Twin Sword

Chapter 240: Thunder


"Ask him how many brothers E Mei has at Wu Liu", the broken man at the end touched his lips and said the curse of Xing Dao Mu Dong poison. WWw,qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo,Com

"Excuse me, that proud guy was the one you let out because you were too proud. Each of us was hit once." Tang Hua said contemptuously: "It's lucky that we have good character, otherwise you would have to hold an apology wine in a Chengdu restaurant for three days. Yes. Isn't it brilliant

"Yes! After all, we are on the same team now."

Proud Ghost: "The last question. What do the names of Demon Zunlou, Tianjiang Feipeng, Feipeng's incarnation Jingtian, and Jingtian's sister Long Cai have in common?"

Feng Yun was in a coma.

Unexpectedly, Huihuang shouted at the end: "It's all Chinese medicine

"They are all Chinese medicine." Feng Yun was so angry that Ma Quan became a living horse doctor.

"correct answer."

Broken Tang Hua looks up at the glory, this is God. In the 1930s, there were still people who knew about traditional Chinese medicine.

"My father is a famous Chinese medicine doctor. "Actually, I know that Sedum and Longcai are traditional Chinese medicines, so I just mistook them. "

"This is not a casual trick." Tang Hua said, "This guy is just a fool." Deceiving people and deceiving ghosts. "

"We have character, you can't help but envy us." Tang Hua chuckled.

Four people passed the test collectively.

"Have you noticed the colors of the floors in each hall?" Tang Hua pointed to the floor and said: "Entering the Well of Gods and Demons is red, passing the Golden General Pass is orange, passing the Gods and Demons Pass is yellow, and passing the Ghost Pass, which is now green. .If you calculate it this way, there are still three levels: blue, blue and purple.

"Come on!" The other three Lixia were full of hope for the future.

"Wind, rain, thunder, lightning. Choose one of the four levels." It was the rich male voice again. As soon as the voice fell, four teleportation circles appeared in front of the four people.

Tang Hua immediately said: "We won't go if the wind blows."

"Which one should I choose, Lei or Dian?"

Huihuang meditated and said: "Thunder is sound, lightning is injury. Are you afraid of sound or injury?"

"Of course it's hurt."

So the four of them stepped into Thunder Pass together.

A very harmonious prairie, with a clear blue sky, looks very comfortable.

Rich voice: "The Queen Mother was frightened by the thunder. She lost a jade harp for half an hour. Reminder: The Queen Mother's Bodhisattva is also called Wang Bo. Because it is surrounded by immortal energy, it attracts elves and monsters to snatch it. The grassland area is 30 Square kilometers, the countdown to monster level begins."

Captain Hui Hui immediately said: "Eggplant, I'll kill the monsters. Fengyun, Shattering, look for Bozi."

"Start the timer!" the rich voice said. Suddenly there was a thunderbolt, and the four of them dropped their swords and fell down.

"Banana, coma, so awesome!" Tang Hua spent a second to be the first to recover and cursed first.

Brilliance shattered and recovered almost at the same time: "Everyone, fly higher, don't be thrown to death."

Fengyunnu hit the grassland in four seconds and recovered: "Oh!"

"Awesome. You can't even fall to death like this."

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun shouted angrily: "Help, goblin."

"Follow me." Huihuang's sword transformed into a huge sword and directly blasted away on the ground. The monster in the ground took a bite, jumped out of the soil, and waved his hands to grow vines that curled toward the glory. Brilliant is an experienced person, how can he be involved. The second sword slashed directly towards its long vines. Swords and vines intersect. The mutual banging is like the sound of gold and iron.

"Eggplant, you vixen at six o'clock." Broken Eyes shouted.

"Six o'clock? Banana, you can just say it behind your back. Tang Hua turned around and flicked his hand, and the black energy rushed away. The fox was cunning when he saw the power. He took out a handkerchief and covered himself, and the black energy attacked the handkerchief. Above, the handkerchief turned into a black smoke and the fox was gone.

"The broken fox was immediately discovered at three o'clock.

