Twin Sword

Chapter 1: Prologue The Eve of Migration


In the year xxxx AD, it is said that the earth has been almost destroyed by humans. WWw. QUAbEn-XIAoShUo. COm So the Earth Federation Government began to look for new planets that could be destroyed. Finally, planet m was found x years later, and n large robots were quickly dispatched to build infrastructure on it.

The infrastructure is being built very quickly. According to expert estimates, Planet M can provide human beings with 250 years of abuse. The federal government was quite satisfied with this conclusion, and of course large-scale immigration followed.

But immigration involves a very important issue. For example, you have a net worth of hundreds of millions now, but what will you do when you arrive on Planet M? One hundred million federal dollars may not buy a single job. In addition, what should the original financial personnel do? You must know that Planet M now needs construction workers, farmers, geologists, etc., but it does not want financiers. And the civil service... Obviously there have to be more civil servants in certain agencies, there have to be fewer civil servants in certain structures. The problem is that you dragged the well-heeled person to Qingshui Yamen and refused to work.

Finally, after n rounds of discussions, the federal government introduced a plan that satisfied almost everyone.

First: Priority will be given to strong laborers for the first immigration, while children and the elderly will temporarily stay on earth. After all, robots are not humans, and human coolies must work on them for 10 years. In 10 years, all the old people on earth will be basically dead due to pollution and suicide, and children can be used as laborers and then as coolies. Then the first batch of young and strong offspring in the first 10 years can take over. Therefore, in the entire 30 years, with the help of robots, the development will basically be similar to that of the earth now. From this point of view, the federal government has a rather long-term vision.

Second: I am afraid that everyone will be bored during the trip, so I develop games for everyone to entertain themselves. Everyone can exchange it for game currency based on their current worth. When they arrive on planet M, they can exchange it for local currency. Of course, the exchange ratio will be told to you once you get on the spaceship. If you can exchange 100 million for a copper plate, it will be a bargain for you.

At a deeper level, the game will be controlled by a smart computer. The smart computer will analyze various psychological data in everyone's travel game, and the smart computer will assign everyone the most suitable job on Planet M. This point is the most important and is also listed as the most confidential aspect of the 'migration plan'. No one knows anymore except the federal government and smart computers.

So men and women aged 15 to 35 were ordered to say goodbye to the elderly and children at home... What, you said 45? Sorry, because of the large population, most people retire at the age of 35, leaving jobs to young people. Besides, after the age of 45, due to air pollution, ultraviolet rays, sunspot radiation... Anyone who can live to 45 years old is considered to have a long life. Besides, the people on earth are all civilized. It is unreasonable that you are still alive at the age of 45, have no job, and cause a food crisis. Therefore, even old people who can live to the age of 55 usually choose to commit suicide. Suicides are usually committed by throwing one's body into the sea to feed the fish, as burning the body will further pollute the air.

Almost everyone agreed with the federal decree. There was no other way. Who made the earth a sin made by their grandfathers or their grandfathers' grandfathers? The father's debt is repaid by the son. This is a too simple principle.

Two days before the large-scale migration, the names of the most important and most watched games during the trip were announced, and the leading cadres of each citizen district selected the game content for the people in their district.

European and American Referendums: Magic and Swords.

Asia Voting: Magic and Swords.

Due to its large population, China has a separate district, China District. In the end it’s up to the government to decide: Two Swords! .

What about Africa? Sorry, everyone immigrated. There has been a 100-year drought and the lowest temperature is 45 degrees. No one has lived there for a long time.

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