Twin Sword

Chapter 238: Let’s explore again


"Today you have to be sharp even if you are walking, but you have to be sharp even if you are not sharp. Yang and Bai maliciously circled the wind and cloud and threw out a cruel word. wWw!QuAnBen-XIaoShuo!CoM

Fengyun is so angry that it is quite otherworldly. After taking a sip of tea, he said: "It's not whether I want to go, but whether I can go."

Brilliance: "Eggplant, don't force others to do something difficult for you"

Broken interrupted: "It's wrong not to force others to make things difficult for you. In fact, Feng Yunnu, you also have benefits. The three of us have arrived in heaven, and there are a lot of tasks for you to do. There are a lot of skills waiting for you to learn, and a lot of magic weapons waiting for you to get. . Let’s open up the well of gods and demons together. Is there any harm?”

"Brothers!" Feng Yunnu stood up and bowed, and took out a banknote: "This is my last asset, Feng Yun. Even teleportation is a problem. Let alone travel to the Well of Gods and Demons."

"No way!" Shattering took the banknote and took a look at it before saying to Tang Huahuanghuang: "Three gold, twenty-five silver and seventeen copper. I said Fengyunnu, don't play tricks on me. You are a master of two calamities. This little money? And you sold three guns to pay off old debts, so you should still have a few thousand gold, right?"

"Alas," Feng Yun smiled bitterly: "To tell you the truth, after selling the gang and paying off the debt, I still have ten thousand gold left, but "I was hunting geese all day long, and I got pecked in the eye, and the boat capsized in the gutter. "

"What's the situation?" Tang Hua asked in confusion, and immediately contacted Sun Ming privately. He had some information."

"Zang Xue knows, right?"

"Ha! I know that so well." Tang Hua said: "The most beautiful woman with two swords, she was once my junior sister, she had many dealings with her, and her character is quite good."

"Not bad, Yang!" Feng Yun swore angrily: "Empty all my wealth, put me on the blacklist, and leak the secret of my absolute defense. And they also spread rumors that I went too far because of my absolute defense." Jie, I owe a lot of debt, and I will be a pauper even if I sell out to the gang. I, my former buddy, have no fewer than ten people collecting debts today."

"When did it happen?" The day before yesterday or yesterday, Tang Hua had cooperated with Feng Yunnu. It seemed that he was still in a beautiful mood at that time, not at all so otherworldly and with a breeze on his sleeves.

"Just this morning!" Feng Yun sighed again: "I wrote IOUs to all the friends who owed money. The foreign debt is 3,500 gold. As long as my account exceeds the loan amount, the system will automatically withdraw it, saying it is because of my creditworthiness. No, if I don’t pay back my family’s income for 18 generations, I will have to work long-term.”

Tang Hua still looked puzzled: "Zang Xue looks quite pure, innocent, and quite kind."

"Kind? She has no conscience." Feng Yun was angry again: "If she is not pure, innocent, or kind, how can I be fooled by this?"

A liar is not written on a liar's face.

If Ru Feng Yun Nu was not a very good girl, she would be a good girl. It won't let him put down his caution at all. Tang Hua really didn't expect Zang Xue to be a liar. He had a good impression of Zang Xue, at least more than Shuang Wu a few months ago. It’s just that she is too beautiful. In reality, Tang Hua was firstly not a young master, secondly not a young master, and thirdly not a red noble. I really don’t dare to mess with it. Of course it's good if my wife is beautiful. But if the beauty is too prominent, it is definitely not a good thing. Tang Hua gave up on possible pursuits with a little inferiority and self-awareness, and it was difficult to start a business. It’s harder to stay in business. It’s also a shame that I’m smart, otherwise I’d be the one shouting dirty words in the wind on the top of the mountain. For example, Shuangwu needs money urgently. It is not impossible for Tang Hua to contribute both himself and Sun Ming's family fortune.

"Ah?" Shattered took out a newspaper: "The Shuangjian Daily, Fengyunnu, I found online, you should read it first."

Tang Hua asked: "What's going on?"

"It's a report about exposing a poor man named Feng Yunnu who cheated money and sex." Shattered added: "The exposer is Burial Love, and it comes with a photo with tearful eyes, pitiful, and heart-breaking for all male animals. "

Huihuang asked: "What is the specific content?"

"It was said that Feng Yunnu owed a huge sum of money because of Absolute Defense, and even asked her to borrow three thousand gold. Because her boyfriend was in urgent need, she asked Feng Yunnu for money. Feng Yunnu refused to acknowledge the debt and even called her a bitch. , saying that lending her money is to give her face."

