Twin Sword

Chapter 264: Wrath of Heaven


; one. WWw. QuanBeN-XiaoShuo. comNo, it’s the next two six that have been deceived by the Goddess Drought Star for ten days! Li 4 Zhen's "beautiful and stunning wisdom" made calculations and came to the conclusion that there are still nine flame generals in the country of Maomin, and they are six or three combinations with each other.

Tang Hua listed Sun Tzu's tactics of war such as moving the tiger away from the mountain, encircling Wei to rescue Zhao, and secretly crossing Chencang. They were all rejected by the three generals, and he almost lost his life in the plan to move the tiger away from the mountain. Everyone condemned the idiot who besieged Wei to save Zhao, and the behavior of secretly crossing Chen Cang, which led to the almost annihilation of the group. The four of them agreed that Tang Huanai was the standard Zhao Kuo.

"Then use the last resort!" Tang Hua said: "Kill with a borrowed knife."

"Brother, don't mess with these useless things." Broken said dissatisfied: "You might as well come up with some bad ideas instead of ruining your grandson like this."

"Nonsense, crossing Chencang secretly is the Tang family's art of war."

"Yeah, your Tang family's art of war almost wiped out our group."

"Killing with a borrowed knife is different, we can study it." Tang Hua said: "First, we have to reveal the coordinates of the Three Flame Generals to attract a large number of flies to feed.

Secondly, in the melee among the heroes, give full play to the specialties of Sha Po Lang Sha Ge and deliver the final blow to the helper. "

Shattered retort: "The plan has a fatal flaw."

"What is it?"

Shattered one finger to kill Polang: "When Brother Yunbit appears, all the players will run to enjoy the cool weather and watch the excitement. The legendary reputation is far-reaching."

Xingxing said: "Isn't there a mask?"

"Yes, as soon as someone as famous as us appears. Bring a nameless person, who wouldn't be curious to take a mirror and look at it. When the truth about Eggplant's failure is revealed to Red Riding Hood, the brilliant family will be ruined."

"Then pretend to be pigs and eat tigers!" Tang Hua chuckled: "Wear masks all together and become a garbage team. Prices have skyrocketed, and now it costs dozens of gold to watch. I don't think anyone has that spare money."

Sha Po Lang said coldly: "Is it just a disguised form of grabbing the concave?"

"Wrong! The nature is different. You are robbing others of the fruits of their labor."

"What about you?"

"We are making a contribution so that everyone will not fight because of uneven distribution of the spoils." Tang Hua despised it. If everyone is grabbing it, it's not robbery, idiot!

Boundless Special Issue has added the coordinates and scope of activities of the Three Flame Generals of Mao Min in the upcoming special issue of Mountain and Sea Realm. One hour after the special issue was released. A valley where Sanyan Jiang is active is surrounded by tens of thousands of players, and a steady stream of players are heading towards this place.

"According to my calculations, the other six Flame Generals are quickly approaching this place, probably in about an hour and a half. I don't know whether they are helping the enemies in Diandi escape. Or maybe it was originally a trap."

Before Tang Hua could speak, there was a commotion from the group of players ahead. Tang Hua pricked up his ears and listened happily. It turned out that it was Sheng Mie who was saying loudly: "Three flame generals, I want one for the two lions, one for the sword, and the remaining one belongs to everyone." It didn't take long for the guy to get back on the job. eager to establish


The leader of Yijian Hall on the side quickly added: "This plan is also due to the distribution of people. Everyone knows that our two gangs actually have more people, so that everyone can have a chance. It can also avoid accidental injuries."

"Agree!" Tang Hua shouted happily. Huihuang asked in confusion: "What are you yelling at?"

"I, Broken Star, and Xiaoxing will remove the disguised one and brush the two lions. Brilliant, you brush the sword one. Sha Po Lang will keep an eye on it for us first. After defeating these two, we will brush the one with Sha Po Lang as the representative. The one with the casual player.”

Sheng Mie smiled and said: "Everyone should know that this arrangement is beneficial. Mo and I promise that people with one sword and two lions will never touch a hair of your Flame General, and we will take care of the three Only Yan will pull away. Of course, if everyone feels that we are overbearing and can speak out, then everyone can grab it together."

"Tch!" A female player next to Tang Hua's group whispered disdainfully: "He is the only one who knows how to stage things."

"Yeah! This guy is so virtuous." Tang Hua said, and the other four people stayed away from him. They knew that Tang Hua was always looking for a place for his wife.

"Yes! The two lions Haoran and Shuangwu are both very good, but he jumps around like a monkey." The sisters agreed and then asked: "My name is Ziyuan. Didn't you ask me for advice?"

