed onto the surfboard, waved and said, "Tianhe! Come down and play!"

Tianhe: "Where did it come from?"

"I just bought it!" Tong Kai shouted, "Just play!" He signaled the boatman to turn around. Guan Yue took the drink and dripped water all over his body, but Tianhe had already cheered and ran down the pier, Guan Yue had no choice but to catch up quickly.

"I'll buy another one!" Jiang Zijian stood at the stern and said, "Let's compete with each other! There's no need to fight!"

"Why do I want so many yachts? Do I take them home and put them in the fountain?" Tianhe stopped Jiang Zijian's behavior, took off his shoes and stepped on the board, stirring up white waves. Guan Yue looked at Tianhe nervously and said, "Slow down!"

"If you slow down, you won't be able to fly!" Tianhe shouted, "Go faster!"

Guan Yue: "No! Be careful!"

The yacht almost dragged Tianhe to fly on the water, and Tianhe even played a trick of turning the waves at 360 degrees, but he didn't play for a long time, he couldn't grasp the angle, and fell into the sea at once. Guan Yue hurriedly jumped into the sea, swam over, and brought Tianhe onto the boat.

"I went to play with the sprinkler!" Jiang Zijian threw the camera to Tianhe, and was attracted by the hydroplane. He and Tong Kai sprayed water jets and flew around in the air. Tianhe stood at the stern, picked up the camera, and said, "Are you ready?"

"Open!" Guan Yue shouted in the sea holding the surfboard.

The yacht accelerated slowly, dragged Guan Yue and began to speed. Guan Yue swipe left, swipe right, sending up waves all over the sky, and then turning over head and foot, Tianhe raised his heart in his throat, and then, Guan Yue steadied himself when he fell down!

Tianhe was startled, shouted, and even forgot to take a picture of Guan Yue. As soon as the yacht turned around, Guan Yue soared into the air, drawing an arc in the air with the water waves behind him, and when flying past Tianhe, he whistled at him.

Tianhe picked up the camera and decisively took a picture of this moment. Guan Yue is really amazing! No matter what kind of sports, I play much better than him!

"Look at my gestures!" Guan Yue pulled the tow rope behind the yacht, soared above the water, and shouted in English, "Captain!"

The captain turned around and said OK, Tianhe realized what he was going to do, and said, "No, no, it's too dangerous! Don't play dead!"

Guan Yue pulled the leash with his left hand, stepped on the skateboard, and made a gesture with his right hand.

The captain slowed down, Guan Yue pulled the traction rope, and flew up into the air, Tianhe knew at a glance that Guan Yue was going to rush and hug his waist like riding a horse, this was too desperate! However, at the next moment, Guan Yue took advantage of the momentum and flew up to the stern, slipped on the stern cover, stepped on the surfboard and drifted sideways, stretched out his arms, and hugged him.

However, suddenly the surfboard slipped at the stern of the boat, causing Guan Yue to stagger, flew out obliquely, and fell into the sea again.

"It's too badass!" Tianhe said angrily, "Don't play like this! It's over if you hit a concussion!"

Guan Yue: "Don't worry! I've played so many times! I won't run into each other! Do it again!"

Tianhe said: "It used to be in the sea, it's too dangerous to fly on a boat! I'm going to be angry!"

Guan Yue had no choice but to give up, wiped the sea water off his face, and smiled helplessly.

The yacht drove not far from the coast.

"Hehe—" Jiang Zijian said to Tianhe after playing with the water craft, "Honey, do you want to come?"

Two coaches were unpacking the equipment for Jiang Zijian and Tong Kai, Tianhe said, "Let's play this!"

Guan Yue and Tianhe put on the Flyboad equipment, with a seawater suction hose connected to their backs, and with the help of momentum, they could fly to a height of more than ten meters. The coach made an OK move, Tianhe flew into the air first, Guan Yue followed closely behind, and flew into the air, dragging two white water jets that refracted the sun.

Tianhe used to be on summer vacation, and would go to his Midgard island with Guan Yue every year for vacation. Guan Yue himself is the owner of the island, he can play however he wants, and he even gave Tianhe a Flyboad, and he played for a month, so he couldn't be more familiar with it.

Tianhe controls the water gun with both hands, spins in the air, throws out a plane, and sprinkles thousands of shining water droplets on the sea surface. In the dark blue velvety sea curtain, it is like a gentle flower blooming from the depths of the universe. of dazzling stars.

Guan Yue dragged out a line of water, turned around and kicked, and with a "crash", a gorgeous river of stars was sprinkled on the clear sky and the blue sea.

The coaches applauded loudly, and seven or eight yachts nearby turned around one after another and gathered around to watch the two chase after each other. Above the head is a clear blue sky like the eyes of a giant, and under the feet is the endless sea. Yachts gather around the periphery, forming a circle with an area of thousands of square meters. On a cruise ship, the sound of music is played, like a huge stage .

On the magnificent sea, the moment the music started, Tianhe instantly emptied his head and turned around in the air, while Guan Yue made a sharp turn close to the sea surface, stirring up a column of water and flying towards Tianhe.

Tianhe turned sideways and flew away, Guan Yue flew in front of him, Tianhe turned somersault, Guan Yue seemed to expect him to fly away, so he also turned somersault in the air.

Amidst the cheers from the surrounding boats, the two drew a shining arc of water at the same time, one after the other, they flew towards the surface of the sea, landed at the lowest point, and then soared up. Yes, laughed.

Guan Yue, however, pursued Tianhe earnestly, and the two of them made a beautiful, waterfall-like circle on the three-meter-high sea.

