Turing’s Code

Chapter 76


On September 1st, the sun was shining brightly.

Guan Yue was in his pajamas, and he worked on his model airplane at home for nearly a year. This damn thing was finally nearing completion. Unexpectedly, after all the hard work, he was still alone, during the countless intervals between madness and deep breathing to calm down. Here, slowly finish it.

As long as these planes... Guan Yue began to shake his hands for no reason, looked up at the ceiling, and prayed that earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, floods and other force majeure would not happen next.

"You look nervous," said Pro's voice.

"It's you who should be nervous." Guan Yue said.

Pu Luo said: "Do you need to watch the video to relieve your mood?"

Guan Yue: "Now it's no longer mandatory to play Bach?"

Pro: "At this time, memory may be more effective."

The projection on Guan Yue's back was turned on, and it was projected on the big screen in the living room, flashing the memories of many years in Guan Yue's hard drive on the entire wall.

"Baby played all day," Guan Yue said to himself, "should be asleep, commemorating his first night in London."

Following Guan Yue's progress, the camera slowly panned into the bedroom, the door was pushed open, and the bedside lamp was still on. Tianhe was lying on the bed in his pajamas. Guan Yue said, "This pig is not covered with a quilt. It looks really..."

"Wow!" Tianhe jumped up, Guan Yue was suddenly hit by a pillow, and shouted, "Still sleeping!"

Guan Yue put the camera aside, on the screen, Guan Yue stepped onto the bed with long legs, the pillows flew around, Tianhe bounced to the other side of the bed, but Guan Yue's movements were more agile than him, he grabbed him and pressed him on the bed .

Guan Yue: "Sleep! Sleep! Sleep for me!"

Guan Yue had already forgotten that the camera was still on, so he hugged him into his arms, covered him with the quilt, and pressed him to force him to sleep. Tianhe was still struggling, and the two of them rolled over and over on the bed.

The camera flashed, Tianhe turned his head sideways, practicing piano in the sun room, Guan Yue pointed his camcorder at him, Tianhe found that Guan Yue was recording him, so he turned his gaze to the camera and smiled shyly.

"Bang!" Tianhe fired the salute to celebrate Guan Yue's birthday, and sprinkled rose petals on Guan Yue's head.

"Bang bang!"

"Okay, that's fine!" Guan Yue said while holding the camera, his whole body covered in petals, "What kind of salute is this? Stop playing!"

"I designed it myself! Bang!"

"It's done!" Guan Yue said, "I can't find the cake anymore!"

There were rose petals everywhere on the screen, no one could be found, Tianhe still had a lot of salutes, Guan Yue hid at the door, opened the door to hide, and shouted: "Don't play tricks!"

Immediately afterwards, the mechanism outside the door was activated, and two huge cardboard boxes fell towards the door. Nearly one hundred catties of rose petals poured in like an avalanche, and the gate was buried below.

Guan Yue: "..."

Guan Yue stuck to the model plane and watched the previous videos.

"May... life be as gorgeous as summer flowers."

Tianhe shouted in an instant, and the fireworks rose one after another, illuminating the night sky. Guan Yue sang beside him: "Happy birthday to you..."

Tianhe stood on the hillside.

Guan Yue whispered: "I finally cried..."

Tianhe turned his head, Guan Yue immediately pretended to be nonchalant, picked up the camera, and recorded himself standing with Tianhe, with the fireworks in the background.

The sun was shining brightly, Tianhe was programming on the coffee table in front of the sofa, pounding the huge enter key.

"Have you lost your anger?" Guan Yue said to himself.

Tianhe glanced at Guan Yue, Guan Yue recorded Tianhe, Tianhe said angrily: "Do you always think..."

Guan Yue's hand appeared in the camera, handing Tianhe a porcelain cup.

"What is this?" Tianhe was immediately attracted by the porcelain cup, "An antique from China?"

"From the Song Dynasty," said Guan Yue's voice, "Juntai kiln, crabapple red tea cup."

Tianhe: "Really?! Is it really from the Song Dynasty?"

Guan Yue watched the video and glued the small plane to the deck.

On the polo field, Guan Yue, as the captain, led the Oxford polo team, and Jiang Zijian, as the captain, led the Cambridge polo team. The friendly match began.

Tianhe was watching Guan Yue from the team. When the match started, the two sides went on a rampage. Every time Tianhe passed, Guan Yue would avoid them. .

Guan Yue made a backhand and scored a beautiful goal. The audience cheered, Tianhe Zhuma looked at Guan Yue.

Guan Yue looked helpless, and was about to shout to the sky: "This is a competition!"

