Twin Sword

Chapter 250: The Battle of Lushan


Hun Wu Sang asked harshly! "You have no intention of defending your own gang against the enemy※

"Wife, you also know that your husband has been very busy recently. Www!QuanBeN-XiaoShuo!Com Rice has to be transported from time to time, and employees have to be supervised one by one. In five days, your husband can complete this damn task ." Tang Hua said: "There are only a few big cities. Once you pass this village, there will be no store. One day when the players fight back, where will I go to find a group to complete the merit mission, right? In addition, I always think that I am against the two. The lion’s contribution has always exceeded the contribution of the two lions to me. “What have you contributed to the two lions? "Shuang Wu continued to be vicious.

"I have contributed a very capable, very beautiful, considerate, gentle and virtuous wife."

Shuang Wu lowered his head and asked, "Do you really think I'm gentle and virtuous?"

It looks like a mountain from a distance, and it looks like a mountain when you look up close. The more you look at it, the more it looks like a mountain, but it turns out to be a mountain. A good poem is all about rhyme and can be completed in three seconds. If Cao Zhi had been born in this era, he would probably have died in shame.

"Then you think I'm not gentle enough?" Shuangwu revealed his ungrateful side again.

From a distance, it looks like a tree, but from up close, it looks like a tree." Tang Hua refused to answer any questions that went against his conscience or his wife's self-esteem.

"Get out, get out, get out." Shuangwu pushed Tang Hua down the cliff. She always thought that she was actually quite gentle. But "can you still be gentle when you meet a deadbeat husband who is not afraid of boiling water? Men, it is their nature to push beyond the limits."

"Dong Dong!" The little lady greeted Tang Hua warmly when she saw Tang Hua falling to the edge of the porridge factory.

"Little **, why do you have time to come visit your colleagues?"

"Even a cow has to pant and drink water, right?" The little girl came to Tang Hua and said, "Dong Dong, do you think we should give everyone a half-day holiday?"

"No problem, let's take a day off after it's done." Tang Hua whispered even more: "Little girl, that one, and that other one is lazy when I'm not around." It's hard for me to say it. Please help me wake up in a tactful way. "

My colleagues were right, it was indeed Dongpapi. Fortunately, this girl is not the executive director. ** quickly replied: "No problem, I will talk to them later."

"Yes!" Tang Hua flew a few meters up and shouted: "Everyone listen to me. As a reporter, you must first have a basic sense of justice. How can there be justice without justice? Look at how many journalists have died in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Are they willing to die? No, because of justice. They are glorious. They are selfless. They possess the international spirit of Bethune. Although they are dead, they will always live in our hearts. We will follow their footsteps. . Hold high the three banners of persistence and work hard to give porridge. We strive to achieve the basic goal of eating even if they eat. In six hours, we will change cities to continue helping refugees and carry out the Red Cross internationalist rescue spirit. After all. This is the basic professional ethics of journalists. "

Slogans are meant to be shouted, it doesn’t matter if you believe them or not. Count each one of you, and at least show your attitude and work honestly for me, otherwise I will fire you.

The situation of the two swords has been bad recently. Although there are sporadic resistance from the players, it only slows down the progress of the demon. The three giants all took away their troops, and half of the country quickly fell without a leader. Now, no one is competing with Tang Hua for the porridge factory. Let’s not talk about big cities. There are so many small and medium-sized cities, and they are full of refugees who have no house or food. If charity is not good, why bother with it. Devil.

Tang Hua's next stop and final destination is Nanchang.

Tang Hua has never been able to tell clearly who was responsible for the Nanchang Uprising and the Wuchang Uprising. I do know the word uprising. Achievements are uprisings, and failures are rebellions.

Nanchang has been completely swept away by Western demons. Although this is the only big city coin in the province where the God's Domain is located, as Tang Hua thought, the God's Domain has given up on big cities and is preparing to stick to the gang's headquarters. There is still more than half a month until the end of the event. It is too unrealistic to delay time with a sparrow battle, but the leader of the God's Domain still sends troops to harass the advancing Western demons and block the reinforcements of the Western demons.

Unfortunately, when they arrived in Nanchang, the Realm of God had already occupied the ruins of Nanchang and opened a porridge factory. Tang Hua had a double feeling when he saw this. After all, the rabbit didn't want to eat the grass beside its nest. The God's Realm did a very bad job.