"Wait, her boyfriend?"

"Yes, you all know it too. It looks like the best sword of the number one master in the God's Domain!"

Brilliant Tang Hua: "Faint!"

"Very Jian also proved that he once lent three thousand gold to Feng Yunnu for Burial Love. He also said that he did not ask Feng Yunnu to repay the money. He accepted the interview just to expose the notorious face of the hypocrite Feng Yunnu." Broken veins popped out as he looked at it. Feng Yunnu gloated: "Brother Feng Yun, you are in trouble. The winner is the king. It was also confirmed that Fei Fei Jian asked everyone for a loan of three thousand gold not long ago."

Tang Hua was dissatisfied: "How can there be any deception?"

Broken said sincerely: "I made it up to capture your thirst for knowledge."

"By the way Ran, when will you subscribe to Shuangjian Daily?"

"It's just you, after your best friend didn't report the news about my escape from the tribulation." Broken teeth gritted his teeth: "I can't fall out with him, can't I subscribe to Shuangjian Daily as revenge?"

"Okay, okay, the most important task at the moment is" Tang Huachao said brilliantly.

Shao Shao understood, and Tang Hua fought with Hui Hui and left.

"Roar," Feng Yun's angry roar echoed through the mountain stream.

"Eggplant, broken?"

"Brother Huihuang, this is muddy water and we won't let it flow. We'll have to wait for another month to wait for people to survive the disaster before we go."

"Huanghuang!" Feng Yunnu grabbed Huihuang's clothes and cried, "There is no one else who can help me now except you."

Broken laughed and said to Huihuang: "He wants to use your reputation to rectify his name. But

Tang Hua placed the tearful photo of Burial of Love in front of Hui Hui.

"But how do you know who is real and who is fake?" Broken asked, pointing to the photo in the newspaper.

"It should be true, right?" Huihuang didn't

Tang Hua: "Why are you so sure?"

"He roared with great energy." Huanghuang wiped his sweat, it was indeed a nonsense reason. It is actually very simple to clear up the case where Feng Yunnu was wrongly accused. Just find some worthy people to come together and prove it. But Huihuang really dare not confirm who is true and who is false. There is no customer service to check transaction records. If I make a wrong judgment, it would be wrong for a girl to suffer such great grievance due to her ruined reputation. What's more, looking at this photo makes me cry, not only is it sad, but it's also very sincere.

"Huanghuang, if you don't help me, no one can." Feng Yun was angry and saw that Huihuang's position was quite unstable and said hurriedly: "As long as you say something, everyone will believe 50% of it."

Seeing Hui Huihuang's dilemma, Tang Hua said, "Let's do this. If you have evidence to prove that you are indeed a victim, we can help."

"This," if there is evidence, why do I still seek glory? "

"If you don't have evidence, go find it."

"Where can I find it?"

Where to find it? Tang Hua thought about it and said, "You can find someone to help you.



Upon hearing the name, Feng Yunnu was immediately discouraged: "I have no money." Little did he know that Shishi, a person with extraordinary energy, might indeed be able to help him. But this woman is a typical person who cares about money. If you want to talk about Tang Hua's matter, it is possible for others to help for free. Considering my relationship with her, this is too much.

"If you don't have money, you have someone." Tang Hua said with a sly smile: "Even the pork belly is now priced at eight yuan a gold. With inflation, of course your value will also rise accordingly.

Shishi put a banknote and an IOU on the table and said reluctantly: "Four thousand gold can allow you to pay off the additional loan. The IOU is ten thousand gold for one month. Your salary is three thousand gold per month. One hundred gold, at your call. You have to live or die. If you perform well this month, I will lend you 10,000 to repay this IOU, and then this 10,000 IOU will be for the next month. In other words, as long as If you perform well, your salary can be increased, and you can work part-time to repay the four thousand gold you really borrowed. If you slow down your work or engage in some conspiracy, I can ask you for ten thousand gold compensation at the end of the month. At that time, you can only work long-term for screws, don't No choice.”

"This, is this a contract of betrayal?" Feng Yun was furious and frightened.

"Let me tell you clearly in front of Eggplant's brilliant and broken faces. This is called loan sharking. If you have the money to pay me back, I will pay you back the IOU immediately. But yours is five thousand gold. You see how good this is, but if you don't have the money, you can only Listen to me, I will give you a job so that you can make money to pay off your debts. You can redeem your life immediately if you have money, and I will not stop you." Shishi said: "The storm is angry. It's not that I underestimate you, according to the current situation, who else will Lend you money?"

