Twin Sword

Chapter 273: The Power of Public Opinion


It is normal for people to die in online games, but it is abnormal for people to die. Tang Hua is a normal person in all aspects, so he died. wWw.QUanbEn-xIAoShUo.CoM

It is said that it is never too late for a gentleman to seek revenge. Tang Hua, who was released from prison, began to spend time in a small town in the Kunlun Mountains. He originally planned to do whatever he wanted, and he would come out if he could, and forget about it if he couldn't. But this death has strengthened his incomparable fighting spirit, and he will not give up until he can get the water spirit pearl.

As soon as Chenshi arrived the next day, Tang Hua appeared in the middle hall of the Kunlun Sect on time. The only difference is that two reporters from Boundless Special Issue appeared here. They are not here to record how Tang Hua obtained the Water Spirit Bead, nor are they here to report that the number one master is looking for death. Instead, I came to capture the magnificent killing scene of the eight-level sword formation. After all, not everyone is worthy of fully activating the eighth-level sword formation.

Entering the middle hall, annihilating the Kunlun leader on the futon, he looked at the Qiankun bag. Banana's still contained the basic Kunlun sword techniques... Not necessarily. Tang Hua, who was careful, discovered that yesterday's book had ten skills, and today's book only contained ten skills. Nine training skills... Collect the garbage to the yin wave position, then use the Pangu ax and leave!

This man is gone, but the most painful thing is that Tang Hua discovered that Pangu Ax had gone dormant. It can only be used again after three days, so how can I escape during these three days? What? Saying it after three days is too much of a lack of perseverance. No matter it rains or winds, the most important thing is to persevere.

But what about the ax strike? It doesn't matter, let's yell at people. Several messages were posted, and Yixiao, Angel, Young Master, and Nuomi responded immediately.

When everyone heard that the only Shui Lingzhu missing in Shushan belonged to the boss of Kunlun... they all criticized Kunlun for such unkind behavior, and after the accusations were finished, they started queuing up to take turns. It's okay to smile at a few people, but the young master... This guy has been really bad lately. The system store prices increased three times, but his restaurant only increased them by 2.5 times because he could adjust them by himself. Although it was closed for a few days during the demon invasion, business was not very good after reopening. For just one main store in Chengdu, it is conservatively estimated that the daily turnover is more than a thousand dollars. After deducting three times the tax on screws, three times the material fee, and three times the wages of the eight NPCs hired, the net income is more than two hundred gold per day. In addition, his dozen chain stores...

"There aren't many restaurants. In fact, not every store is so profitable. For example, at the Jiuyin branch, I still have to pay for it. My little brother just makes a living."

"..." The other people glared at the level 45 young master.

"Chengcheng! This time, I will make a contribution to Shushan to benefit you. Each person who died will receive a pension of five hundred gold, and those who get the Water Spirit Pearl will receive an additional two thousand gold. How about it? Is it interesting?"

"We contribute our efforts and you contribute the money. It's very reasonable and fair!" Yixiao said boldly: "With the young master as our backing, what do we have to fear?"

The angel made a sign of the cross on his chest: "Hallelujah, I hope there will be another storm in a month."

The young master took a breath after hearing this: "Angel, your words are the most vicious prayer I have ever heard. And... Eggplant, are you sure the Water Spirit Pearl is there?"

"Do I look like the kind of person who lies to others?"

The young master answered unceremoniously: "Xiang, we have heard of your name for a long time. You eat people without spitting out the bones, you eat the boss and eat the west, you forget your righteousness when you see profit, you forget your friends when you see sex, you forget sex when you see treasure, then Aren’t they all words used by brothers and sisters of Double Swords to praise you?”

"To be honest, I died the day before yesterday. Will I be reimbursed?"

"Report!" The young master generously traded a card to Tang Hua.

"What?" I want a banknote.

"This is a chain voucher for my young master's restaurant. Five hundred gold. Everyone wants to eat, and no one who can afford it can't afford it but my brother, right?"

"Co-author, you always said that pensions and bonuses are all in vouchers?"

"Haha! It's all consumption anyway. A cheap system store might as well be cheaper for me. By the way, the extra cost for takeout cannot be used."

"This kid has a bright future." Yixiao praised, "He is indeed a businessman."

According to the order of entry, Yixiao was the first to assassinate. It took three minutes and twenty seconds to obtain a Kunlun Basic Sword Art, eight skills, and a voucher of 500 gold.

The second angel spent two minutes to obtain a basic sword art for his skills and received 500 meal tickets.

Then Tang Hua gave Nuomi a gift, and Nuomi... got the meal ticket.

Finally, we arrived at Tang Hua. Tang Hua was in a dilemma this time. Should he die for five hundred gold this time or should he not die? So he thought of the best solution, activate the Pangu Ax when Wan Jian pierced his heart, and let the system decide whether he died or not. But the consequence of doing so was... Tang Hua died in front of Shuang Wu. Oh my god, the sword formation even dealt with continuous damage from the poison system. Shuang Wu saw Tang Hua dodge and died immediately, and her little heart was tested again.

The young master was also kind, and gave me five hundred gold meal tickets, and then begged all the grandfathers: "You should change your lucky equipment. These days, the landlords don't have enough food left."

Yixiao, Nuomi, and Angel replied: "I can't beat the leader by changing my equipment."

Tang Hua replied: "You can't kill the leader instantly by changing equipment."

After arduous efforts, the five people in Shushan finally got the Water Spirit Pearl on the seventh day, before Nuomi died.

System broadcast: Shushan Sect has completed the first level task of the sect after everyone worked together. All disciples can choose any cultivation level to improve their realm. The Shushan sect was praised by the imperial court as the best sect in the world, and all disciples in the sect could accept royal tasks.