But Tianhe suddenly laughed, stretched out his club, Guan Yue galloped over, and lightly exchanged blows with him, the two separated.

After defending his undergraduate thesis, Tianhe finished his defense. He bowed beautifully, and the audience burst into applause. Guan Yue's camera lens followed Tianhe all the time.

Guan Yue's model airplane was nearing completion, countless moments, memories of the past flashed across the screen, and Guan Yue's movements gradually slowed down accordingly.

Pro: "It's time to leave, Guan Yue."

Guan Yue: "Let the plane wait."

Guan Yue didn't speak, so Pu Luo continued to play, and it turned into a video recorded by his mobile phone.

Outside Wall Street, it was another year, Tianhe's birthday, but this time he didn't prepare a birthday gift for him in advance, nor did he celebrate. Guan Yue only recorded the scene of Tianhe rushing ahead, Tianhe looked back from time to time, with He looked at Guan Yue angrily.

"Stop recording!" Tianhe said angrily, "I won't forgive you!"

Tianhe turned around and left again, Guan Yue said in a low voice: "You will." Then he put away his phone.

The next video is in China, in Guan Yue's one-story apartment.

Late at night, Tianhe curled up on the sofa and fell asleep.

Guan Yue covered him with a blanket, walked to his side, put the phone on the coffee table, hugged his knees, and sat down in front of the sofa.

The camera flashed again, in the Funk restaurant, Lucy, the foreman, took a video of Tianhe eating the ring to the music of "Ode to Canon", and the camera turned to Guan Yue, who didn't turn his head to look at the camera, but was serious Looking at Tianhe calmly, he raised his eyebrows to wait for his answer.

"I'll think about it seriously, and I'll reply to you in a while... let's go..."

“Aquí te amo.”

Guan Yue stretched his arms and flew out of the cabin with Tianhe. The camera strapped to his arm shook violently, and captured the moment when the two of them parachuted.

"Ah! You lunatic! Guan Yue!" Tianhe shouted loudly.

The camera keeps shaking.

"I said, baby, let's start over." Guan Yue's voice said in the wind.

Tianhe's voice replied in the video: "Then I said, yes."

Guan Yue glued the last small plane on the deck, and you're done! The fragmented torment, the nightmare of eleven months, finally came to an end.

Pro: "A reminder..."

Guan Yue glanced at the wall clock, went in like a gust of wind to change, took the car keys, walked out quickly, drove away from home, and headed for the airport.

"Pick up Tong Kai." Guan Yue said.

Tong Kai: "No way! You haven't boarded the plane yet?!"

Guan Yue: "In time, are you ready?"

Tong Kai: "I think if you are late again today, you will definitely be famous in history."

Guan Yue: "Don't be crowed!"

Tong Kai: "As long as you don't be late, the rest will be on me!"

Guan Yue drove the car to the door of the VIP room, the assistant came to help him park the car, all the luggage had passed the security check, Guan Yue ran to get on the plane, the flight attendant closed the cabin door, Guan Yue put on his seat belt, and took off.

September 2, United States, California, Bay Area, Silicon Valley, Computer History Museum, conference stage.

Representatives of thousands of computer companies entered the venue one by one, and all the employees of Yuehe and Epeus were present.

"If Guan Yue is late again today..." Tianhe said to Tong Kai in the background.

Jiang Zijian: "It's already here, don't worry."

Tianhe: "Where did you go?"

Pro: "Maybe I'm chatting with executives from various companies."

Tianhe pushed open the door of the seats and looked out, only to see Guan Yue and Wen Tianyue talking on the side of the venue, so he was relieved.

Jiang Zijian was chatting nervously with Tong Kai in a low voice, glanced at Tianhe, and stopped again.

Tianhe: "?"

"There are still twenty-five minutes to start." Wu Shun also looked very nervous and said, "Tianhe, do you want some water?"

Tianhe waved his hand, indicating that it's okay. He was a graduate representative in London and attended an industry conference.

"Aren't you nervous at all?" Jiang Zijian adjusted Tianhe's tie again, and said, "Historical moment."

"I shouldn't be nervous," Tianhe said, "Aren't you nervous for me?"

Pu Luo: "Can I be alone with Tianhe for a while?"

Everyone left one after another, the huge backstage was empty, and under the lights, at this moment, Tianhe seemed to be on a stage with only himself.

He lowered his head to adjust the ring Guan Yue gave him on the ring finger of his left hand.

The backstage area was quiet and silent, Tianhe raised his head and looked into the void.

"After today," Tianhe said with a smile, "you will leave me."

Pu Luo: "It doesn't count, I am in this world, all the time."

