Twin Sword

Chapter 47: Laoshan


"...Yes!" Wushuang was a little dumbfounded. He looked at her again and asked, "This friend looks familiar. Where have we met?"

"It sure seems like I've seen it somewhere before!" Princess and Wuji said in unison: "Take off your glasses. wWw、QUanbEn-xIAoShUo、Com"

"No, no!" Tang Hua said his name on the top of his head: Purple Qi comes from the east. How embarrassing is this, killing people, grabbing monsters, and grabbing treasures, while eating a bowl of wontons, a bowl of beef noodles, and two pounds of beef... I am thin-skinned, and I don't think so of others.

The princess and Wuji nodded at the same time, indeed they did not recognize this person. But Wushuang looked more and more carefully, and while looking at it, he asked: "Is this friend interested in joining the Three Guns Gang?"

"No no!"

"Your packaged beef!" the waiter greeted.

Tang Hua took the beef and threw it into the Qiankun bag and waved: "Slow chat, I'm leaving first! Goodbye, bye!"

"I'm leaving too!" Wushuang stood up: "Everything is ready, we will take Laoshan the day after tomorrow."

"So soon? When were you ready?"

"Hmph! Of course you don't have time to know."

Laoshan Mountain is a third-level fairy mountain, and the Five Sacred Mountains are all first-level fairy mountains. Not only is it difficult, but the cost of the challenge is also worth a lot of money. Laoshan is much simpler. After all, there are hundreds of such mountains. Wushuang also considered the factor of strength... As for why he and Yijian both had to come to Shandong to develop, the reason was very simple. There was a Penglai sect here. Moreover, the relationship between One Sword and Three Guns is relatively harmonious. Both companies have intentionally discussed joining forces to consolidate Shandong's foundation. After all, no matter how big your appetite is, you can't swallow up a provincial territory.

"Sister, look at this ring. It fits perfectly on your hand..." Tang Hua was about to go back to Shushan to blackmail a few bitches. But the prerequisite is that they cannot be allowed to exploit the contents of the bag. We are not Santa Claus. We give gifts to people without blackmailing them.

"This ring is nice, how much does it cost?" Wushuang suddenly appeared, took the ring and began to look at it.

"Oh, it's you! Just give it to me. One silver or two is not too little, and one or two gold is not too much."

"This ring can only be equipped at level 27. It seems that the boss is quite capable."

"It's just so-so, just a casual meal."

"Which sect does the boss belong to?"

"Penglai, of course Penglai."

"Oh? Then do you know Broken?"

"We know each other!"

"I want 1 gold." Wushuang asked after the transaction, "Can you contact Broken for me? I just said that Sangun Wushuang has something to do with him."

"Okay, okay!" Tang Hua sent a text message: "Where are you? How are things?"

Shattered quickly replied: "The mission is completed. I picked up a magic weapon by the way. I'll treat you to the Juxian Tower at noon tomorrow."

"Juxian Tower tomorrow at noon."

"Okay...thank you then!"

"Please walk slowly and come often." Then he texted Shattered: "Remember to tell the woman around you that I am Zi Qi Donglai from the Penglai sect."

Broken's trip was fruitful. Not only did he break the mechanism and dig up Qi Henggong's tomb, but he also got a magic weapon: Jiutian Ice Soul. When equipped, the flying sword will deal water damage and have a certain chance of freezing the opponent unable to move for 5 seconds.

Broken's biggest gain is naturally the beauty Ruoxin. Although Broken is not regarded as a close friend yet, at least he is considered a friend. Therefore, for Tang Hua, the 'benefactor', it is appropriate to entertain guests with broken blood.

"Egg...Brother Ziqi, this way!" Although Broken didn't know what Tang Hua was doing, he just obeyed his friend's request.

"Oh, Brother Broken!"

Ruoxin shook his head: "A group of gangsters!"

"Who is this?" Broken noticed that Tang Hua brought someone else with him.

"Three Guns Unparalleled." Tang Hua introduced: "This is Broken. This is Ruoxin, the one who sings."

Broken corrected: "It's a star! I have admired Wushuang for a long time. People say that the number one leader of the Three Guns gang is Wushuang. Please sit down, please sit down!"

"...Thank you!" Wushuang smiled bitterly. It seems that Wuji cannot be entirely blamed, he is too strong.

After Tang Hua applied to join the group, he said: "Shattered, don't mention that, I was fired by Wuji just because of that."

"Oh! No wonder she is in a bad mood." After pouring wine for the two of them, Broken asked: "Wushuang, Ziqi, I didn't know you were friends."

"Actually, this is what happened..." Originally, Laoshan and Taishan were different. The last level was a seven-on-seven challenge. The challenge is not an NPC, but yourself. That is to say, the system copies a broken one, and then chooses the broken one. At this stage, operational skills must be taken into consideration. There are only two people who can operate it well with both hands, and they can hold it safely, namely themselves and the princess. There are three people who may win or lose, and there are two people who are extremely likely to lose. So Wushuang planned to find another expert to help. But Yi Jian happened to take Taishan, and a group of masters were left in Yi Jian Gang. Just when I was about to take a gamble, I unexpectedly met Tang Hua, and the temptation broke out.

"Your friend?" Broken asked in the team channel.

"What do you think?"

Yes, this kid seems to have snatched someone else's token: "Well... I'm sorry Wushuang, I have something to do and rush to Penglai..."

"Can you let me go first?" Wushuang begged slightly: "You can ask for any compensation you need."

"This is not about money." The problem is that if I make a mistake and lose someone, how embarrassing it will be! It also hinders others from completing their tasks. Don't wait till the end and your good intentions will be criticized.

"Broken." Ruoxin stepped forward: "If you are not in a hurry, just help me."

"Okay!" Broken agreed, and Tang Hua spat out a mouthful of wine. Why the hell did he agree so quickly? I have nothing to do as a volunteer, so don't I just want to blackmail them? They have big guilds, they have money...

Then the banquet will be simple. Of course, the wine must be paid for by Wushuang. There was nothing urgent about Shattering, he just promised Ruoxin to look for the other three guqins together. As for the Wushan Immortal Qin that Ruoxin mentioned, he agreed without any hesitation. Wushan is not Laoshan, it is on the same level as the Five Mountains.

Regarding Wushuang's invitation to join the gang, Broken politely declined. He had already agreed with Shuangshi Haoran that sooner or later he would join the Shuangshi gang. As for Tang Hua, naturally he would rather not do it.

"Let's go! We're going to Chengdu. You take your time and play." Tang Hua waved his hand and left with his sword. He has reached level 26 and is ready to concentrate on leveling up and then return to his sect to learn skills.

Wushuang scratched his head and said, "It's strange. The more I look at this back, the more familiar it becomes."

"..." Broken Heart said: Isn't this the person who stole your token and caused the system to be broadcast by Yi Jian? But it is wrong to betray a friend, even if the friend has done bad things.

Ruoxin said smoothly: "Of course I am familiar with him. Isn't he the same person who stole your token in Huashan?"

"Oriental eggplant?" Wushuang asked back, looking at Shattered, expecting proof.

Broken hahaha: "It looks like, it looks like. The name is actually just a code name. He can be called Eggplant, and others can also call him Eggplant. The question we need to face is: Where did I come from in life, and where will I die... Haha! Let's go. .”

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