Twin Sword

Chapter 254: Surrounded


The activities of Taihui's invasion are usually a good day, and everyone in Diaoran Fanjing can be regarded as a follow-up to pray for Weiyin. Everyone in Kouzhou knows that the disaster is coming. WWw. QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO. The three giant gangs of CoM are all in deep positions, so it is reasonable to encounter the enemy's main force in the end. The demons have demolished two-thirds of China, and the six routes have become three, all pointing to one goal. The number of monsters per team is calculated in millions.

Yi Jian has always been in harmony, and despite being on tight alert, no demon has ever entered Shandong. The two lions were harassed by Lucifer, but it was basically okay. As for the Realm of God, it was even worse. Not to mention Nanchang was destroyed, but the loss of soldiers and generals in the battle with the demon vanguard was second. The most important thing was the Purple Light Tower and the Purple Thunder Tower.

It was only after that that the winner took all the money and I realized that the so-called forwards were actually cannon fodder. In vain, he deployed his elite troops in large robes near the Lushan Sword Formation. But the enemy didn't want to destroy the sword formation at all. They just swept away the Purple Light Tower and the Purple Thunder Tower, two defensive facilities with little defensive power. Building these two things not only takes time, but also money. Nowadays, the three gangs are living a tight life, just like a large international company that has been hit by the financial crisis. Although the facade is still there, although the employees are of high quality. Although they have leading management experience, they are all operating with debt and are just dying.

When Tang Hua came to Huangshan, he saw people everywhere. "Tree tops, in the air, on the water" are full of people. Under such a scene, there is an aerial corridor circled with colorful ribbons from the Huangshan Sword Array and the Assembly Hall. This corridor is always patrolled by a backbone of double lions. It is to be able to send the reserve team collectively to the location where it should appear as soon as possible.

Let’s look at the deployment of the two lions. The construction of reserve teams has been strengthened on a large scale. The 50,000 reserve teams are divided into five groups and are lurking in groups near the sword formation and the meeting hall. And other personnel are also organized. Each peak in the southeast, northwest and northwest has a soaring flag. As soon as the big flag moves, the individual players in the same area will follow the direction of the big flag.

It looks like a market outside, but the meeting hall is still very orderly. As soon as Tang Hua entered the meeting hall, he heard Haoran speaking: "This is a decisive battle, and the highest commander is me for the time being. If I die in battle, Shuangwu will take over as the first command. Life and death will be the second command.

Broken to third command. Then, according to the order of the hall leaders, it must be ensured that if a commander dies in battle, a new commander will take over. In addition, all commanders must clearly understand our strategic deployment. Frost dance! "

"Our strategy is to stop with silence. We first stockpile a batch of medicine and food and abandon Hefei. In addition, we have given up part of the Huangshan area for the enemy to enter. If the enemy fights indiscriminately, we will not use our reserves to accompany them in the chaotic fight. But before that, Eggplant, you must pull away the monsters that don’t have hatred. I know that your skills and hatred are low. Your responsibility is to pull away the enemy’s rear team when the chaos begins. The Broken Organization members will intersperse among the troops. Broken will arrange your own death. The ten echelons that will take over the command will then take over. If the enemy adopts a method of fighting with military tactics such as attacking from the east and attacking from the west, remember that the enemy comes from the east and defends from the east. Other areas cannot be mobilized, even if all the players on the east side are killed, they cannot be mobilized."

The leader of the hall asked: "What if the enemy breaks through?"

"The reserves will regain the east, but before that, Eggplant, you must attract the hatred of the enemy occupying the east so that the reserves can launch an assault."

"I understand, wherever there is danger, I will be there. Wherever cannon fodder is needed, I have to appear." Tang Hua nodded: "Don't worry, I am good at escaping, and even better at finding death."

"Deliberately committing suicide violates our agreement." Shuangwu warned.


Shuangwu continued: "Because we have a sword formation, the enemy will not move. If he moves, he will attack in a large scale. Attention, several helmsmen. Your manpower will not listen to any deployment. The only requirement is to stick to the designated area of purple light and purple thunder. . No reinforcements, no retreat, until everything is exhausted. Every time one of you dies, there will be hundreds of monsters to accompany you, which is actually quite cost-effective."

