Twin Sword

Chapter 114: Quite Rich


How do you catch white in Dual Swords? You can't just pile up monsters and regret the four-wind fish. There is an essential difference between the two. wWw.QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO.COmExcept for special species, sea monsters are at least a hundred meters away from the land. You can enjoy fishing within meters of all small islands in the sea. As for bait, you can buy it from the store, or you can use the water avoidance technique to catch fish and shrimp in the sea. Of course, the rewards of using water avoidance techniques are far greater than fishing, but the fun of fishing is far greater than using cheating devices.

The two of them had two poles and one island, and the sunshine was soft. With the sea breeze blowing and far away from the hustle and bustle, there is no more comfortable holiday environment than this.

"How are you going to deal with this matter?" In order to ease the embarrassment caused by the too warm atmosphere, Shuang Wu first opened the topic.

"I remember that I was helping Hui Huihui buy the fairy sword. I was afraid that Sha Po Lang Shi Shi would open his mouth and borrow money from everywhere. When we got to Shi Shi's place, she directly said how much money she needed and she would pay for it."

"Can't you do it?"

"Admittedly, a little bit."

Shuangwu smiled and asked: "What if Shishi is not a beautiful woman, but an ordinary woman?"

"This Tang Hua is scratching his head.

"Ha! The fox's tail is exposed. That's how you men are. There are always some differences between your attitudes towards beautiful members of the opposite sex and ordinary members of the opposite sex.

"What a man!" Tang Hua laughed at himself, threw the sea pole out and said, "I'm just going to let her suffer a little loss."

"Actually, there are many such people. Generally speaking, the loyalty between friends is higher than the interests of gangs or groups. But I have also met many people who are not like this. In the past, when playing games, it was easy for a server to have hostile gangs. Most people will treat friends as friends, and gangs as gangs. Even if they can't avoid it, they will laugh it off if they are killed or killed. But some people, "for example, I was bullied by a rival gang, which caused small-scale resentment." At this time, I would be unhappy with people from rival gangs, and I would be unhappy with friends who are also in such gangs. There are also all kinds of wars of words that will aggravate such changes. As a result, they delete friends and fall out. There are many such people. Shuangwu said again: "The same goes for Shishi. If she doesn't help the disadvantaged Paradise, then her group will be punished. Loss. That’s why she would use your status as a friend to do such a thing. Don’t blame her. I understand her quite well. A woman has to support a group. It’s really tiring and sad.”

"Then why does she have to support

"Pig! You think the game is a simple game. This is your weight for future goals. And do you think Xuan Xuan has any ambitions? No, she just wants to stay popular. She doesn't want people to forget about it because of a few years of games. Her. Then what can she do when she gets to the ball? These are people with resources and abilities. Ordinary people just want to save more money and exchange it for one more country currency. Of course, it is still early, and it is also important to strengthen yourself.

"Just have fun playing games! Besides, this game is quite fun.

"You think everyone is as heartless as you." Shuangwu thought about it and said, "How about this? Give me your money and I will help you invest and preserve it, so that you won't be destitute. Do you still plan to use magic to build a house for yourself?"

"Have you ever thought about something?" Tang Hua approached Shuangwu and said, "My fifty thousand federal coins can only be exchanged for five taels of silver. Then, how many ball coins can be exchanged for ten thousand taels of gold?"

Shuangwu was stunned for a while and then waved his hand and said: "I don't care what you do, just concentrate on fishing."

ha! Let him be strong, let him be strong, I will let the wind blow, not seeking happiness tomorrow, only seeking happiness today. Tang Hua pulled the fishing rod, and a squid hit Shuangwu in the face. After Shuang Wu was frightened, she grabbed Tang Hua and beat her a few times, eh! This is not flirting. This is Geng. Why? Because the system said so."

"How does that go?.

Tang Hua received Shishi’s 12th text message asking about it. He replied in the same way as before: "It's about to be done." Then he looked at the time and put away the fishing rod and said: "It's almost done. Now I'll start renting you again."

"You can definitely say that Shuang Wu is not satisfied with hiring me." Character.

"it's the same!"

A thousand miles a day,

Approaching Jiujiang, Tang Huaan sent a text message: "Where are you?"

Shishi replied: "Old place! How are things going?" Over the past day, the Allied firepower became more fierce, and the resistance in heaven was disintegrated layer by layer. Now there is only the last layer left, which is also the hardest layer to chew. The core members of this level are gang members who have forcibly withdrawn from the three gangs or applied to withdraw from the gang. Although the number of people is smaller than Zhuan, they are extremely united. There are also die-hard elements of Paradise, and the rest have either lost their fighting spirit or left the Paradise Gang. A Gang of Three Neng, located in Nanjing, Chengdu, and Chang'an Sanduo, has been liquidated by the Three Gangs Elite Hall. Although it will not be disbanded, due to the lack of a station, the number of people the gang can accommodate has been greatly reduced, and many people have forced the system to kick them out. Even if such people want to fight for heaven, they will not be able to do so. The reason is very simple: merit!

The Sword Immortal Platform was destroyed and the gang was disbanded. It is difficult to reopen a gang and gather members. What's even more difficult is that being a resident scholar will not give them the opportunity to win any famous mountains, and even being a resident scholar in the suburbs of the city will not give them. The existence of the Paradise Gang is meaningless. Even if it is reluctantly reopened, sooner or later the gang will slowly leave because there are no system tasks, and it will eventually become an empty shell.

