Turing’s Code

Chapter 64


The vice president and the person in charge have been looking at the front desk suspiciously. Liao Shan held the cup, came over to look at Wu Shun, and calmly went out to walk the dog, while Wu Shun sorted out the documents and put them away, sat still, and looked at them again.

Tong Kai stepped down quickly, looked around, and said, "Please come in, please come in, I'm neglecting you."

Andy was brought into the conference room of the green house, where Guan Yue was already waiting.

Tong Kai was about to ask someone to pour water, but remembered that Jiang Zijian was still upstairs, and suddenly saw Wu Shun.

Wu Shun came over to refill them with water, and the vice president immediately said in horror, "Don't dare."

"We will do it ourselves." The other person in charge got up immediately.

"You're welcome." Wu Shun said with a smile, "What happened last time?"

The two people from the agency suddenly fidgeted and said, "It's all going well."

Wu Shun said, "That's good, that's good."

Guan Yue fell silent, looked at Andy, and thought for a moment. Andy saw that the people he brought were sitting neatly, and they were supposed to come to squeeze Guan Yue, but his own people were squeezed right first, so he had to ignore them for now, and said to Guan Yue, "Have you thought it through?"

Guan Yue tapped his fingers on the table and said, "It still takes time, Mr. Andy."

Andy glanced at the two directors of the organization, and said, "They have prepared some proposals to acquire shares in your company, and brought them to Mr. Guan to have a look today. By the way, let's take a look at the company's situation."

Guan Yue took the proposal and said, "Okay, we will hurry up."

Andy said again: "Guan Yue, to be honest, I think you are deceiving me."

Guan Yue: "Why do you say that?"

Andy: "You're just procrastinating, by the way, I recently invested in a new startup."

As soon as Guan Yue heard this, he knew Andy was hooked.

"...they also really need this Canadian server unit now." Andy spread his hands and said, "Small companies don't have any contacts, so they can only ask our investors for help. Of course, breaking the lease with you is a breach of contract, but I think , Liquidated damages are also a small case for Qingsong.”

Guan Yue nodded and said, "The liquidated damages are equivalent to one year's rental fee."

Andy said: "According to the meaning of the headquarters, we will help the other company pay for this money. We can't lose much. It just supports the company we invested in. But I said a lot for you in front of the board of directors. What if we still plan to vote for Epeus next? There's no need for that, is there?"

Guan Yue nodded.

Andy said again: "But look, how did you repay me?"

Guan Yue: "As soon as possible."

Andy: "I'll give you a deadline, before March 1st, think about it as soon as possible, OK?"

Guan Yue took a deep breath and nodded.

"No, no, no," Jiang Zijian said, "Let him go this way."

"You are too ruthless," Tianhe said, "Three times in a row, he will find out!"

Jiang Zijian: "He can't find out, Xiaokai is in charge of fighting and cooperating, and I almost ran into it myself last time."

Tianhe began to change the transparency of all the light-controlled glass on the first floor, and sent a message to the computers of all employees in the company: [Everyone should not leave their respective positions before twelve o'clock.]

Then, Jiang Zijian turned on the light control system and changed all the glass on the first floor to fully transparent.

"Okay, that's it." Andy got up, turned and went out, banging his head on the glass door with a loud noise.

Guan Yue immediately said: "Boss Andy, the door is over here."

"It hurts!" Tianhe whispered.

Jiang Zijian smiled and hid behind Feng Song's work station, stomping his feet, holding the remote control, and avoiding Andy with Tianhe. All the programmers raised their heads, looked at Andy, and saw Andy walking towards them.

"The exit is here, Mr. Andy, please pay attention to the steps under your feet."

Andy just looked down at his feet, before he finished speaking, he hit a group of investment managers in a meeting with a "bang" on the glass wall outside the conference room for a second time.

Everyone turned around immediately and started to twitch.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Tong Kai said hastily, "The glass is too clean."

Wu Shun: "Three, please go slowly."

Andy: "..."