Hui Hui wanted to speak, but Tang Hua waved his hand: "Take him away!"

Shattered responded, dragged Huihuang away and left. I want to be a hero again, but with our two buddies here, even if you are white, you will be dyed black.

Feng Yunnu asked again: "What's the truth about this matter? Are you responsible?"

"I said I was just a loan shark." If you want me to find out the truth, I will give you a quote later. "

Tang Hua texted: "You are so ruthless, poaching all his remaining value."

"Haha! You should say that, at least he still has residual value that can be mined. The two swords can allow me to borrow 4,000 at a time, and players with a monthly salary of 300 gold can count it all with my fingers.

Huihuang asked Tang Hua: "This. Can Shishi trust it? Can she really find evidence?"

"It's really possible!" Huihuang nodded: "Then I'll pay for the money to find the evidence."

"Are you sick". Tang Hua and Broken said together: "No.

Tang Hua said patiently: "Shishi is in black. At least three thousand."

"Yes, yes!" Broken agreed: "There are so many people who need help. How can there be a day when the most miserable people don't appear in this world? Brilliant, save yourself, you forgot. The spaceship will arrive in a year at most, and now it's Everyone knows that we should make more money and spend less. We brothers don’t know how much money you have in your pocket. If Eggplant hadn’t led you to fight in a gang, would you be able to save money with your personality? Don’t blame your brothers for not reminding them. , Fengyunnu is now a bottomless pit. Eggplant has good intentions in asking Shishi to give him half of his freedom. If you throw money into it, you are a fool. Do you still expect to spit out the money you swallowed by Burial Love

Huihuang looked at Tang Hua: "Eggplant, what do you mean?"

"Alas" this money is yours, it's up to you how you spend it. We are just doing our duty as friends to advise you. Tang Hua thought about it: "How about this?" Let's go to the Well of Gods and Demons to get a handful. If we get the fairy sword, it will belong to Fengyunnu because he is a good character. If I can't get it, I won't mention it in the future. Is it possible to leave it to the system to decide? "

Huihuang nodded: "Sure! I'll talk to Feng Yunnu."

Broken said in Tang Hua's ear: "If my Qiankun bag accidentally contains an immortal sword, I will kill you without even saying a word."

"Me too!" Tang Hua high-fived Broken.

Feng Yunnu naturally agreed. Since there were four thousand loan sharks, Feng Yunnu successfully paid off the debt. There was no need to buckle immediately. Shishi was a kind person. Although the system reminded her that Feng Yunnu’s reputation was not good, she still chose the most trustworthy IOU.

"The current market demand for the eighth-level flying sword is zero." Tang Hua analyzed: "The seventh-level flying sword is now the most popular product, and it is basically a situation where there is a price but no market. According to analysis, in about four months, the eighth-level flying sword will It’s starting to sell like hot cakes. If you don’t mind having your grievances cleared after four months, you can sell us the eighth-level flying sword at a 30% discount on the seventh-level price.”

"It's easy to talk about." What else could Feng Yunnu say? After all, someone stretched out a branch to save himself when he fell into the water. Although the person who took the branch was intending to exploit his landlord, his life was sincere.


With Fengyunnu joining in, the scene becomes much more relaxed. In this turbulent and angry day 08, the book is ridiculed and ridiculed. "Xiao Zhanxianxin Buddha body, the defense of the Buddha body is very, very, very high. But the one who chooses the Buddha body to praise and abandon the attack. The magic calamity one chooses the immortal, Demon or immortal demon body. Immortal Tribulation chooses immortal and Buddha bodies together. This is not without origin. At that time, Sun Wukong was originally a disciple of the immortal family, and later mixed with Tathagata. He became a Buddha. Of course, brokenness and glory will not give up. In terms of attack power, it should be said that what they pursue is attack first, and defense second. Or they want to strangle Tang Hua to death. Tang Hua chose the immortal body when he had the opportunity to choose a demon body with stronger attack power.

But having said that, if Tang Hua chooses the demon body, it will be like premature ejaculation. After one mana is used, there will be nothing wrong with him. Immortal body is like Viagra. Although it is not that intense, it is more durable and can recover quickly. Of course it would be nice to have both, but you can’t have your cake and eat it too, unless you use bear’s paws to catch fish.

The battle ended in two minutes and five seconds. After Tang Hua was killed three times and wasted 600 gold in travel expenses, he finally got through this, don't mention it.