Because of this, Shishi asked about the progress twelve times a day. She vaguely regretted placing her treasure on Tang Hua! However, the message Tang Hua sent back to her made her puzzled: the matter is settled, let's meet to talk. "Have ordered Shishi to open the window and take a look. Directly opposite there is... an item replenishment point for the Second Gun Gang Zhongbi Zhujiujiang.

Not only did the Three Guns logo hang on their mouths, but the words "Three Guns." were also printed on their heads.


"What do you mean?" Shishi was a little angry. They even brought Shuang Wu, the deputy gang leader of the Double Lions Gang! What does it mean? Although he didn't want the Three Gangs to know what he was doing. But take it out. It can also be said in the past. After all, I didn't promise anyone to only do one business.

"What do you mean?" Xihua was stunned, then sat down and said, "Report, mission accomplished."

"Is it done?" Shishi asked calmly. She wanted to see which play Tang Hua wanted to sing.

"Yes!" Tang Hua smiled and said, "Aren't we doing tasks just to satisfy the employer?"

"But the employer is not satisfied. The employer doesn't even know what you did?"

"Believe me. The employer is very satisfied." Tang Hua drew out a piece of rice paper and put it on the table and said, "You can see for yourself."

"Huh?" Shishi took the rice paper and read only one line before vomiting a mouthful of blood.

It was written on the rice paper: I, Wuji, very much approve of Dongfang Eggplant completing my commission from Shishi. The intermediary, Shishi, can hand over the remaining balance to Dongfang Eggplant. Intermediary remuneration part. Pay by myself. If in doubt. You can inquire via text message. Wuji! Year, month, day and hour!

Tang Hua explained: "You see, it doesn't matter if the three guns are destroyed, as long as the employer is happy, we will work together. Now Wuji is quite satisfied, you earn your agency fee, and I get my labor fee. Let's all work together. Why? Like? I'm awesome, right?"

Shishi said nothing. He looked at Shuangwu who was smiling and saying nothing. Only then did I understand why the Frost Dance appeared! Even people from the Heaven Gang know that Shuangwu is fair and impartial. What she announced was like gold that is not afraid of being refined by fire. The only hope now is that what is written on this rice paper proves to be false.

But Wuji’s text message back was ruthless. He didn't say anything, just said that he allowed Tang Hua to complete the commission he gave to Shishi. When asked why, Wuji refused to answer and just insisted: Tang Hua completed the commission.

"Shishi? What's wrong? Looking so ugly?" Tang Hua asked with concern, making a gesture of money with his hand. Remind Shishi that the final payment is due.

If you don't tell me that things haven't been done, you've wasted your precious time. Still need to lose three thousand gold? Shishi reluctantly smiled at Tang Hua: "Actually, Eggplant, this task was not entrusted by Wuji."

"Shishi!" Shuangwu interrupted: "It's not good for you to do this. Did you deceive a friend who has always trusted you in order to complete the commission? Tell me about this. It doesn't seem to be good for your reputation. After all, no one can I can’t believe an intermediary who would take advantage of and deceive my friends. My friends all deceive me, so I can sell my employer in a matter of seconds.”

Shishi hurriedly said: "No, no"

"That can't mean" you misappropriated the Wuji entrustment money, right? "Let's do this! Qiezi is also one of our own. If you can owe it, just owe it, Qiezi. Just ask for an IOU, don't force yourself on your friends like this."

Tang Hua said hurriedly: "That's right, that's right. Everything depends on Sister Shuangwu."

Judging from Shishi, Tang Hua doesn't seem to be the one who seduces him, but the two of them sing and harmonize. It's obviously a double act. Could it be that something went wrong? Something went wrong. Shishi hurriedly sent a text message to Shapolang: Does Qingzi know that I invited you to do the Lushan incident

"Yes!" Sha Po Lang answered briefly and concisely.

"Why? Why did you betray your employer?" Shishi was furious

"The reason I have no friends is because there are too many people who betray their friends."


"Goodbye!" Sha Po Lang didn't explain.

"With your attitude, who else will hire you in the future?"

"I won't be hired again."

"Shishi?" Shuangwu asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" Shishi smiled softly, turned to Tang Hua and said: "You" forget it! This is your reward. "Shi Shihua pulled out a banknote.

When Tang Hua saw the transaction amount, he quickly canceled it and said, "Shishi, it's wrong! It's a loss, not


"That's right! This was the highest price ever auctioned in Lushan at that time."

"Well, Lushan doesn't blame you, I just blame myself for not being careful." Tang Hua said, grabbing his fist and saying, "In the future, I will take Lushan as a warning, and I will learn from every experience."

"It's up to you." After listening to Tang Hua's words, Shishi knew that the relationship between them could not be repaired, and if they continued talking, the two of them would be in an awkward position. She was a little tired and took out a banknote: "Shangkou. Yours

"Three grams of oil!" Tang Hua took the banknote and threw it into the Qiankun bag and said, "You are too busy. I won't disturb you anymore, let's go."

"Wait! Shuang Wu, are you free to sit with me for a while? I have something to ask."

Shuang Wu smiled and said: "Of course. Eggplant, wait for me downstairs, no sneaking around."

"Long story short." Tang Hua said and went out. What are two strong women talking about? Just think about it with your butt. It’s not just about the current situation and future trends. Tang Hua had no interest in this at all. I am quite rich now, and the most important thing now is to find ways to spend money. "If you bring food and wine to the table, please note it on the guests' account in the box upstairs!"

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