Twin Sword

Chapter 263: Gods and Demons Destroy the World


"Xiao Lang, Chengdu Pinju Tea House is waiting for you, speed six." Tang Huake felt like he was just like this to Sha Po Lang. Why didn't Sha Po Lang put himself on the blacklist, even if the black list was full? WWw.QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO.COm should at least delete his friends. Could it be that the wolf nature has not been lost

"Why should I come?"

"Oh! Just forget it if you don't dare to come."

"Damn! Who doesn't dare to come? Those who don't dare to come are the bastards."


Just kill Polang and go crazy.

"Sit!" Tang Hua was still very polite. Even in the face of Sha Po Lang who wants to swallow him.

Sha Po Lang sat down obediently, and Tang Hua thought for a moment that this guy had changed his name to Po Dog. Sha Po Lang snorted and said, "Tell me!" It was impossible to say that he was not curious.

"How have you been recently?" Tang Hua poured tea for Sha Po Lang and pointed at the teacup: "It tastes good. One-money-for-one tea. Try it."

Sha Po Lang didn't give any face at all. He crossed his arms and looked at Tang Hua.

"You are a man." Tang Hua sipped his tea and said, "You don't know how to enjoy life. That's what it is. We have a Shanhai Realm Interdiction Team with a Erjie Renshi. Huihuang asked me to ask you if you are interested in joining? Our team Current personnel: Broken, Brilliant, Me, Stars.”

"A team with you? I didn't even know how much money you sold me for."

"Haha! Little Wolf, you really value your two ounces of meat. A plate of pork is only three gold." Tang Hua said: "I know you are worried, we have a rule here."

"What rules?"

"Other items depend on their character. If the owner of the Immortal Magical Flying Sword Secret Book dropped by General Yan uses it himself, he will get 20 percent of the market value as dividends. If he sells it, he will get 40 percent of the market value as dividends." Tang Hua smiled. Mi said: "Whether you use it or not depends entirely on whether it is bound or not. All values are evaluated by Brilliant. How about it? Is this fair condition?"

Sha Po Lang lowered his head and thought about it before asking: "How is the dividend calculated if a team member dies?"

"If Die" will divide the dividend into five parts. The deceased gets two shares. "This kid is a good learner. He actually prevented me from doing evil tricks.

"Okay! I agree to join the team." Sha Po Lang didn't want to go to the Mountain and Sea Realm, but he was really weak and couldn't find a wild team that he liked.

"Okay! We have passed your review, now it is time for you to pass our review."

"not understand?"

Tang Hua said: "It's very simple, we want to see your strength."


"There is a girl named Red Riding Hood on Taiyuanfu East Street pushing two babies to bask in the sun and singing children's songs." Tang Hua said: "The review requirements are very simple, kill them."

"Why should I go?" Sha Po Lang was not an idiot, he knew what was fishy as soon as he heard it. It is estimated that Huihuang disliked those two brats for a long time, but it was inconvenient to say so because of Red Hat's obstruction. So I came up with this desperate plan to draw out the bottom line! It’s not right! Brilliance wouldn't be that vicious. Sha Po Lang looked at Tang Hua: It was most likely this kid who came up with it.

This time Sha Po Lang misunderstood Tang Hua, and this was really brilliant. Brilliance is the medium. The forensic doctor keenly felt that Red Hat had some signs of paranoia in these two children, so he decisively asked Broken to deal with this little guy. Of course it was not easy for Broken to come forward and ask Tang Hua for advice, so Tang Hua used wolves to kill people.

Tang Hua asked: "You don't have that ability? That's right! Red Hat is the player with the highest level of Dual Swords, so forget it if you don't dare to go."

"Just wait!" Sha Po Lang snorted and directly opened the box and went downstairs.

The waiter's eyes were bright and he hurriedly stopped Sha Po Lang who was trying to go out: "Sir, you haven't paid the bill yet."

"Me? Find the guy above."

Xiao'er said politely: "My friend's friend has left. This shop is a small profit, so please don't embarrass me."

"Leaving? Holy shit!" Sha Po Lang asked, "How much did it cost?"

"Sixty gold."

"Sixty gold?" Sha Po Lang asked frantically: You are running a black shop. I didn't touch the cup and you want me sixty gold? "

"Sir, your friend has packed a few taels of fine wool before you came."

"Dongfang Eggplant, I'll drink you to death and make you paralyzed." Sha Po Lang sent a message: "Come back and pay the bill!" The tea can be packed, who is this person

"You have no money?"


"Oh!" Damn, what does oh mean? To come back or not to come back? After waiting for ten minutes, Sha Po Lang handed a bank note to the waiter who was watching him warily: "There is no need to look for it. From now on, when my friend comes to spend money, he will put arsenic in the tea. He has a peculiar hobby of being poisoned to death."

