Twin Sword

Chapter 274: Origin


Teleport to the fantasy world...

. Sha Po Lang once again emphasized: "I am giving Hui Hui face. WWw.QUAbEn-XIAoShUo.COm

"I got it! I'm not as pale as my face, okay?" Tang Hua despised: "As a human being, it is our duty to slay demons and... well." Doesn't it just depend on how quickly and ruthlessly you kill? What kind of negotiation talent do you think you have? ''

"Who is coming?" An NPC named Demon General appeared arrogantly and asked.

“Kunlun Special Envoy, I want to see your boss.

"The patriarch doesn't have time to see you humans..."

Broken said on the side: "Those who are not from my race must have different hearts. Let's fight in, right?"

In one word, a group of demons immediately emerged. Each white tiger looked at the three players eagerly.

"Pig! There will be rewards only if the negotiation is successful." Tang Hua was particularly contemptuous of Shattered's behavior of just killing people. He rolled up his sleeves and said to the demon general: "We must see your boss. You should at least inform us. I...,' 1 Dongfang Qiezi, the Shushan Demon Lord, is also the eighth-level head catcher in the demon world. This is called Sha Po Lang. A certain garbage sect demon lord, the new devil in the devil world. Broken. Penglai Golden Immortal, and the ninth-level head catcher in the heaven."

"This is the fantasy world, and those who trespass will die."

Tang Hua said to Shattered: "I agree with your point of view. It seems that truth can only be talked about with others.

"Nonsense, waste, spit on you;>" Broken waved his hand in greeting, his whole body was covered with golden light, and seven immortal swords surrounded him, ready to go.

Tang Hua said: "I don't know about you demon world, but I know that someone here has said something like a good man will not suffer the consequences of his immediate losses. Let's put it this way, we need five amethysts. It would be best if you are willing, We'd rather not mind taking it ourselves.

The demon general had the guts to shout, "If you want to fight, then come and fight."

"Stop!" An incarnation of Yuan Shen appeared in front of everyone: "The patriarch lets these three people in.

"They can't even say please." Tang Hua's team channel said: "It seems that these monsters are very prejudiced against us humans, and this negotiation is a bit uncertain.

"Huh! I'm just thinking about my reward." Sha Po Lang said coldly.

"What's wrong? Can't you?" Tang Hua said angrily, "You are a follower now, and you are not allowed to speak until I am told.

"Hmph! I'm giving Hui Huang face.

"I've said it for the eighth time, brother."

The boss of the Huan Ming Realm lived in the deepest part of the Huan Ming Realm. Tang Hua and the other three people walked all the way. "The demon people along the way were very hostile. Broken said in the team channel: "Do you think they are like the Huns of the Han Dynasty? Power-\}§ When you are small, you will only be hostile and despise your own courage. When your power is strong, you will turn your enemies into strength and devour your opponents? "

"No, I think it's like showing their last strength." Tang Hua said, "However, I don't like them."

"Their eyes are very disgusting towards human beings." After observing for a while, Sha Po Lang said: "It can be seen that they also dislike us.

The patriarch is a woman, and because she is unwilling to introduce herself, she throws two identification charms in pieces. The patriarch's name is Chanyou, the one next to her is named Xi Zhong, and Gang Yuan Shen is the phantom of Yun Xi Zhong. Broken said:

Level 60, capable of illusions, low cultivation, not difficult to deal with.

"Yes!" Tang Hua nodded and said, "Clan leader, right? Our purpose here is very simple, which is to let you sell five pieces of amethyst.

"Why?" The clan leader smiled coldly, "Am I unwilling to surrender, so I want to kill all our clan?"

"Everyone is not guilty, but Huaibi is guilty. You occupy such a huge resource and enjoy it alone. Do you have a land use certificate? Maybe you think that we humans are unreasonable. But the fact is that you occupy something that many humans need. Even this This time it’s not Kunlun who’s causing trouble for you, there’s also Penglai, Emei, etc.”

"First come, first served, this messenger, I ask you. A bad thief suddenly breaks into your home. He not only wants to hijack your property, but also wants to molest your wife. What will you do?"

