Twin Sword

Chapter 75: The Eighteenth Level of Hell


As the sun sets, the mist becomes even more gloomy. As time passes, the number of will-o'-the-wisps in the suburbs begins to increase, accompanied by shrill ghost cries...

Soon an army of soldiers appeared in front of the eyes of Tang Hua and the four of them, and passed over their heads. The translucent ones were the ghosts of the dead, the ones holding weapons were the Yin soldiers, and there were also special forces such as the drowned ghosts and the hanged ghosts. WWw.qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo.COm

Xingxing grabbed Mo Jing's hands and introduced with trembling hands: "The book says that red is a fierce ghost, and it is extremely ferocious. There are green ghosts above the head, which are strange ghosts of injustice. As long as their injustice is not fair, their souls will not be destroyed. That means they cannot be killed. of."

Mo Jing asked doubtfully: "These ghosts are very cute and cartoonish. Why are you so afraid?"

"Are they ghosts?" Xingxing's answer was idiotic.

Mo Jing's words were even more idiotic: "But there are no ghosts in this world."

"But this is a game."

Mo Jing hit the nail on the head: "You also know it's a game, so why are you afraid of them?"

"But they are ghosts..."

When the two girls were having the most boring conversation, a group of Yin soldiers seemed to realize something was wrong. Under the leadership of a red-clothed ghost, they began to land and flew towards the four of them.

The four people immediately stopped talking, faced the east, took a deep breath, then wrote a word on the palm of their hand and turned around to leave...

"Are you following us?" Xingxing asked in fear.

"I don't know!" answered Vajra Indestructible. The rules are very clear, you can't look back within a hundred steps.

Mo Jing said: "I feel a chill on my neck."

"Can't see me, can't see me." Xingxing chanted.

Tang Hua suddenly asked: "Which character did you write?"

"Let's go!" The other three people responded in unison. It's nonsense. Looking at the situation in front of them, it is really impossible to kill a single monster in Tianfang Yetan.

"..." A drop of sweat fell from Tang Hua's forehead.

Mo Jing asked in confusion: "What did you write?"

Tang Hua cried: "Dun, you are so unkind, you want to leave me here alone."

"Ah!" The three of them didn't have time to express their sympathy. They had arrived a hundred steps ago and disappeared with a 'whoosh' sound.

Tang Hua sighed and turned his head, but there was no ghost following him. Now I must go to the candle immediately, write the word "walk" again, and then walk another hundred steps to escape.

At this time, there was a sound of gongs and drums. Tang Hua looked up and saw a group of Yin soldiers holding flags to clear the way. In the middle was a sedan carried by sixteen people. On the sedan sat a naked, fat ghost. The ghost's whole body was Surrounded by firelight, he snored while holding his nose. Looking at the pomp and appearance, I guess this is the boss Fire Ghost King.

"Stop!" The Fire Ghost King suddenly opened his eyes, looked up and down, and waved, "Let's go! It's strange, I just smelled something strange."

"God bless!" Tang Hua wiped away the cold sweat. This escape word was indeed effective. After the Fire Ghost King passed away, there were only a few scattered ghosts left in the northern suburbs. Seeing this, Tang Hua didn't leave in a hurry. Thunder in his left hand and fire in his right hand brushed up the tributes. However, he did not dare to leave the Dunjia Formation.

He was having a great time swiping, but the main city was restless. It’s not about how perverted the Fire Ghost King is, nor how powerful the Yin Soldiers and Fierce Ghosts are, but that the Blue Qi Wounded Soul has such a skill that it can possess dead players. Not only can you control the physical body, but you can also use some of the player's skills.

Soon the Fire Ghost King's soldiers divided into two groups, and began to infiltrate into the three suburbs of the east, south, and west by using the souls of innocent people to possess them. On the other hand, they began to storm the prefect's mansion. As for the players in the main city, they were killed and dispersed long ago and fled to the three suburbs. The strength of this Fire Ghost King is indeed the most ferocious among the four armies. Especially a fire bead in his hand, which destroyed the three purple light towers with defensive barriers as soon as he raised his hand. He himself has endless magical powers, and ordinary ghost spells such as Yin Thunder and Dark Fire have different effects from his hands. There is also a set of fairy-level ghost spells: volcanic hell.