Since someone else opened it first, Tang Hua was embarrassed to let them close down. Of course, it's not Tang Hua's character to avoid him. After reporter A applied for the job, Tang Hua opened a porridge factory in the center of the street. Anyway, it was the last shiver, and Tang Hua was generous, giving half-diluted alms.

As a result, the realm of God is not happy. If everyone gets a piece of the cake, it's bearable, but the realm of gods cannot stand such vicious competition. My side is in a state of disarray. "Bi Naotuo ran towards Tang Hua. There was a porridge factory that raised the price to six dry and four thin. Unexpectedly, Tang Hua Lihai raised it to seven dry and three thin. The takeout came with a chopstick of pickled mustard, and if the whole family came together, they also got a spoonful of peanuts. rice.

"Dongfang Eggplant, do you know what it means that a strong dragon does not suppress a local snake?" Mengmeng, as the representative of the merit-earning players, immediately went to Tang Hua to accuse him.

Tang Hua replied: "China has already entered the market economy... but you still engage in local protection when co-authoring it?"

"You, don't go too far."

The directors of the four porridge factories in God's Realm criticized: "The big one bullies the small one. It's really too much."

Mengmeng said: "You see, this is public anger. Yes! We can't beat you, but how many times can you kill us?"

Tang Hua "swiped" and arrived at Factory Director A. He took out a banknote and said, "Three hundred gold. I'll treat you all to a cup of tea. It'll be done in two days." "

"Yes." The factory director's cashier waved his hand and said to his clerk: "I heard that there are still people in need of help in Hengzhen, Shilidi.

Tang Hua handed the banknote to Factory Director B: "It's a small matter.

"thanks, thanks."

Three hundred gold, the porridge factory is full of old people, each person can get thirty gold. You can get three golds by completing a level 5 gang mission. They don't need to do anything. Just let them change places. And think about it, even the top masters have to coax us, what else is there to be unhappy about? The most important thing is that their funds simply cannot meet the needs of a big city.

So the factory directors led their subordinate employees to disperse. They each find a small town to earn merit and get rid of the birds.

Tang Hua chuckled: "Now that the angry people are gone, why are you still so angry?"

Meng Meng gritted his teeth: "A bunch of worthless guys."

"Mengmeng. I'm wondering why you keep targeting me? To be honest, I want someone to give me three hundred gold, and I'm willing to spend ten minutes to go to the town.

"Don't be too proud." Mengmeng said: "You stand high and fall hard. Don't blame me for not warning you. Humph!"

"You want to leave? Slow down, don't move away. Tang Hua saw Mengmeng walking away angrily, and turned to reporter nine and said, "It only takes a little more than a day. Come on, everybody. Once it’s done, I’ll bring you some gifts from the devil world to express my condolences. "

Reporter A said: "Boss, you really have to thank us. Any news you get in the future will be cheap, little **. If it hadn't been like this, we wouldn't have been exiled here by Boundless Boss."

"That's right, that's right."

"You want news?" Tang Hua turned his head and asked: "Is it news that Sha Po Lang is about to overcome the tribulation? And there is a place and a time. In addition, there are also ways to overcome the tribulation, and how to avoid the pursuit of players and immortal soldiers. "

"Dong Dong," Reporter Nine's eyes flashed with stars.

"Don't rush, we still need some time. Let's do it this way. I will reveal it exclusively to the first place finisher. The second place finisher will get the inside story of Sha Po Lang and Mo Jing's breakup. There will also be analysis of the liar incidents of Burial of Love and Fengyun Fury. The stunning love of the Brilliant Red Riding Hood. The power struggle within the two lions. The secret relationship between the sword seeking defeat and the scholar. The whole story of the failure of the extraordinary sword to cross the tribulation, etc." Tang Hua faced the reporters whose eyes were shining with stars and said: "If you want news, look for it. Eggplant, do your best, everyone will have a bright future."

"Thank you Dong Dong.

. The reporters rejoiced. To say that online game news is really difficult, especially for reporters, just follow others. It was Xiaozhuo who was outpaced by others. If someone accidentally cuts you off, you have nowhere to cry. And the communication between them is all message communication. It's hard to get any really valuable gossip. Informants are even more difficult to bribe. I only have a few dollars to work as a reporter, so I can only rely on eavesdropping in restaurants and restaurants to write something that is completely different, and often fail to pass the review. Now that Tang Hua is proactively providing news, how can everyone be unhappy

Tang Hua saw that everyone had a high fighting spirit and there was no need for supervisors at all. So he waved his hand: "I'm going to Lushan to see if I can find any more explosive news. Come on, everyone. If you don't have enough rice, call Chairman Wu Bian and he will send someone to solve it."