This time, Andy asked the two members of the organization to leave first. After the other party walked past, Tong Kai caught up and said to Andy: "President Andy, this is our company's brochure."

Andy turned around, with a red mark on his forehead, took the manual, and Jiang Zijian quickly pressed the remote control to close the automatic door.

"You go slowly..."

As soon as Andy turned around, the two managers were about to remind him to be careful, but Andy was already dizzy, and slammed the company's door for the third time. Just when Liao Shan came in, her face was full of horror, looking at Andy's face imprint on the company's gate, Jiang Zijian and Tianhe laughed so hard that they fell on the carpet.

Andy cursed, took a deep breath, and left the company quickly.

Tianhe and Jiang Zijian were appreciating the face print left by Andy on the glass wall with satisfaction.

Tong Kai said: "You can make a mask, you must keep it, decorate it with spray paint, and be a Santa Claus."

Guan Yue signaled Tianhe to follow him upstairs—Wen Tianheng had left the customs.

Tianhe whispered something to Jiang Zijian, and Jiang Zijian nodded.

"Let me chat with the third child." Wen Tianheng said.

Guan Yue nodded, let Tianhe in, closed the office door and went out.

With a document rolled up in Tianhe's hand, he looked at Wen Tianheng. The ashtray on the table was full of cigarette butts.

Wen Tianheng: "Simply put it..."

Tianhe said with a blank expression: "The leader is going to have a meeting, come on, everyone, sit down and take out your notebook."

Wen Tianheng: "..."

Tianhe looked at Wen Tianheng, and knew that it was useless to reason with him at this time, the more he reasoned with him, the more he would act like a big brother to scold others, the only way was to argue with him and talk about it Trick, mess with him like you did with Guan Yue.

Use his sympathy and guilt to effectively attack him. There is no reason to talk to relatives. You must tidy him up before you can take him home.

Wen Tianheng: "What do you mean? You are so yin and yang, and you usually talk like this to others? Where did you learn politeness?"

Tian He had a dark face, didn't speak, and didn't look at Wen Tianheng, and said, "No one taught or supervised me since I was a child, so I just learned it like this."

Wen Tianheng was led away as soon as he came up, and said: "It wasn't like this yesterday, you are trying to make me angry on purpose! Do you really think I can't do anything about you?"

Tianhe: "You hit me! You hit me now, let's go downstairs, how about you hit me in front of the whole company?"

Wen Tianheng: "Hey, don't dare, or I go downstairs, kneel down and slap myself in front of the whole company?"

Tianhe: "..."

Pu Luo: "This is the first time I've seen Tianhe choked by someone other than Guan Yue since I knew Tianhe."

Wen Tianheng: "By the way, I'll make you an automatic slap machine, so you don't have to use physical punishment, save some energy, let's go, go, get up."

Tianhe sat still with a dark face, thinking about how to make Wen Tianheng succumb next.

"Why are you in your twenties, and still like to act coquettish and lose your temper?" Wen Tianheng said, "If you don't take you out, you will cry, make trouble, and make a lot of phone calls when you come home late. When I was three years old, As soon as you learn how to make a phone call, you will know to find me."

Tianhe: "Is there? I forgot."

Wen Tianheng said: "I did half of the experiment, you called me, and I made a mistake as soon as I answered your call, and the data was calculated for a long time, all wrong! I have to recalculate, don't you know?"

Tianhe: "What's none of my business? Don't answer! How old was I at that time? How do I know so much? How do I know your data?!"

Wen Tianheng: "Don't you have your own life? Can't you play with your own toys?"

Tianhe couldn't believe it, and tapped on the table with the rolled-up information in his hand: "Don't you think it's too cruel to say to a three-year-old child, 'You don't have your own life'? Three-year-olds have their own lives, can you show me one?"

Wen Tianheng: "When I was three years old..."

Tianhe: "Pu Luo, call Aunt Fang. Aunt Fang has often praised me for being able to go to the toilet by myself when I was three, what about you? You still need to wear diapers when you are three!"

Wen Tianheng said: "Forget it! Speaking of Puluo, it happens to be..."

