Twin Sword

Chapter 267: Artifact Formation


To be praised as a gentleman, to be praised as a gentleman by a beautiful woman... This is a great honor for all men. wWw!QUAbEn-XIAoShUo!CoMEn, don’t mention Liu Xiahui, Zidu said, food and sex are also. There's something wrong with that guy 90% of the time.

Tang Hua followed the map instructions to reach the main city of White Tiger, and then returned to the Central Plains. As for the brilliant people, they naturally followed him back. The boss made it very clear that the decisive battle will be against the Suzaku Kingdom. The past few days were just to let everyone know about the various skills of her subordinates.

Whoever wants to gain the advantage has to gain advantage first of all, Sun Ming, so before Tang Hua released the mission, the Boundless Special Issue had already begun to promote it overwhelmingly. It also analyzed the descriptions of the three types of flame generals played by the Brilliant Team, listing the lethality, characteristics, and weaknesses.

The cover photo is a very eye-catching photo. Then there is an overview of Pangu Ax and some past rumors from players. Of course, it is indispensable to have seen the descriptions of Xuanyuan Sword Tang Hua and others.

The end of the special issue reads: Are you still looking for possible Yan Generals in the Kingdom of Mountains and Seas? whether you

Still wondering why you can't find an oasis in the vast desert? know you are

What are you confused about? Because you haven’t subscribed to the Infinity Special. Boundless special issue, the fastest and latest travel

I have the latest drama news in my hand, and I have it all over the world. The price is only 3 gold per copy, 2 gold and 5 gold per issue for monthly subscription, and 2 gold per copy for annual subscription, which is just the price of a bowl of noodles with meat. This magazine solemnly declares: Absolutely

We will never diverge from the mud, we will never publish news that is worthless, and we will never deceive consumers.

"Now I know what it means to be a friend." Xingxing clicked his tongue while reading the special issue:

"Eggplant, your friend is really not an ordinary talent." He has also worked and endured hardships. At Shuangjian Daily back then, although I was able to provide him with news, much of it was due to his own efforts. Broken fell from the sky, sat on a chair next to the noodle stall and said: "The latest news: The cost per person per pass in the Suzaku Kingdom Wu Han lo

"I have an update." Tang Hua said: "Just now a player came to the little girl to expose the news, Pangu Ax is here

The top of a tree in the East China Sea. Anyone who wants to take it must first challenge the incarnation of Pangu. It's a one-on-one challenge, not him picking on a group of us. My friend is currently having a meeting over there to discuss whether to disclose this first-hand information.

Xingxing asked in confusion: "Why not make it public?"

Tang Hua despised: "Because to maintain world peace, game harmony is also a journalist's ethics." Xingxing despised: "We are all so familiar, and you still brag about this to me."

"The little girl is getting more and more ghostly. My friend is asking if we can get the Pangu Ax.

"You can and you can't!" Huihuang said: "This really helps Ba. What if she leads an army to sweep across the Central Plains like a Western monster?"

"When the Western demons swept across the Central Plains, I didn't even die once, even if I made a lot of money.

Upgraded two levels. Tang Hua shook his head: "What a pity! I don't think I am the right match for Pangu Yuan Shen."

hand. Broken asked: "When did you know how to be humble?"

"Go! Did you see that dragon in the underworld? It's just a part of Pangu's body. "It can be treated as a murderer. If the Buddha blocks it, you can kill the Buddha. If there is a group fight, you can still pick out snails. This is a one-on-one fight... It's better not to go there until three tribulations have passed.

Huihuang said in surprise: "Your friend published another special issue only six hours ago. Isn't it too dark?"

"Let me take a look." Tang Hua was also surprised that Sun Ming killed the chicken to retrieve the eggs and took the special issue and read: "Exclusive interview with Ba." In the special issue, Ba told a sad love story. According to legend, the Yellow Emperor fought with Chi You.

In times of crisis, the Yellow Emperor received help from the goddess Ba and defeated Chi You. The two fell in love with each other... In this battle, Huangdi's subordinate Yinglong died in the battle, and Ba was unable to return to heaven because he helped the emperor, so he could only stay in Zhongzhong.

Original. But Ba's special system made her the creator of drought. It doesn’t rain for a hundred days within a thousand miles

The people are suffering terribly (if we want to infer from physics, such extreme weather occurs because

The earth was destroyed) 0 Huang Di reluctantly threw the demon into the mountains and seas to seal it. The greatest pain is not because of

Not because of being sealed for thousands of years, but because of the cruelty and betrayal of his beloved. Next is the key point, Bao introduced the top ten artifacts. And the player is asked to obtain the Pangu Ax so that he can go to the Central Plains to worship the Yellow Emperor. Tang Hua sighed: "What a strange woman, what a strange woman!

"The evil words are confusing the people." Sha Po Lang said: "I just wonder one thing, why are you siding with Ba?"

"Want to know?"

"I won't tell you! Humph." Tang Hua from Sha Po Lang replied, and then expressed strong contempt.

Xingxing encouraged: "Yes, Eggplant, tell me why you became a gentleman, and why you lamented such a bloody love story.

"Because I have a lot of money! I don't know the details. Anyway, Shishi told me that a wealthy person like me

What wealthy people want most is for prices to skyrocket. "I understand!" Huihuang said: "Although my major is not economics, I know... For example, after arriving at M Star, one million will be distributed to everyone. If everyone adds up all the game gold, for example, there will be 50,000 gold, and Eggplant alone will get 50,000 gold. It accounted for 40,000. After the proportional distribution, Eggplant alone received 800,000 federal coins. The remaining 200,000 were shared among everyone.