"Dong Dong walked slowly. Reporter A looked at Tang Hua's back and sighed: "Now I understand what it means that a boss is always smart. After working hard for so many days, I didn’t hate him at all when he spoke to me on the phone. "

Reporter B: "The saddest thing is that I still feel that he is quite nice."

Reporter C: "Tragedy, tragedy for migrant workers. It's a little sweet and we forget about the harm the boss has caused us."

Tang Hua did not hide the reporter. Although he had guessed the time when Sha Po Lang would cross the tribulation. But that’s all for the past few days. Because once the Shuangshi station is attacked. I don’t know if I can hold it or not. If the teleportation array is destroyed, it will be meaningless for Sha Po Lang to join the Two Lions. Therefore, no matter how poorly prepared Sha Po Lang is, he will definitely survive the disaster in the next few days.

Tang Hua kept a low profile and avoided the marching demon army. This wave of demon army was just the vanguard and destroyed Nanchang's vanguard, which numbered about 200,000 people. Following it for several hundred kilometers was a large force of nearly 600,000 people. The Demonic Striker was only a few dozen kilometers away from Lushan Mountain, and Tang Hua had already seen players fighting at high altitude while taking a detour.

Tang Hua easily entered the God's Realm station. In this situation, as long as the players are in the God's Domain, they will not be refused to join, and that's not all. In order to avoid accidental injury, the realm of God will also give way. Defenses such as the Sword Formation and the Purple Thunder Tower are set up to fire only on monsters.

The Lushan Sword Formation of the fifth-level gang was so powerful that the station was covered in attacks. It can spit out hundreds of flying swords every five seconds, and the flying swords can attack any target in the station at will. The power of each sword is extremely ferocious, no less powerful than the one who killed Po Lang. For example, Huangshan's six-level sword array has a golden group-killing skill added to it. This is the most important way for players to defend their base. Or during the gang war, the system forcibly closes all defense facilities.

Compared with the famous mountain sword array, the Purple Light Tower and the Purple Thunder Tower are much inferior. As long as you have time and money, you can build unlimited amounts of these two items, even covering the entire mountain. The Purple Light Tower can kill targets within one kilometer in a group, but is more powerful than the Purple Thunder Tower and can kill targets within two kilometers alone. More powerful.

Another benefit of system defense facilities is that. Those who are not the target of the attack can avoid losing weight. There will be no accidental killing of players in group fights.

To destroy the garrison, you must first destroy the defensive facilities. The defensive facilities not only have high defense, but also must be the most important part of the defense.

Tang Hua saw tens of thousands of elite soldiers from the Divine Realm gathered near the Lushan Sword Formation. Moreover, there are thousands of Huanyue Temple disciples on the next floor who are just preparing to supply the Lushan Sword Formation. As for the others, they just fought randomly to ensure that the demons would not form a formation and kill towards Lu Zhi. Sword array. As for the Purple Light Tower and Purple Thunder Tower, there will be no time to take care of them at that time. A building that can be built with 300 gold and a few hours has a naturally low defense.

Moving forward to the meeting hall, you can see six members of the reserve team. All of them are selected to prepare the classic "Mai Aid Lushan Sword Formation" at all times. "Can be used as the main force to kill."

How can a gang manage tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands? As long as these ten thousand people are willing to fight hard, Lushan still has at least a seven-point chance of winning against the demon forward.

The war is imminent, and the world is in a state of mourning. Tang Hua was walking around and remembered that he had blackmailed the Yitian Gang, the predecessor of the Realm of God, back then. Do you want to take advantage of the demon to blackmail again today? This idea was too unkind, and Tang Hua immediately rejected it. After all, they are the same kind. Killing each other depends on time.

"What do you think he is doing?" the winner asked.

"I can't tell." The winner is the king: "But it doesn't seem to be malicious, maybe it's curiosity."

"I heard that the two lions are going to fight soon." "Well, the two lions will definitely win, but they call themselves Lucifer. If Lucifer escapes, their battle will be meaningless at all, and they will always have to face the army." The winner is the king and sighed: "If they lose by accident, we will be in misfortune and will face two armies soon.

If the level is not high, the coach cannot charge forward. The winner is king and the winner is last, chatting in the conference hall and waiting for the battle to begin. Tang Hua was being followed.