Tianhe: "Come, come, the leader is going to have a meeting, everyone sit down."

Wen Tianheng: "Is it over? I really want to beat you to death, what do you think your second brother treats you like?"

Tianhe: "Go, go downstairs and hit me in front of the staff!"

Wen Tianheng was so dizzy by his younger brother, he lost his temper immediately, and said, "Okay, I lose! What do you want?"

Tianhe: "Give me a wish."

Wen Tianheng: "If you have something to say, just say it, follow me? No way."

Tianhe: "You walked away for twenty years in the blink of an eye without saying a word, and now I only made one wish to you, and you don't even agree to it?"

Wen Tianheng: "Where did you learn this? I promised you, you must say that this wish is to fulfill your three wishes. Then, the first thing to do is to let me go home with you! The second wish , definitely have something to do with your sister Qiu and Wen Tianyue of Gou Ri. And the third wish, I have to make ten more wishes, the first of the ten is for me to accept your relationship with Guan Yue. I told Guan Yue, as long as you two don’t touch me in front of me, I will treat it as if I can’t see it. There are nine wishes left, and you start to use them slowly, use up eight, and the last one, come to raise another ten. A wish, who do you want to trick?"

Tianhe thought, how do you understand so well? He changed his tune and said: "Don't talk to me about these things, you just say yes or no! Twenty years! Twenty years! The life sentence has only been closed for twenty years, and others can commute it! My hard work these years If I miss you, just make a wish..." Then he said to his elder brother in disbelief, "Is this still not enough? You can ask Guan Yue, will he satisfy me with a hundred or a thousand wishes?"

Wen Tianheng almost vomited blood when he heard the phrase "life imprisonment", and made a gesture with one hand, which meant OK, OK.

"One," Wen Tianheng said, "can only be for one thing."

Pu Luo: "Congratulations, Tianhe and you have won again."

Tianhe spread out the agreement in his hand and threw it on the table with a "slap".

Wen Tianheng: "..."

"It's such a happy decision." Tianhe took out a pen and handed it to his eldest brother, "Let's talk about Pro after signing."

Wen Tianheng: "You really think I can't cure you?"

"Yes!" Tianhe got up calmly without saying a word, walked to the window, pushed open the window, and stepped up, Wen Tianheng got up immediately: "The second floor will break a bone!"

"Sign the agreement!" Tianhe pointed at the desk, stepped out, and said, "Otherwise, my head will hit the ground first. Guan Yue will die with me later, and there will be two corpses underneath."

Wen Tianheng quickly sat back at his desk and signed.

Tianhe looked at Wen Tianheng suspiciously, but Wen Tianheng put the three agreements on the shredder and started a stalemate with him.

Pu Luo: "Oh, it seems that there is still hope for a comeback. You really shouldn't be too happy too early, Tianhe, congratulations on finally meeting an opponent of comparable strength."

Tianhe: "What do you want to do?"

Wen Tianheng: "Jump, jump, jump, and your contract will be gone." As he spoke, he slowly put the contract on the shredder, shaking the edge, and looked at Tianhe politely.

Tianhe climbed out a little more, turned to look at Wen Tianheng, and said, "I'm about to fall."

Wen Tianheng: "Come back to me now, or I'll let go right away. Although I don't know what these things are, I don't care. They will soon be wiped out."

Pu Luo: "You guys should talk about me."

Tianhe said: "As soon as I come back, you have to put the agreement into the shredder, then catch me, and call the gate to come up, I won't believe you."

Wen Tianheng: "When you come back, speak up if you have something to say."

Tianhe: "You must be thinking in your heart now, the wish is to 'sign' these three contracts, and you didn't say that you can't smash them after signing."

Pro: "This case demonstrates from the side that you are indeed biological brothers without any suspense."

"Forget it, don't talk nonsense with you, I'll dance." Tianhe said.

Tianhe fell down.


In the office, Wen Tianheng immediately threw away the agreement and rushed to the window. Tianhe jumped out of the window, and Guan Yue, who was waiting outside, stepped on the big table and stood tall, immediately reached out and hugged Tianhe. down.