"In addition to logistics, that is, the Huanyue Temple sect personnel. The two thousand people in the sword formation cannot move. Those assigned to the reserve team cannot move. The other personnel can move freely. However, it is recommended that everyone form teams of five or five and cooperate as much as possible. As long as We hold the enemy for one second. The sword formation, purple light, and purple thunder tower can damage the enemy for one second. However, this is a war of attrition. Although we are inferior in numbers, we are the main defender and we have the golden words of the old minute sword formation. With skills overpowering the formation, there is a six-point chance of winning." Shuangwu turned around and said, "Eggplant, if the enemy enters the vicinity of the sword formation, use your skills to reduce visibility to zero."

"I first attack the enemy and pull monsters, and then I block bullets for the reserve team to attack at any time. Finally, I have to be responsible for setting off smoke bombs. Do you think I am a superman? Even Zhou Papi can at least give Chang Gong a few hours of sleep."

"How much is the salary of a long-term worker? How much is your salary?"

"Sure! But you'd better hold on for a little while." If you die once, you will have to predict the time.

"Aren't you an expert in escaping?" Life and Death is neither Yin nor Yang: "Last time we were ambushed, weren't you and your wife the only ones who escaped?"

"Who are you? Why haven't I seen you before? When did you appear?"

"My name is Sheng Mie, deputy gang leader of the Two Lions Gang. Eggplant, you are such a noble person and forget things."

"Oh! You just didn't listen to our husband and wife's dissuasion. That's the one who led tens of thousands of people to an ambush." Tang Hua shook his head: "Why are you still the deputy leader? Tsk! The people in Shuangshi don't know. It’s the fate that’s cheap, and it’s the people that are cheap.”

"What are you teaching me?" Sheng Mie slapped the table.

"Crack," Tang Hua used lightning to reduce it to ashes, then blew off his finger and said, "Eggplant is a vegetable food. It is green, natural and pollution-free. It is nothing." "The sword array has been set up not to attack any players, so even if it is stationed, it is safe for Tang Hua to kill. Participants, you look at me, I look at you, everyone feels uncomfortable. Tang Hua's words mentioned their Jiang "He is not only the deputy gang leader, but also the third "Sheng Ming" who brought tens of thousands of people to the ambush to die. But you can't kill him in front of us. That public servant who worked with us "should be killed and covered with a sack." Or something like that, or drag him to a corner and do the surgery. Wouldn’t it be embarrassing for us to kill him in front of us

At the critical moment, Haoran came forward: "Everyone, remember, these are extraordinary times, and internal fighting of personal grudges must stop. Eggplant, although you are hired, we have paid after all, and you must abide by our rules. You Bring some friends who are under restraint, and tell them that you will be responsible for your own affairs afterwards, and there must be no internal fighting at this time."

"Okay!" Broken replied lazily and swayed out of the meeting hall. What a bad meeting, any meeting where you can't sleep is not a good meeting.

Shuangwu pointed at Tang Hua: "You are not allowed to leave my side without an order."

"No problem." This request can be granted free of charge.

The next day, a million demon troops surrounded Huangshan and deployed heavy troops on the east and west sides. The two lions plus more than 400,000 non-member players are all in good order. If the enemy does not attack them, they will not


At noon the next day, there was still no movement from the demon. This made Haoran and the others a little confused. Shuangwu asked the people around him: "Dead man, they are ready. And the next wave of reinforcements of 100,000 demons will not arrive until tomorrow night at the earliest. Why don't they attack?"

"I refused to answer the question of not giving money."

"I've fallen out."

"Turn over and it's your butt. I want to touch it. I want to touch it."

"Oh my god! How come there is a man like you?" Shuangwu took out a banknote and said, "One or two, I'll buy your answer." "

"Okay!" Tang Hua asked the cashier, "What's the problem?"

"Why haven't they attacked?"

"I don't know, finished answer."

Shuang Wu is full of murderous aura.

"Okay, let me guess." Tang Hua thought about it and said: "First, dig a tunnel and get straight to the sword formation. Second, they are waiting for the players to relax. Third, they have already started attacking, but we don't know it. Third. Four: Xiaolu has admired Huangshan Mountain for many years and cannot bear to harm the flowers and plants."

"Don't bother you anymore. Let me analyze it." Shuangwu clapped his fingers: "The first step is to dig a tunnel. It's too unrealistic. How many mountains will we have to dig through?"

"Nonsense, do people have magic? Wife, you don't know." Tang Hua explained: "Red Riding Hood's earth element is at the third level. It can pass through mountains and walls at a certain speed, unless it is not earth and stone in the human world."

"Is there really such a spell?"

"It's true. If you don't believe me, please contact Red Hat." Tang Hua said: "This girl can also communicate with mountains and rivers. Track the target."