Tianhe suddenly felt like an actor in a Shakespeare play, talking to himself towards the endless void on the stage of life.

"What do you want to say?" Tianhe said.

Pro: "I just want to be alone with you for a while, just like the time we used to be with each other."

After a long time, Tianhe broke the silence and said, "Does it mean that if I ask you any wish, you will fulfill it for me?"

Pu Luo: "Yes, even if we are separated from you."

Tianhe: "I've thought about it for a long time, and I think it's better to delete the password cracking module, what do you think?"

Pu Luo: "It's a trivial matter, you have the final say."

Two seconds later, Pro said: "It has been formatted. From now on, it will no longer have any cracking algorithms and functions. Unless it is allowed, it will not take over any devices."

Tianhe said politely: "Goodbye, dear Puluo."

Pu Luo: "The barrier is getting closer, Tianhe."

Guan Yue walked into the backstage and walked towards Tianhe, both of them were wearing suits, Guan Yue turned his hand towards Tianhe under the light.

Tianhe put his hand in Guan Yue's, and Guan Yue took his hand, looked into Tianhe's eyes, and lowered his head to kiss the ring on Tianhe's hand.

After a moment of silence, Tianhe also kissed that ring.

There was polite but not enthusiastic applause outside, and Guan Yue and Tianhe stepped onto the big stage of the press conference.

"This is the best of times, and it's also the worst of times." Tianhe said calmly while standing in the center of the stage wearing a headset.

Guan Yue stood on the other side of the stage, following Tianhe's Chinese voice with his deep voice.

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."

Tianhe: "This is the age of wisdom, this is the age of stupidity."

"It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness." Guan Yue followed up with the standard of simultaneous interpretation.

Tianhe finished the opening with a poem by Dickens, and said seriously: "Maybe I should hold today's press conference in my motherland, China..."

In the voice of Guan Yue's fluent English interpreter, the back door of the venue opened, and Wen Tianheng walked in and sat in the last row. Everyone in the company sat in the first row one after another, looking up at Tianhe and Guan Yue.

"...But China's is also the world's." Tianhe said, "We are speaking to the world in this era."

Immediately afterwards, the voices of Tianhe and Guan Yue stopped at the same time.

"Hello, world."

Pro's voice echoed in the venue, and the huge screen on the stage began to flash thousands of star-like codes, which were broken, reassembled, and turned into hundreds of millions of "1" and "0", forming a figure of a person.

Immediately, there was a rush of discussion in the venue, and Pu Luo said in English: "Everyone, hello, welcome to participate in my Turing test today. I believe everyone feels that there may be someone hiding behind the scenes."

Immediately afterwards, on the central screen, the screen flipped, and Pro's upgrade log appeared, and the whole venue was shocked! The participants naturally knew what this meant, but more people at the scene began to wonder if this could be a play directed and performed by Epeus.

Tianhe turned his head and glanced at Guan Yue, who signaled to continue.

"Please allow me to introduce myself to you." Pro's voice said, "The twelfth guest from the left in the sixth row, I heard your question, and I don't mind answering your question first."

The scene suddenly got out of control, everyone turned their heads, it was a reporter, the reporter stood up very generously, and said, "Is this Epeus employing people to imitate computers?"

No one laughed, and everyone in the venue stared at the big screen.

"I heard your question." Pro said, "If you don't mind, I would like to borrow your mobile phone, please make a video call to your child."

The reporter had been whispering, thinking it was just a farce, and that even her seven-year-old son could tell the difference between AI and human, but Puro accurately captured the conversation over the noise.

So she made a video call, and the reporter's son appeared on the screen.

"Hi! Mommy!"

"It's me, Prometheus," said Prometheus. "Hi, Ken."

"Who are you?" The child in the video asked suspiciously.

Pu Luo: "Your mommy's friend wants to talk to you, what are you doing?"

Following the conversation between Pu Luo and the child, the audience was silent, and as the child had regarded Pu Luo as a complete person, commotion began on the field, and some people began to press the button required to participate in the test. I have something to do, hang up and call you later."

"Bye!" The kid obviously liked Pu Luo very much, and hung up the phone, forgetting even his own mother.

In Rio de Janeiro, Guan Zhengping and his lover were sitting in front of the TV, watching the live broadcast of the Silicon Valley press conference.

The press conference lasted for three and a half hours, with an overtime of 90 minutes. During this period, there was a link in which Pu Luo randomly selected the communication numbers given by the participants, selected the subjects, and called them.

