Twin Sword

Chapter 243: Breakup


The sound direction of the free teleportation array is obviously one-way, but I am satisfied with the free second-in-command Tang Hua. WWw.QUanbEn-xIAoShUo.COm's screws are jumping up and down, trying to overwhelm the players with all kinds of arbitrary charges. This is an indisputable fact. Some people even estimate that all players going bankrupt together is Luosi's biggest dream in his life. Tang Hua feels that Luo is actually a kind-hearted businessman. If it were replaced, he would directly offer a thousand gold, and he would be defeated if he passed it or not. You can add a tip: You can use the 30% discount on the equipment market to destroy it in exchange for gold. In this way, Tang Hua doesn't know whether others will pay for it, but he will definitely pay for it himself. Of course, cursing is still necessary.

From the original analysis of music and scenes, there should be only two colors in the Demon World, one is black and the other is red. Black represents death. Red represents blood. "But" it was actually not as Tang Hua imagined. It could even be said that it was far beyond Tang Hua's expectations.

A mountain with a height of over 10,000 meters and a majestic palace on the mountain were the first things Tang Hua saw. Then I looked around and saw a huge city. At a glance, there is no limit to the horizon. Eight double carriages can ride on the main road at the same time. It runs from east to west through 10,000-meter-high mountains. The north and south branches can also accommodate four carriages each. Except for the palace, other buildings have the highest two floors. The arrangement is orderly and well-proportioned. The streets are clean except for the coming and going of demons. There aren't even any vendors setting up stalls. The demon patrols were also very neat, with twelve people marching in a line evenly on the streets to patrol. Third, Tang Hua felt at first glance that this place was quite disciplined, and the demons here were also quite disciplined. Although many demons are walking on the streets, few demons make a sound. This is Tang Hua's second feeling: efficiency.

"New to you?" a kind white-haired old man asked kindly. "Okay, you really don't look like a profiteer. But I know that you are a profiteer." Although there is no superficial evidence to prove it, you have to look at everything from the other side. You will grow better than the jade tree in the wind. You may become more petty. The kinder one is naturally, the more treacherous one may be.

"The old man is just "Oh"" the little old man seems to be full of sad past events.

Respecting the elderly and loving the young is a fine virtue of the Chinese nation. Well, "In fact, forget it if you love your children. Nowadays, the little devils only ask them not to harass you, and you really don't have the courage to love them. Tang Hua felt that it was unkind to not say anything to the old man with such an expression, but if he did, it might be harmful to him. Not kind.

In the end, Tang Hua decided that the man should be more cruel to him: "Old man, tell me."

The old man didn't care about Tang Hua's attitude. Start talking about your sad past. It turns out that this old man also belongs to the unlucky family, but he brought his own misfortune. The old man was the accountant of the Demon Palace, and he originally did a good job, but one day he accidentally marked the wrong decimal point when calculating food and grass. As a result, 10% of the demon army went out to starve to death. After Chonglou found out, he was furious and wanted to kill him directly. But Nian thought that he was old and had been working hard for thousands of years, so he was assigned to the city gate to take on the task of fetching new demons.

Regardless of wind or rain, the old man had to stay there for five hundred years. A map fee and a tip that the new demon is willing to give can also be counted. The task Chonglou gave him was to return to his original position after earning enough one thousand gold. However, no new demons have joined in the past five hundred years. The old man and his wife and children live next to each other and cannot see each other. It is quite miserable.

"Map!" Tang Hua went to Sanjin and brought a map. This map was not a pirated copy. The structure of the Demon City was clearly drawn on it. Where is the market, where is the restaurant, where is the residence. Where is the restricted area. It also states at the bottom of the map: All new demons must go to the Demon Palace to see the Demon Respect Tower, otherwise they will not be able to obtain a temporary residence permit.

"Old man" The old man looked at Tang Hua expectantly. After five hundred lines, a new demon finally came in. happiness in this life”

"This is one thousand gold coins." Tang Hua took out a silver note.

The old man was overjoyed: "What a slander"

"You're welcome, I didn't plan to give it to you." Tang Hua stuffed the banknote back into the Qiankun bag and said, "My little brother came here for the first time, and I don't know any rules so I redeemed myself for you first. Isn't that going to cause trouble for myself? In addition, I'll see you later. Brother Guolou. How can he have such thoughts to punish you? He will either kill you or ignore you. So, please be more realistic next time you fool someone.

"As expected of the Demon Lord, the little old man is actually the guide of the Demon Palace. If you bribe me, you will be killed on the spot."