"On the other hand, everyone has money. Dianru Eggplant currently has 40,000 gold, but other players together have 80,000 gold. So Eggplant can only get 330,000 federal coins during the distribution. Although everyone spends the same money in the game , but for example, we have two golds on us, and now we consume two golds, our assets are

Zero means that 100% of the money has been used, while Eggplant has 10 gold, so he only used 20% of the money. At this time, everyone went to exchange federal coins, and all 1 million belonged to Eggplant. If we only spend one gold, then the four of us together have four gold left, and Eggplant still has nine gold, so he will get a lot of money from She Shao. "Shattered General Network: "So capitalists are all bastards.

"No, no!" Huihuang shook his head: "Wrong, if there is no capital, society will not progress.

step. For example, if 1,000,000 is divided among all players, will Eggplant still work hard to make money? Anyway, everyone is the same when it comes to M stars, so why don’t we chat and take a walk with our wives. Anyway, the money earned by Eggplant is shared by everyone in the end, which makes no sense at all. You should know that there are many interesting things in this world.

Xingxing nodded: "I understand, eggplant is a bad guy, but if there is no such thing as eggplant,

Bad guy, I'm afraid everyone is still wandering around level 39, with no motivation to upgrade, no motivation to find treasures, no motivation to farm monsters, no motivation to make money. We are all poor and hungry together, and then we feel very depressed.

"Yes! The basic principle is that in the era of poverty, you could eat three kilograms of meat a month. In the era of capital, although you are still poor, you can eat meat every meal a month." But you will feel unbalanced. Huihuang smiled: "Conflicts in society are like the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, which cannot be harmonious.

Shattered suddenly: "So we must first protect Ba's life safety, and secondly, we must save as much money as possible.

Xingxing said with satisfaction: "Actually, I am also a wealthy person.

"Aren't you two lions running a budget deficit?" Huihuang pointed at Tang Hua and said with a smile, "You were exploited by this kid. "Anyway, I have money. Even in this situation, our hall master’s dividends will remain unchanged. After dividing and returning the eggplants, the last thing to consider is gang building. A group of black people finished their discussion and moved to fight in the Suzaku Kingdom.

The terrain in Zhuque is very weird, including deserts, oases, wilderness, Gobi, and snow.

There are primitive, volcanoes and other extreme terrains. Players have already had the special issue of Tang Hua’s interview, and they all understand that every

Each region has its own unique generals.

The desert that Tang Hua and others hated has become the best place for weaker players to try their luck.

place. As for other places... you have to take into account human selfishness, speaking of selfless people

Doesn't exist. What? xx is completely selfless? Then xx lend your wife out to someone who doesn’t have a wife to play with for two days. So even the most selfless people have a selfish bottom line.

The Suzaku King City was shrouded in flames, and even if you got close, you couldn't see what was inside.

The four small towns more than 100 kilometers away from the Suzaku King City have become the gathering areas for players, and the transfer point of the Suzaku Kingdom is in the center of the four towns.

"There aren't many people!" A few people landed in Town A. Looking around, there were thousands of players. Although the devil

For such a big production, there are only a thousand extras, but compared to the tens of thousands of players gathered these days, it is really too small.

"Of course not many!" Huihuang smiled bitterly: "In just the past two days, when we Shuangshi people went to the East China Sea to float our luck, there were nearly 100,000 people, and there were even more people applying to join the gang." Someone found out where Jianmu is. ? "No, according to the player who broke the news, he was swallowed by a huge whale, completed a task and arrived at an island called Immortal Island. So he only had the coordinates of Jianmu on the island, but he didn't know where the island was in the East China Sea. Coordinates. Brilliant summary: "They know that even killing Ba will not do him any good, so they might as well go to the East China Sea.

"As far as I know, no gang has the intention to organize the killing of the pirates." Shattered: "If no one organizes it, it will rely on individual players. Even if there are a hundred times more people, they probably won't be able to capture the main city of Suzaku.

"That's ridiculous!" Sha Po Lang said coldly, giving everyone a chance to suppress prices.

As a result, no one organized it.

Tang Hua changed his equipment: "Anyway, I have to go in and take a look. Wu Bian asked me to explore Ba's deployment in the royal city. The little lady was just interviewing Ba's soul from the outside. "It's the only game in which there are people who go out to find death.

Tang Hua chuckled: "As the saying goes, people die for money. Please don't cry for me when I leave.

Tang Hua Black Fire opened the way and rushed into the main city of Suzaku alone. Starting from the gambling game of broken banker, all

Pay three for one. Brilliant 300 bets that Tang Hua will be killed in 10 minutes, 100 golds for Stars to bet on Lor-Mo Libu Zhong, and 100 gold for Killing Po Wolf and Dying for half an hour. As a result of the bet, Sha Po Lang got a broken IOU, and Sha Po Lang regretted that he didn't pay enough. More than an hour later, Tang Hua was resurrected and came back through teleportation: "Big news, big news! I think it won't work if I don't take action with one sword or two lions this time, unless I don't tell them. Say it!" Several people gritted their teeth and lost their appetite. The most annoying people.

It is full of artifact formations. There are Donghuang Bells with doubled gang mission rewards and additional ghosts.

The demon refining pot that deals 30% damage, the Haotian Tower that enhances fairy damage by 30%, the Fuxi Qin that accelerates the body's health recovery, the Shennong Cauldron that has three times the healing effect, and the blue Nuwa Stone that never wears out.

Tang Hua praised: "They are all free construction projects for gang infrastructure. As soon as this news was released, both gangs went crazy.

Huihuang sighed: "It seems that we are all going to be captured!"

It’s time to make money again!” Tang Huaan Mimi

(Quanben Novel Website