Twin Sword

Chapter 268: Wife was taken away


Ming Gao is looking for recruitment, he can support, fight and chat. wWw.QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO.CoMHandsome, tall and mighty, Yushu Linba,"

As soon as the news of the formation of the artifact was announced, a large group of hunting dogs immediately came. Apart from anything else, the Donghuang Bell, an artifact with double rewards, is a fatal temptation for all gangs. The rewards for gang missions include money, experience, and occasionally props, rare medicines, equipment, skills, etc. Monetary rewards are the top priority and are also the largest source of Double Swords currency. The second source is the income from recycling garbage in the system store.

One sword and two lions aimed directly at the Donghuang Bell. The Donghuang Bell is the first of the ten great artifacts, capable of destroying heaven and earth and swallowing up all the heavens. Its formation has even more powerful attacks. Integration of seven series, plus physical damage. It is also recognized as the most difficult period to break.

But Tang Hua, who was preparing to make a fortune by selling his employer, sadly found that his wife had abandoned him, and Shuangshi had no intention of hiring him. Shuangwu’s answer to Tang Hua was: Everyone in the meeting agreed that Shuangshi’s current financial situation I can't afford to offend you. Tang Hua said that he could buy it with a copper plate. Shuang Wu immediately analyzed Tang Hua's sinister intentions. He comforted him casually by sticking his face to his face, and then abandoned him.

The scholar of Yijian compared the ink marks and wandered back and forth with Tang Hua for half an hour before Tang Hua understood the meaning: The basic principle of Yijian is that no one dares to hire himself. So the hero was angry. For money, Tang Hua immediately sold himself in town A, but there was no one to hire him, and no one asked for the price.

"Notorious, notorious." Sun Ming lamented: "I have ended up like this. I am also responsible. The two were fishing by the Jia Town stream.

"It was really too cruel the past few days!" Tang Hua reflected: "If I had known that today would happen, I should have been more cruel then.

"The consequences of listening to your wife but not your brother. Sun Ming asked Tang Hua to die to make money early in the morning. He was not afraid of enemies in the world, but was afraid of dissatisfaction with the gold and silver. Who would have thought that this unambitious man would go through Shuang Wu's so-called sniper discussion? After training, he turned off the engine midway and did not show his ferocious side at all. "Are you two in such a mood? . When Tang Hua sighed, Shishi fell next to the two of them.

. You came? "

"Here we come!" Shishi smiled and said, "How can I not come to such a big occasion?"

"Are you sure

. Hard to say. I don't think there's much of a problem with the other arrays, but the Donghuang Bell is a bit troublesome. I originally wanted to take advantage of the conflict between Yi Jian and Shuang Shi, but I didn't expect that the two gangs had privately agreed on a day's attack time for each person. Once this formation is broken, players can directly confront Mei. No matter how powerful Kui is, he probably won't be able to withstand a group fight among players. Shishi spread her hands and said, "Also, I found Donghai Jianmu, but no one I can control can withstand Pangu Yuanshen's move."

Sun Ming nodded: "I also released the news. Many players tried their luck and couldn't win.

"Troublesome" said in a big poem: "No matter what, the charm must be preserved."

. It's a pity that I can't get in now. Tang Hua sighed: "They guard me as much as they guard against thieves."

"Actually, Yijian and Shuangshi are a little helpless, so they will do it one person at a time this time. Sun Mingdao said: "They are also very rich themselves, and they don't want prices to stabilize. But you have to take into account what the public thinks, and you can't do it without fighting.

Then they had no choice but to attack the Donghuang Bell Formation, which was more beneficial to them. But in fact, for most players, the most practical thing is the Shennong Cauldron, which has three times the effect of medicine. Difficulty and much smaller

"So they care about attacking those who are difficult, and even if they succeed, they will gain some advantages." Tang Hua chuckled: "Huangshan Haoran said: If you have money to travel all over the world, the Donghuang Bell must be my two lions.

Shishi asked: "I have placed some experts on Yijian's side, who can play a certain role in causing trouble at critical moments. However, Qingzi, your wife is a bit more powerful. She not only divides people according to the entrance of the hall, but also sets up groups of five people. Inside you I have many acquaintances, can I wear a mask and sneak in

. The difficulty is too high

"Then I have no choice but to leave it to fate." Shishi raised her sword and said, "I'll go to the formation to evaluate the power.

Tang Hua looked at Shishi walking away and chuckled: "I'm going to evaluate it with more blades. Shishi is too humorous."

Sun Ming sighed: "With the Five Spiritual Wheel in hand, I had the potential to become a master, but I didn't expect it to be wasted like this."

"Don't you also have relics in your hands? You are a natural human shield, but your level is only thirty-eight.

"She's high! Haha

There are many people like Sun Ming and Shishi who have potential but have no intention of playing games. As in reality, maybe you have the potential to become a writer, but you are interested in mathematics, so you have to evaluate it yourself.

On the seventh day of the event, the two lions first launched an attack on the Donghuang Bell Formation in the main city of Suzaku. According to the accompanying reporter Xiao **, the default team in the formation is "unit", which contains countless copies. If any player in a small team is killed, the players in the remaining team can choose to enter the copy to save, break through the copy, and the dead members will be resurrected without loss. In the copy Landslides, ground cracks, lightning strikes, lightning. There are also various quizzes, maze puzzles, clever puzzles and other strange things. The sky is covered with clouds of chaos, and the entire formation is like night. Players must purchase torches or Only with luminous equipment or magic weapons can you see things in the distance clearly.

