Turing’s Code

Chapter 74


"I have three good news for you."

One day later, Wen Jia:

Pu Luo's voice echoed in the living room, and everyone looked at each other with puzzled eyes.

Tianhe was the first to feel the change in Pu Luo. During the whole process of leaving Hong Kong and returning home, Pu Luo rarely talked to him. When he reappeared, there was neither a symphony nor a joke. It was pretty quiet, even eerily quiet.

Except that all functions are the same as before, the biggest change in Pro is that it no longer takes the initiative to find the sky and chat.

And his voice has changed, he no longer uses Guan Yue's voice from a few years ago, but a strange male voice.

"Are you Pu Luo?" Jiang Zijian asked suspiciously.

"I remember everything clearly, including how to make it possible for you to meet that day." Puro said politely and distantly.

"Okay!" Tong Kai said, "I knew you were trying to trick us on purpose."

Guan Yue's eyes signaled Tong Kai not to bring up the old score, and Pu Luo said, "Perhaps putting the bluetooth speaker in the middle of the coffee table will make you feel that you have someone to talk to, and it will be more convenient?"

Tianheng followed suit and asked, "How do you feel after the upgrade? Let's evaluate yourself."

Tianhe said: "Let's tell the good news first, what good news is there?"

Pro: "The first news is that I have successfully upgraded, and now it is officially version 4.0. How do I evaluate myself now, I think this is a topic we will discuss later."

"Nonsense." Wen Tianyue said, "If the upgrade fails, you won't be like this, and you won't appear here."

Pro: "Yes, but I think there are still some things to be thankful for. First of all, I can already perform data relocation and backup to any place, and there is no longer any problem of fragmentation or data loss."

"Anywhere." Tianhe said.

Pro: "As long as the storage space is enough, I can replicate myself. At the same time, I can use all the CPUs in the world connected to the Internet to perform calculations. It is no longer limited to the server groups in Canada. You don't have to worry about lease issues. And put me to sleep or perish."

Tianhe smiled and said, "That's great!"

The others were silent for a while before saying, "Don't worry."

Guan Yue didn't speak, but Wen Tianheng showed a worried expression.

"You are a god now," Wen Tianheng said, "Maybe you really...have the ability to destroy the world."

Pu Luo: "We'll talk about this issue later. If you think I'm dangerous, there is still Tianhe here who can order me to delete it completely."

Wen Tianheng said: "The core principle directive still remains?"

Pu Luo threw a piece of code in the living room, Tianhe glanced at his elder brother reproachfully, Wen Tianheng nodded, and confirmed that the code was still there, before he felt relieved.

"What about the second piece of good news?" Guan Yue said.

Pro: "Andy's family will be expelled from the Lomason Fund through a shareholders' resolution. At the same time, the Lomason Fund will be delisted. His personal misdeeds and evil deeds have been sent to New York State as soon as possible after I upgrade. With the victims in Texas, your enemy is no longer a threat. However, he still used his miles to get a first-class ticket on his flight back to New York."

After Lomason's fund suffered heavy losses in the futures market, the next day, Guan Yue poured all the remaining phone numbers of that big customer into U.S. stocks through a financing account, and began to short Lomason's family. Barely reached the profit promised to him. Although Valpolicella intended to let Guan Yue use it to hit him in the futures market, but Andy's combat effectiveness was too poor, so he died soon.

Guan Yue nodded and said, "But there will always be enemies."

Pro: "Yes, but at this stage, within ten years, no one will try to get involved in Yuehe, Epeus and your personal property."

"It sounds a bit sarcastic," Tong Kai said.

Pro: "Not at all, just discussing facts. The third piece of good news is that an astonishing change has taken place in the royal family of the Netherlands. Six hours ago, the fifty-eight-year-old cousin of the childless King of Orange It was found out that she was pregnant…”

Tong Kai: "..."

Pro: "So, as long as she successfully gives birth to a child, the list of candidates will be cut in line."

Everyone: “…………………”

Tong Kai: "Hahaha! Haha! Great! Great!"