Huihuang shouted: "Broken, what are you causing trouble? Hurry up and find Muzi."

"Oh!" Broken sighed. He was a low-level person and was used to being shouted at. The net fell into the grass, and when it broke, he cursed his mother: "Damn the grass, the grass is half as tall as a man."

"Find quickly!"

"Looking for it." Shattered depressed. Do you think I am a person with character like Eggplant? Not to mention Fengyun Nu, his character is worse than his own.

Brilliance had a firm upper hand against the goblins, but within two minutes, the goblins were forced to crawl up and down to run for their lives. The same goes for Tang Hua. The vixen can blindly teleport, but Tang Hua's speed cannot be matched. The fox teleported and Tang Hua arrived at it almost at the same time.

Fox teleportation is not a skill that costs money, it has a cooldown time. So it was only a matter of time before Tang Hua eliminated the fox.

"Boom!" There was another thunderbolt. Tang Hua dropped his sword and was immediately interrupted. The fox took the opportunity to escape from the clutches. Tang Hua was furious and pointed at the sky and cursed: "I'm your Queen Mother, I'm helping you find jewelry. Can't you take care of your men? Where can the fox go?"

"It's done." The goblin is not as cunning as a fox, and will only burrow into the ground when it gets scared. If it gets too anxious when burrowing into the ground, it will only crawl back up. The two brilliant swords came out in unison and killed him in less than two minutes. "Dizzy, the earthworm turned into a spirit" Broken lamented, Huihuang looked over and saw that Broken's whole body was bound by a big earthworm, and as soon as the red light appeared on the earthworm's body, Broken lost a lot of life.

"Unconscious, how can we use the knife like this?" Huihuang went crazy. When he saw the body of this earthworm, he knew that its skin was thin. It was almost impossible to attack the earthworm without damaging it and breaking it: "Eggplant!"

"Here we come!" Tang Hua gave up chasing the fox and started to stamp his feet and count the seconds: "Yu hates Yunchou." The high-level water spell was thrown out. This system said it was a single-target attack. Single-target attack meant that it would not attack other objects. As for whether it would attack the earthworms or break them, Tang Hua couldn't be sure. Anyway, there is a 50-50 chance, and since my water attribute is so good, even if I want to kill Broken, the King of Hell will not agree.

Tang Hua's character is obvious to all, and there is a one in ten thousand chance of success, let alone a chance. With one move, the earthworm's hatred value is immediately increased. The earthworm gave up its pursuit of Tang Hua and flew away in the air like silk.

"With such a long earthworm, it is estimated that it can catch the Dragon King of the East China Sea." Tang Yaowei smiled, and the Yin-level little thing was so impressed that he rushed forward and immediately shouted in surprise: "Brilliant helper, the fox came back and I was confused." ”

Brilliance came much faster than Tang Hua imagined. Tang Huawang opened his mouth, and the brilliant swords struck behind Tang Hua and took out the fox. The fox was struck by the double attack and was about to use another blind trick, but Hui Huihuang had no other means. The sword did not take back, but transformed into a soft sword to tie up the fox. Restrain it for three seconds and take it down easily.

As for Earthworm, he wanted to tie Tang Hua up, but he couldn't hold him back when Qiankun escaped, so he stepped aside early and freed up his hands to shoot at him. One-on-one, even the monsters from the Well of Gods and Demons are no match for Hui Hui and Tang Hua. I'm just afraid of a group fight,

If you want to be afraid of something, let's just say it. After a sad wolf howl, the ground trembled slightly, and thousands of silver wolves appeared on the high slope not far away. The leading silver wolf is very tall and majestic. Tang Hua hurriedly threw out the identification talisman: "The Silver Wolf of the Two Wolf Gods. Grade Calcium. It is the transformation of the Tianlang Ring, the treasure of the Immortal Family. It will make everyone rich, hahaha!" This kind of stuff can transform into various shapes, But they are all top quality stuff.

Shattering and Feng Yunnu were overjoyed when they heard this, and no longer hid in the grass. They each controlled their flying swords and started to attack the big silver wolf.