"Ha," co-author, is this how you find excuses to kill people? "

"No. Anyone who is stupid and acts as a good person or wants to repay kindness is dead. I have no relatives and nothing to do with him. He can be deceived by a story and a kind face. This demon is not qualified to enter. Demon Realm. Demon Lord, please come with me. Anyone who enters the city without an identity sticker without an introduction from me will be treated as a spy.

Tang Hua was confused: "Let's put it this way. Why does the demon world feel a bit like an army?"

"The Great Demon Lord rules the country by law, which is naturally different from the way the fairy world rules the country. For example, if you are drinking in a restaurant, you will be very happy or sad, throwing dishes and throwing dishes, which is very lively, but it will interfere with the eating environment of other diners. Although it is understandable, but in the The law is inconsistent with the law." The old man did not hesitate to teach: "There are not many restrictions here, but remember not to disturb others.

"Can we fight?"

"Yes, but there must be a reason. Anyone who provokes someone to kill without a reason will be punished by death. Someone who kills someone with a certain reason is not guilty. If you don't make grudges here, you can guarantee eternal peace. If you do, I'm afraid it will depend on how good you are."

Tang Hua asked: "What do you think I am doing?"

"The Tao is high, but it's all mortal tricks that can't be put on the stage." The old man said.

"Then how do you get what's on the counter?"

"Do more tasks." The old man chuckled.

See Chonglou again. Chonglou is still so straightforward. He directly threw over a demon world token, which is the legendary demon world green card. After drawing it, he asked Tang Hua if he wanted to be a hostage in the demon palace. Tang Hua said that Gang Xi came over with a token, named: Ninth Grade Ziyi Demon Chai.

"This is a magic circle that can be freely transmitted to the human world. As for returning to the demon world from the human world, if you don't have heaven and earth spirit stones, you can enter through the Well of Gods and Demons. Heaven and earth spirit stones can be obtained by killing heavenly creatures, and they are also sold in the market. But the price is low. The number is one thousand, or the number is three thousand. I advise you not to be fooled by Chonglou. After looking through the bamboo slips in his hand, he said: "The first errand, a magic song is missing from the magic palace. There is no limit to the means of finding and returning it, you can get it by killing any owner. Bonus skill: Demon Emperor Wutian. "

"Wow! Brother Lou, you are really my idol." Tang Hua was overjoyed, why? Tang Hua himself didn't know it, but judging from Demon Emperor Wutian's awesome name, he definitely had very awesome skills. He seemed to have forgotten that the last creature he said was an idol seemed to have been killed by him. As for this first errand, even if I wanted to force it to be bought, Feng Yunnu might not dare not sell it. It turns out that being a demon has this advantage. If you kill it, you can reveal the task items.

"Stop talking nonsense and get down to business." Chonglou was still an efficient man, and he didn't even serve tea to guests, but just insulted them. Feng Yunnu probably wants to visit the Tiangong. I won’t be able to return to the human world so soon. This is the bad thing about the world of immortals and demons. Not to mention that text messages can't even be used as a flying sword to pass a message. Of course, there is a way, which is to go back to the human world and ask Sun Ming to print a special issue. The special issue can be sent to heaven and earth as long as it is pre-ordered. However, if you publish an issue just to find trouble for yourself, Sun Ming will probably eat people. In this case" Tang Hua started to visit the Magic City.

There were patrols checking Tang Hua's ID card a few times before, but later they didn't look at Tang Hua at all. After entering the casino and verifying my identity, the casino owner ruthlessly informed me that civil servants in the devil world cannot participate in gambling. When I go to a restaurant to eat, I would like to inform you that civil servants in the demon world are not allowed to drink alcohol during the mission, and even if they are not on mission, they must not consume more than necessary at any one time. Going to a brothel, Lao Ai is disappointed and informs: Players are not allowed to enter without specific tasks.

After going around like this, eating, drinking, whoring, and gambling didn't work. It’s such a failure, forget it, since we can’t do it in the demon world, let’s go back to the human world and do it.” I can’t find a safe zone, sweat! But it’s right to think about it. Why does the demon world need a safe zone? What should I do? Ask someone. But this When asked, he found that the people in the demon world were very unenthusiastic and few answered Tang Hua's questions seriously. In the end, Tang Hua could only find the old man who was the guide.

The guide was pretty good. He led Tang Hua to get a house. He said it was a civil servant dormitory and he only had to pay the public fund's rent every month. You can jump around your own house, cry or make trouble, and of course you can also engrave coordinates on it. The house is not nice, it generally feels like a haunted house, but this thing is not for living in, it just works. Tang Hua hurriedly prepared the teleportation formation and returned to the human world in a hurry.