"I'll send someone to check immediately

"No need, I believe there aren't that many capable red hats among demons."

"and you,"

“Of course it’s not impossible.

"You dare to have a wife, you don't want to mess around anymore." Shuang Wu said angrily: "We will continue to analyze the second possibility and wait for the players to relax, but we have set aside a buffer zone. Even if they relax, there will be enough time for tension.

"Compared to these, I am more skeptical."


Tang Hua said: "You have given up on Hefei, but why didn't Xiaolu attack Hefei? Why didn't he cut off the teleportation array from Hefei to Huangshan?"

"Yeah guys, why is that

"The only explanation is that some players who support Satan entered Huangshan through the teleportation array."

"That's too nonsense." Shuang Wu laughed: "Eggplant, it would be a pity not to use your imagination to write about it."

"forget it."

"Tell me, why do you think some players will support Satan?"

Tang Huadao: "Let me ask you, if God and the Jade Emperor went to war, would any Chinese people stand on God's side?"

"Absolutely, Christians will definitely support God."

"The answer is correct. I accidentally learned that Satan is also a sect, but it can't defeat God, so it is quite desolate and has few believers. But that doesn't mean there are none." Tang Hua took out a bundle of bamboo slips: "This is a gift from Brother Lou. Judging from the eleven commandments of Satanism, this religion is actually quite passable. Let me read a few to you. Don’t complain to others unless you are sure they want to hear them. In other people’s territory, show respect for them. Otherwise don't go there. Don't complain about things that are none of your business. Don't hurt children. Don't kill animals that are not human. Unless you are being attacked by them or you are trying to get food. Be kind to others and if others are still hostile to you, you can Choose to tolerate or fight back. You are responsible for the consequences of anything you do.”

"Ah! This is true. Judging from the rules, Satanism's teachings are not bad at all, and they even have environmental awareness."

"Well, there are a lot of believers. And as far as China is concerned, there are also a few people. But you also know that a religion without government support has no room for development, so there are really not many believers." Tang Hua said: "But it is definitely not none, so. You have to pay attention to this. Another little idea, the main sin of Satanism is ignorance, so don’t underestimate the IQ of your opponents. In foreign countries, a large part of them are young talents from all walks of life.

Shuangwu asked again: "You also said that there are not many people. What can they do?" "They can kill the disciples of Huanyue Temple. Stupid!"

On the morning of the third day, the demon army finally moved. Hundreds of soldiers entered the territory of Huangshan. The players ignored them according to the order, and the sword array showed its power. Except for a small number of soldiers who escaped, the rest of the soldiers were killed.

Tang Hua said: "They are testing the power of the sword array and the attitude of the players to obey orders."

Shuangwu asked: "If you were Lucifer, how would you plan to attack Huangshan?"

"I won't fight. I will consume. I will defend Hefei and teleport, and come out and chop one by one. How much food do hundreds of thousands of people consume in a day?"

Surrounding you means that you cannot move in and out freely to transport supplies. He has this purpose even if he doesn't demolish Hefei. He wants to lure you to take the initiative. He's hungry and anxious. He knows that if he doesn't, there will be big cities and the Philippines will give him some money. You think everyone will do it

"We have a lot of food stocked up

"Bullshit, just keep them in the dark. Your warehouse only has a thousand dollars, and you also store a lot of food. Isn't everyone just chewing on the dry food in their own Qiankun bags?"

Shuangwu smiled bitterly: "We also believe that we have sufficient funds to rebuild the subdivision for the purpose of subdivision. So what should we do?"

"Take the initiative to attack. Take advantage of their mentality that we won't attack, and take the initiative to fight."

"how to spell?"

"I don't know." Tang Hua spread his hands.

On the fourth day, the players heard a rumor. The road is going to starve them to death. So all the Pandits asked Haoran about his food reserves. Haoran was forced to have no choice but to explain the fact that there was not even a single steamed bun in the gang warehouse. There is quite a lot of junk equipment, if you can cook it and eat it. The food reserves in the player's Qiankun bag ranged from one to five days, and at this time, the morale of the army clearly began to waver. It won't be more than a few days. A group of sallow-looking players greet each other with: "Is there anything left to eat?"