"Dizzy!" Hui Huihuang sweated. It turns out that courage is worth money. As soon as I heard that there was an immortal weapon to be obtained, I stopped doing my job. Brilliance fell to the ground and began to search for Wang Guan. If others are not willing to do it, you have to do it yourself


Suddenly, there was a flash of golden light, and the wolves roared together. A second sun appeared in the sky, and golden characters appeared: Howling Wolf Sun. The sun exploded and turned into countless pillars of fire that spread over the grassland.

"Grandma. Legs, sword array to protect the body." The broken body turned sharply. The protective fairy sword creates a barrier. Strongly supported by twelve pillars of fire. The top was pushed down, but I didn't expect that the fire pillar also had a knockback effect. Directly nail Shatter from mid-air to the grassland. Most of my life is gone.

Fengyun Nu was also nailed to the grassland, but he was much better. He only lost less than a third of his life by relying on defense. Brilliance lies on the ground. Avoid falling in mid-air, and you won't lose much life. The best one was Tang Hua, who laughed despite the blazing fire: "This eggplant is made of real gold and is not afraid of fire."

"Ouch!" The wolves roared again, and a sun appeared again,

"I'm dizzy, infinite golden skills." Huihuang shouted hurriedly: "Eggplant. Disrupt their formation."

"Coming" Tanghuawang said two words. He immediately shouted, "Help!" It turned out that this time it was not a pack of wolves roaring at the sun, but the sun and the moon. A moon and a sun overlap, causing double damage from ice and fire.

The eggplant can stick to it, and the sow can climb the tree. Broken hurriedly took medicine and summoned the sword to draw a barrier again, but he lay dead on the grassland without taking off.

"Be careful, eggplant." Hui Guanghuang still hurts people, and Tang Hua knew that the most painful move would be the most painful one. Not to mention low life defense, even if someone with water attribute had dozens of them, he would get nothing.

"Boom!" The sun and the moon exploded. Thousands of icicles and fire pillars spread out evenly.

"Eggplant, are you okay?" After the blast, Broken Brilliance all asked. If Tang Hua died, it would mean that they would not be able to pass the test.

"It's okay!" Tang Hua threw away Feng Yunnu in his hand and patted the grass on his body: "Full of blood and magic.

"You bastard, you're using me as a shield user." Feng Yun was furious and said, "Just use it. There's no need to throw it away like garbage after you're done with it, right?"

When the ice and fire came, Tang Hua had sharp eyesight, a quick mind, and a strong body. He relied on his invincible speed to get into the grass, and bravely grabbed the unsuspecting Feng Yunnu and blocked him in front of him. No matter how powerful the Pillar of Ice and Fire is, it is not light after all, and it is not a transmissive type of damage. Feng Yunnu relied on his strong defense to bear this attack unwillingly for Tang Hua.

"Eggplant, charge into the formation." Huihuang flew towards the pack of wolves at a low altitude.

"Wait!" Tang Hua jumped to his feet and shouted: "Wait for me for a minute. Hurry. Hurry. Sister, concave,"

"What plane?" Shao Shao took medicine and held his head and asked in confusion.

"Here it comes again!" Tang Hua picked up Fengyun Nu and blocked it in front of him. This time it was the light of the polar moon, with pure ice attributes.

"Don't go too far." Feng Yun was furious. However, he was also a general person, so he didn't struggle. In fact, he was not opposed to being Tang Hua's shield, but he really couldn't adapt to Tang Hua's grabbing, carrying, and especially throwing movements. Although we are in a state of poverty now, we can still be regarded as human beings. At least you have to treat us as human beings, right

"Eight, seven, six," Tang Hua saw that he was not in time and was ready to catch Feng Yun Fury again.

Feng Yunnu behaved this time, stepped away and stood up straight, saying: "Squat behind my butt."

Tang Hua gritted his teeth, I won't care about you now. yeah! When the time came and he was out of combat, Tang Hua immediately transferred the Qingqian equipment to Kunjing, and then wrote Feng Yunnu's name on it without hesitation.

