Twin Sword

Chapter 113: Rent Shuang Wu


After paying RMB 200 per household. wWw.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.COmFunction cup to pay the remaining balance

Tang Hua thought for a while and then said: "Cheng Huan!"

"But let me make it clear first. It only takes two days."

"Okay!" Tang Hua took the three hundred gold and silver tickets and said, "Just wait for the news of my victory. Well." By the way. Where did Wuji get so much money? "

Shishi smiled mysteriously and said, "You don't have to worry about it. Anyway, his three thousand gold coins are in my Qiankun bag."

! "

"Okay! I'll go first!"

Shishi sees Tang Hua leaving. Sighed softly. Naturally, this commission was not commissioned by Wuji, but commissioned by Fei Jian Chuan Shui, The winner is the king, and the winner is the king. The winner takes all the prize. Although his strength level has been reduced, he has no mission items on him. But his skills were still there, so he took the flying sword that had been passed down and passed it on to himself: As long as he keeps the gang, no matter the cost.

Among the people Shishi knew, Tang Hua was the most suitable person to handle this matter. He was jealous of money, and he had no good impression of the Three-Gun Gang. He has the ability to do it all. The only trouble is. Tang Hua not only has no good impression of Heaven. And because of the Chengdu incident, I was extremely unhappy with Heaven. If it is a commission from heaven, even if Tang Hua agrees, the bamboo pole will be knocked "tied and tied." If someone knows that it is a commission from heaven, not only will they not accept it, but they will leak the news

under balance. Shishi is in distress. I accidentally discovered Wuji’s commission from a few days ago. Delegation is simple. It is to investigate the relationship between the princess and Feng Yunnu. Due to the limitations of online games, it is impossible to install bugs and the like, so this commission has been unable to be implemented. But this commission made her eyes light up. Why not borrow Wuji's name? After all, even his enemies would have some sympathy for Wuji, a bad guy.

As for Tang Hua's credibility, she is relatively assured of this. Although this person has a reputation for being shameless, she believed that Tang Hua would not do such a thing like negotiating with real money and then reneging on the bill for three hundred gold.

Everything is under control! Shishi picked up a cup of tea and tasted it carefully."

Thousands of miles in one day, this is the portrayal of speed in The Two Swords. There is no sound barrier or air resistance here. As long as the system says you can do it, you can do it. Of course, this is also the charm of the game. In reality, those who explode with a wave of your hand are terrorists, and at the very least they will accuse you of carrying a control knife.

Tang Hua quickly returned to the outskirts of the main battlefield. After asking around to confirm the location of the headquarters, he pressed his sword and reached a small town!

"Shuang Wu!" Tang Hua waved to Shuang Wu who was fishing by the river. Shuangwu is very free, and her duty is to ensure that pensions are distributed fairly and equitably because of the existence of a system. She doesn't have to worry about the most tedious statistics. All she has to do is after the battle. Just follow the system prompts to trade gold to the dead person.

"Why are you here?" Shuang Wu was a little surprised. The impression was that Tang Hua was too uninterested to be early and would not be very interested in such a relationship.

Tang Hua didn't answer the question and sat on the grass next to Shuang Wu: "You also like fishing?"

"Well" I didn't really like it before, but now I feel like I feel at peace when I'm fishing.


"Still thinking about Wuji, right?"

Shuang Wu smiled and waved: "You look down on my sister so much. Even if my sister misses you, she won't miss him."

"Why does this sound so awkward?" Tang Hua said: "Hey! I heard that Wuji did not participate in the attack on Lushan."

"Yes! I'm drinking in Jinan Mansion." After Shuang Wu answered, she looked at Tang Hua with fear: "Tell me the truth, what do you want to do?"

"What are you doing? Hehe," Tang Hua said with a smile, "I want to rent you for two days."

"Sister, I only sell my body but not my soul."

"What I want is your body." Tang Hua explained: "But first, let's make it clear that you can't have any other emotions in the past two days and you must listen to me."

"The person who pursues me, sister, queued up from Lushan to Laoshan. Just to be rented by you for two days, please don't say that I am going to do voluntary work."

"A thousand gold coins!"

"Ah?" Shuang Wu was startled. After checking that Tang Hua didn't look like he was joking, he touched Tang Hua's forehead to make sure he didn't have a fever, and asked seriously: "First tell me what you want to do?" Shuangwu Capital said. A pickpocket like Tang Hua would never give himself such a benefit if he didn't get double the benefits. Either she fell in love with herself, or she had a conspiracy, or of course, she might have been kicked in the head by a donkey. After all, Shuangwu is the deputy gang leader. Now is another sensitive period, and the target is Wuji, who is also a concubine. Considering Tang Hua's character, it is impossible not to be cautious.

"Well, someone hired me to do something against Sangun. I think it might be easier if I go through your ex-husband."

"It's an ex-boyfriend. Sister, I am unmarried." Shuangwu thought about it and said, "It's okay to let me follow your arrangements for two days, but I reserve the right to regret it. As for the reward, I won't accept it from you either.

If it comes to pass, you treat me to a luxurious dinner. "

"make a deal!"

Will you get drunk if you drink alcohol in the game? The answer is neither no nor yes. Because you can make yourself drunk, or you can make yourself not drunk. The only criterion is your personal system tuning. Few people will adjust their alcohol resistance to the level of drinking. Even if they want to enjoy a good drink, they will control it above the boat level.