Huihuang patted the crying Red Riding Hood with concern: "It's okay, it's okay. Have you seen who it is?"

"No!" Red Riding Hood sobbed: "It must be a player of the second calamity, and it must be a swordsman. Pity my two children."

Tang Hua said: "Sister-in-law, don't be sad. Wait until I let Huihuang help you give birth to a litter."

"Yes, yes!" Broken gritted his teeth: "I think there is a strong chance that he will kill Polang, even babies. It's really too perverted."

Huihuang stood up: "I'm going to settle the score with him. Xingxing, look where he is?"

The star replied: "In the realm of mountains and seas."

"Man!" Huihuang waved his hand: "Brothers form a team. Shanhaijie. Shuangwu, please take care of Red Riding Hood."

Shuangwu sighed: "Go, go, I'm here." Her eyes were sharp and she had already seen something was wrong. This Sha Po Lang would never do this no matter how idle he was. Neither would Huihuang. Real people would not do such a cruel thing. Her husband can't. Unless Sha Po Lang is crazy, he will never listen to him. "No! This kid will always make the impossible possible, so he is very suspicious. He will go back to capture Xingxing and torture him. As for Tang Hua, she is not in the mood. Torture and ask can't get anything out of it.

The players that Mao Minguo has gathered now are no longer the only two lions. After the news came out that made the whole world laugh, the two gangs immediately restrained themselves and kept as peaceful and low-key as possible. In the state, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, the green hills have turned into barren mountains, and the paddy fields have turned into deserts. There are only two people in the country, one is responsible for the transmission. Another is to provide food and drinks. As for medicines and maintenance equipment, they have to go to the Central Plains to complete them. Although players can't feel Anre. But the hunger and thirst are still consumed quickly. What makes players most unhappy is that the food and drinking water sold in the Shanhai Realm are three times more expensive than in the Central Plains.

One monk carried water to drink, two monks carried water to drink, and three monks had no water to drink. Players no longer gather in groups, but are organized into several small teams, and the masters fight in groups of five. To say that the Shanhai Realm is indeed not that big, hundreds of thousands of people gathered together is a terrifying number, but dispersed it is like a drop in the ocean.

Tang Hua and the other two found Sha Po Lang according to the coordinates. Sha Po Lang is dealing with a group of Mao. The attack methods of the Mao people are generally to throw stones and throw javelins. Only a few priests can use large-scale killing spells, so the threat is really not great. From this point of view, we can see how boring Sha Po Lang has become.

Facing Shapolang who killed his wife and children, Huihuang sincerely stepped forward to shake hands: "Thank you!"

"You're welcome. If you still need Huihuang, just say hello." Sha Polang's attitude towards Huihuang and his attitude towards Tang Hua are in the sky and the other is in the ground.

A middle-aged widowed man is a man: a happy event, so there is no need to say anything about the glory, and the team will kill Polang to clear the way. Tang Hua asked: "Xingxing, have you finally figured it out after struggling for a long time?"

Xingxing shook his head: "For accurate calculation, please provide the name of the other party. The system prompts are very popular. I would like to add: Do not enter the name of the general."

Huihuang asked Tang Hua: "Does the Flame General you fought against last time have an appraisal?"

Tang Hua was ashamed: "At first, I was just trying to suppress bandits. Then I was just trying to escape for my life."

Sha Po Lang said with both yin and yang: "There are many "number one masters"! "

"At least I managed to escape from his hands. I'll go one-on-one to see if you can escape."

"Hmph!" No matter how arrogant Sha Po Lang is, he knows that he cannot withstand the continuous golden skills, just like no player can catch his four consecutive sword wraths.

"Think of a name!" Xingxing jumped to his feet, and so did these people. We quarreled and bickered when we had time.

"The Goddess Bracelet!" began brokenly.


Brilliant: "The Goddess Bracelet!"


Sha Po Lang: "Goddess

Tang Hua interrupted: "Four Generals of Flame"

"Ah! I found it." Xingxing said happily: "It's in Suzaku Country! I'll check four."

A group of people looked at Tang Hua in admiration. Tang Hua looked to the west and was stunned in his heart: Banana, I should have known the screws were too lazy. Thinking of one hundred and eight names, it would be better to kill him directly. Besides, it is difficult to remember all the names, so it is better to just number them.

"Craftsman, the trick lies in Mao Min!" Xingxing added: "Shang and Blade 0 acted alone. They may be sentries. Tian 6 is relatively far away, and Tian 6 is a hundred kilometers away from us. Direction: southeast." "Boys, let's start work!" Brilliant With a shout, he formed a triangle with Broken and Sha Po Lang to protect the stars. As for the mage Tang Hua, they are not worried. He will run fast if something happens. No matter what, Tang Hua will definitely not be the first to die among the five.

