Twin Sword

Chapter 265: Mirage


"No! Huihuang vetoed it, and expressed his greatest indignation against the second villain, Chizhi Girl Ran Xiaozhun. wWw!QunabEN!COm Since Huihuang said no, the others can only resign themselves to fate. I hope Huihuang's character will shine.

". Run. Stop him." After the fourth golden skill, the remaining two Flame Generals immediately turned their heads and ran eastward. This makes the players anxious and angry. As an assistant, your biggest responsibility is to be turned by the players. What's going on now that you've thrown away a bunch of hatred and abandoned your God? But the Flame General threw him away, and the two Flame Generals ran wildly. A group of players gathered in hot pursuit with their friends. Tang Hua and his group were also ready to pursue them. The stars suddenly stopped and said with an enigmatic look: "Don't chase the poor bandits!"

"Nonsense, it's probably just adding insult to injury." Tang Hua retorted. The Flame General was not very fast. If the players hadn't taken care of them, they would still have other means. It has been blocked for a long time. Of course, there is not much difference between you being blocked and not daring to approach, and not being blocked. What's more, now that the two Flame Generals are fighting side by side, it's not as simple as adding, equaling 2.

"Wrong! According to the calculations of the great beauty Xingxing." Xingxing pretended to be mysterious for a moment, but found that several men had no appetite at all. He could only say helplessly: "Six Flames will approach at high speed, and it is expected that they will encounter each other at the location of Sixty Miles East. .”

Broken thought about it and then asked: "What do you mean, are these concave "using the method of luring wolves into traps? Let six people ambush on one side, waiting for these two fire generals to lead a large number of players into the encirclement?"

The six flame generals will produce three golden characters together, and the two flame generals in the center of the circle will echo the golden characters." Tang Huahan said, "Isn't that not even the bones are left? "

"That's why I told you not to chase me."

"I thought you told Sha Po Lang not to pursue him."

"?" Sha Po Lang didn't understand.

Tang Hua explained: "She said don't chase the poor ones. I thought she told the poor bad guys not to chase them."

"Damn! This way you can misinterpret it and scold me." Sha Po Lang was angry. After these two battles, who made the greatest contribution? Of course it's me. But who got the better of both times? If you don't want to be nice to yourself, forget about it, and instead tease yourself.

Huihuang stopped and said, "Don't make any noise. Eggplant, do you have any other moves? If not, let's withdraw."

"It's not clear yet, why don't we see if the players still act together after they are all killed." Tang Hua thought about it: "It's too high to say that IQ is too high. At first, we divided the three groups to lure the enemy alone, and later We caught one of them alone. We immediately gathered three of them together to make the team unable to eat anything. Now that we have done this again, I'm afraid it will be more difficult to deal with next."

"Don't worry about it. Let's go back to the Republic of Mao to replenish food first and see if we can continue to stay in the Republic of Mao." Huihuang added: "By the way, I'll auction off Eggplant's sword set."

"That's right!" Broken said hurriedly: "This is business. It can suddenly increase the combat effectiveness of our team."

Tang Hua took out two hundred gold and gave it to Xingxing: "Pack a banquet and come back."

"Hey" Rich people are generous! "The star cash register is sent to Chengdu.

"You guys are eating and drinking well, can you show me your answers?"

The three men shook their heads together and said brokenly: "Let's talk after eating!" They were conflicted. They were afraid of not being able to bid if they wrote too little, and they were afraid of being taken advantage of if they wrote too much. Broken first eliminated Sha Po Lang. This guy has magic weapons and won't ask too high a price. As for Brilliance, there are also top-quality swords, but "people use two swords, and they shoot the bow from left to right. If one hand has strong attack skills and the other hand sword formation, life should not be too unrestrained. And Shattered himself has always cherished the set of swords. He relies on one-on-three The Taoist sword has soared rapidly and is on the list of masters. What's more, the rarity of the Taoist sword has almost caught up with Korean naturals. And its power is really "can be formed into a sword formation. With the endless changes of the immortal's moves, the strength can be improved by a big level." .

Stars come and go, moving quickly. Just at this time. Tang Hua received a report from the war reporter Xiao**: "Tens of thousands of players fell into the trap by mistake and were attacked by eight fire generals as mobs. The survival ratio can be based on the air crashes in the past years."