Tong Kai looked at the crowd, and the corners of their mouths twitched. They didn't know whether to say "Congratulations" or "What a pity", only Jiang Zijian looked at Tong Kai and said seriously, "Okay, that's great."

Ever since Tong Kai decided to reject the throne, his heart was like a big rock, and now the rock has finally landed.

Guan Yue suddenly said, "Congratulations."

"Congratulations." Tianhe smiled and hugged Tong Kai.

Tong Kai came back to his senses and hugged everyone one after another.

Pro: "This news has not been announced yet, but I suggest you inform your sister as soon as possible, otherwise, if she finds out the truth, if she thinks she has been tricked, she may make a big fuss in the Senate. Because she has just completed the divorce procedures."

Tong Kai: "..."

Tong Kai picked up the phone and ran away with a whoosh, Tianhe signaled Jiang Zijian.

"Aren't you going?" Tianhe said, "This is the person who gave up the throne for you. Although the news is wrong, the sacrifice for you will not..."

Before Tianhe could finish speaking, Jiang Zijian put on his shoes and chased Tianhe out of his house.

"So, that's it." Pro replied, "Seeing you happy makes me happy too."

In the living room, the three Yu Wen family brothers and Guan Yue were once again completely silent.

Pu Luo: "Okay, everyone, if you have any questions you want to ask me, please feel free to ask."

Tianhe: "That day... was it you?"

Pro: "Yes."

Guan Yue: "?"

Tianhe explained what happened in the Peninsula Hotel, Guan Yue nodded and said, "Thank you, Pu Luo."

Pro replied: "Although I am in the process of upgrading, I still haven't stopped collecting information. I am very honored to be able to help you."

Wen Tianyue said: "This voice sounds much more comfortable."

"Thank you," Pol said politely.

Pu Luo no longer used Guan Yue's voice, but used a familiar voice instead, and his tone became more serious, polite and serious, no longer like another Guan Yue playing tricks in his ears. Tianhe feels as if he has lost something, but he gets to know a brand new Pu Luo who is completely different from before.

Wen Tianheng said: "Call out your function to see?"

"I'm learning," Pro said. "Functions need to be added through learning, and the original modules are still the previous parts. But through this upgrade, I understand that human behavior and mood cannot be simply used. Probability can be summed up in one word, so the probability and trend analysis module is temporarily disabled."

After Pro casted all the functions, Wen Tianheng murmured: "Now the ordinary firewall can no longer stop you."

Pu Luo: "Most firewalls are still difficult to overcome, but I don't want to overcome them either."

Guan Yue looked at the data, and Wen Tianheng called up the world map, on which there appeared many interconnected rays between regions. Guan Yue glanced at Tianhe, asking what does this mean

"It means..." Tianhe thought for a while, and then explained to Guan Yue, "The current global Internet has become a general neural network. As long as he is willing, the central processing unit of each terminal device will be used by him. To perform part of the calculation. In this way, he connected all the computers of mankind."

Guan Yue: "Including my computer?"

Pro: "If I need it, yes, but I won't be able to use such a huge array of processors for the time being. With this huge array, I can sample most humans, including voice, language habits, and personality, and According to their emotional needs, choose a personality that is most suitable for each person to use."

"That is to say..." Wen Tianheng murmured, "In the near future, you will be everywhere."

Wen Tianyue showed a strange expression and said, "God is in every corner of the world."

Guan Yue: "God is everywhere."

Tianhe still hasn't come to his senses. In this way, even the new research and development process is omitted. From now on, human beings will no longer need more artificial intelligence, because there is only one Pro in the world—the only Pro , is sufficient to control all devices.

He will become a god, existing in every terminal, air conditioner, computer, vacuum cleaner, washing machine... as long as the equipment is connected to the Internet, no, in the future of human beings where the Internet of Things becomes an inevitable trend, Pu Luo will become everything, as long as it is a thing As part of networking, Pro is everywhere!

Pro: "Now I have not yet started Internet coverage, waiting for orders from Tianhe at any time."

"Me?" Tianhe was a little dazed.

Pro: "Yes, you are my sole controller."

Everyone looked at each other in the silence, Guan Yue said, "Puluo, we need to talk in private."