"Dongfang Wuming." Tang Hua shook hands with his sisters warmly. This girl was such a confidant: "This is Sima Wuming, this is Zhuge Wuming, this is Ouyang Wuming, and there is another one named Shangguan Wuming."

The sisters were stunned for a while and then said: "Your names are really embarrassing.

"Pretend!" Tang Hua added: "I pretend, so I am happy."

"Are you often killed?" the sisters asked with concern.

“I often get chopped off as soon as I sign up.”

"That's it, don't choose such a name next time in the game. Look at it. Dongfang Eggplant, although it has a compound surname, is more neutral at first glance. Also, Sha Po Lang is also good, silly and shabby. Such a name has personality "Low-key"

The sisters turned into white light before they finished speaking. Sha Po Lang sheathed his sword and said, "Trash!"

When the teammates around Shion saw it, Lihai became anxious and picked up the guy one after another. Sha Po Lang didn't even look at them, which made them dare not take action. Tang Hua said angrily: "It's pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger. It's not pretending to be a tiger to eat the pig. Even if people tell the truth, you can't kill people, right?"

"Run!" Huihuang shouted, and the five people shot away like cannonballs. Ziyuan's four teammates were wondering when they had mastered the spirit of a king, when a golden light like the air wave formed by an atomic bomb swept over...

The three flame generals suddenly attack at the same time, and the player suffers a big loss unprepared. With the two lions and one sword, someone immediately stood up to press the formation. A dozen swordsmen cut into the three flame generals, and then fled at high speed. Sure enough, as soon as this move was made, San Yan would immediately fall into the trap and pursue the enemy in three directions. Although the first wave of attacks by One Sword and Two Lions was too close, they were, after all, an organized and winged social background that targeted people to death and killed them...

But once the killing started, the atmosphere became very awkward. This embarrassment does not come from players and players, but from players and generals.

The numbered flame general raised his hand, and the members of the Two Lions, including Tang Hua Lixuan, twisted their buttocks and ran for their lives. The others who were slower to react wondered: Is this the legendary beating of a herd of cattle across a mountain

When the escapees saw the song, they just showed off a small skill. The thick-skinned people were ashamed, and the thin-skinned ones started to criticize and self-criticize Lihong. A group of people gathered around him again, and Number 0 raised his hand again. It was much better this time, and about ten people escaped. The group of players despised these cowards, including the group of people who had escaped earlier. But they didn't expect that this time they really had a golden skill. A group of players fled immediately. However, due to the late start, coupled with the crowding and the numerous incidents of plane collisions and blocked air routes, the escape efficiency was extremely low. What's worse is that you have to run away for your life. At least you release the fairy sword to protect yourself." Oh! Fairy swords are not that common yet, and a buddy actually summoned a second-order and third-grade fairy sword. It is better than running away with no protection.

After the golden light flashed, there was only one: Miserable! Two lion players go from ten to three or four. What's even worse is that it severely damages the players' confidence. They don't dare to surround them too tightly. Players will run for their lives in whichever direction the flames fly. Yan Jiang raised his hand. All players dispersed. The only solution players can use is to surround them from a distance. The mage has a long range, and if he can barely reach the small swordsman, he will lose his life. He rushes into the fire coverage area and strikes out with his sword before running away immediately.

A group of monks died of thirst! Tang Hua lamented and shouted: "Brothers, build our Great Wall with our flesh and blood."

Wow! The members of the Two Lions Gang all gave way to Diao, and one could tell from their eyes that they were saying: Please!

Tang Huahan, you are still not human, sending your brothers into the tiger's mouth.

Huitan on the team channel said: "How come it's like this? It's been ten minutes and I'm still at full health."

Broken hurriedly said: "Brilliant, you must resist it at all costs, don't be the first to do it." Yi Jie was on the other side. Brilliant stared. If he loses his composure, then the game is over.

"One round of blade gold, plus death gill experience. And one hour in jail, who wants to be a hero?"

Tang Hua asked: "Are we just going to watch them get away with it?"

"If you want to scold him, I don't mind!" Sha Po Lang said faintly.

Yesterday, five people worked together to cut off one of them. Now that the number has increased nearly ten thousand times, there is nothing that can be done against the enemy. Yan Jiang makes good use of the selfishness of the players and kills time leisurely. Not to mention that reinforcements will arrive soon, even if it takes more than half an hour, their golden skills will be completely cooled down.

Yan Jiang raised his hand again, and the crowd retreated with a roar. The retreating crowd took a closer look: Damn. Picking his nose. But there was no way. The third gold-lettered skill numbered four killed hundreds more people. This was the outcome of not being afraid of death.