The dry riverbed is dotted with cacti. A filthy poisonous snake, a wounded vulture. Xingxing stopped and said: "Within a radius of five kilometers!"

"It's clear at a glance!" Tang Hua analyzed: Be careful if someone buries himself in the sand for a surprise attack, or if there is a cat in a corner. "

"Shatter and Shapolang are in a group. Xingxing is in a group with me, and Eggplant is in a group by himself. They search separately. When encountering an enemy, run away first. Xingxing will lock on as soon as he sees it."

Tang Hua protested: "Why am I alone?"

Sha Po Lang answered on behalf of Hui Hui: "I'm usually a scapegoat when I'm with you."

"You will be the first to die if you don't stay with me." Tang Hua didn't wait for Sha Po Lang to mock and shouted: "Start work!"

"Everyone, please don't pull too far away and leave the team." Captain Huihuang explained on the team channel: "We don't seek to attack the enemy, we just seek to attract them."

An hour later, several people gathered together. Tang Hua first reported: "I searched the area I was responsible for very carefully and carefully, and also took out two nests of snakes, but no trace of Yan General was found."



Xingxing immediately said: "I guarantee with my personality. General Yan will definitely be within the five kilometers range.

Huihuang asked doubtfully: "Is it invisible?"

"There are many ways to be invisible. One is the chameleon-like protective color we saw in the Fire Ghost King, one is the invisibility skill provided by the system, and there is another method. Chuan Tanghua looked up and said: "That's what we met at the Well of Gods and Demons. Use strong sunlight to become invisible. broken! "

Broken quietly took out the ink and the glass piece and looked at the position of the sun and said: "Win the prize. It is among the clouds to the left of where the sun is directly shining, about two kilometers above the ground, suspended in the air."

Huihuang ordered: "Slay the wolf and eggplant to outflank the enemy from left to right, and use the stars to lock onto the enemy to protect themselves. Break and attack. I will then respond and consume the enemy's gold-lettered skills as much as possible. Do you have any questions?"


"Kill!" Broken Horse took the lead and soared into the sky. The man was like a sword, the sword entered the dragon, and the force of the rainbow penetrated into the clouds.

The first gold-lettered skill appeared, and Broken Sword Fury struck a blow with it. Immediately retreat toward the ground and take medicine. Before the Flame General could stop, Brilliance soared into the sky, and the second gold-character skill was fired, knocking down Brilliance. Tang Hua arrived third. Yan Jiang takes his time and another skill. Sha Po Lang also arrives, and Yan will use a skill with a knockback effect to blow him away. Yan Jiang was about to pull away, but he didn't expect a black-smelling player to stand in front of him. Yan Jiang was shocked when he saw it. Why didn't this guy even lose any blood

The fifth golden skill kills without hesitation. This exchange can be regarded as a finger movement measurement. When the player accidentally plays the public character, he has already escaped dozens of meters. When the gold character skill takes effect and pursues him, he throws out a silver note and appears in the hundreds of meters. meters away. The gold-character skill chased him to his side, and he used the gap to run another hundred meters. When he finally caught up, the gold-character skill had disappeared because the target was out of range. Although the time was short, it was only because of the short time that we could see that this little boy had worked hard to escape, and the combination of various speed bonuses was just right. The teleportation is not stiff and operates smoothly.”

"You still have a skill!" Broken, Brilliant, and Sha Po Lang all surrounded the Yan General. They were not afraid that the Yan General would have other methods. The stars had already locked the Yan General. How could the Yan General escape without the gold-lettered skills? Can you still be faster than that dead eggplant

Tang Hua came back and shouted: "You have been surrounded by another group. Put down your weapons immediately and don't cut yourself off from the people."

Xingxing shouted from below: "He's going to commit suicide, ten seconds countdown!"

"My day!" Brilliant Broken Tang Huaqi Khan co-authored the last skill which turned out to be self-destruction. It's not surprising when you think about it. This animal does this all the time. It knows that humans kill it for the incense. So before it dies, it will definitely try its best to bite the incense. In Tang Hua's words, this characteristic is a behavior that harms others but does not benefit oneself.

Shattered Glory all unleashed their sword fury, but everyone knew how likely it was to kill a concave "in ten seconds."

"I'm coming!" Sha Po Lang's demonic aura suddenly surged. The roar of a demonic sword was like thousands of troops galloping. "Come together again, continue to come together, come together again." The seventh-level magic weapon was filled with demonic energy and sent out four terrifying blows. What's even more terrifying is that three of the four hits activate the knowing strike. Sha Po Lang's return attack didn't have any strength at all, and the Yan General turned into white light.

