Twin Sword

Chapter 269: Tianyu


Dozens of kilometers ahead from where the dead were gathered, there are two armies stationed there. There are two roads in front of them, one is the lava cave, which can help defeat the ancient flame beasts, and the other is the mobs. Half of them have the ability to absorb fire damage and convert it into own life characteristics. wWw.QUanbEn-xIAoShUo.CoM One is the ice and snow cave, which contains twin ice crystal female monsters, half of which have water absorption capabilities.

Because of the large range of damage spells inside. In addition, the space is small, so the two gangs are organizing everyone to pass in order and in small groups.

The difficulty of this place is not high. The only thing to note is that the mobs are good at using large-scale attacks, but they are not very powerful. As long as you stay step by step, you can easily break through. As for the concave ", as long as you don't get knocked into lava or ice lake by mobs. They won't show up. Of course, you can also go looking for them. The brilliant group of strong men tried to dig out and help eliminate him, but the strength of the attack and the speed of blood recovery forced them to give up.

"Hey! Join the queue." Tang Hua greeted a very unhappy hall leader and got into the lava cave. Looking from left to right, it is indeed narrow and the average height is only five meters and the width is only three meters. A group of monsters floated in the air in twos and threes. This requires a group of people to rush in and fill the passage. And if the front army cannot clear the way, they will be killed by the mobs like making dumplings.

After traveling a certain distance, the first fork in the road appears. The one on the left leads to the lava lake where the ancient Flame Beast lives, and the one on the right leads to the main path. Why is it definitely the right way? Because there is a road sign on the ground. A big wooden arrow writes DANGER. Another big arrow says "forward", and the road sign also has the inscription: life and death remain.

Tang Hua looked to see if there was no one on either side, then turned the road sign 180 degrees and continued moving forward. It doesn't matter how many people can be killed; what matters is that it can kill people. But I didn’t expect that someone would send me a text message with the same intention.”

It didn't take long. A member of Yijian's gang found the scholar and reported that Chi's group listened to the sign posted by the deputy gang leader of Shuangshi in the lava cave, mistakenly entered the lava lake, and all of them were killed.

Upon hearing this, the scholar who had already emerged from the lava cave immediately contacted Shuangshi, the current person in charge of the life-destruction formation, to inquire about the situation. Sheng Ming patted his chest and said that there was absolutely no problem with the road signs. The scholar was sent out to check and report back. The road signs are correct, but there are signs that they have been moved.

The scholar nodded. It was most likely that the Two Lions Gang knew that a group of One Sword Gang members were following behind them, so they diverted the road sign, and then the third wave of gang members redirected it back to the road sign. Destroy evidence. Seeing that it was a personal act, the scholar didn't care and sent a text message to Sheng Mie: "I know, you have to restrain yourself and help others."

Shengshan was displeased when he saw the text message and asked, "What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. Let's talk about it when Haoran comes."

"What? You can't tell me?"

The scholar ignored it and directly closed the line. Attitude says it all.

In half an hour, Tang Hua came out of the lava cave, and then reached a cliff. In front of the cliff was a sky full of dark clouds. Lightning flashed in the dark clouds, and various elite monsters disappeared and appeared. The next step for the player was to pass through this dark cloud. Arrive at the first supply point. The main forces of the two gangs gathered on this cliff, waiting for the large forces to be fully assembled before moving forward.

It can be seen from this that the leaders of the two gangs have no fighting spirit and no omissions. They believe that instead of spending so many people on this task, it would be more practical to have tens of thousands of people doing gang tasks.

Tang Hua did not enter the Donghuang Bell Formation specifically to destroy it. In fact, his main purpose was to receive news from the Brilliant Team asking for help: The reason why the Brilliant Team asked for help was not because they were trapped and unable to move forward. But because they met Bao, there were three Wilderness Flame Generals inside who each pulled up the mountain. The purpose of inviting Tang Hua was for these three flame generals. Although there is strong participation from Red Hat. Although Red Riding Hood's earth magic realm is high, although Red Riding Hood's level is high, it is definitely not on the same level as Tang Hua. Moreover, the three flames will respond to each other. If they are not destroyed within five minutes, they will accept the fate of being beaten by a group. Furthermore, these Flame Generals are very powerful, and there are many younger brothers. The difficulty is much greater than the Flame Generals that a few people faced in Mao Min.

According to the analysis by Huihuang and others, this should be a trap for the system to reward players. Talk about rewards. Naturally, most of the players who can reach this place are relatively united. I say trap because there is a Flame General who is very arrogant and is afraid that the players will not come to destroy him. The other two were ambushing not far away. If it weren't for the existence of the goddess Xingxing, the brilliant team would have been beaten to death by the group.

There was a quarrel on the cliff on Tang Hua's side, and Tang Hua understood at a glance that the man in the poem in the sword was insulting life and death. He said he deliberately killed his friend. The temper of birth and death is not good to begin with. I was hung up by the scholar again, and my face was burning. However, he was reasonable and did not take action. Instead, he yelled at a few friends and Yi Jianren.

How to resolve conflicts in online games? Compare! If you don't know how to solve it, just scold it. Anyone who has played online games knows how talented netizens are. At least when it comes to swearing, they are all tough. Of course, Guangzhou is indispensable, and the mentality of the masses to watch the excitement is indispensable.

The next step is to go to the crooked building. When someone catches someone and scolds someone, someone becomes angry, and then their respective camps join in. If it is a text online game. Then there will be a fast brushing event, but here it can only be a random roar.

