Twin Sword

Chapter 40: Passing the Level


When everyone arrived near the Great Sky Candle Peak, a white nine-tailed fox appeared from the sky and blocked everyone's way. The scholar was about to order an attack, but he didn't expect the fox to speak first, and it was a female voice: "The first level: identification level. wWw!QUAbEn-XIAoShUo!COm As a gang leader, vision is the first requirement. Game rules: If I fail once, my ability will be strengthened by 10%. If the recognition is successful for the first time, my ability will be reduced by 50%, and then 40%. , 30% and so on."

After saying that, tokens numbered 1-9 appeared next to Yijian Qiufei.

"Please watch carefully! 10, 9, 8..." After the fox finished reading, he suddenly transformed and disappeared, and nine identical foxes appeared in the sky. Each fox has a number and a countdown appears: 10 minutes.

Everyone is here to find trouble! Each fox has some slight differences, for example, two have a little more black hair, and three have tails that are slightly more curved than the other six...

"It can't be calculated!" The scholar was sweating profusely and turned to look at the group of experts, who all shook their heads. Obviously this fox's magic power is much higher than theirs, and it is impossible for them to divine it now.

"Five spirit wheels!" Shishi released the spirit wheel and circled it in the air above the nine foxes, then shook her head: "They are all wind attributes, so they cannot be identified!"

Time passed by second by second, and everyone's head was as big as an ox. If it really fails 8 times, the fox's ability will be increased by 80%, which will be quite terrifying. Until now, the team of a group of people has been relatively organized, but even if it is organized, it cannot fight against the dragon that has been enhanced by 80%.

After all, 20+ players have to deal with a 40+ boss, which is unbelievable in itself.

"It's a bet!" Yi Jian Qiubei saw that the time was up and grabbed the No. 7 token.

All images disappeared, and the fox's body appeared: "Error, I increased my ability by 10%. The game starts again." A red light fell into the fox's body, and the fox's size increased by one point.

There are nine foxes again, everyone is sweating coldly. It turns out that the upper limit is not 80% enhancement, but n% enhancement. If the game continues like this, within two days, the fox will be able to challenge Tathagata directly.

The scholar said calmly: "According to the rules of gambling, the probability of 1 and 9 appearing is relatively high, but now the chance of 7 appearing is also very high."

"Alas..." Yi Jian Qiubei sighed. The scholar said it but didn't say it.

Tang Hua shook his head and said, "I have a way, I don't know if it will work or not."

"What method?" Scholar and Yijian Qiubai asked hurriedly.

"This method!" Tang Hua raised his hand and blasted out with a magic move, then turned back and said with certainty: "None of the 9 are!"


"Because no harm was shown!"

The scholar said dissatisfied: "If there is any damage, we will kill him directly. Why bother with this?"

"No. 7!" There was no time again, so he raised his sign to seek defeat with his sword.


"No. 7 again!"


After three rounds, the fox's ability increased by 30%, and its fangs were exposed outside the body.

"We can't go on any longer!" The scholar wiped away the sweat from the Lushan Waterfall. The only way to continue is to ask the sect boss to personally take action.

"What should we do?"

Sun Ming asked Tang Hua in a low voice: "Are you sure that none of the 9 are true?"

"Of course!" Tang Hua replied.

"So sure?"

"Nonsense... Look, there are nine tails, but there are only 9 foxes in the illusion. If the real body is inside, there should be 10. Do you think the fox just doesn't want the tail when it sees something is wrong?" Tang Hua said It is a very simple truth, '9+1=10'. In addition, he did not see any magic damage, and he was even more certain that this fox was definitely a liar similar to a pyramid scheme: "The most important thing is that the high-level NPCs in the game are all part-time liars. Furthermore, which TV show have you ever seen that glorified foxes?" From elementary school to now, which fox has not been called 'cunning'?"

Scholars are accustomed to complicating simple problems, while Tang Hua's character is to simplify all complex things as much as possible.

Tang Hua spoke loudly, loud enough for Yi Jian Qiufei to hear clearly. Yi Jian Qiu Bai and the scholar looked at each other, then swept away all the tokens and shouted: "You monster, you used nine illusions to deceive me, come out and die quickly."

"Haha!" A beautiful woman appeared in the mist in mid-air. The woman covered her mouth with her hands and laughed and said: "As a leader, you not only need eyesight, but also the ability and insight to adapt to changes. If you pass the first level, you will be counted. Taking some advantage, the second level: Warrior level! All famous emperors in ancient and modern times can achieve great things only with the help of fierce generals. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty only had Wei Qing and Huo Qubing to quell the disaster of the Huns. When the two died prematurely, Emperor Wu would no longer have any grace. 10 vs. 10 For a single challenge, 10% of my ability will be used as a reward."

After saying that the woman disappeared, a mounted general appeared in the air with a blood bar above his head and shouted: "My general, Lu Bu, who will challenge me?"

"..." Everyone took a step back, fearing that they would be defeated by Yi Jianqiu. Who is Lu Bu? Even Wu Sheng Guan Gong is not enough!

"Level 30, attribute gold, main physical attack." A monk from the Elite Hall finished the report.

"I'm coming!" Sha Po Lang stepped forward and stood proudly.

3, 2, 1 starts!

'call out! With a sound, as soon as Sha Po Lang released his flying sword, an arrow was already nailed to his body, and 1/3 of his blood was directly wiped away. The flying sword struck Lu Bu, and Lu Bu lost half of his health, while Kill Po Lang had 1/3 of his health remaining. Sha Po Lang gritted his teeth, did not put away his sword and turned around, and directly activated his magic power, allowing the fairy sword to continue attacking...

4 seconds! Two tough-minded people bloomed together and died together!


"I'm Diao Chan..." A stunningly beautiful woman appeared.

"I'll do it...!" Half of the thousands of people raised their hands.

The top master of the Elite Hall takes part in the battle.

"Little lady, be gentle, don't break her!" Brother Gao Shou's smile was extremely flat.

Diao Chan covered his mouth and smiled, and said coquettishly: "General, please be gentle. I am not as weak as my husband! Look at my little arms..." Diao Chan pulled up his sleeves, revealing his pure white skin.

"I can see it very clearly!" Brother Liuha, the master, said, "What beautiful and perfect little hands!"

"Then are you willing to kill me?" Diao Chan lamented, "Can you let me kill you?"

"Okay, okay!" The master brother actually flew over.

Yi Jian Qiu Bai said: "That's not right! I sent this guy a text message and he didn't get any response."

"Dead! Qingguo smiled! He is in a state of confusion now!" the elite hall monk reported after using the Dharma Eyes.

Sure enough, Brother Gao Shou was stabbed to death by the knife taken out by Diao Chan. He still had a happy smile on his face until he died.


(Quanben Novel Website