Broken Khan pulled Huihuang away and said, "The demon's attack power is too incredible."

"It's really too perverted."

"Eggplant is also a demon, so why is its attack power so different?"

"It's different, the Eggplant Test Soldier. He relies entirely on spell support, and all of them are long-distance and large-scale killings. Xiaolang's all single-target attacks are at close range, and with the magic weapon, the power is naturally great. And you see , after killing the Wolf Sword, its strength has been reduced by 70 to 80%, but Eggplant can still continue to fight. Another point is that I estimate that Xiaolang is equipped with knowing equipment, and in pursuit of the strongest attack, his defense and life will naturally be very low."

"What if they fight each other?"

"If you kill the wolf, you will lose, but if it is a sneak attack," the eggplant is in danger. "

Sha Po Lang faced the sun and lightly touched the blade of the sword with his index finger. He was very narcissistic."

"Ah! Gods and demons destroy the world." Tang Hua shouted with joy: "We are developed!"

"What?" Everyone gathered together in a hurry, even Sha Po Lang ran over without grace, praying in his heart: It's not a spell, it's not a powerful spell, otherwise I will hate myself for the rest of my life.

"Cultivation of Immortal Body Demon Heart, Immortal Heart Demon Body. Super powerful mid-range attack, using 90% of mana to deliver a fatal blow to the target.

The attack power is directly proportional to one's own mana, cultivation level, and level of demonic energy! Tang Hua looked up to the sky and roared: "I finally have a single-target attack spell." "

Sha Po Lang asked sourly: "With your mana bar, how long will it take to replenish 90% of your mana by taking medicine?"

Tang Hua smiled and replied: "I have the secret skill of exchanging blood for magic. But don't be too disappointed, this skill is not unlimited. The cooling time is up to 0 minutes."

Sha Po Lang wanted to kill himself now. I never thought that I would one day help others make wedding dresses, and I would still make them for Dongfang Eggplant. He should have thought that the first Flame General killed in battle would be able to unleash something absolutely superb. Extrapolating further, Yan Jiang was originally an immortal, but later became a demon and brought disaster to the world of mountains and seas. It is not impossible to publish a skill book that can destroy the world.

Broken stroked his sleeves: "***, if gods and Buddhas destroy the world next time, I will kill Feng Yunnu ten thousand times." As far as we know now, Feng Yunnu is the only one who can combine Buddha and immortality. He and Huihuang are both pure immortals.

Xingxing hurriedly reminded: "Dividend!" She was not doing it for anything else, but because she saw the miserable look in Sha Po Lang's eyes. Use a small blow to Tang Hua to encourage Sha Po Lang's morale. After all, the next divine prediction of destruction is waiting for me... drooling.

The evaluation of dividends is carried out by Huanghuang, and everyone has unconditional and complete trust in Huanghuang's character. Huihuang also said justly: "Otherwise, Eggplant's book is absolutely priceless. Everyone knows that all sects learn the basics. Good things must be done for big tasks, or they can be acquired late, or they come with weapons. Even in the world of immortals and demons, there are only two This is a relatively good skill, and the rest is just garbage. Therefore, the book Eggplant is definitely the best among the best. But, let’s talk about it, at present, only Eggplant meets the requirements for learning this skill book. And based on the current situation Look, not to mention that no one has discovered the possibility of the second demonic calamity, even if they discovered it, no one would be such an idiot as Qiezi to learn demons and choose immortals." "Objection!" Tang Hua raised his hand, which was an insult to his own body.

"The objection is invalid!" Huihuang continued: "I personally set the price at eight thousand, because no matter how high it is, it has no value. Everyone would rather be weaker in exchange for money."

"Ten thousand!" Sha Po Lang said with a black face.

"Does anyone have any objections?" Huihuang asked after looking at a few people. After seeing that no one had any objections, he announced: "This book is worth 10,000 yuan. If Eggplant learns by himself, it will be 20%. Twenty gold bonuses. All team members will receive five hundred gold."

Tang Hua immediately took out five banknotes and traded them: "Thank you, Brother Huihuang. Next time you need to kill your wife, brother, please come directly. Thank you, Sister Xingxing, your beauty is the source of my luck." Thank you, Brother Broken. Cheap is better than cheap beasts. "Thank you, Brother Lang, for your efforts and my harvest. Let's challenge each other when I have time." Tang Hua waved the last silver note: "I treat everyone to drink water. Eggplant pays for it. Who will do the errands?" "

Broken howl: "What a shame! If the next one is faster, my god will destroy the world."

(Quanben Novel Website