"Dongfang Eggplant, come on!" A female voice sounded beside Tang Hua.

Tang Hua turned around and looked: "It turns out to be you, sister!"

"Do you still remember me?" My sister asked happily: "You should be able to challenge him alone. I will give you more blood."

"Okay, I'll form your group!" Tang Hua said on the team channel and quit the group. After joining his younger sister, he shouted: "Eastern Eggplant will open the way. Those who are not afraid of death will follow."

Players immediately responded to this voice: "Eggplant, you are the first, I am the second."

"I'll fight too." A group of players responded.

Tang Hua waved his hand, holding the black spear in his hand, and shot the spear at the general. General Yan saw only one person coming, and he didn't show any golden skills, so he fought with Tang Huayou. Unexpectedly, Tang Hua was more difficult to deal with than he thought. After one round of blows, General Yan was seriously injured. The group of players took a look and realized that they really had something to offer. Did the Flame General only have three golden skills? So the first warrior rushed out, followed by the second and third warriors."

"Heavenly Fire Devours the Sun!" A huge gold-lettered skill was finally released.

My sister hurriedly pulled out her camera in the safe area and took pictures. She admired the expression of the top master when he died in battle. What? add blood? Excuse me. forget! This man actually ignored this beautiful woman in Lushan, swore violently, and asked Sister Shuangwu to teach me how to scratch me. Sister must take a posthumous photo of you.

My sister is a villain, but she didn't know that Tang Hua was even more villainous. The younger sister was surprised when she saw the white light glowing on her body, and read the system prompt: Teammate Dongfang Eggplant activated the Backward Transformation Mirror to transfer the damage to Mo Chi. Before she died, she saw Tang Hua smile and pull the trigger on her, and the dead man imitated a western cowboy and blew his index finger on the barrel of the gun.

"Kill!" My sister's "voluntary and sacrifice" finally opened the breakthrough for the two lions. Although another group of warriors died in battle, Yan Jiang also used up four golden skills. Look at the number one master still standing firm to fight against Yan Jiang. , which greatly boosted everyone's morale. Tang Hua kindly returned to the group, watched the fighting inside, and waited on the outside. Suddenly Sha Po Lang howled: "Grab! " Broken immediately rushed in bravely, pushed away a few people, and prepared to unleash his sword fury. At that moment, Tang Hua's God and Demon Destroying World was launched.

"Gold-character skills, run!" Tang Hua roared, and all the players saw "Gods and demons destroy the world, four ye." Gold-character skills, Li Fu took the road and fled. Only Tang Hua and Broken were left in the inner circle.

A man in black robe and a man in white appeared together in the sky above Yan Jiang. The man in black lowered his head and couldn't see his face, but the fierce demonic energy in his hands was strong. The right hand of the man in white is covered with golden light. There was a sound like a thunderbolt breaking through the air. The two of them took action together, and the demonic energy and the fairy energy collided and merged together. A sword of chaos plunged straight into the Yan General's head at the speed of light. The two men shouted at the same time: "Destroy!" The flame general immediately turned into white light. At the same time, the man and the Sword of Chaos disappeared without a trace.

The process is complicated though. But just for a second. The man appears. Immortals and demons are united into one, killing people and leaving people in one go. Rhythmic and enjoyable

Tang Hua looked at the white light in confusion for a while, then turned around and yelled: "Who robbed it? Tell me!"

The players all raised their hands to express innocence: "It's not me!" Then they began to look at each other and of course secretly rummaged through the Qiankun bag. Players who are looking for the big jackpot if it ever comes up.

"Pretend!" Sha Po Lang said calmly.

"Little wolf, be careful as I reveal your identity. All the lions will take revenge on me in a moment."

"Hmph!" Sha Po Lang ignored Tang Hua and said, "I don't have any trophies."

Broken and feeble: "Same as above."

After rummaging through the Qiankun bag again and again, Xingxing finally gave up and cried, "Me neither."

Huihuang sighed: "I guess I went to Qiezi's house again."

"Hehe!" Tang Hua displayed an item to the team channel: "Wrath of Heaven, a seventh-order third-grade sword set, with seven mouths and ten names: Heavenly Thunder, Heavenly Wind, Heavenly Frost, Heavenly Fire, Heavenly Blame, Heavenly Collapse, and Heavenly Punishment. .Sword Fury: It can be combined with seven formations such as "Qi Jue Furious Thunder, Furious Wind", etc. It can be changed at will and has infinite power. "

"Eggplant!" Three men in the team channel immediately shouted. "Sha Po Lang, you have a magic weapon called Mao. Go cool down." This is broken.

"I'll use it instead, I'm happy."