Finally came the most extreme way to burn money louder than ever.

There was a thunder, and a rough voice shouted: "Chi you" omit the 50 words of swear words,

The instigator is Tang Huahan. This Heavenly Language skill is a sect skill that all players can learn at level 30. Its function is to allow players within a certain area to hear his thunderous voice. Learning this skill is free, and Tang Hua also learned it, but he has never used it. Not to mention him, most players have never used it, because it costs a lot to use it once. After the price rise, the price rose to blade gold. Now this guy's roar has started the nightmare of two gangs helping the system to recover money.

A voice like thunder: "Chi you," the one who doesn't answer is the grandson.

"Oh, you're so rich, pick it up for grandma. Female players are more tactful, but in online games, female players use such money-burning tools the most ruthlessly.

Then there are the common words like "Your mother sold you money to play games, but you wasted the money." Anyway, any female player will be scolded like a chicken. All the female players in the male player's family will be greeted. At this point, the game has not solved any problem. The solution is to kill the opponent with Tianyu.

Tang Hua finally found the scholar who was smiling bitterly, flew over and asked, "Scholar, don't you have any plans to stop me?"

"I didn't learn Tianyu!" The scholar sighed: "Besides, I can only restrain a person with a sword at most, how can I let everyone be scolded without retaliate?"

"If you're willing to spend some money, I can help you sort out this mess.

The scholar, full of timidity, replied decisively: "If you want money, just take the bright and colorful flower you want."

Tang Hua almost vomited blood, but he didn't expect that the scholar's nature was so violent. I have to say that I have also been through Nan. The characters who passed by Bei were so choked by these words that they became speechless.

The scholar sighed again: "Life and death are really not what you want to do. They have no self-restraint at all. If I stop them from talking now, they will probably take action in a while. It's not like you don't know that although the top leaders of the two gangs are relatively friendly, the members of the gang are Conflicts are not accumulated in a day or two.

"Well, my teacher said that if you have sad things, you must vent them out, otherwise you will easily get depression!" Tang Hua yelled in the sky: "Hoot Mao, start fighting!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several flying swords flew out together, directly brushing against Sheng Mie's body. Sheng Mie, a garbage-level person, turned into white light without even kicking his legs. The two lions became anxious when they saw it. Several friends of Life and Death immediately took action and accidentally killed Yibo. Then everything got out of hand.”

"My wife told me four rules. First: Don't kill people unless others mess with you. Second: Don't stir up discord. Third: Don't team up with anyone from the two gangs. Fourth: Don't save anyone from the two gangs. Tang Hua clenched his fingers and thought: "I'll just roar. It seems like nothing is violated. Scholar, you take your time here, I'm leaving.


"By the way, you have some money, you have to spend it as you should." Tang Hua shook his head and sighed, then turned his flying sword and charged into the sea of dark clouds.

Now Kui's biggest threat has been dealt with. By the way, he also gave his wife a chance to discredit her life and death. My own achievements are very great. Tang Hua thought while dealing with various situations in the sea of dark clouds.

The whirlpool on the sea tests the player's speed with the sword, and the sea of dark clouds tests the player's sense of direction. Even in the dark clouds, torches and other lighting tools are lit. Visibility was less than a foot. According to the report from Xiao**, there is no despicable situation where a stone suddenly appears, and only monsters are likely to be hit. Tang Hua is indeed short-blooded and thin-skinned. But that is also for the second calamity players. In a calamity, it doesn’t matter which sect you belong to. No matter what skills you learn, Tang Hua is only better than them. What's more, Tang Hua can also use black energy to open a path. So this level poses no threat to Tang Hua at all. Out of the sea of dark clouds is the Dragon Array. One is called the flying dragon in the sky, and the other is said to be the earth dragon shaking the sky. To put it bluntly, there are two invincible and naughty dragons playing. One of them rushes out and back out of the chaotic clouds, and the other goes out and back out on the ground. This light tests the player's ability to control flying swords. When the dragon body appears in front of you, you must be able to avoid it in time. This section of the road is not a big problem for Tang Hua. Just slow down.

After rushing through a phantom realm that tests the player's observation skills. Tang Hua finally joined five players on a mountain network.

"The fire general number of Dongwang is Blade 0, and he is still 30 kilometers east of him. 0 Se is 30 kilometers to the north. The estimated time to arrive for support is four minutes and twenty seconds. There are more elite monsters in Dongwang, There are also a lot of minions. The most annoying ones are the Flame Bats. They will kill themselves if they attack within ten meters. They account for a high proportion of minions. Xingxing quickly finished introducing the current form.

"Oh!" Tang Hua focused part of his attention on the center of the formation visible in the distance, which was like a mushroom cloud formed by an atomic bomb explosion. Red, endless circulation. Prick your ears carefully. You can still faintly hear the ringing of bells.

Part of the focus is on text messaging. The text message was sent by Shuang Wu, but what made Tang Hua's hair stand on end was its content: Haha! Just two words. If Shuang Wu wants to scold him and accuse him, he has already prepared himself mentally and has countermeasures. But Tang Hualeng didn't know much about this text message with the word "hehe". One moment, he felt like he was showing a murderous aura, and the next moment, he felt that he was showing a bit of stupidity. What was even more terrifying was that when he sent another text message, Shuang Wu actually closed the message channel. This made Tang Hua, who was fearless, feel cold at his feet.

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