"Only minutes left!" Captain Huihuang said: "Eggplant spawns monsters, Broken Wind and Cloud Fury, hurry up and find Muzi."

After Hui Hui and Tang Hua rushed into the wolf formation, the wolves could no longer muster the golden skills. However, it was not easy for the two of them. Not only were these silver wolves thick-skinned, they could also use both water and fire spells. Especially the big silver wolf in the lead. Even if Tang Hua was hit by the meteor fire. They will lose 20% of their health, not to mention the ice, which will basically kill you if you hit them. Of course, if you want to die, you must die first, Feng Yunnu.

Feng Yun from the search team said angrily: "Why do I keep losing blood?"

"Take medicine if you lose blood." Tang Hua shouted contemptuously.

Broken Brilliance all looked at Tang Hua, slandering in their hearts: This girl is equipped with the Qianzhuan Kun Mirror and is ready to murder his teammates. But even a real person like Hui Hui had no choice but to cover up for Tang Hua; "Feng Yun, take good medicine, don't die." Once in a fighting state, even if he wanted to change his magic weapon, he couldn't. Secondly, if Feng Yunnu were killed in battle, he might be the next one to be Shattered or himself. Of course the second point is the existence of theory. The first point is that the fact exists.

Feng Yunnu was just wondering. He had not been attacked by anything, and he was still in a non-combat state; but why did his life fall downwards? "Is it possible?" Feng Yun asked angrily, who was hunting for treasure in the grass not far away: "Are you losing blood too?" "

"It's gone, it's a great loss." Broken took a medicine and said: "Look at the health value of my team interface." Said the old 08-year-old Shanxun book to post all the ridicule pictures※Fortunately, I only have a small skill. "The grass is high and the clouds are high and the clouds are so angry that they are broken into pieces." However, he saw that the life of his team's channel suddenly decreased.

It seems like it will really lose blood, but it's not much better. Feng Yunnu breathed a sigh of relief. Originally, he had doubted whether Dongfang Eggplant had done something to him. Why was he counting down the seconds when it was nothing? It seems that I have misunderstood him, and I cannot use other people's consistent behavior to evaluate his life performance. This sentence makes sense.

"Eggplant, you can't find it like this. Fifteen minutes later, Guanghuang took a look. Feng Yunnu and Shattered Net had completed searching the grassland. It's a good thing that wolves can't fly, otherwise they wouldn't be able to hold down these thousand silver wolves.

"Two people, thirty minutes to search 20%. Those five people are 50%. A team is five people." Even if you calculate it this way, you can only find it if you have a chance. And that doesn’t count as dedicating people to defend the enemy. Tang Hua nodded and said, "There must be something fishy here." "

"Your strengths, you find a way."

"Try it!" Tang Hua missed Xingxing a little. This lovely girl was not caught as a coolie. I'm really sorry for my lazy personality. Thunder will make you dizzy. That stupid man said that the Queen Mother's Bodhisattva is surrounded by fairy energy. Pay attention and look for something steaming. It may not be the grassland, it may be mid-air. Also listen carefully to the direction of the thunder. "

"I know that the wind and clouds were angry and pointed at the sun: "The thunder came from that location. "

"Who has sunglasses?" Tang Hua asked.

. The other three people spread their hands.

But this is not difficult for Tang Hua. If he doesn’t have sunglasses, he always has ink, right? This is a must-have for everyone, especially Tang Hua who can write notes. "Break a bottle of seasoning." This is a set with the barbecue grill. Then he poured the ink on the glass, and Tang Hua looked at the sun through his homemade sunglasses and was overjoyed: "I found the target." "

Broken hurriedly shouted: "Don't be in a hurry to get it, let's get this magical weapon first." The opportunity is rare, and there is still plenty of time to let go of such a treasure that is so close to you. You will regret it even if you dream about it.

So Feng Yunnu and Broken immediately gave up searching on the grass and took to the air to kill the big silver wolf. Huihuang sighed: "The screws are so dark, let us come out to the grassland to make us think Bodhisattva is in the grass."