To break the formation, you need to find the formation's eyes to break it, but the Donghuang Bell Formation is not that big. The two lions crawled for a day, barely advancing 20% of the progress, and suffered heavy manpower losses. More than 60% of the players were killed. Occasionally, there are rivers of water protruding from the river, but they are weak and unable to offset natural disasters.

In the end, the two lions returned without success.

After discussion, Yijian and Shuangshi decided that the two gangs would search together, and the party that got the Donghuang Bell would pay the party that didn't get the Donghuang Bell 20,000 gold as compensation. Of course, due to Tang Hua's recruitment, the economies of both gangs were in recession, so IOU transactions were allowed. On the eighth day, the main forces of the two gangs came out together. Youdao and two monks carried water to drink. Due to everyone's mutual humility in facing the difficulties, by the end of the eighth day, the two gangs had only advanced less than 10% of the territory. Only a mixed and powerful team composed of Broken, Brilliant, Star, Shapolang, and Red Riding Hood reached 40% progress and penetrated deep into the Donghuang Bell Formation alone. However, they encountered strong thunder siege and could only stick to the favorable terrain and wait for rescue.

Day 9: Tang Hua entered the Donghuang Bell Formation alone.

"Eggplant is here, everyone, be careful." As soon as Shuang Wu received the news, she immediately reminded everyone to be careful about their husbands. Then he personally intercepted Tang Hua.

Tang Hua was flying above the sea with violent storms, lightning and thunder. Strong thunder in the sky was not a big threat to him, but it had a repelling effect. Tang Hua was repeatedly knocked back and fell into the sea. This sea is not an ordinary sea, but the legendary Hundred Screen Triangle. An extremely huge vortex pulls any power that falls into the sea into the sea, and is torn into pieces in the vortex.

The vortex pull is to reduce your basic speed by a certain value. For example, Tang Hua's current speed is more than 5,000 per hour, and the vortex reduces the speed by 2,800, then Tang Hua can fly away more easily. If the speed is less than 2,000, you have to follow the vortex. Of course, it is possible to avoid this swirling sea, but it will take six more hours. Most of Shuangshi and Yijian chose to let go rather than force their way in. After all, there are not many people who can reach the speed of 2,800. What's more, the damage caused by thunder is simply a nightmare for people with low thunder attributes.

Shuang Wu looked at the small black dots on the whirlpool from a distance. With a bright light, the black dots were driven into the sea. But the next second, the black spot jumped up from the sea and continued to move forward.

"Honey, wait for me!" Tang Hua fell in front of Shuang Wu. The posture is chic and relaxed.

"I'm waiting for you, you big-headed ghost, why are you here?"

"Your husband, I plan to take the Donghuang Bell and sell it to you." Tang Hua chuckled.

Shuang Wu sighed: "I thought you would say you came here because you missed me. It was all lies. Can't you tell some lies that will make me happier?"

. Wife, I miss you

"Don't do this! Just pretend that I don't know who you are, Xiao Jiujiu."

. Tang Huahan said: "Honey, I take back what I said before.

Don't you miss me? "

It's up to you whether you want "this" or not. "Why do women have such bad thoughts? Is it my concubine, or is it the same for all females? If it's the latter, Tang Hua is willing to observe a minute's silence for all his male compatriots, including himself.

. It’s okay if you come, but you must abide by the rules. First: If others don’t mess with you, don’t kill people randomly. Second: Don’t sow discord. Third: Don’t team up with anyone from the two gangs. Fourth: Don’t save anyone from the two gangs

Tang Hua was confused: "Honey, I can barely understand the first few sentences as someone jealous of your husband's peerless elegance. What does the last one mean?"

"According to what your wife and I know about you, every time you save one person, ten people will be harmed." It's hard to look back on the past, but only one person can be saved. Just one more person. The lethality is huge.

"you sure?.

"Sure! Very sure."

"including you?.

"Including me." After Shuang Wu finished speaking, a thunder eagle several feet tall suddenly rushed down from the cloud of chaos. With lightning speed, he grabbed Shuangwu, who was only level 45, and pulled him up into the sky.

Seeing his wife being carried away by an eagle, Tang Hua took out a toothpick and bit it in his mouth, thinking: To save or not to save? It would be bad not to save her, not even my own wife. It’s not a good idea to save him, because he doesn’t listen to his wife. Analyze the consequences: No rescue. He was blamed afterwards, and he would be resented by him because of this incident. If you save someone, you will be blamed on the spot, and you may be resented afterwards, whichever is more serious. Tang Hua has already made up his mind.

Haoran landed next to Tang Hua, looked around and asked, "Eggplant, where is your wife?"

"Wife? She was taken away.

. Tang Hua looked at the sky and locked eyes with Thunder Eagle: Brother, please kill my wife quickly. I have to rush after avenging her.


"Over there!" Tang Hua pointed and nodded: "The expression is very peaceful. He should be very satisfied with my obedient performance.

"How come you can see his expression from so far away?" Haoran blinked his eyes wildly, black clouds covered the sun, and he could see nothing but a black dot.

"Be optimistic." Tang Hua was uneasy and said smoothly: "Haoran!"


"You will be taken away soon."

"What?" Haoran just asked in confusion, but suddenly there was a force behind him, and he was lifted up in the air. He hurriedly released his flying sword to attack, but the Thunder Eagle level was as high as Qin, and all the attacks missed.

"Alas" it's so hard to be a man. "Tang Hua shook his head and sighed. The black energy in his hand turned into a spear, and he directly beat a thunder eagle that tried to attack him into white light. After waiting for another minute, Shuangwu finally turned into white light. Tang Hua rushed forward with an arrow and struck his wife with one move. Revenge, get the material of an eagle feather. If you want to know what happened, please log in to the song for more chapters, support the author, and support genuine reading!

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