Pull monsters together and use big moves. Gather players together and make big moves. After receiving this news, Tang Hua couldn't laugh or cry. Why did the players get more and more back? They used to spawn monsters, but now they are spawned by monsters. Tens of thousands of people, if the assistants also have experience bars, they can rise to many levels.

Xingxing clapped his hands: "Now leave the asking price to me." If you can't win the first prize, you should get a consolation prize.

"Of course you have strength and charm." Tang Hua showed off his sword and said, "Who will win this sword? I invite the judge, the beautiful girl from Earth, one star classmate, to make a grand appearance."

"Don't mess with those useless things. Now money can best comfort my wounded heart." Xingxing took the note and shouted: "Kill Polang, three thousand gold."

"Brother Wolf, why don't you die?" Tang Hua said angrily: "You are robbing!"

"Hmph!" Sha Po Lang ignored this person.

"Broken, six thousand and one gold."

Tang Hua educated: "Shattered, you are so unreasonable."

"Brilliant." Xingxing spat out blood and said, "Brilliant. Six thousand and two gold."

The various emotions of "Ah, broken and mad, collapsed, roaring, unwilling" show that this person has great potential as an actor, at least when he is a villain, he can fully interpret his negative character.

Huihuang rubbed his hands in embarrassment: "I knew someone would hang zero and laugh."

Tang Hua: "Seeing that you are always honest and honest, why do you cheat at critical moments?" Six thousand is considered a relatively medium market price. The only good thing about this set of swords is that Sword Fury is a sword formation, but that's not it. Third grade and seventh grade, there really isn’t much to say. In addition, the price of the seventh-level immortal sword has dropped slightly now. A third-level sword only costs two thousand gold, which is more than three thousand gold. Six thousand copies is the price that everyone should think of. Tang Hua thought that Shattered might be petty, but he didn't expect that Huanghuang would be so big-hearted that he could guess that Shattered had a small trick. Shan should be called an old treacherous person, and at worst he could be called a wise man. . ”※

"Roar!" Broken doesn't know how to express his current mood in words. Regret? anger? Or is it both

Huihuang felt ashamed and said, "Actually, someone helped me set the price." The implication was that he was still a kind-hearted person, but he only fell down once in a while when he misunderstood the gangster's words.

The Broken Flying Sword was unsheathed: "Who? Duel!"

"Okay, okay! Just kidding!" Huihuang stopped the fight between Shatter and Qiu Qiu: "The sword is yours. Six thousand gold. I don't expect to earn it. Eggplant is the reincarnation of Zhou Papi. It's safer to give it to you. .”

Broken excitedly grabbed Huihuang's hand: "Huanghuang, you are my brother."

"Goosebumps all over my body." Tang Hua traded the sword in disgust.

The money was generous, so I put down 3,000 yuan in cash, plus a one-month IOU of 3,001 yuan. After getting it, the first thing to do is to bind the equipment. Then with a wave of his hand, seven flying swords of different colors rushed out of the sword box in a row. The sound of unsheathing was heard endlessly, and the flying swords shattered all over his body, which was very exciting.

Huihuang scratched his head and said: "I regret it." His desire for this set of swords was no less than broken. But as he said, there is no money! Among the top ten masters in the world, he is the poorest. Although I will focus on saving recently, the foundation is not good, and prices are rising. To support a wife and a child of unknown origin, the expenses are huge.

Tang Hua shared the dividends and took out two thousand four to divide it equally among several people. At this time, I received a text message from Shishi: "Eggplant, it's me."

"Here it is!"

"If you have the chance, don't kill it."


"Because prices don't rise and everyone has money, it's not a good thing for us as big reserve holders."

"Yes! I understand." Tang Hua understood what Shishi meant. Everyone's expenses are the same. If others can barely make ends meet, but you can be rich, your money will naturally be more valuable. Therefore, not only should we not harm Hankui, but we should also cherish her.

Xingxing said: "I guess we have to change places.

Although the eight flame generals are separated in twos, they are not far from each other. Companions can be reinforced at any time. "

Huihuang said: "There are also players who should learn to be smart. They are no longer willing to be our borrowed sword to kill people." The resurrected players have successively re-entered the world of mountains and seas through Mao Minguo. But this time no one wants to be a gang or mix with the masses. Instead, several teams started searching independently.