The volcanic hell in Taoism is the 16th level of hell. This level is relatively extensive. Those who harm the public and enrich themselves, give and take bribes, steal, rob money, and set fire will all be sent to the volcanic hell after death. He was driven into a volcano and burned alive without dying. There are also monks and Taoist priests who violate the precepts. He was also driven into the volcano.

In this spell, if you have nothing to do with the above crimes, you can remain standing in the spell. Once you commit any of these acts, you will be directly bound and immobilized, and then torn into pieces by the ghosts.

If there are still many people who can escape, then there is another level of hell where everyone has no escape, and that is the ninth level: oil pot hell, ****, thieves and robbery, bullying of the good and the weak, bullying with force, Abducting women and children, falsely accusing and slandering others, and seeking to seize other people's property, their wives and families are all subject to it.

Whose game does not pk, whose game does not steal. Why didn't you rob? Have you ever grabbed any monsters? Of course...

After midnight, the group of ghosts became more ferocious, and the main city quickly turned into a ghost town. A group of ghosts are raging, and the players are dying and trying to escape. There is no effective organization. When everyone attacks, they retreat together.

Although the Yijian and Two Lions guilds had a hard time resisting, there were many strange people in the gang, so even if the ghosts of injustice were to sneak in and cause trouble, they could still defend themselves. Only this three-gun guild had a hard time resisting the Tuyao envoys. Most of them relied on head-on confrontation, which was already very reluctant. In addition, when the evil spirits caused trouble, they lacked a strong grassroots leader - the hall leader. They were attacked from both sides and most of the gang members were killed. Only Feng Yunnu led dozens of masters to resist locally. It can be said that both the north and west have been lost!

Under the joint attack of the two bosses in the Prefect's Mansion, purple light towers collapsed one after another, and the purple light thunder released became even sparser. At the third watch, the prefect's mansion fell. The Tu Yao envoy went to the western suburbs to rest, while the Fire Ghost King stationed towards the northern suburbs.

The level of all Leizhou players will be reduced by one.

Tang Hua is hesitant here... He already knows the situation in Leizhou, and now he is hesitant whether to leave or escape! If you choose to leave, you will accidentally walk directly to Qiongqi like Sun Ming did, and be swallowed by it before you know how to get back.

"Stop!" The Fire Ghost King triumphantly returned to the army and passed over Tang Hua. He called out again: "There must be someone here."

A group of patrols immediately dispatched, searched around and reported back: "Nothing!"

"Indeed not! Please leave quickly!" Tang Hua was frightened near the Fire Ghost King. He had no idea of challenging this boss alone.

"Well... let's do it!" The Fire Ghost King didn't know what method he used. With a flip of his hand, Tang Hua was illuminated by a firelight from his hand.

"The weather is very good today..." Tang Hua saw a group of ghosts coming towards him and started to fight. He flipped his hands and thunder and fire fell from the sky. Even if I die, I will bring back some Shigong.

There is an immortal body, there is Guiyuan from all directions to replenish mana, and there is also immortal thunder to destroy evil! All the little ghosts in Tang Hua's area of influence were dead, and the fierce ghosts fled. Even the immortal souls of enemies lost all their essence in the thunder and fire.

The Fire Ghost King saw that the idea was a little tricky, so he surged with black energy and unleashed the volcanic hell move. However, he didn't expect that Tang Hua was so strong that the volcanic hell effect had no effect on him at all.

Oil pot hell... The Fire Ghost King was shocked this time. Even this hell spell had no effect...

Tongue Pulling Hell, Scissors Hell, Iron Tree Hell, Evil Mirror Hell, Steamer Hell, Bronze Pillar Hell, Knife Mountain Hell, Ice Mountain Hell, Ox Pit Hell, Stone Press Hell, Crushing Mortar Hell: Blood Pool Hell, Punishment Hell: Stone Mill Hell , saw hell...

After a round of fighting, the Fire Ghost King broke down in a cold sweat. Although Tang Hua in the 18th level of hell had bottomed out his magic power, he held his head high and his chest high and upright...

"Saint!" This is the only explanation!

ps: Today was supposed to be two updates... but I'm really too busy... Please be considerate!

(Quanben Novel Network