"Qi Nian is different. Many people have wives, but your family is the only one with amethyst. Indeed, this is your wealth, but one thing is very important. If my friend's family has unique wealth, I will not be jealous, and will Help keep it. But if my enemies have unique wealth and they are unwilling to share it with me, I will find a way to get it myself.

"Are all demons your enemies?"

"That's not right!" But Tang Hua did not deny it: "Just like you can hate all people, human beings also have the right to hate you. When there are two completely different intelligent creatures on the earth, they interact with each other. They will become enemies. I know I am unreasonable, but what I say is the truth. 0 The army attacks the outsiders, and you represent the demon."

"You mean all monsters are enemies in your eyes?"

"No, there are kind-hearted demons too. Broken. Don't you have one in Penglai?"

"Yes!" Broken replied: "There is a fish monster in the sea hundreds of miles away from Penglai. It specializes in buying and selling medicines with players, but the price is really bad. It buys from Penglai stores and then sells them at leveling points. Whichever is more popular Sell it at double the price. But even if he is a little bit black, he earns even black money. He makes money through his own efforts, so even though he has to enter the spring every few days, no Penglai player has ever attacked him. Last time there was Qingcheng When a few boys touched him, they were immediately beaten by a group of us from Penglai.

The clan leader smiled coldly: "You mean if you follow your human rules, all monsters are good, but if you don't follow your human rules, then you are all bad monsters?"

"Well-... From a person's point of view, you are right to say that."

"If I don't hand over the amethyst, will I be your enemy?" the clan leader asked murderously.

"There's nothing you can do about it. If you don't want to be friends, you'll have to become enemies.

Tang Hua said: "Do you know what are the benefits of becoming friends? First of all, because the Penglai, Shushan and Kunlun families are grateful, no one will come to you again in the future. Secondly, what are your needs? We can also find other ways. Human beings are not all human beings. For those who are ungrateful, Confucius said: A drop of kindness will be repaid by a spring."

Sha Po Lang: "Whether it's an enemy or a friend, the choice is yours."

Broken, "We are already very sincere, it depends on whether you are sincere or not.

"I only know that I will not hand the crystal into human hands." The patriarch replied bluntly.

"So tough?" Tang Hua threatened: "Be careful I use a secret weapon.

"Secret weapon

Tang Hua took out a sign and shouted: "Come out.

A black hole suddenly appeared, and a monster emerged and asked angrily: "What's going on? I'm busy swiping players.

"Didn't you say that all the monsters in the world listened to you back then? Let me see the performance." Tang Hua summoned the Yao Demon Emperor. Back then, as the eldest brother of the demon world, this guy led the monsters in the world to attack humans. In the end, The former leader of Shushan used a trick to trick him into entering the Suo Yao Tread and seize it, thus avoiding a catastrophe.

"Mengdu Clan?" The Yao Demon Emperor looked back and accurately reported the demon's race and asked: "What is your name?" "..." The clan leader did not answer.

"Hmph! I didn't expect that only a few hundred years later, all the demons had abandoned their original vows and were not even willing to answer the emperor's questions. How could they still unite as one to destroy mankind

Tang Weichou: "Young man, if you keep talking nonsense, you can summon me to the Heavenly Palace for the last time. It depends on whether you die or I die."

The Demon King turned to Tang Hua and asked, "What do you want?"

"Five pieces of Amethyst.

"Here it is, this man is despicable, despicable, insidious and cunning. He is full of evil. He is not afraid of thieves stealing, but he is afraid of being missed by thieves.

Tang Hua was furious and prepared to run away. What's wrong with you, molesting your wife or molesting her

Playing with your sister

The clan leader finally spoke: "The Dream Tapir Clan did have an oath agreement with His Majesty the Demon Emperor back then, but things have changed, so I urge you not to interfere in our clan's affairs."

"I'm leaving."

"Hey!" Tang Hua said hurriedly, "You are perfunctory.

"Brother, I am no longer the demon king who commands the world. In your words, I am a bachelor and the boss doesn't listen to me. What can I do?"

"Kill!" Sha Po Lang revealed the magic sword.