"God is good and the devil is evil." After entering a hall, System Hunkou appeared again: "If there are evil thoughts in the heart, God is also a devil." If you have good thoughts in your heart, the devil can also become a god. This level is a test of your self-knowledge and your normal behavior. The left path is the divine path. The right path is the devil's path. The middle path is the path of gods and demons. If you deviate from self-cultivation, the difficulty of the challenge will be increased. "

"Haha, tell the truth in this test. Tang Hua walked to the right teleportation array very satisfied. Life is still simple. If he was a demon and did good deeds, he would be tangled now. Another example is Chang Feng, a mixed immortal, who did bad things. Then It’s even more confusing. For example, “Broken and Furious”.

"No!" Shattered and frantic: "Don't leave, eggplant, help me come up with some ideas. "Yeah." Although you haven't done anything good, you don't seem to have done anything bad. You should choose the left, right?" Tang Hua thought about it.

Huihuang said hurriedly: "No, he said whether the heart is good or evil. To gain merit is to do a good thing. I think Shattered should be chosen."

Po Po cried: "So I have to choose the right, I am actually a villain.

"Hey! What do you mean by that?" Tang Hua asked dissatisfiedly on the right teleportation side.

"Oh," I'll choose it if it's good or not! "Feng Yunnu simply stepped into the middle path.

Hui Hui chose the divine path, and Tang Hua chose the demonic path. This was a definite fact, and there was nothing to consider. But what path should we choose to be broken? To be honest, the three of them were very confused. In other words, none of the three of them knew whether Broken was a good guy or a bad guy. Or someone who is neither good nor bad. This guy is nice to his friends, but sometimes he bullies his subordinates. You will also take pleasure in others' misfortune. But sometimes I can stand up when I see weakness,

How to do it? In the end, Tang Hua had an idea and took out three toothpicks: "Short ones are demons, long ones are gods, neither long nor short ones are demon gods."

"Halo, it's this trick again, can you be a little creative? I saw Tang Hua use it not long ago, and he actually used this method to catch a Western monster. But I am not Tang Hua, and I have nothing to do with any vegetables. His character can be so strong.

"Do you have any other good ideas?" Tang Hua asked.

"I think scratching would be more appropriate." Toothpicks are easy to cheat.

"I come". Brilliant shots are quick. After carefully making the paper balls, he clasped his hands together and said, "If you believe, you will be successful." It can be seen that Huihuang was still a self-reliant person when he was a student, which was different from Tang Hua's arrest and stealing. Why do you say that? Because he made four paper balls very skillfully and wrote something like

"Shinto? Isn't it?" Broken dizzy. I was wandering in front of the demon god and the devil's way, but I didn't expect to extract the most unlikely divine way. Is it considered a good person to take pleasure in someone else's misfortune without adding insult to injury or taking advantage of someone's misfortune

"This is the will of God. The glorious wave of hands entered the Shinto.

Tang Hua also learned how to wave brilliantly and entered the path of magic. In fact, there will be no answer to this question. Since there is no answer, we can only exchange our lives for the answer.

It was still a wrong path, but Tang Hua was no longer facing General Jin, but another Tang Hua. System starts! Noisy readings. Tang Hua first threw out the identification talisman and then was happy. After the identification, the fake Tang Hua was added with status, and the attack, defense and other data were reduced. This shows that his choice was right." But Tang Hua was confused again. Did the system really think that he was He is also a bad person. In fact, according to his own psychology, he is quite good. At least he has not reached the state of bullying men and women. In other words, he is the one who drinks, and others pay the bill. He makes some shady money and deceives some shady people. I am very kind to myself. Renshi has always been courteous. For example, the amiable novice village chief himself never thought of attacking him.

A simple challenge, too simple. Tang Hua emerged victorious in three minutes. Of course, other than sighing that his life was actually quite thick, he did not truly describe his appearance to the system. And to vilify is a bit slanderous.

the second. The one that came out was so broken that Tang Hua was shattered. The third one surprised Tang Hua even more. It turned out not to be brilliant but to be angry.

"It's been half an hour." Broken looked at the system time: "No way? Could it be that Brilliance is actually a heinous bad guy?"

"Hey! How do I look like a heinous bad guy?" Tang Hua retorted very sensitively. I want to be a good person, but when various temptations appear in front of me, do I still have the right to choose? I am a human being with material desires and desires. But Tang Hua also wondered, what went wrong with Glory? Is there something wrong with the system's judgment criteria? Calculating this, I should be a good person who has been practicing for ten lives and doing good deeds every day.

The three players were wondering together" (To be continued)

(Quanben Novel Network