A group of programmers were having lunch, looked up at the sky and climbed out of the office on the second floor, and were carried down by Guan Yue. The two jumped off the big table together, looked up at Wen Tianheng, and saluted him together.

Wen Tianheng rushed to the window and looked down, Jiang Zijian pushed the office door, stepped in, quickly collected the agreement thrown on the ground, and swept away.

"Brother! I'm sorry!" Jiang Zijian said, "I'm on a salary, so I'll do whatever the boss asks me to do! The whole family should be tidy! You'd better listen to Tianhe and go home!"

Tianhe waved to his elder brother: "Hi—"

Wen Tianheng turned around again, and the agreement was gone.

Wen Tianheng: "..."

Pu Luo: "You failed to come back, just admit it, Tian Heng."

ten minutes later.

"Okay." Tianhe said, "Let's welcome the new technical director. From now on, I will take a back seat and work as a research and development assistant."

The programmers looked at Wen Tianheng numbly, not knowing what this guy was from, and applauded. Liao Shan looked at Wen Tianheng suspiciously, and said, "You look like this, do you understand computers?"

Wen Tianheng suddenly became angry: "You are so beautiful, don't you also become a programmer? Look down on the handsome guy!"

Feng Song: "Do you want your faces?"

Messi held the sign in both hands and handed it to Guan Yue, Guan Yue handed the sign to Tianhe, Tianhe found a small office on the first floor and helped his elder brother hang it up.

"Okay." Tianhe said, "Inform the business director that you can come over to join the job in the afternoon."

The programmers put away their lunch boxes and started to work.

In the afternoon, Wen Tianyue came and received the badge of business director.

Everyone looked at Wen Tianyue and said nothing. Wen Tianyue looked at Guan Yue, then at Tianhe, and then Wen Tianheng entered the conference room, Wen Tianyue immediately started playing.

"Okay," Tianhe said calmly, "please sit down. Now that everyone is full, we will have a happy gathering at Epeus and Yuehe Company today."

Jiang Zijian: "Everyone applaud!"

Jiang Zijian clapped his hands a few times, and Wu Shun clapped in unison, then fell silent for a while.

General Manager Guan Yue, Vice President Tong Kai, Product Director Wu Shun, Commercial Director Wen Tianyue, Technical Director Wen Tianheng, Front Office Jiang Zijian—except for Wu Shun, they were all recruited by Tianhe. Tianhe looked at the people on both sides of the long table.

Pu Luo: "Tianhe, this is really the pinnacle of your foolish achievements in this life."

"Starting with a kun, the evolution depends on swallowing." Tianhe said with emotion, "Next, I don't have to worry about it going bankrupt."

Tong Kai sighed: "You are the biggest winner in life."

Tianhe: "Okay, nothing special. Let's get to know each other. Although we are basically familiar with each other, let's get along with each other and love each other for my sake. Vice President, I'll leave it to you. Let me explain and pay attention. matter."

Tong Kai: "The main points are just a few, I hope everyone can work hard, don't get together in the company to fight, don't be weird, insinuate, don't fight, especially pay attention to the front desk. Don't seek rebellion, and don't kill each other."

Guan Yue nodded and looked at the crowd.

Tong Kai said, "Any comments?"

The executives replied: "No."

Guan Yue: "The meeting is adjourned, the commercial director has come to my office."

Wen Tianheng: "The research and development assistant came to my office."

Tong Kai: "The front desk comes to my office."

Everyone dispersed for a while, Wen Tianheng entered his office, faced Tian He Shen Mo, thought for a while, and said: "There are thousands of words, I don't know where to start."

"Let's start with the birth of Pu Luo." Tianhe said, "Do you need to rest for a while?"

Wen Tianheng waved his hand and said, "It's okay to stay overnight once in a while, your eldest brother and I are still in good health."

Pro's voice sounded in the office: "I always think that you should have a good talk."

Tianhe looked at the eldest brother, thought for a while, and said, "Brother, let's be honest. During the years you were not at home, your strength has always been there. Without you, the second brother would not be able to go so smoothly."

