Twin Sword

Chapter 2: Registration


"Damn it! Two swords. WWw.qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo.comWhat kind of bird game?" A young man looked at the TV news unhappily: "Is it that one person holds two swords to see who can cut faster? Why are we in China? Without a vote?”

At this time, I only heard someone shouting from the fifth floor: "Tang Hua, let's go to the parade together."

Tang Hua stretched out his head and saw that it was his childhood friend, classmate, colleague, and best friend Sun Ming. "What's the point of swimming?"

Sun Ming shouted: "Protest against playing fools with double swords, we want to play with magic and swords."

"It's boring... go on your own!"

"Xiaohua… "

"Mom, call me Tang Hua, otherwise people will easily misunderstand my gender."

"Sigh... Son, you are leaving tomorrow, why are you still in such a bad temper? Now you are no more likely to go out than before, and now it is possible... that you will never see me again... This is all the fault of our ancestors. It took three generations to pay back the debt. I can't afford it. ." Mrs. Tang burst into tears when she spoke.

"I know, Mom, just take good care of yourself. I'll be fine."

"Well, Mom knows. Mom heard that this game can make local money on Planet M. So..." Tang's mother took out a notebook and said, "Mom will teach you how to play games and play them well."


"You don't know, before you were pregnant with you, your mother was a hunter in the game world. At that time, she liked to use archers the most. That is to say, she met your father in the game... Besides, in the past few hundred years, who of us in the Tang family has not Game masters, your grandpa and grandma. Grandpa Zeng and Grandma Zeng, who didn’t go crazy with games when they were young. So my mother spent a night collecting the essence of games in all stages of the Tang family, from mages, priests, assassins, warriors... to All the experiences of a knight.”


"My analysis of Dual Swords is that you use the sword with both hands, and you should mainly focus on physical attacks, such as whirlwind, brutal impact and other skills..."


"The game has already been substituted, so you can't pursue the flexibility of two swords, but you must first develop the flexibility of one hand. In addition, auxiliary skills are very important, such as defense strengthening, attack strengthening, armor breaking... "

A sleepless night, almost the same across China. Parents who are veteran gamers try their best to instill in their children how to play games. For example, how to form a team, what should be taken into account when forming a team, what points should you do as a captain, and how to distribute equipment. Then there's how to manage the guild, and there's also the fact that boss farming usually drops equipment, but it takes too long, and it's not as efficient as farming minions, etc. What? You don’t know what a soldier is? Soldiers are monsters that you can kill by yourself... When selling things, you have to ask others to bring the price, and sometimes the price is as high as 250... When buying things, you have to work with your friends to lower the price. If you don't sell, you will kill them. Kill them every time you see them...

After a tearful farewell, everyone began to board the boat. Tang Hua's spaceship number is 18000, and his own number is Passenger No. 180999990. The robot waiter led Tang Hua to his own world. The world is very small, only 4 square meters, and there is nothing inside except the game cabin.

Tang Hua was not a rookie and knew what it meant. Many years ago, the whole world was experiencing a food crisis, so people invented a fully three-dimensional and fully simulated game cabin. Inside, your body can enter a state of hibernation. Since you are hibernating, you don't have to eat, drink, poop or poop, which not only reduces carbon dioxide emissions, but also saves food, water resources, etc.

The general meaning is that this is probably where I hung out during this trip.

Spacecraft broadcast: Now that the spacecraft is about to leave the earth, please let us take another look at our hometown, the most beautiful planet in the universe - the earth. The yellow sky, the black sea, and the volcanoes erupting everywhere... Another: After an hour, everyone will enter the game cabin. This spaceship does not have a restaurant or bathroom. If you don't want to starve to death or suffocate, you'd better go as I say. Do. Thank you all, and your most respected smart computer, Screw, wishes everyone a good night.

Hibernation time is up and the game begins...

The old rule is that before entering the game, you have to talk nonsense with the system.

The target of Tang Hua's nonsense was a girl in a comic. Tang Hua knew this girl and she was the most popular comic protagonist last year. Since I'm not a comic book fan, I forgot its name. But Tang Hua knew her catchphrase. Whenever she met a bad guy, she would say it before making any move: I will destroy you on behalf of the Milky Way.

Tang Hua doesn't like this person. No one likes to be represented.

"Name." The beautiful girl asked.

"Tang Hua."

"The name of the game."


"The name has a gangland character, so it's rejected."

"People are floating in the rivers and lakes."

'Ka' means a thunderbolt and a sword, and a bolt of lightning strikes Tang Hua. The beautiful girl straightened her eyebrows in the mirror: "Please don't make me repeat what I said."

Tang Hua pulled his fists with both hands, furious... I'm sorry, he was electrocuted.

The fact is that Tang Hua was on the ground, holding on to the table and saying feebly, "I'm going to sue you."

"I'm going to sue you, the name is confirmed."

"No, no!" Tang Hua jumped up in a hurry, how could he call this name.

"Should you call me? Enter the 20-second countdown."

"**You... that's wrong! I want... I don't ask me to think about it, you have to give me time. It took my mother a month to think of a name for me... "

"8 seconds, 7 seconds..."

There is bright moonlight in front of the bed, I suspect it is frost on the ground. I look up at the bright moon and lower my head to think about my hometown... It is noon to hoe the crops... I don't want ancient poems... I want a name... "

"time up."

"Ah!" At this moment, Tang Hua's mind went blank. Time is up? What's your name? Didn't you say it yourself? Did she just take her last sentence as her name? What's the last sentence? It seems like: It took another month. ah! Tang Hua immediately had the urge to commit suicide.

"Didn't choose? Continue counting for 20 seconds. 20, 19..."

Tang Hua's face was very dark. He had been tricked and treated like a monkey. Fortunately, I still have time to choose a name after all.

"The flowers are withered, be careful, I'll shock you..." The beautiful girl's face was also very dark, and it took her 40 seconds to think of a name.

Tang Hua felt annoyed, but more of aggrieved. There is no other way. Tang Hua has inherited the traditional virtues of China for thousands of years. He has always been able to tolerate it and the principle of doing less is worse than doing more. Of course, this does not mean that Tang Hua is cowardly, but that he is... shrewd. When your opponent is so powerful that you can't defeat him even with a cheat device, even if you can't be friends with him, it's best not to become enemies.

In reality, there are almost no such people. Tang Hua only targets the game... For example, he never challenges the ultimate boss in the novice stage. For example, if the system tells him the coordinates, he will never question it. Another example is when someone says they love him, he will first touch his pocket money to see if he can afford two ice creams...

(Quanben Novel Network