Twin Sword

Chapter 281: Gambling


Whether you believe the winning rate or not, Hua Shoui used Sha Po Lang to control Yun Nu to bet on the possibility of Shi Gill's death. The only possibility of Fengyun Nu winning the prize was Qi. WWw,QuAnBen-XIaoShuo,CoMThen there was a gambling game between Tiao Tiao and Sha Po Lang. Tang Hua didn't want to do anything else. What he wanted was to let Sha Po Lang open the box first.

For example, if Tang Hua opens first, there are two paths: a 50% chance of winning a prize at birth, and a 50% chance of dying without a prize. But Sha Po Lang opened the box first, and Tang Hua still had two options: to be born with a prize, or to be born without a prize. So as long as he tricked Sha Po Lang into opening the box first, Tang Hua would at least guarantee his life. Theoretically, it is invincible.

As for how to set up Sha Po Lang? Tang Hua is still certain about this. What he grasps is Sha Po Lang's suspicion, especially for his little self. He knows that Sha Po Lang must repeatedly verify, observe, and think. As for what he said, he knew that it would be of little use to Sha Po Lang, because Sha Po Lang could search over and over again, over and over again, and over and over again, entering an infinite non-cyclical state. So Tang Hua used actions. When he asked Sha Po Lang to open the box first, he would stand within the killing range of the box. This seemingly unconscious movement was naturally caught by the suspicious Sha Po Lang. While Tang Hua's words were overwhelming, Sha Po Lang also believed that the action was Tang Hua's unconscious behavior.

So "Sha Po Lang took the road of 50% life and death gambling.

An hour and a half later, the sighing Feng Yunnu and the dark-faced Sha Polang came back.

The second one is the Sea Banshee. This banshee is also very capable, and her cry for help is sure to be a hit. Fortunately, the three players were all Second Tribulation characters, and they were able to resolve their confusion in a short time without engaging in a fight. The three players did not slow down in the water. So no surprise, the banshee was killed.

Tang Hua and others dared to sweep the outer perimeter. According to the reconnaissance, the Banshee entered a barren mountain. The level of "Zhu" was directly lifted to the first level, and the two balls in the claws were not good at first glance.

The banshee was killed, and there were still three boxes, but this time the pattern changed. They are large, medium and small wooden boxes. The big box is as tall as Tang Hua and the others, the middle box is the same size as a person, and the smaller box is more like a shoe box.

"Hammer, scissors, paper!" The three of them launched their moves, Sha Po Lang and Feng Yun Nu with scissors, and Tang Hua with his hammer.

Tang Hua spread his hands and signaled: "You continue." He was despicable again. First, he was sure that Sha Po Lang would never cooperate with him again.

Second, Sha Po Lang hates himself very much, so Sha Po Lang will cooperate with Feng Yun Nu. Third: The last time I played cloth, I won. After discussing with Nu, the chance of playing scissors is 50%. The other two together are only 50%. In this gamble of probability, Tang Hua once again gained the upper hand.

Sha Po Lang sighed and competed with Fengyun Furongong, but Sha Po Lang won. Feng Yun became the mine detection captain in anger and bravery. According to common sense, the bigger the better. But Screw obviously knows this too. Common sense. Then let’s deal with it abnormally, but Screw must also know the abnormality. Will Screw take into account that everyone hides the treasure in the middle box contrary to common sense

After precise calculations and long speculation, Feng Yunnu opened the medium-sized box, only to be blown into a white light.

"Silly! There is more than a 50% chance that the middle box is a trap." Tang Hua said contemptuously: "Designing large and small boxes is enough of a headache, don't you think so? Brother Lang."

"Don't call me Brother Wolf, you should call me Wolf Boy." Sha Po Lang snorted. As long as you are polite to yourself, you will definitely have bad intentions.


"Don't say anything, don't do anything." Sha Po Lang immediately interrupted: "I will think about it myself."

"five minutes later.

Tang Hua said generously: "How about this? You give me three hundred gold, and I will open it first."

