Twin Sword

Chapter 283: Nothing new


People have been in panic for more than a month, and finally we have another inkstone event that everyone can participate in... This event is called Treasure Hunting in the East China Sea. WWw. QuanBeN-XiaoShuo. COm

This activity not only tests players' level equipment, but more importantly, solves puzzles. If you slay monsters above the old level, there is a certain chance that a treasure map will be revealed. Only one per person. If four people in the team have a plan and one person does not, the person without a plan will fall on the head. All five of them have plans and it will be impossible for them to be exposed.

Each treasure map has a very different pattern, and there are countless treasures in the vast East China Sea waiting to be discovered. The system sells an electronic map of the East China Sea for 100 gold each, which can display your location and the surrounding environment within ten miles. In the midst of everyone shouting, the first batch of maps was sold out, and Luosi announced that the second batch of maps would contain 1,000 maps, each worth 120 gold. So everyone stopped complaining and joined in the picture grabbing process.

Why do people become more enthusiastic after selling darker products? Boundless Special Issue commented on this. The key point of the comment is that everyone understands that this treasure hunt is a test of a player's overall quality and will have some impact on future job assignments. As soon as this publication came out, the black market price of the map skyrocketed to 400 gold.

Sun Ming and Tang Hua immediately sold the more than 300 maps they had purchased in bulk and made a huge profit! Luosuo sent a serious warning letter to Sun Ming, hoping that Sun Ming would no longer be deceived by Mo Ren and become an upright young man. As the saying goes, those who are close to pigs will be fat, so remember this.

Sun Ming had already been spotted by the screws, and he easily won the competition with the paparazzi, the editor-in-chief of Shuangjian Daily, for the position of boss of the General Administration of Press and Publication. Sun Ming said during the interview what should be written and what should not be written. What is politics and what is public opinion? He knew whether harmony or sales were more important, and he said he would be a socially responsible journalist. And the paparazzi is clearly a little out of sorts. The interview was all about how to attract the public's attention and report the facts fairly and objectively. Luosi pointed out euphemistically that special editions are more successful in attracting the public's attention. As for fair and objective reporting, this is not what mainstream media should do. Just like the American media can criticize the president, but cannot criticize the country's constitution, what is light and what is serious, the paparazzi is inferior to Sun Ming.

in addition. Screw prefers the style of the boundless special issue, while Shuangjian Daily, like the People’s Daily, is entirely narrative. It is rigid and rigid, and cannot arouse readers' desire to look through it. The special issue of Boundless is different. It represents this new atmosphere. Behind the facts, there are editorials and various comments. The collection of voices from all sides not only highlights democracy, but also allows many readers to find people who speak for themselves. Moreover, the opinions provided by each family make it easier for the rulers to understand the needs and wants of the common people.

After receiving the warning letter, Sun Ming immediately replied: This matter was all done by Dongfang Eggplant alone, who used his trust to speculate in the business. I feel deeply saddened and have given him the most basic ideological and moral education. Although this son is stubborn, I will adhere to the moral character of Foolish Old Man to Move Mountains, fight against him to the end, and vow to transform him into a talent useful to the people and the country.

Screw is deeply pleased that Sun Ming is so capable. Cut off contact after sending a middle finger picture.

Sun Ming closed the line, "You continue

"It's not too easy to make money. For example, if a factory wants you to advertise, you can report in a very subtle way: A sewage leak occurred near a certain factory. According to reporters' open and covert investigations, it has nothing to do with this factory. This factory has strong funds and has the most advanced and complete equipment on the planet. Regarding the sewage system, this plant immediately activated social responsibility reserve funds on the first day of the accident, firstly for self-examination, and secondly to assume social responsibility and purify the water source as soon as possible."

Sun Ming asked: "What if there is no pollution nearby?"

"If there is no pollution, create pollution. Let the factory director build a chemical plant with three zeros, and nothing else, as long as it can produce sewage. By then, even if you want to arrest people, you will not be able to arrest them. In this way, the brand of this factory Once it has been established, the responsibility of this factory has been established, and everyone knows about the products of this factory. If you pay a lot of money, you can arrange for hundreds of companies to use some words to praise the behavior of this factory. At the same time, criticize the social responsibility awareness of today's manufacturers. , so-called taking from the people, using it for the people, etc.”

"What about the people who drink water?"

"Spend money and effort to save them. Fame comes, people are fine, and reporters come and go nearby, which is very helpful to the local economy. In addition, you can conspire with local officials. You think a leader who has no news is not a good leader. If the jurisdiction The district is peaceful, but even if they have the ability, they have no place to make political achievements? Pollution accidents are opportunities. Besides, the factory is famous, which is of great benefit to local tax revenue. Look, isn't everyone happy together? No one suffered losses. "

Sun Ming was silent for a while and said: "I think it is not unreasonable for Screw to destroy you humanely."

"Tang Hua glared with a black face.

Sun Ming hurriedly changed the topic, "Aren't you going to participate in the event to gain some performance points?"

"It's not like you don't know that the better I perform, the more nervous Screw becomes. He would be very happy if I were stupider." Tang Hua said depressedly: "You see, coupled with my character, the treasure in the first picture It's right next to my Donghai Cave." Sun Ming smiled bitterly: "People are looking for treasures everywhere, but you have treasures that you don't dare to dig for at your doorstep."

"Actually, they have been dug out." Tang Huahan said: "You also know that my hands are itchy, and I guess I was the first one to dig out. There are two purple suits of the East China Sea War series,

Double Lion Pai Yi channel.