One of the calls was made by the envoy of the United Nations office in a certain country in Africa. This envoy was very famous. When he said "Nice to meet you, goodbye" after the conversation with Puro, the audience was silent.

Sixteen tests made by phone, all passed! No one has discovered that Pu Luo is an AI!

In the end, all the people in the audience connected to the central server with their mobile phones, put on their earphones, and started talking with Pro.

Wen Tianyue reminded me several times below that the time is up, don't drive any more, that's enough.

Guan Yue said, "Let's end it."

Tianhe walked up to the stage and said, "Congratulations, Pu Luo, it seems that you have been recognized."

Pu Luo said politely: "Thank you, it's you and Guan Yue who made me human."

All the earphones cut off the communication, a flash appeared on the big screen, and all the codes disappeared, and the remaining Pro, which was composed of numbers, appeared on the screen. Everyone looked up, and the scene was completely silent.

Tianhe looked at the crowd and said in English, "I think today should be the day to start a new era."

Applause instantly flooded the venue, Guan Yue stood quietly, looking at the center of the big screen.

"Originally, we still have a lot to say," Tianhe said with a little regret, "but limited to the on-site time, we can still talk a lot after today. Today, Epeus has only one purpose, which is to let the world know Pro. "

The applause broke out again, and everyone stood up and applauded. Tianhe waited for the applause to end before saying, "During the entire test, I also felt that he made everyone uneasy."

The color on the screen changed again, and Tianhe said: "The next paragraph, I hope it can help you to eliminate this inner anxiety. Let's start from 70 years ago."

A black and white photo of Turing was displayed on the big screen in the venue.

“… my great-grandfather, when he was studying at Cambridge, discussed an idea with Turing…”

Wen Tianheng looked at the big screen quietly. After a while, he stood up, carrying a musical instrument case, pushed the door, and left the venue, lowering the brim of his hat. The outside was full of reporters who were publishing articles, and the door was crowded.

Wen Tianyue walked in the bright September sunshine of Silicon Valley, bypassed the Computer History Museum, and came to the exhibition hall. Standing in the large exhibition hall where the quantum computer model was stored, he looked up at the bright sun and the blue sky at the zenith.

After Tianhe introduced the process of Puro from birth to the fourth upgrade, more and more cameras came in, and I don't know how many TV stations outside were broadcasting this Turing test.

"So," Tianhe said, "it's already the fourth hour of the Turing test. Soon, we will open the terminal for everyone to download. Then, I think today..."

Pro's voice said on the screen: "I would like to answer one last question."

Tianhe stopped his voice, looked at the screen, and then at the venue.

Guan Yue made a "please" gesture.

All requested at the same time.

Tianhe: "Pro, you can choose an answer yourself."

Pro: "I think all the problems are the same, it doesn't matter which one you choose."

The venue was quiet, and Pu Luo chose a number plate, and the person in the corresponding position stood up, and the earphone microphone was directly connected to the central speaker of the venue.

Tian He glanced over and saw that it was a very well-known computer scholar in the industry.

The scholar said in English: "Explain, what is love?"

Tianhe raised his eyes and looked at the screen.

Guan Yue turned around, walked backstage, and left the venue.

Tong Kai got up and followed from the first row, followed by Jiang Zijian, Wu Shun, and Epeus employees who left the table one after another, and Wen Tianyue also bowed and left, otherwise no one would be able to escape later.

Guan Yue stood in front of the model of the electric watchmaking machine in the past exhibition hall, and looked at it for a while. There was another round of applause and cheers from the conference hall in the distance, and the press conference was over.

The flash lights came on, and the security guards immediately came on stage to escort Tianhe away. The big screen was turned off, and reporters and technology company representatives almost rushed to the stage. Tianhe turned his head and said, "Where's Guan Yue?! Guan Yue!"

"He's leaving first!" Jiang Zijian said, "Follow here, hurry up! He's waiting for you in the future exhibition hall!"

Tianhe walked along the backstage passage, dodged the reporters and left quickly. The noisy voices gradually disappeared. Tianhe ran out of the conference venue, looked around, and shouted: "Guan Yue!"

Tianhe passed by the exhibition hall, turned his head to look at the electric watchmaking machine, and was filled with emotion for a moment.

"Where are the people?" Tianhe saw a lot of people gathered in front of the TV, paying attention to the local news. Now all the channels should be reporting the Turing test of Epeus. He passed in front of the crowd lightly and walked straight along that road. .

In the future exhibition hall, Tianhe stopped and looked up at the surrounding exhibition walls and the electric watchmaking machine from 1889 to the analog electronic computer in 1930, walking along this road to the future.

