Twin Sword

Chapter 7: Measuring the Sky


" did you get it?" Everyone gathered around these sisters with only one common question. WWw.QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO.COm

Sister didn't hide anything and told her the story. It turns out that she has been resolute since she was a child, which of course can also be interpreted as willful. The length was a bit more attractive, so... When everyone was looking for a job, she got into a fight with a man who was farming. The main reason was that she passed by the man and was splashed with some mud by him, and then she stopped complying. Unforgivingly demanding an apology from the man. Unexpectedly, the man was a mute. After being forced by her for an hour, he had no choice but to send her away with a task. After she completed the mission of delivering the cow, she got this gopher hammer.

"Oh!" Everyone's eyes lit up. It turned out that it was not that there were no tasks in the village, it was just that the tasks were well hidden. You must find a way to trigger this quest line. Having said that, it is normal in theory. Are you embarrassed to ask a stranger to help you pick up your child from kindergarten on the street

After understanding this, the group of players dispersed and rushed into the village. They held hands with everyone they saw and asked: "How many people are there in the family? How many acres of land does the family have?... No? It must be there... Think again. ?For example, do you worry about your children at home? For example, do you trust your wife at home? Do you have anything at home? Do you owe anyone money that you have not repaid? Has anyone owed you money that you have not repaid, or borrowed money from usury? Yes Is there some literary problem?... Woohoo, brother, why don't you want to know that the earth is round?...Help, murderer..."

Only Tang Hua quietly leaned into the sisters and asked, "Sister, how do you use that magic weapon?"

"You also have a magic weapon?"

Tang Hua nodded.

"Does it say xxx and then a question mark?"


"When you first killed the chicken, in addition to gaining experience, did you also gain something called spiritual power?"

Tang Hua opened the system and looked at it and said, "Yes, 50 points."

"You pour spiritual power into it, and there is an interface for pouring magic weapons and cultivating magic weapons when operating magic weapons. However, once equipment, flying swords, and magic weapons are filled with spiritual power, they cannot be traded, and they will not be dropped after death. The excess spiritual power can be Exchange a certain amount of experience with the designated NPC, although it is small, it is better than nothing."

"Ah! I saw it, thank you sister."

The sisters waved: "It's okay, don't be so polite."

Tang Hua opened the interface for infusing magic weapons, put the ruler up, and then began to pour spiritual power into the magic weapon. Soon he heard the system prompt and took out the ruler to see that the name and annotation had changed. The Sky Measuring Ruler Level 1 (cannot fly) can measure the height of the sky, the breadth of the earth, and the size of the sky and the earth. Note: The power of spell attack will be strengthened after accurate use. The effect lasts for 10 minutes and the cooling time is 10 minutes. Additional magic weapon skills: None. The next practice requires full proficiency and one million spiritual powers.

It's strange, the sister's rat hammer only costs 100,000 yuan to upgrade her spiritual power. Why does my broken ruler cost one million

"Measuring the Sky Ruler!" Tang Hua shouted loudly, and saw a white jade-like three-foot-long Sky Measuring Ruler appear in front of Tang Hua, with a red dot in the center of the ruler rapidly moving left and right. What does it mean

Just as Tang Warner stared blankly at the moving red dots, wondering what to do. The private school teacher who skipped class also came over at some point. He said kindly to Tang Hua: "You can't just see with your eyes, but you also have to see with your heart."

"Heart?" After Tang Hua's eyes became cross-eyed for a long time, he finally shed tears and said, "Teacher, my heart is almost broken, but I still can't see it."

"Then... just use this to see." The gentleman took out a magnifying glass from his arms and handed it to Tang Hua.

calm down! Tang Hua covered his mouth with his left hand, fearing that he would curse the teacher. He took the magnifying glass and looked at it carefully for half an hour. Finally, he was delighted to find that on the left end of the ruler there was a red line that was thirty times thinner than a human hair. In other words, there was a red line that was three times thinner than a human hair. A red line.

"Teacher!" Tang Hua looked at the ruler silently and said, "If I guess correctly, the precise meaning of using this magic weapon is: I want to stop this red dot with a speed of over 500 miles per hour on this red line that can only be seen with a magnifying glass. … do you mean this?"

"My enemy, this little boy can be taught." The gentleman was very pleased.

"Teacher, is your mother still alive?"

"My mother is in good health."

"Then... say hello to your mother for me." Tang Hua, a relatively innocent and cheerful young man, finally suffered the first trauma in his life. When he found out that he had won 5 million in the lottery, he found that the lottery ticket had been stirred by the old woman in the washing machine for an hour with her clothes. He always thought that the trauma should come from love, but he didn't expect that it came from a teacher...

Tang Hua walked unsteadily, the red dot of the measuring ruler still swaying in front of his eyes...

The master sighed behind him: If you want to measure the height of the sky, there is no way to achieve it with just your hands, so you can do it yourself.

There was a stream outside the village. Tang Hua sat alone by the river and looked at the stream and meditated. On the left side of the stream was a lively chicken killing scene. On the right side of the stream was a group of monkeys dancing in the woods...

"Want to commit suicide?" A female voice sounded behind him.

Tang Hua turned back and glanced at her. She was a somewhat heroic woman, but Tang Hua ignored her because... your family would commit suicide by throwing themselves into the stream in the game.

"Are you wronged?" the woman asked carefully, slowly approaching Tang Hua.

Tang Hua ignored him because... his attention was entirely on the red dot of the ruler, yes! Tang Hua is not a person who gives up so easily, especially after he turned around for a long time and still found no other magic weapons or flying swords, his concentration and measuring ruler were exhausted. He has mastered the rules. He slowly closed his eyes. There were clear red dots and red lines in his mind...

"Ah!" Tang Hua screamed and was pinned down by the woman: "Someone, help... ah..."

"As long as you promise not to commit suicide, I will let you go."

"The bastard committed suicide." Tang Hua was very angry, mainly because of the shame. What a humiliation it is for an old man to be held down by his mother and unable to struggle.

"Didn't you commit suicide?" the woman asked with her eyes wide open.

"I'm not committing suicide."

"Then you close your eyes..."

"If you don't let me go, I will complain to the system that you molested me." This complaint is a protection mechanism. There are many people playing games, and it is inevitable for men and women to collide. If you feel that the other person intends to eat you, you can complain to the system, and the system will accept it. After you file a complaint, we will analyze whether the person you are complaining about has dirty or conscious thoughts. Once the crime is confirmed, it is not a punishment in the game, but real judicial intervention to accuse you of sexual harassment. After all, a long time ago, people had begun to legislate on virtual currencies...

(By the way: This game is not for sex. Men and women holding hands may encounter big trouble. After all, Xiami has not yet conducted in-depth research and discussion on the field of pornographic novels.)

(Quanben Novel Website