"Death!" Sha Po Lang continued to ponder.

"Is it free?" Tang Hua is still a conscientious person. After all, this was originally Po Lang's mission. He ate his own meal and took a box away, but he still felt a little sorry.

Sha Po Lang thought for a long time and then said: "Okay! You go and open the big one."

Tang Hua flew to the side of the big box, landed on it, waved and shouted, "I opened it?"

Here we go again. Sha Po Lang gritted his teeth: "Open!"

"Really open?"

"Open it. Ink stain like a woman."

With joy ringing out, Tang Hua took out four pieces of equipment from the big box and looked at Sha Po Lang with an innocent look on his face. Sha Po Lang almost went into shock...

"The Seven Elements Set of the Hundred Thousand Mountains in the Forbidden Land Set, a seven-piece set. The attributes are still good. After four pieces of equipment. Additional casting speed, plus thunder, fire, water, and earth damage gills, and accelerated body recovery. Four lines of attributes "Add old ones." Tang Hua sighed regretfully: "Why are there only four pieces?"

"You..." Sha Po Lang pointed at Tang Hua and said, "Next time, you will be the first to open the door."

"Okay, okay." Tang Hua was ashamed, he really wanted to test the mortality rate of the monkey. I feel guilty! Tang Hua is now gathering equipment. First prepare a set that greatly reduces the cooling time. It is best to be able to use the God and Demon to destroy the world once a minute. Prepare another set of cast speed ones, which can maximize the continuity of spells. Then put together a set of magical equipment. Can increase the lethality of using demonic skills. If possible, get together a set of fire equipment and a set of thunder equipment. Use the tiger whip to level up the thunder equipment, and brush up the fire equipment. . The snow beast was also clicked away! Three boxes: red box, blue box, yellow box.

"Shall I open it?" Tang Hua asked, pointing to the red box.


"Really open?"

"Come on, Mo Ban looks like a woman. Sha Po Lang felt something was wrong. Suddenly he broke out in a cold sweat. This conversation seemed to be the previous version. Next, Tang Hua took four suits..." Sha Po Lang said hurriedly. : "Wait! You go and open the blue box."

Tang Hua arrived at the blue box with a whoosh: "Shall I open it?" "


"Really open?"

"Let's go. Like a woman, Sha Po Lang burst into tears.

Feng Yun asked angrily: "Xiaolang, how are you doing? What's going on with Eggplant?"

"I don't know." Tang Hua spread his hands: "Am I really open?"

"Open! Open!" Sha Polang wiped away his tears and said angrily, "I don't believe it."

The box opened and Tang Hua took out a booklet from it

Only kill the wolf with internal bleeding, external bleeding, and bleeding from the seven orifices."

Tang Hua trembled and recited: "Magic song, a special item lost in the world of demons. Domirado, Doufa Mirado, Duoduo said, Mirado "I don't know music notation in my life, I only know Mirado." "Tears ran!

Tang Hua accompanied Xing Xing and called softly: "Brother Wolf..."

Sha Po Lang:…”

"How much do you think this music score is worth?" To be honest, Tang Hua still felt guilty. He really felt sorry for Sha Po Lang. But this should still be sold. Otherwise, you will be sorry for yourself. I want to feel sorry for Sha Po Lang. Or should I feel sorry for myself? Tang Hua firmly chose the former. It's one thing to feel guilty. It's completely different from extortion.

Feng Yun said angrily: "When I sold eggplant, it was four thousand."

Six" kill the wolf.

Tang Hua lowered his head and calculated: "Four thousand, the price has tripled. That's twelve thousand gold, minus the fraction, and then I'll give you a 20% discount because I'm an acquaintance. Just eight thousand will be fine."

Sha Po Lang grabbed Tang Hua by the collar and glared angrily.

"Seven thousand-nine is not negotiable. How about seven thousand-eight? You don't want seven thousand-seven, do you? Seven thousand-five is the lowest, otherwise I will give it to Broken to pick up my wife."