Huihuang said anxiously: "I'm about to fight against the Nine Heavens Xuannv." "Give it to me, and I'll help you fight." Broken.

Star wailed: "Screw you bitch, didn't you see a beautiful beauty crying?"

"Stop!" Tang Hua shouted loudly, thinking that the team channel was a market! In fact, he was also in trouble. If this thing hadn't fallen on him and Xingxing, this wouldn't have happened: "Brilliant, you tell me!"

"According to the rules, I, Shatter, and Sha Po Lang will bid for this sword. If Eggplant gets the money, it will give out 40% of the dividend."

Tang Hua smiled and said: "I will also accept the IOU!"

"Damn! You're too dark." The three men gave Tang Hua the middle finger together. It was originally a competition to see who had more money in the Qiankun bag, but Tang Hua's words directly made everyone compete to see who was more willing to cut their flesh.

"No, I'm doing this for everyone's welfare. Don't you think so, Xingxing?"

Xingxing nodded immediately: "Yes! Eggplant. Shave it hard." Mentally pursuing a little balance. Don't say I'm unladylike.

Ten thousand, Eggplant will take six thousand, and the dividend will be one thousand, which is equal to nine thousand." The three men began to add up.

Tang Hua is still a kind-hearted person, at least he is not so mean to his friends: "If the price is really marked, I guess someone will go bankrupt. Let's do it! Each of you write a number, whoever wins the most will get it. Don't say I'm not kind, brother, if If only one person wants it, the price can be set casually, but if three people want it, it is related to the welfare of this poor woman like Xingxing,"

Xingxing nodded with tears in his eyes: "Yeah!" The two things that happened had nothing to do with him.

"So please write to the dead. Tang Hua ordered: "Xingxing, you are responsible for collecting the note and being the impartial person. The time is minutes. "He is not worried about the collusion of the three people. First of all, Huanghuang is a gentleman, and at least he will not make friends with others. Broken and Sha Po Lang don't want to see each other. Secondly, taking a step back, if this sword belongs to Tang Hua Yilu, Broken Brilliant can use it casually. It's just a price, but after all, there are team benefits.

So the three men grabbed paper and pens and went to the corner to draw circles.

Number four has been killed, but the two players, Yijian and San, are still standing. They don't have the invincible general Ichisuke in their hands. Tang Hua exists with golden skills and strong attack power. We still maintain the combat strategy of retreating when the enemy advances, and not advancing when the enemy retreats. It's rare for a few heroes to show up, but they're simply not good enough for people with small skills. The only glory that can be fought is squatting in the corner, seemingly constipated, and there is no hope at all.

The individual players are okay, but the Yi Jian Gang is anxious. What they are now concerned about is no longer who will lose the treasure, but how to defeat the Yan general. Naturally, the two lions would not give up this opportunity to ridicule. Although the two sides were in an alliance, there was no rule against adopting a non-violent and non-cooperative attitude.

"I heard that Yijian is the largest gang."

"Judging by the numbers, it certainly is."

"What about in terms of quality?"

"Let's talk in private, otherwise people will misunderstand that we are arrogant."

The swordsmen and the others gritted their teeth, but no one really dared to directly challenge the Yan general, so they turned their attention to the brilliant figure in the corner. A player flew to Huihuang and said, "Brilliant, please listen."

"The mouth grows on others. Huihuang said distressedly: "How much is appropriate to write? "

"Write how much of what?"

"it's okay no problem!"

Tang Hua leaned into the group of swordsmen and asked, "Do you need help?"

"unnecessary". The roar of the sword man. One of the brothers stood up and shouted: "If your head falls off, it will be your experience. Brothers, fight!" "Fight!" With a sword raised, morale was high.

Tang Hua was busy shouting on the team channel: "Brilliant. After thinking about it for a while, he started a suicide attack with a sword. Go and get it."

"Yes! You don't have to worry about getting a set of swords by yourself!" Huihuang said as he collected the paper and pen and took off: "Time doesn't count now, Eggplant will wait for me to come back and make a quotation later."

"no problem!"

Huihuang returned to the battlefield and glanced at the report: "The situation is not very good. I have three strong attack masters here who are preparing, and one of them has survived two immortal tribulations.

Sha Po Lang asked coolly: "How about I come? My hands are a little itchy."

"Also". Tang Hua and Broken responded in a very unethical manner, and Sha Po Lang grabbed the concave "definitely super powerful and invincible". The most important thing is that he has an advantage that others don't have. It is normal for him to rush for the ball, but it is abnormal for him not to rush for it. If someone else robs it, they will be scolded and their reputation will be ruined, but others will not take it as seriously. Everyone is used to it.

(QuanBen Novel Network