"What's even more disgusting is that he hid it in mid-air. And he hid it in front of the sun. It's not ordinary." Broken spit out a grass root and was very angry. He was tricked into lying in the grass for fifteen minutes. It was really embarrassing. .

The four of them are not weak hands. On the contrary, they all have incomparable experience in hunting down enemies among the monsters. The four of them dispersed and separated the group of monsters. Chasing Tang Hua were more than three hundred silver wolves and silver wolf kings. Fengyunnu and Broken, two people with no hatred value, immediately attacked the Silver Wolf King one after another. Although Fengyunnu failed to attack. But Broken is only five levels different from Silver Wolf King. The level of repression is very low, and it quickly attracts hatred. He dragged the Silver Wolf King to an uninhabited corner and cut wildly. Feng Yunnu was very cooperative in helping Tang Hua pull away the mobs following him. As long as Tang Hua could free his hands, the speed at which he could kill the Silver Wolf King would be greatly increased. As for Hui Hui, he was not idle either. He had pulled over six hundred people without any fear, and turned around to help Tang Hua clean up and pull the silver wolves.

In the first minute, Tang Hua escaped and slashed at the Silver Wolf King with Broken.

Broken voice whispered: "Your character should not be bad for a while." "I will try my best.

"What I'm most worried about now is that the treasure will fall into the hands of Huihuang. This silly kid will definitely give it to Feng Yunnu to pay off his debt."

"Didn't I just give you the fairy sword as promised?"

"Alas," you don't know who he is yet, even though the Shinto passer in front taught him a little bit, but... Broken shook his head helplessly: "Confucians cannot be taught. "

"Actually, we shouldn't keep trying to drag him into the social trash like us. It depends on God's will. If God is destined to give his treasure to Feng Yunnu, I will admit it."

"No, I believe your character has reached the point where all the old and the weak will perish."


"You're welcome." Broken said: "Have you ever thought about Eggplant's problem?"

"what is the problem?"

"You said it's okay if no one else abandons Feng Yunnu. After all, it's important to draw a clear line with liars. But the princess is his biological sister, why haven't you heard him say anything about helping him?"

"What you said" is really strange. But judging from Feng Yunnu's performance on the top of Mount Emei, if everything was just acting, he could become the best actor. Tang Hua said: "There shouldn't be any younger sisters who sell their elder brothers for ten thousand gold in games, right?"

"Or is there a conspiracy? That's not true. No matter how much conspiracy there is in playing a game, it's limited. Feng Yun Nu can't act in such a way that we all believe he was really deceived."

"I have a feeling that Feng Yunnu will not be the only child in this incident."

"You mean to add the extraordinary sword? The princess and the buried love team up to deceive people?"

"It may not be impossible. Tang Hua looked at Feng Yun and said: "Although he may have been kept in the dark, but in the future when people and money will be gained, do you think he will forgive Burial Ai and his sister? "

"If we guess correctly, the process should be like this. The princess and Burian Ai defrauded Feng Yunnu out of thousands of dollars. No matter how Feng Yunnu is not a human, he will not say that his sister has a share. When Burial Ai is a person, Feng Yunnu will never let Feng Yunnu spend all his money. The possibility of a money bag. The second step. Shishi helps Feng Yunnu clarify the facts, but Burian Ai firmly denies it, saying that someone has framed her.

The brat like Fei Jian must believe in burying love. In this way, Feng Yunnu's credibility will not be in question, and Fei Fei Jian will love burying love even more. So Feijian is likely to pay tens of thousands of dollars for burying his love. The final result is that Fengyunnu loses no money and reputation. Because Feng Yunnu repaid Feng Yunnu's money, Feng Yunnu came forward and said that it was his sister's naughty misunderstanding, and Fang Ai did not suffer any loss. The only thing lost was the very sword. "

"The key point of this conspiracy is: Feng Yunnu's acting skills, so it is best to keep Feng Yunnu in the dark."

Broken asked: "How credible do you think this analysis is?"

"It doesn't matter how high the credibility is. The key is to make Huihuang believe it." Tang Hua chuckled: "The rest is none of our business.

(Quanben Novel Network