"Sha Po Lang let go of Tang Hua, and after thinking for a long time, he took out an IOU: "Four thousand. "

"That's okay!" Tang Hua said happily.

"I'll add you five hundred in cash and continue betting. If I can't kill you today, I won't call you Sha Po Lang."

Feng Yun said angrily: "Except these three, they are the least careful and very difficult."

"do my best.

Sha Po Lang gritted his teeth and asked, "Dongfang Eggplant, do you want to bet?" "

"Brother, how about I commit suicide once to show you?" "No, I must gamble."

"Only forcing prostitution is good, how can you force gambling?"

Feng Yunnu corrected him: "It's forcing girls into prostitution."

"Pig, create a harmonious society now." Tang Hua despised.

"Keep going!" Sha Po Lang said with a gloomy face.

"Okay then!" Tang Hua sighed, this kid... is so awesome that he can be slapped to death by monsters.

"Ah?" Tang Hua was surprised: "Didn't you, monkey, go to the world of mountains and seas?"

"Zhu Yan, you're not a monkey." Zhu Yan corrected him and said, "The realm of mountains and seas is closed. What? Are you here to hunt for treasure?"

"How can you do that? I can't do anything to you when I'm hunting for treasures, right?" Tang Hua asked, "Why are you at level 70?"

"Post transfer, isn't your post transfer for promotion?" Zhu Yan said: "I suggest you brush the one on the left, the one that looks like a pig."

"Okay! That box"

Zhu Yan whispered: "Jade box."

"No problem!" Tang Hua said gratefully, "Thank you, Brother Zhu."

Bingshou: A black pig with a pig's head in front and a pig's head in the back.

Sha Po Lang took out a medicine bottle and drank it before shouting: "Kill!" The devil's golden elixir increased its attack power within thirty seconds. As for why the elixir should be drunk instead of eaten? Normally, Sha Po Lang wouldn't think about this issue. Only boring people like Tang Hua would think about it.

The little wolf who is addicted to medicine is not a blocker, so he takes every move to block the target. That ordinary book about the integration of man and sword turned out to be something more than ordinary. "Brush" the death-like light of the four swords, coupled with Fengyunnu's sword wrath and Tang Hua's God and Demon Destruction, it was too late to seal the howl, and was directly cut into white light.

Jade box, fart box, cardboard box.

Tang Hua asked: "Should I drive it?"

"I'll drive!" Don't think that I can't hear you even if you say it quietly. Sha Po Lang flew directly to the small jade box and flailed it, "Boom, there was a sound, and it was blown into white light."

Tang Hua was greatly surprised this time that Xiao Zhu turned out to be bad and learned to lie not long after he went abroad.

"Hey! Are you such a liar, monkey?"

"Nonsense, Zhu Yan never lies to his friends." Zhu Yan was very dissatisfied with Tang Hua's statement at the border.

"You said the jade box."

Zhu Yan said: "Who told you to be in such a hurry? I mean the jade box cannot be opened."

Tang Hua Fengyun was angry and silent

Zhu Yan said: "Open the stone box."

"Just" Tang Hua and Feng Yunnu calmly waited for the last part of the dead monkey's words.

"It will kill people." Zhu Yan coughed and then continued helplessly: "Carton."

"Forget it! It's better for me to die once." Tang Hua flew to the side of the stone box and sighed: "It's more comfortable to die once." Opening the stone box... Tang Hua took out the seventh-level sword calmly.

Feng Yunnu was shocked: "This damn monkey still says he won't lie to his friends?"

Tang Hua burst into tears: "He's not lying. What he said together is: the jade box cannot be opened. The stone box will kill people. The cardboard box will kill people. With the punctuation: the jade box cannot be opened. Open the stone box. The cardboard box will kill people."

Feng Yunnu said sadly: "What shall I tell you when the little wolf comes later?"

"Of course I'm embarrassed to spit it out when I eat it in my mouth." Tang Huahan said: "This man yelled... he has too much money. Even if he is a good person, he will be frightened. However, Brother Fengyun, you also saw it. You really can't blame me for this."

(Quanben Novel Network