"Then let's go to Zhou Yun Country. Across this sea is their country. Under the sea is Di Ren Country. Underwater sports should be left to other players."

"Set off!"

After several hours of long journey, the five people finally set foot on the land of Zhou Yuguo. Entering the King's City of Zhou Yun, what you see is almost the same as that of Mao Min. One is transporting old people, and the other is buying food. Huge heatwave storms have completely devastated the country. It originally had the largest terraced fields. The Zhou Hui Kingdom, the largest agricultural producing country, is now a desert.

"That's not right!" This was the thirty-sixth time Xingxing said something wrong after entering Zhou Yun Kingdom. Others asked her. She just shook her head.

"What's wrong, sister?" Tang Huaran said: "How many Yan generals are there in this country?"

"have no idea."

"have no idea?"

"That's why I say it's wrong!" Xingxing scratched his head: "Every time I count, not only can I not calculate the number and position of the Yan generals, but I can't even calculate ordinary monsters like Zhou Yuguo and traitor."

Broken Interface: "So there is only one explanation for this matter. That is, Han Kui is in Zhou Yun's country. It was she who interfered with the divine calculation of the stars."

"Co-authoring is still a radar jammer." Tang Hua despised: "It would be too disrespectful of you not to write about war."

Wu Xingxing completely agreed with Broken's point of view: " Broken is right, this is the only explanation. Don't you think it's strange? We went all the way to the royal city. It took nearly an hour. But we didn't even find a single monster."

"That's hard to say, now they are looking at us." Broken left and looked at his heart: "If there are monster slayer players, it doesn't necessarily mean there are no monster slayer players." "

"This is quite interesting." Xihua looked around in mid-air. All he could see were yellow sand and storms: "Why don't we retreat?"

Huihuang took the map: "Unless we evacuate to Di Ren Country, it will take four hours to reach the nearest White Tiger Country."

"The most surprising thing to me is that there are no traces of players." Xingxing shook his head in disbelief: "I remember a group of our people went from Maomin to Zhou Yunguo. There were hundreds of people, but I checked online and they were not dead. .But the message cannot be sent.”

Sha Po Lang said: "Don't you think the air is a little strange?"

Tang Hua glanced at the slightly rippled air and said, "That's because hot and cold air have different densities."

Brilliance added: "Because it is different. There will be refraction of light, and then it is very likely to happen."

"Mirage!" Several other people said together.

Broken immediately shot a sword at Zhuanjiu, and the sword penetrated the body and shot into the yellow sand. Tang Huahan said: "It's over!" You don't have to worry about mirages in reality, but mirages in games are more troublesome, because they don't explain it to you physically. They usually arrange this kind of thing with spells, illusions, or formations. And now that I am in this formation or illusion, the most troublesome thing is that several of them are top masters, especially the witch Xingxing who fell into the trap without even noticing it, which shows that the enemy's strength cannot be underestimated. Either Zaokui took action personally, or a large group of Yan generals cast spells together.

"There are players!" Broken Eyes shouted pointing into the distance. Several people looked up and saw that there were indeed five black spots approaching.

"Be alert!" Captain Guanghuang ordered, and everyone spread out to protect the stars in the middle.

"It's a real player, and the stars are overjoyed!" Contact Bu ※

All five are boron. As soon as he saw the star, he immediately hugged it and cried. It turned out that the night of the massacre happened a few days ago. They organized people to reach Zhou Yuguo through Mao Min. But I didn't expect to get caught in this. There was no way to fly out of this place. Hundreds of people were looking for a way separately. As a result, there were fewer and fewer people searching. Some people died inexplicably, while others knew they were alive but could not be contacted at all. direction: "There are them over there too. Xiao

"Halo, is it possible to break the formation to find the real royal city?" Tang Hua asked, "Have you met any enemies?"

"Yes! I met several Yan generals, but our attacks failed and they didn't attack us. They just laughed there. It was so scary: "I guess he wanted us to commit suicide or starve to death.

The five borons left and right, Tang Hua and others came to the conclusion through their own analysis that the entire Zhou Yun Kingdom was now within the formation. There must be at least five generals. These flames will scare players with certain skills. To leave this formation, one is to commit suicide, the other is to teleport to the demon world, and the third is to break the formation. To break the formation, you must find the real royal city. But Zhou Yuguo's territory is vast. It's basically looking for a needle in a haystack. If you disperse your troops and search separately, you may be defeated by the hidden fire generals one by one.