This incident immediately made the headlines of the special issue, which caused major psychological trauma to the souls of each faction. You must know that the Shushan sect only has five players in total. It can be seen from the report on the process of obtaining the Water Spirit Pearl that these five people really have one heart and one mind. The rich contributed money and the powerful contributed.

At the same time, the Kunlun sect with the second smallest number of members, whose leader has died n times, issued an announcement: It will complete the sect's mission within a month.

Broken, the leader of Penglai immediately received a large number of text message inquiries. All the brothers said that they must use the spirit of Ah Q to resolutely complete the first-level tasks of the sect.

Qingcheng, Emei, Huanyue'an and other major sects have also turned their attention to the first-level tasks of their own sect. On the contrary, the just-concluded system activity—Shanhai Daobao—did not attract any attention at all.

Since the players were unable to kill the demon on time and the demon could not leave the mountain and sea world, the system announced the end of the event. Since the mountain and sea world was no longer suitable for human survival, the mountain and sea world was permanently closed. This makes the alternative source of money for masters who use stones to exchange money completely extinct.

In online games, the cohesion of a team is greater than that of a gang, and the cohesion of a gang is greater than that of a sect. But this time everyone was ruthless, especially the Penglai faction. Since they had already obtained the mission items in Heaven and only needed to complete the mission items in the Central Plains, everyone was gearing up. On the other hand, everyone’s attention has been focused on the Kunlun faction, and some details have been revealed in the special issue of Boundless.

First, the Kunlun envoy designated by Tang Huahua's system went to negotiate with the demon world. If the negotiation is successful, the demon world is willing to take out the crystal spiritual power stone. All disciples of Kunlun can freely travel between heaven and earth through the Tianzhu. This is just a prologue. Regardless of whether the negotiation is successful or not, the super boss Jiutian Xuannv will appear in Kunlun to prevent mortals from ascending. The reason for Wu Bian's special issue comment is very simple. She deserves her own ascension, but others should not. In a word, it is selfishness.

If there is not a living Kunlun player on Kunlun Mountain, Kunlun Mountain will fall to the human world and randomly destroy a town in the Central Plains. Regarding the consequences of this matter, the special reporter of Boundless Special Issue Huihuang interviewed the Nine Heavens Xuannv in the heaven. It is a pity that the Nine Heavens Xuannv is playing a big role. They did not show up and only sent a secretary to answer, and the answer was: All the consequences are none of their business. (This is also true. Jiutian Xuannv is only responsible for demolition and not collection of corpses.)

The gods have devastated all living beings, and the players have booed and demanded that Huihuang severely punish the Nine Heavens Xuannv who has disregarded human life. At the same time, as the envoy of the Demon Realm, Dongfang Eggplant declares to the world: The Demon Realm made the following remarks with an attitude of contempt for Heaven: First of all, I hope that Heaven will not interfere in the internal affairs of the human world. Secondly, if Heaven insists on intervening in the affairs of the human world, and succeeds in the end, the Demon World will begin to issue missions to hunt down and kill immortal players.

The meaning is very clear, that is, if the Nine Heavens Xuannv is lucky enough to destroy Kunlun, then the players who survive the second immortal tribulation will enjoy the treatment of the demon tribulation and be hunted down by demon generals, demon soldiers, and demon players.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone who cultivated immortality with two swords was in danger. Everyone knows that the most terrifying thing about the evil calamity is the intervention of heaven. As a result, all the players almost unanimously supported the Kunlun faction to kill the Nine Heavens Xuannv. Moreover, Yijian and Shuangshi Gang stated that for the benefit of most players, they will use the lives of nearly a million people to defend the players' right to survive when the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl appears. Everyone is welcome to join the ranks of killing the Nine Heavens Xuannv.

"Public opinion is now strong." Sun Ming analyzed: "I think we already have a seven-point chance of winning."

Huihuang asked: "Shuang Wu. How many people do you estimate will really help?"

"It's hard to say." Shuang Wu shook his head lightly: "I can still get it for a hundred thousand people here. Over there, Yi Jian, you have so many friends, there should be tens of thousands of people. And under the rumors spread by my family , a conservative estimate is around 300,000, and an optimistic estimate is around 500,000.”

"This number should be enough to kill her." Tang Hua said: "The most important thing now is the survival of your Kunlun faction. At least one of you must be alive. If someone can't withstand everyone's turn and turns to hunt down more than 20 of you, That would be more troublesome.”

"Yes!" Broken said: "It's possible that Jiutian Xuannv can't do such a despicable thing. I'm afraid that she will only pick you to kill, so it's useless no matter how many players there are. Also, will Jiutian Xuannv make the Eggplant Demon Emperor invincible? If it has such a large-scale killing skill, all players would be talking nonsense."

"This is not a big problem." Tang Hua said: "I am responsible for destroying her continuous large-scale attack skills." We have teleportation, who is afraid of whom.

Huihuang nodded: "I won't say any polite words. I will try my best to keep the twenty or so people alive, and everyone will take care of the rest."

"There are still three days left. Xuan Xiao has already started practicing and will be released from seclusion in three days. Husband, you are going to the demon world to negotiate tomorrow. You should be able to negotiate, right?"

"You can bring two followers, Broken, Shapolang and me, to negotiate. If we can agree on the deal, we'll go straight to the kill. Don't you just need five amethysts? We'll just grab them." Tang Hua analyzed: " According to records, the boss of the Demon Realm is a little higher than the leader of the Kunlun Upper Realm, and three people with two calamities are enough to kill them. Besides, there is no need to fight, I still have a secret weapon in my hand."

"Secret weapon? What is it?" A group of people asked curiously.

"The secret weapon is... the secret."

(Quanben Novel Website