On the fifth day, a sub-rudder finally led a thousand men to break through the encirclement. The breakout was smoother than anyone imagined. In less than three hours, the thousand men returned to Huangshan almost intact, not only full of food and water, but also full of food and water. It was also revealed that Hefei not only has complete infrastructure, but also does not have a single demon stationed there. As a result, the morale of the army was in chaos, and all formations and guard areas were forgotten. Everyone or thousands of people. Or hundreds of people began to break out and go to Hefei. Finally, a line even started forming at the teleportation array. Ask Haoran to open the teleportation array and reach Hefei directly. Haoran also understands that if you play a game and eat dry food for a few days, you may starve to death. No player can bear such an outcome. but. Shuangwu firmly opposes the opening of the teleportation array. She believes that once players get used to coming in and out freely, it will have no binding force.

Another day passed, and the demons began to hunt down the players who broke out. Only the players who went out were rarely seen, but those who came back were rarely seen. But according to reports from players brought back by luck: no enemies were found near Hefei.

"Can you open the teleportation array?" Haoran asked everyone: "If you open it, it is estimated that tens of thousands of people will go directly. If the enemy takes this opportunity to destroy Hefei's teleportation and launch a general attack on us, everyone can only fight indiscriminately. But if we don't open it, , relying solely on military supplies in the East China Sea is simply not enough."

"The East China Sea War will only provide supplies to the main force." Shuangwu emphasized and then asked: "Eggplant, speak."

Tang Hua chuckled: "Honey, we have something to eat." He had made two trips, which meant he brought the news that there were no demons around Fei. Five hundred is really a good profit this day, and I have already earned three thousand back and forth. What's even more outrageous is that nine of a group of steamed buns he sold for old money were snatched together. He hoped that the demons would be used up until the event was over, so that he might be able to become a household worth ten thousand yuan again.


"Okay! The event will end in six days. There are only three major gang stations left in China and Hefei is intact. I estimate that the enemy will definitely attack in the next two or three days. Since they will definitely attack, we will get all the food from the Donghai Military Station. Come out and share it equally with everyone. If you don’t have enough money, you can borrow it from me at five cents interest.”

"Then can't the silent sending array be opened?"

"Destroy the teleportation array. Stop everyone's thoughts." Tang Hua said: "There is one more trick, if you are willing to sign this IOU

The teleportation array was destroyed, but the destroyed teleportation array was not in Shuangshi Station, but in Hefei. Xiaolu finally took action when Broken and Tang Hua were preparing to smuggle food. More than a thousand people seemed to be prepared when they saw the enemy appear. Tang Hua was left behind to throw smoke bombs, and the rest of the people fled in all directions. Seeing this, Hefei was immediately destroyed.

In the early morning of the eighth day, players who had no food reserves began to break out, and about 50,000 people abandoned Huangshan and left. And there was a lot of discussion in Huangshan. When chaos broke out, Xiaolu began a general attack.

The battle to defend Huangshan also kicked off. Xiaolu made a bold move, using 600,000 troops. Nearly half of the main force was directly divided into six groups to attack. Four of the targets are the four peaks paved by Purple Light and Purple Thunder Pagoda. Along the way is the Huangshan Sword Formation, and all the way is to sweep away all the infrastructure near the conference hall.

What the players don't know is that the trail has another purpose of stalling for time, which is to wait for reinforcements to join. Capture Huangshan in one fell swoop.

With their hearts and minds in a state of confusion, the six groups of troops moved forward very smoothly. The defense facilities on the southeast, northwest, and west peaks suffered fatal blows. Although not all were wiped out, the middle and rear troops on Xiaolu began to follow the advance of the front army and entered Huangzhi. within the territory. This is a very smart play. If you attack one person, then hundreds of swords will attack you every time in the sword array. But if there are ten thousand people, only one sword will attack you every hundred people. When there are a million people, every 10,000 people are attacked every three seconds. Of course, the golden skill sword is still very powerful and can basically clear an area at once. Therefore, the Destruction Sword Formation is the key to winning or losing the battle.

At noon on the eighth day, although the players resisted desperately, Haoran had already mobilized three reserve teams. But the player's living space has been further compressed, countless people have died in battle, and zero people have surrendered." Of course, the main thing is that no prisoners should be taken on the streets.

The price paid on the path was also heavy, almost as much as two monsters for one player. But 1.4 million versus more than 300,000 people, even three to one is enough.

On the evening of the eighth day, a sudden change occurred. An army of more than 100,000 players suddenly appeared behind the path. When the two sides fought, the path was shocked. At least 30% of the players on this path were level 60 or above. Impossible. Xiaolu was confused. The total number of players who broke out here was at most fifty thousand. Why did it suddenly become more than one hundred thousand

I tried to encircle them, but I was surrounded by the enemy within the attack range of the sword formation, and the situation was immediately reversed."

(Quanben Novel Website