"I think you can sell lottery tickets in the future and ensure that there won't be a single jackpot in the world for ten years.

"I'm afraid that I will be the one who wins the first prize for ten consecutive years." Tang Hua burst into tears: "Speaking of me, I am pure, but it was also caused by the damn game. I don't know how to be responsible. Instead, I want to kill me. , is there any natural reason?"

"Brother! You have evolved completely. Sun Ming really doesn't know what to say to comfort Tang Hua's glass heart. Now Tang Hua has become instinctive about certain things. Just like running orders, either he is short of money or he feels uncomfortable if he doesn't run for once. Tight. Sun Ming explained: "Anyway, don't sign any contract documents that Screw gives you. If it doesn't work, I will support you in the future. "

"Bah!" Tang Hua said, "I have a wife to support me."

"It's time. Is your wife still missing?"

"I'm just confused. Shouldn't Screw retaliate?"

"No, they have fair procedures." Sun Ming said: "It's strange, considering your wife's ability. No matter how you say it, you can get a grassroots manager.

"It doesn't matter. It's fine not to be an official but to be a boss.

I'll check it out if there's any news. Tang Hua read the news and found out that it was Mo Jing who asked where he was. He replied: "What's going on in Chengdu?" "

"Treasure hunt, come and help. I'm at the Donghai Military Station."

"Here we come!" There are three reef groups on the treasure map. There is a small island in the reef group with a red color in the center of the island. Tang Hua took one look and said, "Isn't this a military station?"

"Eggplant is amazing, you can tell it at first sight. Xiaolang and I searched for two days before we found out that it was the military depot.

"That screw guy likes to be so demanding." Tang Hua asked, "Since you know, you still call me?"

"The key is that the location is under the only inn in the military station." Mo Jing asked: "I have found all the guys, including the shovel and the manuscript."

Tang Hua asked: "How do you know you are down there and not inside the inn?"

"This,, I guessed


Tang Hua entered the inn and said to the boss, "Boss, I'm here to pick up the things I've stored."

"Can you trust me

Mo Jing immediately handed over the treasure map.

The boss looked at it for a while, then took out a sword from under the cabinet and gave it to Mo Jing. Mo Jing held it in her hand and was surprised: "So simple?"

"How complicated it is." Tang Hua said: "I dug for the suit and determined the location. When I got there, I didn't see it, so I killed a super small fish. I didn't expect it to explode. My wife called me for help, and I Go down."

On the beach of Chi Town, Shuang Wu held a picture and was meditating.

Tang Hua arrived and asked, "What's wrong with my wife?"

"Husband, I'm sure it's near the beach in Qiu Town, but I searched for it all day and couldn't find it."

"Did you dig it

"Dig. No.

"Have you killed the monsters nearby

"Kill them all

Tang Hua raised his head and pointed: "Have you ever killed those birds in the sky?" Xiao

"No". Shuangwu flew up with his sword. Kill a group of birds and get a skill book. Shuang Wu took the book and said silently: "A first-level bird is still flying around, Kuaisui can think of it."

"He just keeps doing this, without any creativity at all." Tang Hua sighed.

"Husband, you have changed your gender. Why don't you want to dig for treasure?, Xiao

Tang Hua burst into tears after hearing this: "It's not that I don't want to dig! In addition to the first treasure map, I spent the whole day swiping old-level and above monsters, and there was only one that I could not expose.

"Isn't it?" Shuang Wu was surprised: "Everyone will get one out of three at most."

"I estimate that 30,000 of them have been sold." Tang Hua said, "This is retaliation for mountain shoes."

Shuang Nian pointed at the beach and said, "There are about ten crab bosses over there.

Tang Huaxin harvested their lives with a wave of his hand and took out two flying swords: "One is still a fourth-level sword." But there was no treasure map. "

Frost Dance takes out her sword and kills a turtle on the left and takes out a treasure map. The two were silent for a long time, Shuangwu hugged Tang Hua: "Good husband, I want to find my wife by myself."

"Go, go, let's go. Shuangwu walked away. Tang Hua threw the Thunder Whip. There was a sound of thunder on the beach and offshore. Tang Hua turned over the bag of heaven and earth. I saw that the experience kept beating a little, but there was no treasure map.

The Boundless special issue contains interesting stories from the past ten days of treasure hunting, focusing on Tang Hua, a master of treasure hunting. There was a coconut tree at a certain treasure hunting spot, but the treasure hunters searched carefully in the tree for several hours but failed to find it. Finally, the number one expert Dongfang Eggplant was hired to take action. Oriental Eggplant asked him to cut open all the persimmons on the tree and return with the treasure. The joint players were helpless in the face of the Bagua Organ. Dongfang Eggplant, a direct descendant of Guiguzi, took action and dug a tunnel directly into the array with a shovel.

Eggplant breaks the restrictions to help others get the treasure, and Eggplant lures people away by attacking in the east and west. To get the treasure, Eggplant smashes the virtual treasure to get the heavy treasure. Because of the hiring fee, Eggplant kills the treasure hunter and gets the treasure himself.

Special issue comments that this person's existence has destroyed the balance of the game. It is said that this person is familiar with the East China Sea and has a 30% chance of knowing the point by looking at the map. If you know something about the situation, there is a 100% chance of getting the treasure out. There may be mistakes in killing, but there is no chance of letting go.

(QuanBen Novel Network