When he arrived in the human world, he first checked Feng Yunnu and found that he was still in heaven and had not returned. Since there is nothing we can do about business. Then go drink first. First I need twenty kilograms of dry food. If you can’t drink, let’s drink one pot and throw away two. Then call in a group of beauties who can play, play, and sing. "After all, we are turtles with green cards now. It would be embarrassing to say it without putting on some show."

"You damn ghost, you didn't even say a word when you came back?" Shuang Wu's text message came quickly.

Tang Hua was thankful that he wasn't on the phone. Without the environment, it would be difficult for him to explain clearly. Reply to the message: "You don't know how poor people are in the devil world. People chew stones and tree bark. I'll fill my stomach first with your man."

"Wow! So miserable?"

"Yeah, it's quite miserable. From now on, if you want to lose weight and immigrate to the devil world, you will definitely lose 5 pounds in a month."

"Tch! I don't want to lose weight."

"you sure."

The couple started texting and talking about love. Shuangwu knew that Tang Hua was waiting for someone, so she didn't force him to come to Yishan to help. Just tell Tang Hua that less than half a month has passed, but the legions of hell have begun to appear, and they are very difficult to deal with. It is rare for men and women to chat and talk about such official matters, so Tang Hua found that he had spent Lijin's text message charges, but in the end, the real value was knowing the news. Or maybe it’s expensive to fall in love. Tang Hua was a roommate when he was in college, and his long-distance long distance record was one hour and thirty-seven minutes. Well, the result is that the mobile phone is broken. I heard that it is a good quality brand."

After Shuang Wu's harassment, it was Sun Ming who started to harass Tang Hua. Sun Ming immediately listed ten things wrong with Tang Hua in the text message, and then immediately sent a police officer to Chengdu for an interview.

Then came Mo Jing. Tang Hua was still a little surprised when he received Mo Jing's text message. He had the impression that this girl had not contacted him for a long time. After reading the text message, I suddenly realized that no wonder, it turned out that he went to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. It turns out that the seventh-level sword is now the most sought-after item. Sha Po Lang has suffered a lot of disaster recently and does not have much gold in his pocket. : Thousands of gold are bought everywhere, but the lowest price for the most rubbish third-grade sword is already four thousand gold. There are not many rich people, but there are even fewer immortal swords.

There are no seventh-level soldiers in the Daxue Mountain, and there is only Shuangshi Military Station in the East China Sea, and there are only a few people who can go there. If you try to rely on the rapid rate of the fairy sword in the Central Plains, you may not be able to grow a big beard. And the Central Plains. Most of them have been damaged, and there is almost no possibility of producing a fairy sword.

Originally, Wushan had a main sword that could be brushed, but you have to know that there are only a few swords in total. "Swords like this that require large-scale manpower" have long been stolen by several big gangs. And when big gangs brush it, they will give priority to selling to people in need who participate in activities. . Even if someone with strong character actually gets the fairy sword in the Central Plains, they usually have friends and gang friends who make reservations to pool money to buy it.

Of course, Tang Hua didn't either. Whenever there was an immortal sword, he would basically shoot it down. As the saying goes, the wind blows away the egg shells, otherwise Sun Ming wouldn't have taken away Tang Hua's ten thousand gold savings like a robbery. Sun Ming knew this person's character. Make money quickly and spend money quickly. A rich man today, a beggar tomorrow.

Mo Jing sent a text message long after asking Tang Hua about his immortal sword: "Eggplant, can you help me think of a solution?"

hit. If you want it, I'll get it for you and give it to Po Lang. "

"I'm coming to find you."

"No, I'm not in Chengdu Young Master Restaurant now, and I'm not drinking there either."

"If you know how to pull it, you'll be there."

An hour later, Mo Jing arrived alone. Buttnet put down the net and said: "Eggplant, I know you have a way."

"Stop, I said it. I won't help kill the wolf."

"Actually, after thinking about it, Mo Jing said: "Actually, a lot of things have happened recently. "

"I'm very free now."

"It's still that virtue." Mo Jing sighed and began to describe the recent experience. Since Xingxing was still in the Shuangshi Gang and was on good terms with Shuangwu, the people who killed Polang were polite to her.

But Mo Jing felt that the attitudes of people around her were changing. Even Shuang Wu seemed to be indifferent to her. Otherwise, Mo Jing, with her original popularity, would not have been able to get the fairy sword until now.