"Xingxing, can't you figure it out at all?"

Xingxing lowered his head and smashed the copper plate for a while, then said: "There is an enemy near us.


"Within five kilometers!" Xingxing took out the Qimen Dunjia and used the copper plate to count again and said, "Within two kilometers."

"No!" Several people looked around in mid-air. The desert was completely clear, and there were no enemies at all. Shatter also took out his homemade sunglasses and looked at the sun, but found nothing. "

"Could it be that Tang Hua saw five people fleeing...

Five...immediately apply to Tang Hua as a friend. Prove that you are a standard player and never fake it.

"Then it can only be him." Huihuang nodded towards Tang Hua.

"Same as I thought." Tang Hua's team channel said: "Xingxing. This time it's up to you.

Xingxing suddenly raised his hand and threw out an identification talisman. As soon as Yao saw that his whereabouts had been exposed, he immediately ran away. But unexpectedly, several players didn't chase him at all and allowed him to escape.

"Yanjiang No. Tian" Huh? What a garbage cultivation. Xingxing was surprised and said: "All the skills he possesses can be identified."

"Everything has its strengths and weaknesses. This is why your cousin was not attacked." Huihuang asked: "Has it been locked?"

"Locked!" This is the tracking skill of the Star Copper Plate. Once locked, the person's traces can be traced in the sky and on the earth. However, before the lock is released, the Copper Plate cannot be used for other purposes, and the Copper Plate cannot be locked until the person is seen. Simply enter the name of the person you want to lock.

"Let's go! Bring them all together

Number Field fulfilled his duties as a hunting dog very well. After following for several hours, Tang Hua and others saw three Flame Generals in the formation in a small, dilapidated mountain village.

"Can you take it?" Broken asked.

Xingxing replied: "No! They all have the function of self-destruction. Although they can't fight, their health and defense are comparable to Mao Minguo's. If we rush in like this, we will only get one at most. And if we are not careful, we will be killed by self-destruction." "Small

Huihuang asked: "Eggplant, what do you think?"

"Five...!" Tang Hua took out a silver note: "Two hundred gold buys a life, who sells it?"

After a few glances at each other, the older one gritted his teeth and said, "I'll do it." When a player appears, Sanyan will immediately evaluate their combat capabilities and conclude that they can fight in groups. So the three flames came to kill... Boron flew low as ordered. Turn around a mountain of sand. Tang Hua, who was lying in ambush, made a move and used the Divine Light Pagoda to cover the last Flame General. This is called Dawufa.

When three birds are in flight, you must shoot the last one, then the second-to-last one, then the last one. This style of fighting was widely spread among the newly emerging riflemen during World War I. The riflemen were slow to load. But it has a long range and high accuracy. They ambush on the battlefield and attack the last enemy first.

But it is a game after all. The other two flame generals immediately discovered that their companions were missing and came back to look for them. However, they could not find their companions in the long yellow sand and only saw a pagoda standing there. As for Tang Hua, they didn't even notice it.

"Hey! I won't tell you to bury it in the sand. If you have the guts, go ahead and kill yourself now.

The two flame generals are still looking. They have already turned around and smashed a few spells. The two flame generals immediately chased and killed them. The Shenguang Pagoda here has been taken back by Tang Hua. The poor flame generals watched a few emerge from the sand. The malicious player trembled.

Gods and demons destroyed the world, four human swords merged into one, two sword wraths plus a bolt of lightning from the stars, the numbered Yanyan general only counted to five seconds before turning into white light.

"Sister, if you keep playing for one hour, you will get a bonus of four hundred." Tang Hua encouraged him: "Don't get lost."

"I'll try!"

"Bury some loot in the sand." Tang Hua explained, and several players immediately got into the sand and dug it up.


Sha Po Lang gritted his teeth: "Not again."

Xingxing was indifferent: "Girl, I'm already numb."

Broken Jump: "Needless to say, someone must have taken it again."

Brilliantly silent: "That's for sure."

Tang Hua sighed: "There is nothing I can do about being a charming and charming person. No matter how low-key I am, my temperament cannot be concealed by the desert."

(Quanben Novel Website