Twin Sword

Chapter 6: Rooster


"At the beginning of human beings, nature is good. wWw.QuanBeN-XiaoShuo.CoM"

"..." Tang Hua almost spat out a mouthful of blood. Only then did he realize that he was in a game rather than reality. He stood up...

"Sit down." The teacher was very dignified. What was a teacher in ancient times? The teacher is a god. Whether you are a relative of the emperor or a princess or a prince, if the teacher criticizes you, he will criticize you without complaining. Even the emperor would shout when his son was beaten, "Well done."

"Yes!" Tang Hua stuffed half of his butt back, and there were already players who were ready to laugh at the private school, especially when he heard that at the beginning...

"Stand up." Mr. walked up to Tang Hua.


"Extend your palm."

"Farewell, teacher, I've been with you since the beginning of your life, and you still have to save some face for me." Tang Hua was covered in sweat, and it was so embarrassing to have his palms slapped in the game.

"A school is a school. No matter whether a person is a beginner or a Taoist, it is a school. Stretch out your palms and you will see that there are so many children looking at you."

Under the gaze of innocent eyes, Tang Hua pulled up his clothes with his left hand to cover his face, and then stretched out his right palm.

After the teacher finished the beating, he was quite satisfied and said: "My boy is still teachable. Although he has no desire to learn, he does have the desire to respect his teacher. I will give you this ruler, so that you can live a good life from now on."

"Thank you, teacher." Tang Hua took the ruler and looked at it. His mind suddenly went blank. It turned out to be a magic weapon. Does the name above say Ruler? Then the annotation reads: The magic weapon is gone...

This... Tang Hua couldn't help but smile a bit. What is this called? I equipped the ring ruler to the magic weapon equipment position. I didn't see many spells. I searched all over my body and found no change at all.

"Teacher!" Tang Hua stood up bravely.


"Lend me a bench." Tang Hua didn't wait for his husband to speak, picked up the bench under his buttocks and disappeared like the wind.

The teacher sighed: "Confucian scholars are stupid. If you already have a ruler, why do you need a stool? In the beginning of man..."

"The beginning of man..."

"Those who jump in line should go to the back." The wretched uncle stood on the big stone and pointed at Tang Hua, who was holding the bench in his arms.

Tang Hua looked around and saw that he really didn't want to go to the back. He couldn't use his weapon.

"Today we are not just fighting for us, but fighting for the players. The word player has a new meaning today... If the chickens can be eliminated today, then today will no longer be a game day that only belongs to us, but a game day that belongs to us." It’s a game day for all players.” The wretched uncle waved his hand and shouted: “Team Pot Lid, move forward.”

One row of more than fifty people and three rows of one hundred and fifty warriors were the first to stride out of the safe zone. There is no doubt that the chickens crowed and pounced on the warrior.

"The shield is up... I'm sorry, but the pot lid is up." After the wretched uncle finished speaking, the 150 warriors squatted down together and lifted the pot lid forward to protect their bodies. This trick worked as expected. The chickens bumped into the pot lid and screamed in defeat.

"Archers... slingers are ready, the first group is going out... the second group is going out... the third group is going out." Hundreds of eggs the size of stones rained down on the chickens, and instantly the chickens were filled with white light.

"Soldier... charge with weapons!" The wretched uncle picked up a wooden shovel and followed everyone towards the chickens.

This time it was obviously much easier. The chickens were thrown into disarray by the sudden attack. As they were unable to organize an effective attack, they were unable to effectively contain them. His left, middle and right paths frequently penetrated. From attacking players in a group, to fighting players alone, and finally to being beaten by a group. At the end, as soon as a fighting cock emerged, it was immediately dismembered by pot lids, rolling pins, benches, stones, shovels, fists, feet, teeth, saliva... and other weapons. Anyway, a chicken shows up and a hundred people beat it up.

So everything has returned to the most tragic moment of old online games: there are more people than monsters.

"33% experience." Level 1 newcomer Tang Hua looked at the results of his half-hour struggle and was speechless and shed tears. Since the advent of games, the worst thing I can do is reach level 2 within 10 minutes.

There is no hope for the chickens. If you kill them like this, you will die. According to reliable information, the level 2 monsters are monkeys from the forest in the outer circle. Now the wretched uncle is organizing manpower to plan a large-scale raid on the monkey group. The only trouble is that you have to use air defense to deal with the monkeys... They all jump down from the trees...

"Boss." Suddenly, dozens of players shouted at the same time, attracting the attention of thousands of people in the chicken flock. Tang Hua turned around and saw blue light flashing in the low-lying land a hundred meters away, and a rooster standing proudly surrounded by aqua blue ripples. Its chirping sound is clear and high-pitched, almost as if it goes straight into the night.

"The thugs team... are those who use melee weapons to pay attention to the chickens' refresh." The wretched uncle finally took the opportunity to wave and shout: "The pot lid team, surrounded on all sides, the slingers each supply two basic ammunition, and follow my orders to attack. .”

The rooster glanced at the wretched uncle in the tree, who seemed to be able to understand human speech, then looked at the pot-cover team surrounding him, and shook his head gently.

"Come on!" Seeing that the time had come, the wretched uncle waved and ordered, and the Hundred and Five Guogai Team shouted and rushed towards the rooster, looking at the posture with the intention of crushing the rooster.

It's too late, but it's soon. The rooster suddenly looked up to the sky and crowed loudly. Waves and floods arose under its feet, and it flew in all directions. The first fifty pot lid death squads were hit by the waves, turned into white light one after another, and left with hatred...

"It's unstoppable!" Although the second wave of pot-cover team members were not killed, they were swaying around, obviously unable to make it. After the flood reached the third wave of pot lid teams, it finally disappeared.

After careful study, Xiaozi expressed his opinion: "This completely violates the laws of physical conservation? Why is it like this?"

No one paid attention to him, because the wretched uncle gave his second order: "Slinger attack."

In an instant, hundreds of stones roared towards the rooster. When they were about to reach the rooster, three water walls appeared in front of the rooster, forming an equilateral triangle to surround it. The stones met the wall of water and fell to the ground, unable to cause further harm to the rooster.

"The water wall has blood." Smart players discovered that the water wall has a blood bar. Although it was only hit by 1/10, it is certain that this water wall can be broken.

But there was no blood in the wall of water, because as he spoke, the wall of water had already recovered its life. The meaning is simple: the attack power is not enough to break this water wall.

I believe everyone here understands this. This is not a slashing game. You have to use the most primitive gangster fighting method to deal with the boss of the Xianxia game. It is simply like a mantis blocking the car, and you are overestimating your capabilities.

"I'll do it!" The first sisters stepped out of the group of players and looked at the rooster boss quietly.

"Is this okay?" Everyone murmured in their hearts.

I saw the sisters shouting with a wave of their hands: "Gopher Hammer." The rat hammer in her hand was looking at the wind, and it was more than ten feet after flying halfway up in the air. Then he smashed down towards the rooster very violently...

"Wow..." Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed, and the Rooster boss immediately lost 1/20 of its health. but…

'Slip', the sisters hid in the safe area before the rooster pounced. The sisters hurriedly explained to the confused crowd: "There is a cooling time, and the mana is not enough, so you have to meditate and rest."

(QuanBen Novel Network