So the disagreement started. Mo Jing said that Xian Jian would find a way for her to stop Sha Po Lang and take over Shi Shi Na's assassination mission. But Sha Po Lang felt that Mo Jing's attitude made him feel very low self-esteem. A man should be self-reliant. He had been playing online games for so many years. He thought that he didn't need any friends at all. It didn't matter if he had many enemies. They were all habits. thing.

As soon as the differences came out, the two sides began to quarrel. Sha Po Lang even accidentally said: Don’t think I don’t know you like eggplant. In this case. As a result, Mo Jing became angry and insisted on breaking up. Although Sha Po Lang immediately realized that he had not apologized, Mo Jing was no longer willing to be with someone who doubted her. Mo Jing did not leave any room. She stated that if Sha Po Lang was willing to stop patrolling Ao Tian Nu Ren Ren, she would Consider taking back your words about the breakup and supporting him.

Sha Po Lang agreed immediately, but two days later Mo Jing discovered that the sworn promise was nothing but a lie. She even saw Sha Po Lang's work manual. Record in detail the refresh times and coordinates of all possible seventh-level sword ratios in the Central Plains. "Shasuke" requires a team of people to grind for two or even five hours. Shapolang naturally won't work so hard. He just grabs

"Break up?" Tang Hua asked in surprise, "Are you willing to do so?"

"It's not like I've never dumped a man before." Mo's mood was low.

"Don't be like this. Out of ten relationships, nine will break up. This is the law of love. Don't think too much. Breaking up is normal, but not breaking up is abnormal. I wonder why no one in my group of friends has broken up. Co-authorship is waiting for you to fill this gap.”

"Fuck you!" Mo Jing became melancholy after acting coquettishly: "Actually, I don't know why I like him. Maybe it's because I think he's cool, has personality, and is different."

"Men are not bad. Women don't love them. But when women leave the exciting life and want a sense of security, they hope that bad men will become good men." Tang Hua chuckled: "It's not that cheap. Do you still expect it? Will a person's personality completely change when he gets married? Let me put it bluntly. The wolf is a little selfish, even towards you. After all, men are the same. They don't cherish the people around them. Once they lose them, they will regret it. "

"The same to you?"

"You guessed it right, I am such a stinky man. But I woke up early, so now I am determined not to let go of Qingshan, and vow to drag Shuangwu into bed." Tang Hua chuckled, and he and Mo Jing made some dirty jokes. , Mo Jing won’t mind. "Isn't that right? You guys broke up. Why are you still looking for Fairy Sword? You have to know that property after divorce cannot be divided equally between husband and wife."

"Who divorced him? We broke up." Mo Jingzhou said: "I just want to help him one last time." "You are not using this story to blackmail me, are you

"Do you still need to blackmail me?" Mo Jing chuckled: "When did I need help and you didn't help me?"

"Yes, you have become accustomed to it. Don't worry about your little girl, I will wrap this sword on my body. In five days at most, let him prepare three thousand gold." When they were in the East China Sea, Tang Hua, Xingxing and Broken encountered a mouthful of garbage sword. Everyone had no use for it, so they kept it for Broken to sell for money. When we went to the Well of Gods and Demons, Broken had not yet made a move. When the time came, he said hello, and Broken and Xingxing received one thousand and fifty each. I don’t want it myself. As for why it takes five days? If it's brilliant, forget it. As for brokenness, Tang Hua really can't guarantee when this guy will return to the world.

"Are you really not afraid that I will lie to you?"

Tang Hua chuckled: "It's not like you don't know me. If you fake a breakup and lie to me, I will make your wolf pay the price with blood."

"It's not mine anymore" Mo Jing was still a little sad.

"Wei Dong!" Someone knocked on the door.

Who is it? Take a guess, if he is a little girl, he will be a super handsome guy. Open the door, you guessed it. Turns out he is a super handsome guy. Can't deny it.

"Be sure to prepare thousands of gold when you go to the Demon Realm, because once you arrive in the Demon Realm, there will be a hidden mission that requires you to pay thousands of gold." Seeing whether you Sha Po Lang will spit out the money with interest, Tang Hua continued to ask the little girl: "What is it specifically? The mission, I said, is boring. But the reward seems good, and the mission person is not as simple as it seems. He is a legendary demon officer. The specific details are waiting for the readers to discover by themselves."

ha! Not a single word of mine is a lie, but I promise that after Sha Po Lang arrives in the Demon Realm."

Prevention: I heard that the number of chapters is slightly wrong. I also heard that a book without flaws is not a good book, and a book without comparison is not a good book. By this inference, physical errors coupled with errors in chapter names prove that this book is a book within a book,"

(Quanben Novel Website