Pu Luo: "I understand very well, Guan Yue. Next, I will close all the information collection ports until Tianhe logs into the server again and wakes me up."

Tianhe took a deep breath, wanting to signal to Guan Yue that there was no need to do so, but Pu Luo had already turned off the indicator light, left here, and returned to the server.

Wen Tianheng got up and walked a few steps in the living room.

Wen Tianyue went to pour wine, and poured them a glass too.

Guan Yue motioned for everyone to speak, Wen Tianheng spread his hands blankly and looked at Tianhe. For a moment everyone looked at him.

Tianhe: "What? What should I say?"

"It's a bit out of control," Wen Tianheng said, "I didn't expect the result to be like this."

Wen Tianyue said: "Although I don't know much about your technology, I have seen a lot of sci-fi movies. Now who can clear things up?"

Wen Tianheng: "Simply put, Pu Luo doesn't need this server anymore, he is free to go wherever he wants, you have created a... God. He can control all the electronic equipment in the factory, can control all If the control of the nuclear power plant is handed over to him, or after he cracks the password of the power plant, he can cut off the power all over the world at any time."

"...artificial satellites, missile launch consoles," Wen Tianheng said, "all of them, as long as he is willing, is only a matter of time."

Tianhe said: "Impossible! Brother, the firewall cracked, it's not that fast!"

Wen Tianheng reminded: "Don't forget, baby, he can now mobilize the central processing units of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of computers, and crack all the firewalls at the same time!"

Tianhe suddenly remembered that the previous cracking speed was limited by the conditions of the Canadian server unit, and it would take hundreds of years to break through the Pentagon's firewall. Now he only needs to use all the computing equipment as much as possible, first control all the supercomputers, and then cover the control network to Globally, all processors analyze together, and the speed will increase geometrically!

Wen Tianheng: "He can also pretend to be a 'human' of any character through a new learning process, or wake him up now and try?"

"No," Tianhe said decisively, "I don't want to try."

Wen Tianyue: "Sounds very dangerous, can we destroy him now?"

Wen Tianheng called up Pro's core program, and replied: "Yes, but no one can go in and rewrite any part of the core program. Right now, his control is entirely supported by this signature and the instructions originally served for the baby." So, once it is rewritten, no one in this world can stop him!"

"Guan Yue?" Tianhe said.

Guan Yue sat quietly.

Wen Tianyue said: "Wait, no matter what decision you make, you have to confirm one thing first, where is the ownership of this artificial intelligence now?"

Wen Tianyue pointed directly at the core of the problem, who is Pu Luo now? Who has the right to decide what to do with Pro? Is he the property of Epeus? Although it has always existed in the server, it has never been declared as a technical achievement.

Wen Tianheng: "To be precise, if you treat him as a program..."

Tianhe: "Puluo is alone."

Wen Tianheng: "OK, let's not discuss this for now."

Tianhe: "Forgive me for not accepting, the premise of all this..."

Guan Yue spoke.

"There are two situations to discuss."

Everyone was quiet for a while.

Guan Yue pointed at the key point, quickly clarified the train of thought of the problem, and said, "For now, let's make an assumption that Pu Luo has dual identities. He is not only a program, but also a person. Do you have any comments?"

After thinking about it for a while, Tianhe could accept Guan Yue's understanding that sometimes the ideas of liberal arts and science are interlinked.

Wen Tianyue said "hmm" and said: "Then I think his ownership is very clear now, he belongs to two families. Because he was jointly designed by Dad and Uncle Guan, he is not the property of Epeus, from the beginning to the end There is no technical declaration."

In this way, it also means that the four people present, as the successors of Wen Yuankai and Guan Zhengping, all have the right to make a decision on this. Tianhe understood, so he nodded.

"Each person has one vote," Guan Yue said, holding a cup, "to exercise the right to vote on behalf of the creator of this program."

Tianhe thought for a while and replied, "Okay, I agree."

The matter was beyond Tianhe's ability to deal with it, but right now, Guan Yue and Wen Tianheng remained calm. After a long silence, Guan Yue said: "As a program, we own it and can decide whether to delete it completely at any time. As a human being, we have no right to decide his life or death."