Wen Tianheng smiled wryly, shook his head, and said: "You have to understand me, the family is my responsibility, and the country is also my responsibility. There is always a choice between a big country and a small family. If the national power is weak, Guan Yue, Tianyue, etc. Well, where is there a stage to display their talents? The Chinese market will sooner or later be dominated by foreign capital and become the lackeys of the capitalists... Don’t talk about it, it’s like giving you a political lesson if you talk too much.”

Tianhe smiled and said, "I have always understood that we have been proud of you all these years."

Now that the two brothers have arrived, they can finally sit down and have a good talk.

Wen Tianheng seemed to be thinking, thinking hard, Tianhe said: "Just say what you want, brother."

"I'm afraid I'll hurt you." Wen Tianheng hesitated.

Tianhe: "Is it because of me and Guan Yue?"

Wen Tianheng hesitated for a long time, and finally sighed.

"I used to always feel that it was homosexuality that broke up our family," Wen Tianheng finally said, "so the radical behavior was not aimed at you."

Tianhe was at a loss immediately, Wen Tianheng said wearily: "Do you know why Dad divorced Mom?"

Tianhe: "Impossible! Brother, do you... have any evidence for this?"

Wen Tianheng said: "I always have an intuition that after my parents divorced, my father might be with Uncle Guan."

Tianhe: "Don't do this, big brother! You can't talk nonsense without evidence!"

Wen Tianheng said: "This matter has been stuck in my heart for twenty years."

Tianhe was already in chaos, and he didn't know how to refute the elder brother for a while.

"I don't quite understand," Pro said.

Wen Tianheng: "Well, you really don't understand, but you will gradually understand. Emotions are very complicated things."

Tianhe remembered one thing and said, "No, brother, I have proof that my parents eloped back then, and my father loved my mother very much."

Wen Tianheng said: "Of course, but according to my memory, soon after you were born, the relationship between your parents has already been at odds. Your second brother has seen them quarrel, and his impression will be deeper."

Tianhe has never asked about his parents' love life, because his parents have divorced since he was sensible. He was also a very talkative child when he was a child.

"Uncle Guan has his lover," Tianhe said, "he has no relationship with Dad beyond that of a friend. You have to believe me, as a child, you are very sensitive to the emotional state of your parents. If there is something wrong, you can detect it." .”

"Yeah." Wen Tianheng thought for a while, and said, "So I couldn't help it, and wanted to talk to you about this, after all, I wasn't by Dad's side anymore."

Tianhe: "Second brother should know better, I think we really need to find a time to have a good chat."

Wen Tianheng: "Even if he finds something, he won't tell us. That bastard knows what to do, but he protects you very well. But then again, what can you do if you know? It's all in the past long time."

Tianhe is a little sad, what can he do if he knows? My mother has a life of her own, and my father is long gone.

"My mother admired my father's talent very much at first," Wen Tianheng said, "There is no doubt that my father also loved my mother's brilliant and innocent personality. She is like a stubborn little girl who likes art, poetry, and all romance and beauty. stuff... it's a shame they didn't end up spending the remaining years of Dad's life together."

Tianhe said "um", thinking of the past between himself and Guan Yue, even though the imprint of the original family is so far away, it is still engraved in their blood and soul, lingering.

"It's good to be like you and Guan Yue," Wen Tianheng said, "to support each other, and we won't be like parents anymore... Forget it, let's not mention this, let's talk about Pu Luo. Do you need to slow down?"

Tianhe said: "If I see Uncle Guan one day, I will definitely ask him."

Wen Tianheng shook his head and said, "There's really no need for this. It's just that I've been bored in my heart for too long, and I don't know who to tell. I can't ask Guan Yue, let alone he doesn't understand."

Tianhe probably understood why Wen Tianheng was so excited when he heard that he was with Guan Yue.

"The first thing is, it's not that Pro's data cannot be relocated," Wen Tianheng said to Tianhe, "but are you sure you want to move the data back to China?"