But today's Wuji is an exception. He wants to get drunk! The three gangs jointly acted. No one informed him, no one asked his opinion, no one even told him what was going to happen and why it was happening. When he knew the truth, he asked the princess, and the princess replied to him: We will talk about it later. Ask Feng Yunnu. Feng Yunnu was being polite and said it was all a trivial matter. Seeing him working hard for days, he didn’t


What a waste of time, as a deputy gang leader, I am not responsible for anything in the gang. He didn't want to understand the strangeness, but... Little Beggar, Bi Shuhuai had his cronies who understood, but when he heard his cronies say this, Min Diansi waved them away. He didn't want to hear stories about princesses and Feng Yunnu. I don’t even want to hear what my old brother said, if Sister Wushuang is here, in this case,

Of course he knew he was wrong at the time, but he is a true man if he makes a mistake without regretting it. And he understands Frost Dance. A person who has even changed his name will no longer care about him. Although he knew that his cronies informed Shuangwu about his current situation.

"He drank too much!" A somewhat sloppy man sat opposite him and stretched out his hand to greet him: "Son. Let's have a table of wine and food first, and double portions will be taken away."

This person looks familiar! Wuji shook his head to wake himself up, and found a woman sitting on his left. I knew this woman myself, and she must have come to ridicule me for being like this.

"Get out! Get out of here!" Wuji lifted the table.

"Hmph!" Shuang Wu stood up angrily, but was grabbed by Tang Hua.

Tang Hua said softly to Wuji: "Open the system interface, then select physiological adaptation adjustment, and then adjust the alcohol resistance inside to the mouth."

"Why should I listen to you?" Wuji had a big tongue and a bit of a child's anger.

"Because I'm your dad, be good! Open the system interface" "That's right"

Wuji suddenly woke up, glanced at Tang Hua who was smiling and shouted angrily: "You are my father."

Shuangwu hurriedly pinched the smiling Tang Hua's mouth into a bear's mouth. Prevent him from irritating Wuji again. Tang Hua didn't expect to bite her finger, and then took advantage of her surprise and chuckled: "Wuji, long time no see."

"Hmph! You guys really hooked up together."

Shuang Wu heard it and said indifferently: "No? He is at least smarter than you."


Tang Hua said in the team channel: "Hey, I'll rent it from you. Just follow my instructions."

"You eat my tofu."

"You touched my face first."

"Rare, with thick skin and thick flesh."

"Nonsense, look at my face being scratched by your hands."

"You" you are shameless. "Shuang Wu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"If there's something wrong, tell me!" Wuji felt very unhappy and very unhappy when he saw the two of them being ambiguous."

Tang Hua saw that the atmosphere was almost over, so he set the table, picked up two bottles of wine from the floor, put them on them and said, "Wuji. Actually, I'm here to help you."

"Why should I help you?"

"Because you owe my wife." After Tang Hua finished speaking, Shuang Wu almost vomited blood. But Tang Hua immediately asked Pinnuo, who was injured by the team, "I'll rent it to you."

"You guys really" Wuji couldn't believe it when he saw Shuang Wu.

"Yes!" Shuang Wu nodded and said, "He cares about me very much. And he never hates me because I am strong. Although he is average-looking, he treats me very well. I am very happy with him and can always forget Lots and lots of troubles. And", sometimes he is a bit naughty, like a big child, he likes to play pranks

"Hey!" Tang Hua wiped his cold sweat and said hurriedly: "There's no need to say so much."

Lei Wu smiled slightly and said: "Generally speaking," I feel very happy and feel that I am living a good life now. "

After Wuji heard what Shuangwu said, he smiled bitterly and said: "You can be happy, and I am happy too.

Wushuang, I was wrong, really wrong. "I know I'm sorry for you" I beat myself to death a minute ago, I don't believe I would say that either" Oriental Eggplant. If you have anything to say, just say it, as long as I can do it. "

"It's very simple!" Tang Hua smiled and ordered: "Honey, you go out for a walk first! We want to have a conversation between men."

Shuang Wu gritted her teeth and warned in the team channel: "Boy, don't be too arrogant, be careful my sister will kill you."

After leaving the restaurant, the two of them flew with their swords. Tang Hua was quite dissatisfied and said: "Hey! I rented you for a meal. How could you not abide by the contract? You almost made him turn from guilt to hatred, and almost messed up my affairs."

"What if what I said is the truth?" Shuang Wu asked lightly.

Tang Hua wiped away the cold sweat: "You scared me. You once said that if you fall in love with me, you will regret it in the future."

"If you don't fall in love with me, I will make you regret it now." Shuang Wu smiled at Tang Hua and said, "I'm just kidding, you know him better than I know him. If you don't let the last bit of his illusion be shattered, he may not be so good. It's easy to help you. Hey! What on earth do you want to do?"

"Can you remain silent?"

"Okay!" Shuang Wu smiled sinisterly at Tang Hua.

"Okay, let me tell you." Tang Hua told what happened and the reasons."

"Shishi?" Shuangwu asked in surprise, "I always thought you were friends."

"I thought so too in the past." Tang Hua told the story of the Lushan incident again.

Shuang Wu gritted his teeth: "I'm just telling you who is so bold and shameless, who eats the boss's and the west's. It's you who puts things that don't belong to you upright and put them up for auction. As expected."

"No need to praise me." Tang Hua said with an unhappy look on his face: "In the end, Shi Shi was disgraced. This girl is really good at choosing people, and she is right at the first sight. If it were someone else, there would be nothing I could do."

"I didn't praise you" from a friend's perspective. Shishi’s hands are indeed not pretty. What are your next steps? "

"Hey! I rented your body just now, and one day later I'll rent your reputation."


"Don't ask so many questions. You will understand when the time comes. My brother will take you fishing in the Bohai Sea now!"

Little furry kid...he's still a big brother! Shuang Wu laughed and cursed.

ps: The latest update will be very unstable, and there will be interruptions from time to time. Please don’t be surprised. The part you owe will be paid back next month!

(Quanben Novel Network