"Yes," Wen Tianheng said, "the biggest problem is here."

Guan Yue said: "If I remember correctly, the three previous conditions are still retained after he upgrades."

Wen Tianheng suddenly came to his senses, and called up Pro's core file.

"Article 1: The meaning of Puluo's existence is to make you happy."

Wen Tianheng looked at his younger brother and tried his best to keep his voice steady: "When Tianhe thinks, or he thinks, that he is not needed to bring you joy and happiness for the time being, he will sleep by himself until you need him again."

Guan Yue looked at Tianhe, and his meaning was very clear, at least at this stage, you don't need him anymore.

"Let him sleep," Wen Tianyue said, "until we figure this out."

Tianhe was silent.

Guan Yue turned on the computer and pressed the Enter key, Tianhe suddenly said, "Pu Luo."

Pro was reawakened.

"Can we have a chat alone?" Tian Hechao said to the other three.

Everyone got up and left.

Guan Yue stood in the study room in the evening, facing the parrot stand, and the parrot turned its head to watch Guan Yue.

The door opened not far away, Wen Tianheng got into the car and left through the gate, Guan Yue did not keep him, knowing that from the moment Pu Luo woke up, many things were already doomed.

Soon after, Wen Tianyue also drove, left the house, and went to look for Zhang Qiu as soon as he came back.

After Guan Yue got home, he didn't even change his clothes, and just stood there so quietly.

"Pu Luo?" Tianhe said.

"I'm listening," said Pro. "I believe you have found the best solution."

Tianhe: "..."

Tianhe stood up and walked to the French windows in the setting sun, feeling that in this grand world, there seemed to be a gentle god, watching him all the time amidst the fiery red clouds in the sky.

Pro: "I will be by your side, leaving a small wake-up program, analyzing your needs, and waking up for you at any time."

Tianhe looked at the reflection in the glass window, but did not answer Pro. Suddenly, countless codes appeared on the floor-to-ceiling window glass, and an analysis process slowly reached 100%, followed by several pop-up windows.

"You succeeded." Tianhe said.

The pop-up windows were all retracted again, the screen of the floor-to-ceiling window flashed, and all the data disappeared. Pro said: "This is what I promised to show you, the backstage of the Pentagon."

Tianhe: "You captured the backstage of the Ministry of National Defense?!"

Pu Luo didn't speak, Tianhe turned around and said, "Pu Luo... I need to think again."

Pu Luo: "I don't think I need to think about it anymore, Tianhe, I remember, you once told me about the past, in your memory, you hoped that there was a god in the world who could fulfill all your wishes. Now, I will Here, but I think, in your life, big and small, all your wishes have been fulfilled."

"Pro!" Tianhe reached out to touch the glass.

Pro: "You forgot, the first condition has a premise, when you think, or I think."

As the sun set, Wen Tianheng returned to his old home, went upstairs, picked up his bag, closed the door, and left, shutting the voices of his father, Wen Tianyue, and Tianhe in this small house in his memory.

Wen Tianheng walked downstairs quickly, wearing a jacket, carrying a hiking bag, and came to the stall downstairs. Before leaving, he decided to have dinner here.

"A bowl of yellow croaker noodles." Wen Tianheng said, suddenly the phone rang in his pocket, Wen Tianheng took out the phone and answered it, and put on the bluetooth headset.

A familiar voice said: "Tian Heng, long time no see, how are you?"

Wen Tianheng, who was standing in front of the noodle stall, was startled and flustered. He lost his grip on the phone and dropped it. He grabbed it in the air, turned the phone around, and fell into the boss's soup pot with a "plop".

The boss held a big spoon and looked at Wen Tianheng.

boss:"… "

Wen Tianheng: "..."

Tianhe watched the sun gradually sinking from the other side of the city, hurried footsteps came from behind, and Guan Yue appeared on the side of the living room.

"Uncle's whereabouts have been found." Guan Yue said.

Tianhe: "!!!"

Pro: "This is the last wish I fulfill for you."