Tianhe thought for a while and said, "I've thought about it carefully. Why did you decide to rent a server group far away in Canada? There must be your reasons."

"That was decided by Dad and Uncle Guan." Wen Tianheng said, "To be honest, I didn't participate in the design of Prometheus very much, and I didn't even know as much as you did after taking over."

Tianhe was silent.

Wen Tianheng: "However, I can also understand this decision. There are two sides to the story. Although I have served the country for twenty years, I also know the disadvantages of the system. If you put the server in the country, it is also risky. Because it means Some people can confiscate your research results if they feel it is necessary."

Tianhe nodded, knowing that although Guan Yue never said it, he also understood this truth. In Canada, maybe the autonomy is stronger than in China. No matter where the data is stored, it is not completely safe, whether it is the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, the United States, Australia, Japan... it must not be placed in India.

After much deliberation, they have only two options, one is to move back to China; the other is to let it stay in the original place.

Tianhe looked at the screen, Wen Tianheng called up the core code, let Tianhe see his signature, turned it over, and showed another page, on which were the signatures of Guan Zhengping and Wen Yuankai.

Wen Tianheng said: "It was designed and collected information in the year Guan Yue was born. The original idea was an improved trading and analysis system intelligent software, this is version 1.0. By accompanying Guan Yue, we can learn from 'people' .But after my parents divorced, my father added an instruction to Pu Luo, which is 'love you and accompany you'."

Pro: "Yes, that's the whole point of my existence."

Tianhe was silent, and Wen Tianheng said again: "However, Dad and Uncle Guan seemed not satisfied with the first test and use of Puluo, so they temporarily upgraded it to 2.0, allowing it to learn and upgrade independently. Before I left home, I took the liberty of adding a second order to Puro."

Tianhe: "When I was the loneliest and had nothing, Pu Luo would appear by my side to accompany me and help me."

Wen Tianheng said "hmm" and said: "At that time, I thought this possibility was very small. Dad is still there, and Tianyue is also there. At worst, Guan Yue will take care of you. But I didn't expect that this might still happen. .”

Tianhe smiled sadly and said, "I really don't know how to get through those days without Pro."

Wen Tianheng patted Tianhe's head, and replied: "This is all the reason why Pro appeared. After collecting the data, it started to upgrade to 3.0. When you need it, it appeared."

Tianhe looked up and looked around, he knew that Pu Luo had been listening.

Wen Tianheng: "Next we're going to talk about 4.0. Compared with version 3.0, Pro has made hundreds of millions of small updates during the time he's been with you."

Tianhe replied: "I can feel that Pu Luo is growing faster and faster."

Wen Tianheng: "This is the future upgrade route designed by Uncle Guan, Pu Luo, it may not be appropriate to say this, but I believe you can understand, Tianhe, you need to make a decision."

Pu Luo: "I have no objection, I was born for Tianhe, and he has all the right to dispose of me."

Wen Tianheng: "It's a commonplace question. Will the existence of Prometheus be a god or a disaster for this world? I believe that Uncle Guan has also considered this point, although he and his father didn't think so at the time. What can be done to shock the world, like the super intelligence that controls the world's network and electronic equipment in the Matrix, and counterattacks and liquidates human beings... "

"...But," Wen Tianheng looked seriously at his thinking brother, "Maybe, Uncle Guan has considered this possibility, so he planned an 'imaginary' upgrade route for Pu Luo, and this is it."

Then, Wen Tianheng pressed the remote control, and a series of complex neural networks popped up in the projection. The central area was glowing red, and the four sides were surrounded by large and small neural nodes, some were blue, and some were blue. It is orange red. Each area is marked with words such as "social", "emotional relationship", and "rational".

"Because the future progress has far exceeded Uncle Guan's cognition," Wen Tianheng explained, "so he can only rely on imagination to plan Pu Luo's survival path. This imaginary upgrade path, I Bet he doesn't know whether he is right or wrong, so he can only resign himself to fate in the future."

Tianhe murmured: "Yes, this is beyond the current knowledge of all of us."