"Beauty, you've followed me for three streets. What are you going to do?" Tang Hua turned to look at the beauty who was following him and was slightly surprised: "Ah! Beauty. You look familiar."

"No, last time you challenged 0, I was framed and killed by a villain." This person was the sister. She was one of the rescue team members sent by Twin Lions to learn and help with the defense. Tang Hua accidentally discovered the cunning man and immediately reported it to Shuang Wu. Shuang Wu immediately told her to keep an eye on this guy, and don't try to demolish the Realm of God at this time.

"Haha. Remember to be careful next time." Tang Hua taught him seriously.

"Leave me alone, what are you doing here?"

"I'm bored, let's go shopping."

"Oh?" My sister looked suspicious.

Tang Hua spread his hands: "I know you wouldn't believe me if I told you the truth."

"Our Double Lion Group is responsible for the defense of the thirty purple thunder towers in Xiufeng. It would be better to meet by chance and go there together."

"Why?" Tang Hua looked disdainfully at the new text message, which was sent by his wife: Stop bullying your sister. Tang Hua was shocked and asked: "Sister?"

"Exactly." My sister replied neither humble nor overbearing.

"Oh my, it turns out to be my sister-in-law." Tang Hua enthusiastically grabbed his sister's hand and said, "It's really no secret that we don't know each other. It turns out we are all one family."

"Who is your sister-in-law? Who is your family?" My sister despised her.

"Yes, I'm working hard for everyone to be a family." Tang Hua laughed.

My sister shook her head: "Can you go there now?"

"Okay, okay, of course."

The Lions have been under little defensive pressure recently and have dispatched a support team of 1,000 people. Yi Jian is even more generous, and the three thousand concubine elites set up defenses near Sandiequan. These people are organized and disciplined, and can be used to defeat thousands of soldiers.

No acquaintances. Tang Hua walked around the support group a few times and suddenly asked in surprise: "Mo Jing?"

"Eggplant?" Mo Jing was overjoyed when she saw Tang Hua: "Why are you here?"

"You're here, so I'm here." Tang Hua chuckled and stretched out his palm.

Mo Jing high-fived Tang Hua and waved behind Tang Hua: "Sister, are you here too?"

"Yes." My sister replied.

Tang Hua was stunned for three seconds and pulled Mo Jing aside: "Didn't I hear you say that you and Shuang Wu are sisters?"

"Of course not, because we are not." Mo Jing's expression was even more surprised than Tang Hua's. Tang Hua was surprised that Mo Jing called his sister-in-law her sister, while Mo Jing was surprised that Tang Hua's IQ was zero.

"Then tell me that you and Shuangwu call her sister?"

"Because her name is sister."

"Me," Tang Hua covered his mouth and almost spit out a mouthful of blood. He wields a big banana, and I wield two swords vertically and horizontally, making me invincible in the world. I was so shocked by such a name that I became a lapdog. I was afraid that I would not avenge the owner, so I changed the name of the eggplant to the Western Tomato.

Mo Jing asked with concern: "Are you okay?"


"Eggplant, don't blame me for being direct. You often have convulsions. Is there something wrong with you?"

"No, I'm fine. I'm fine. But I know someone will be very bad soon." Tang Hua didn't think that his sister was right at all. First of all, you were totally wrong in choosing this name. Secondly, not telling you your true identity is adding insult to injury. Once again, I misunderstood that suffering a big loss was a mistake that cannot be heard. "Well, it seems to be a smell. The articulation must be clear and clear."

"The demon attacks." A player shouted at the top of his lungs: "Everyone, be careful." The words fell. The demons in the sky that had been at a standstill suddenly began to exert force, and the three troops on the left, center and right began to rush towards the Lushan Sword Formation.

The players were also prepared to fight. Three groups of players rushed towards the monster like three arrows.

Sky Liujie. The black spots were getting closer and closer, and underground Tang Hua sighed: "There are really people who are in a hurry to reincarnate."

Mo Jing asked: "What's the explanation?"

"The Lu family took a step forward and then stopped. Waiting for the players to go over and die, they haven't even entered Lushan territory yet."

Mo Jing took a closer look and saw that it was indeed the case, and couldn't help but praise: "These monsters are more despicable than you."

"I don't think you are praising me." Tang Hua had a dark face, and his despicable relative was cunning. A cunning relative is clever, a clever relative is wise. How are these stupid boys smarter than me

(QuanBen Novel Network