Twin Sword

Chapter 11: Prayer to Heaven and Earth


Many people speculate that this lady is actually a billionaire because she has a flying sword that looks exactly the same as the flying sword that the blacksmith sells every midnight. The flying swords of wWw, QunabEN, and Com have poor attributes, but they cost 20 gold. Equivalent to 20 million federal currency.

Tang Hua was not sure if these sisters were rich women, but he knew a few things. First, these sisters were quite rich. He and Mo Jing sold her three pieces of equipment and got 2 gold. Second, this sister is not called sister, her game name is princess.

As mentioned earlier, the princess's flying sword control technique can be said to be quite excellent. Just like the shortcut keys set in ordinary online games, the princess has added nearly 20 flying methods to the flying sword based on the system. All movements are controlled by her left hand, which can be said to be incredibly flexible.

Compared to Mo Jing, she was much worse. After getting the princess's guidance, she could barely operate the 10 actions except the system. As for why you pointed out Mo Jing? Of course it's not because Tang Huashuai is handsome, nor is it because Mo Jing is popular, it's because he exchanged a blue dress for her.

Mo Jing would naturally not agree to give the clothes to anyone else, but Tang Hua ignored her and directly contacted the princess to ask for the clothes. The princess knew that clothes were the most difficult part to sell, so she said she could buy them at a high price, but Tang Hua refused. Tang Hua insisted: We need operational skills.

The princess has also been thinking about this matter for a long time. You must know that among all the equipment, clothes have the strongest sense of attributes. Firstly, they have the highest attributes, and secondly, clothes are the most eye-catching. In the end, in order to kill the rooster boss, the princess gritted her teeth and agreed to use her technology in exchange for this piece of clothing that could resist water spell attacks.

Although Mo Jing, the protagonist in the class, did not do very well, the supporting role Tang Hua quickly mastered the technology and was able to teach Mo Jing additionally. Why is this

Tang Hua's explanation to Mo Jing was simple: "When I was a child, my family owned a cotton playing store, and I played playing for a few years. Originally, my name was Tang Mianhua, but later it was pronounced as a homophone, so it was changed to Tang Hua. What about you? Every day. It's just pulling your fist, and it's normal for your finger joints to be inflexible." However, Tang Hua felt keenly that no matter how good the operation was, it could only be said to be better than the same enemy or an enemy slightly stronger than you. After all, the sword skills provided by the system are the most practical and simple, while personal inventions can only be regarded as cleverness.

Although Tang Hua still doesn't have a flying sword. But he already knew enough about Feijian.

For the princess to be the first to leave the novice village, all the players in the village come together to see her off. Although I don’t know what kind of emotion this comes from, after all, everyone sincerely gave the princess a ride. The princess was not polite either, waving her hand and saying that she would try her best to create a gang and everyone was welcome to join in the future.

The princess left, and several players left one after another. Mo Jing's level was already level 10, but in order to wait for Tang Hua, who was still hanging around at level 9, he still worked hard to form a team and destroy this level 10 monster: the tree spirit.

"Measuring the Sky Ruler!" Tang Hua shouted loudly. Although it was okay not to drink, he liked this kind of momentum. After all, the name of his magic weapon was loud enough.

"Ah! It's activated." Mo Jing cheered. This was the third time Tang Hua activated the measuring ruler, even though he threw it 24 hours a day, and even though the cooling time was only 10 minutes.

brush! With one click, the fire spell instantly killed the level 10 monster with full health. Although Tang Hua secretly stamped his feet for another 10 seconds. After Tang Hua used the fire spell, he found that the power was increased by about 50%, but the mana consumed was also 50% more. But what he pursues is this momentary feeling...

"My fire spell has been upgraded." Tang Hua said in surprise. He himself did not expect that the spell could be upgraded.

"Really?" Mo Jing asked happily for Tang Hua.

"Yeah! Look." Tang Hua made a seal, and 7 seconds later a pillar of fire rose from the bottom of the tree spirit. Although there is no instant kill, it can be seen that the power of the fire spell has increased a bit. Now the fire spell shows: lead time is 7 seconds. As for the power, there is no explanation like the flying sword.

Only then did Tang Hua understand a little bit why the Novice Village was made so complicated and difficult. It’s about letting people explore the game themselves and enjoy the game. Instead of being like previous games, there were novice guides and novice navigations all over the place before they were released. What is the content of the game? Which profession has what characteristics...

What fun is there in watching guides and playing games

What he doesn't know is that smart computers need to collect materials, so the game must be complicated. Only in this way can complete information on each person be collected and analyzed.

It’s level 10! It’s finally level 10! On the fifth day after entering the game, Tang Hua finally reached level 10. This is already a record for him, because he has never stayed in a game's novice village for more than 5 hours. But in Dual Swords, he was online 24 hours a day, and it took him 5 days to reach level 10.

"Do you use the disguise pill?" Tang Hua asked.

"I don't want it!" Mo Jing vetoed it: "This is equivalent to plastic surgery. It can only be used by those who are vain or are melancholy at heart. I would rather look in the mirror and see my original appearance."

"Yes, yes!" Tang Hua was a little perfunctory. He wanted to use it. Although he was not ugly, he could not be said to be handsome. It's just that on the day before she left, her mother had never told her to help her find a daughter-in-law in the game... If you talk about Mo Jing, Tang Hua will tell you that we are buddies. The man and woman felt like they were calling, but Tang Hua and Mo Jing couldn't generate any voltage at all.

"Below is the incense."

Tang Hua looked around and said, "I'll see where I can borrow a fire."

"I have it!" Mo Jing pulled out a lighter.

"You prodigal son." Tang Hua knew at a glance that they were bought from a grocery store, costing 1 tael each. The two of them really had a bit of surplus these days. After deducting the 10 packs of Yangchun noodles and 10 taels they consumed, the total was probably more than 2 taels of gold. Mo Jing is a girl who can't be idle when she has money. Tang Hua has stopped her from buying useless decorations n times.

"Just use it if you buy it! Come here and I'll light it for you."

"Disciple Dongfang Eggplant!" This is the required format of the prayer. In addition, it must be at the highest point in the village, kneeling to heaven and earth. Of course you don’t have to do it, but the village chief made it very clear that it will be beneficial. Furthermore, when it comes to kneeling to the sky, kneeling to the ground, and kneeling to the parents in the middle, what is the shame of a seven-foot man

"Disciple Mo Jing!"

"Hey! Don't you think it's awkward for me to say that I'm pronouncing you like this?" Tang Hua said.

"Then you go first." Mo Jing also felt something was wrong.

"Disciple Dongfang Eggplant..." Tang Hua finished the prayer with disdain. After he finished reciting, an interface appeared in front of him, which showed: Heaven is the father and the earth is the mother... a bunch of nonsense and finally, please choose what kind of hidden attributes your reward will be added to. Luck, luck, roots, and understanding.

(QuanBen Novel Website