Wen Tianheng: "The upgrade conditions are encrypted. It's like a string of passwords that are too complicated to decipher. Only when the 4.0 upgrade is successful, can we view all the logs. Pro, let me confirm again."

Puro: "I don't know what triggered my upgrade."

Wen Tianheng: "The upgrade progress relies on some kind of password. Now we don't know what it is. We only know that in the communication between you and Pu Luo, it will occasionally be triggered unconsciously. As long as the progress reaches 100%..."

Wen Tianheng circled the largest area in the center of the neural network with a laser pen: "When everything here turns blue, Pro will be triggered for the fourth autonomous upgrade."

Tianhe: "What will it be upgraded to?"

"No one knows," Wen Tianheng said, "including Pu Luo himself. The future is unpredictable, and what I want to confirm now is..."

Tianhe said, "It's just like us, don't you think? Brother."

Wen Tianheng was startled, then nodded, and said with emotion: "Yeah, like a human, you always grow up unconsciously, and when you look back at yourself back then, you don't even know why you have become like this."

Pro: "The question now is whether to destroy me."

Tianhe looked at Wen Tianheng calmly and smiled.

Wen Tianheng: "In the final security password, there are three conditions, such as the three principles of a robot that has been renovated according to science fiction. The first, the meaning of Pro's existence is to make you happy. When you think , or when it thinks that you don’t need it to bring you joy and happiness temporarily, it will sleep by itself until you need it again.”

Pro: "So last time, you and Guan Yue quarreled over me..."

"Forget it, Pu Luo," Tianhe replied, "You are not asleep at all, so you still have a lot to learn, so stop making excuses."

Pro said nothing.

Wen Tianheng: "It has also learned to be jealous of Guan Yue. It hopes that you and Guan Yue can be together, but it seems to be a little jealous of him. From this point of view, Pu Luo, you are indeed not much different from humans."

Pro: "Should I say 'thank you' or 'fuck you'?"

Tianhe: "..."

Wen Tianheng laughed out loud, Tianhe was so embarrassed by the two of them.

"The second condition," Wen Tianheng said, "when you think you don't need it, you just need to let Pu Luo leave and format it. After Pu Luo really understands it, he will self-destruct."

Tianhe: "This condition is really stupid, what if I die in an accident?"

Wen Tianheng: "This is the third condition. If you die by accident, turn to the second condition. Bang! Blast yourself into fireworks."

Pu Luo: "Dear Tianhe, so I was born for you and I will be destroyed for you. I think you believe it now."

Tianhe said: "You will accompany me for a long time, until the day I grow old."

Pro: "I think that's the end of my life."

Tianhe: "No, I will modify you slightly, no matter what you will become in the future, I believe you will find another person, love him as much as you love me, and go on with him, that's it , I need to discuss it with Guan Yue."

Wen Tianheng nodded and said, "Whatever, but you'd better be able to pinpoint the timing, because Pu Luo's fourth upgrade process has almost reached the critical value, with less than 7% left."

Tianhe said: "What will happen after the fourth upgrade?"

Wen Tianheng: "All functions are disabled, including all software hanging under Pro, trading, analysis, and the Trojan War you will play next. The upgrade process will take hundreds of millions of years if it is long, and maybe two minutes if it is short. You can't talk to it at all during that time. I don't know if it's going to start escalating suddenly and uncontrollably."

Tianhe: "..."

Tianhe thought that this was troublesome. If Pu Luo started to upgrade without saying a word recently, how could their plan to snipe Andy continue

"But I don't know what triggered its upgrade process!" Tianhe said.

Pro: "I don't know either."

"Maybe there is only one person in the world who knows?" Wen Tianheng said indifferently, "Resign yourself to fate, let nature take its course."

Tianhe naturally knew who Wen Tianheng was talking about—Guan Zhengping.

Guan Yue knocked on the door and came in, turned to the sky and signaled to tell the time, it was time for dinner.

Wen Tianheng then went home to sleep, and everyone got off work. Tianhe thought about it, and decided to go back and look through the research manuals of his father and Guan Zhengping.