"Wait a minute!" the Heavenly Demon Emperor said to the clan leader: "You'd better think clearly. You won't lose much if you give five crystals to others. Now that our strength is at stake, either you will exterminate your clan, or you can continue to live a happy life.

"Why should you be the leader of the clan against a demon like you? You have failed so much. No wonder the monarchy is not passed down very soon. From generation to generation, you don't choose the right ones, only the stupid ones." The Demon Emperor said: "I know you want to save face.

Let’s do this, you give me the crystal, and I’ll give it to them, isn’t that how it works?”

"Xi Zhong, take five crystals and give them to His Majesty the Demon Emperor." The clan leader finally descended this level.

Tang Hua was confused: "Demon King, why do you speak like a player, you don't sound like an NPC at all.

"Because I often ambush you players. They act as if I don't exist and yell: So and so will add blood, so and so will corner him. Then so and so will use his backup ultimate move, as well as shout, escape, and I will , fuck your sister, etc.'' The Demon Emperor said: "But don't worry, the players you meet are idiots." He didn't let them see his true body before he died. "

"Wow! A level 80 boss." Tang Hua threw the appraisal and Fu was surprised: "How come you were chased to death back then - a domestic dog?"

"I have no ability to recover as soon as I get out of trouble." The Heavenly Demon Emperor said: "Don't look around and try to make me think. I'm about to ascend - Mo Bu.

"Devil world? Demons can go there too?".'

"Nonsense, the demon world is the territory of demons." The Demon Emperor told a story that many people didn't know.

After Pangu's death, his essence, energy, and spirit differentiated into two great gods, namely Fuxi, Shennong, and Nuwa. Known as the Three Emperors. Fuxi took the fruit of the God-tree that absorbed the pure air of the divine world as his body, injected his own powerful energy into it, and created "god". Since the fruit of the sacred tree is scarce, the number of gods is very small, but their spiritual power is powerful. God does not care about the turbid air of the earth, so he lives in the sky and forms the divine realm. Shennong took the earth, rocks, grass and trees as the body, poured his own power into it, and created the "beast". Nuwa mixed earth and water with her own blood and spiritual power. Use willow branches to inspire and shape it in your own image. Create "people". -Seeds live in the sky, humans and beasts live on the earth, and there is also a "ghost world" as a place of reincarnation for humans, beasts and other creatures. It has been peaceful for tens of thousands of years. Later, due to the excessive reproduction of humans and animals, there were conflicts from time to time.

Shennong, one of the three emperors, died of poisoning after tasting the herbs in the human world. Chi You appeared as a leader. Chi You led the beasts to wage war against humans, intending to monopolize the earth. Humanity obtained the handle of the gods and defeated Chi You's army under the guidance of Xuanyuan. Chi You tried his best to open the passage to the other world and send the remaining troops to the other world. The remnants of Chi You gradually became demons in other worlds, and the "Devil World" was gradually formed. The passage opened by Chi You was later called the "Well of Gods and Demons". The Well of Gods and Demons was the only passage connecting the two realms of gods and demons. The two sides had many obstacles inside and deployed heavy troops to defend them. It was strictly forbidden to cross the two worlds. World creatures pass through. Fuxi, the Lord of the God Realm, proclaimed himself the "Emperor of Heaven", sealed the gate to the Heaven Realm, and forced the human emperor to call himself Garlic. Nuwa had sex with human men and gave birth to a special race, the Nuwa tribe. Soon Nuwa died of exhaustion.

"So, the demon world is actually the demon world. The fairy world is actually the god world. Human beings are just the humblest intelligent creatures between the two worlds. Even if they ascend, they are still only at the immortal level, which is far behind the gods. The Demon Emperor asked : "Does it feel like a big blow? "

"Nonsense! You see, you NPCs are not created by us humans to serve us." Tang Hua said: "Actually, Sister Nuwa is the guide that you, me, and he should support the most.

While he was talking, the crystal had been obtained. Through the hands of the Demon Emperor, Tang Hua got the amethyst. The mission is accomplished without any bloodshed. The Demon Emperor bid farewell and hoped not to see him again in the future. Tang Hua thanked him and said he would definitely kill him.

(Quanben Novel Website