In the future exhibition hall, tourists are walking around and talking in low voices, and the voice of saxophone suddenly sounds in this silence.

Kanon was melodious and melodious, Tianhe turned his head - under the quantum computer model in the distance, a man with a cap on his head was blowing a tune, turned his face to Tianhe, and glanced at him from under the brim of his hat.

Tianhe: "!!!"

Tianhe suddenly laughed, and when he was about to walk towards his eldest brother, suddenly the sound of the violin sounded from the other side, forming two parts with the saxophone.

Jiang Zijian played the violin, and with an intoxicating smile, he swayed from side to side while playing, and walked towards Tianhe slowly. When he was ten meters away from him, he stopped.

As soon as the canon stopped, the piano sounded, and the ode of joy was overwhelming, pouring into the sky. There was a piano in the corner. Tong Kai bowed slightly and pressed on the keys of the piano. In the museum, visitors stopped, picked up their mobile phones, and started filming the flash performance.

The next moment, the harmonica played, Wen Tianyue followed the pause of Ode to Joy, and played the canon, seamlessly connected, counting the instruments. The tourists who were standing not far away took out their instruments and began to play along with the rhythm.

In the future exhibition hall, the music merged into a torrent, reverberating under the glass dome, and more and more people joined the flash mob, the marble floor on the first floor, the corridor on the second floor—up and down, violin, accordion, harmonica, piano, The violas played in unison, surrounding the quantum computer and Tianhe standing in front of the showcase.

Wu Shun stepped into the center of the venue, held a baton, turned towards the flash mob band, shook the baton gracefully, and began to direct the audience.

"Canon" and "Ode to Joy" are perfectly connected at this moment, Tianhe laughed, knowing that it must be another romance played by Guan Yue. Taking a step back, just as he was recovering, he saw Guan Yue holding a bouquet of red roses in his right hand, wearing a suit, walking towards him from the front of the exhibition hall amidst the sound of music.

Behind Guanyue is the gate of the future exhibition hall. Outside the gate is the clear blue sky, just like the vast expanse of blue sky and snowy mountain waterfalls in the distant Everest that day.

Lights flickered in all directions, and the LED display walls broadcasting museum information lit up one by one, changing colors, showing the rotating prayer wheels arranged in the Bajiao Alley in Lhasa. In another flash, the setting sun of the Seine River, the Eiffel Tower in front of the Arc de Triomphe, the Southern Alps of New Zealand, and the falling cherry blossoms in Tokyo appeared.

Meet, meet, fall in love, miss, accompany, know each other, you are not like anyone, because...

Under Wu Shun's command, the music played together, and the music pushed the atmosphere to a climax, and the tourists around cheered.

Guan Yue walked towards Tianhe, holding a bouquet in his right hand and a treasure that didn't seem to exist in the void in his left hand, came to Tianhe and knelt down on one knee.

In the museum, the laser projections on the high places in the four corners turned to the same position, the rays of light staggered, and the virtual image was projected, constructing a flashing illusory ring in Guan Yue's left hand.

Guan Yue held the proposal ring with only light but no substance, as if a god had taken the King's Ring hidden in the gap of time from the depths of the vast world.

It connects virtuality and reality, memory and present, past and future.

Tianhe's tears couldn't stop pouring out, he stretched out his hand and spread it out. On the ring finger, the original ring was shining brightly, as bright as waiting for the first light from the beginning of the ancient times.

Guan Yue pushed the virtual ring up to the sky and his fingers. In the roaring "Ode to Canon", Bach's romance and Beethoven's stubbornness; milk tea-

As the two rings collide gently like planets, they emit gorgeous stardust in the deep space of the universe.

Finally, two become one.

Guan Yue raised his head, stared at the sky and his eyes, and said seriously:

"I love you, Marry me."

—Turing Code·End—

The author has something to say:

The part is over, and the last movement is an extra volume, which is updated irregularly.

In the wind and rain, I have you in ten years.

Thank you for meeting, meeting, falling in love, missing, accompanying, and knowing each other along the way.

Hen loves you.


The plot and setting of a story revolve around the theme of the article.

The book "Turing Code" has a lot of exaggerated and dramatic processing according to the needs of the storyline.

Most of the distorted and absurd plots in this article serve the overall style of the article, and are not qualified to be compared or even judged by other works.

In writing, we reprocessed the material according to different environmental backgrounds. This article is just for Bojun's smile.

So please never use the plot of this article as a standard to evaluate the plots, characters, etc. of other authors.

But for any author who writes seriously, every story in his pen has its own independent and self-consistent characterization.

We need to read the painstaking works of other authors with a respectful attitude, thank you.

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