"I'm entangled!" Jiang Zijian shouted.

At the end of the music, the coaches hurriedly gestured, Tianhe's water pipe got stuck with Guan Yue's, and Guan Yue immediately said: "Be careful!"

Tianhe stabilized, descended slowly, panting a bit from exhaustion, and said, "I won't play anymore."

Guan Yue: "You fly too fast."

The surrounding yachts dispersed one after another, and the four of them returned to the boat. At sunset, the setting sun was like blood, shining on the sea, and the port was full of golden light. After landing, candles were lit on the tables in the large and small restaurants at the port. Amidst the sound of the violin, the waiter wearing white gloves brought menus to Tianhe and Guan Yue.

The twilight is deep, the candlelight in the glass is flickering, and the sea breeze is blowing.

"Catch it that day." Tianhe said, "You don't need to divide the lobster and fish, share."

The waiter took the red wine, showed it to the two, and asked, "Do you two want to taste the king oyster we just caught this afternoon?"

Guan Yue glanced at Tianhe, who held his forehead with one hand.

Guan Yue: "?"

Tianhe: "How do I know? You can order it if you want."

Guan Yue didn't order, and he didn't order, the waiter took the menu with a wink, and bowed politely.

"It's so big!" When Tianhe saw the oyster, his whole body was shocked. It was three times the size of the zero-size Girardeau. Fortunately, there was only one oyster, otherwise he would not know who would eat whom.

Guan Yue was puzzled and said, "What's so big?"

Tianhe had no choice but to ignore him and look at the sea. Guan Yue said, "Half for you?"

Tianhe immediately said: "Don't stab it in the stomach with a knife! You eat it yourself! I don't want it."

Oyster: "..."

Guan Yue: "How can I eat it if I don't cut it open? Come on, you're welcome."

Tianhe knew that Guan Yue was going to punish him, so he forced himself to watch him cut the oyster in half, and hurriedly said: "No, no, I won't eat it, you can enjoy it yourself, Mr. Guan, this honor should belong to Your."

"I invite you to share this honor." Guan Yue was polite, poked the oyster a few times in front of Tianhe with a silver fork, and said, "Look at its white belly and juicy skirt. Squeeze and it will ooze shiny…”

Tianhe: "Please don't say it, I was wrong! Mr. Guan." Suddenly, Tianhe thought of a killer move to counterattack.

Tianhe immediately changed his expression and said sincerely: "Mr. Guan, you'd better get rid of it quickly, otherwise it's hard to say what will happen later."

Guan Yue had a bad feeling.

Tian He shouted to the employees who had just entered the restaurant: "Hi! You are done shopping! What did you buy?"

The employees entered the restaurant one after another, and Messi came over to return Guanyue's credit card. Everyone was so happy that they came over to say hello to Guanyue.

"Hello Boss... Wow! OMG!"

The employees came with big and small shopping bags, and they came one by one to say hello to Guan Yue and Tianhe. Everyone was shocked and said, "This oyster is so big!"

"Boss! You actually eat such a big oyster!"

"Wow, this oyster is really big!"

Guan Yue: "..."

Tianhe persuaded him earnestly: "That's right! It's really cruel. God has the virtue of loving life. Mr. Guan, you should let him go on the spot. It's not easy to grow up like this."

Tianhe felt that Guan Yue was about to collapse, so he motioned everyone to find a seat and sit down, and said, "Mr. Guan is treating you tonight, so everyone can order whatever you want."

The restaurant immediately became lively, and the waiters shuttled around, serving seafood to them. Tianhe just turned his head, then turned back, and found that the oyster was gone, leaving an empty shell.

Tianhe showed a horrified expression: "You swallowed it whole??? How did you do that?"

Guan Yue: "..."

At 8:30 p.m., in the hotel lobby, the employees thanked the boss for the closed shop service and the seafood feast, and returned to their rooms with satisfaction and bright smiles.

In the elevator, Wu Shun was carrying big and small bags, Guan Yue, Tianhe, Jiang Zijian and Tong Kai looked at him together.

Tianhe understood at a glance, and said, "I still have to deliver them room by room? What did you buy?"

Wu Shun said: "Bulgari's small bag, for Jing."

Everyone laughed.

Wu Shun: "I heard Mr. Guan ate a washbasin-sized oyster tonight?"

Guan Yue took a deep breath, and after three seconds, he replied: "Yes, the taste is very good."

When the elevator arrived, Wu Shun went out first.

The door is closed, continue to go up.

Guan Yue lived in the presidential suite on the top floor. There were six bedrooms and three reception rooms in the suite. Originally, Tianhe, Tong Kai, Jiang Zijian, and Wu Shun could all live in it, but Messi also booked two rooms for each of them according to the vice president's specifications. Executive suites on the 16th, 23rd and 20th floors. Jiang Zijian was the receptionist, and he was only allowed to live in a beggar's house. Of course, he paid for the upgrade himself, and the company didn't care.

Then Jiang Zijian swiped his card and upgraded all the remaining employees in the company to a luxurious viewing room with a double bed.

The elevator dinged and reached the twentieth floor. The waiter pressed the door and waited politely.

Tianhe glanced at Tong Kai and Jiang Zijian, and politely said to the waiter, "You pressed the wrong button, keep going up."

Tong Kai answered, "I'm going back to my room."

The other three remained silent, Tianhe pursed his lips, turned his eyes around, Guan Yue slightly moved Jiang Zijian's elbow.

Jiang Zijian: "I, I, I... that... um... By the way, I, um..."

Tianhe: "..."

Guan Yue: "..."

Tong Kai: "..."