Twin Sword

Chapter 91: Return to the Di Ren Kingdom


"You are sick, why did you give the things you got to others?WWw.QuAnBen-XIaoShuo.CoM" Tang Hua rushed into the sea, caught Shapolang and just cursed. You must know that even if this thing is useless to you, it will not be useful to other people's NPCs. You can use it to extort money as much as you like. You can put it in your bag and hold it in your hand, but you have to make a hand gesture...

"I'm willing, what's the matter?" Sha Po Lang's words were cold. He didn't want to tell Tang Hua that he sent out the seal because he was in a state of confusion. He was very strange in his heart, how could a person holding Xuanyuan Sword have such weird spells or items. In his opinion, the holder of Xuanyuan Sword should be upright. For example, if I get the Xuanyuan Sword, I will definitely use it to fight against the boss. However, he has memorized the scent that confused him, and he will definitely find out the next time he meets it again.

"Hmph! You're so arrogant after losing something." Tang Hua was a little unhappy, but he still took out a sword and threw it over: "Yours, a level 4 fairy sword." This was naturally an item that the old dragon suddenly unleashed.

"You... give it to me?" Sha Po Lang looked silly with his sword. This was like announcing that there were no monopolies in China, which was extremely weird. Sha Po Lang didn't calm down for a long time. He held the sword in his hand and asked stupidly: "What are you doing?"

"Here you go."


"Because we agreed before." Tang Hua was very confused. Did this guy take the wrong medicine

"You...keep your promise?"

"Hey!" Tang Hua said unhappily: "Be careful with your words. I have cheated on you a few times, but when did I never keep my word? When did I, Dongfang Eggplant, go back on what I promised?"

"..." Sha Po Lang fell into deep thought, indeed! For example, when Huashan wrote an IOU for the first time, he only promised not to do anything while writing the IOU. It does not say that you should not take the initiative after writing the IOU. Looking at the situation of being kicked out of the team after killing the boss, there are no regulations that prohibit kicking teammates out of the team while killing the boss... And what did he promise? I only want the fourth-level sword, and I will give the rest to others... Do I really want to give it to him

"Well... this is yours." Sha Po Lang threw out his trophies expressionlessly.

Tang Hua took it and took a look. It was a spell book. Although it was of little help to him, it had great market value. Wind and Sand Rain Technique, an advanced group therapy technique, can restore the life of all people and creatures within the range to a small extent. This is one of the indispensable spells for group battles, and it is a spell book with great market potential.

Tang Hua waved his hand as he collected the book and said, "Let's go!"

"Where to go?"

"Di Renguo!"

Sha Po Lang was so shocked by Tang Hua that he was bleeding internally. This man's thoughts were really beyond his reach. However, because he had obtained a level 4 fairy sword, Sha Po Lang decided to have a better attitude toward him: "Are you going to the Di Ren Kingdom?"

"why are you not going?"

"... Let me explain." Sha Po Lang's attitude was quite good: "We accepted someone's mission, and then killed someone. If you want to go to the grave to apologize, I will think you are hypocritical. I will definitely not accompany you. "

"What if you are going to rob?" Tang Hua lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "You think, if everyone in the same clan died... how much stuff would be left behind? Besides, even if everything is useless, there is still a snake. Are we going to kill him later?"

"Well... you mean... we killed them, and then went to loot their belongings. By the way, we also killed the only pet they had left and beat their teeth as a sacrifice?"

"..." Tang Hua said with a black line: "Why does the quality of whatever words come into your mouth deteriorate? You can understand that we have made a great contribution in order to prevent all traces of the Di human race from disappearing in the long river of history. .I said, are you going or not?”

Sha Po Lang finally understood why he couldn't defeat Tang Hua every time. There was indeed a quality and quantity gap between his talents in certain aspects and others. I think I am also a generation of lone travelers. I think I have reached the state of grabbing the boss in ten steps and leaving no trace in a thousand miles. However, I did not expect that others can dig up graves in one step and laugh with one finger.

Alas... wolves are kind in nature.

Sha Po Lang naturally wanted to go. On the way to the Di Ren Kingdom, the two had an in-depth discussion on why Sha Po Lang was not struck by lightning. Sha Po Lang persisted because of his appearance, character, and kind-heartedness. Tang Hua believed that Sha Po Lang was not qualified to receive lightning strikes because of his appearance.

However, after arriving in the Di Ren Kingdom, the two finally understood the reason why there was no natural disaster. The reason is very simple. The Queen of the Di Human Race shook them, and no one from the Di Human Race died. It's just that most of the tribesmen no longer have youth, and they are old and gray.

Being young and not growing old is inherently contrary to nature. Birth, aging, illness and death are the ways of heaven. To put it bluntly, those who practice Taoism are also going against the will of heaven, and they can only attain Taoism by going through disasters. Sha Po Lang Na Yin only restored the Di people to their original appearance, so there could be no natural disaster.

What greeted the two of them was the tense Di people. They were old and new, but they still maintained a group fight.

"Don't talk for a while, or I'll fall out with you." After Tang Hua finished speaking, Sha Po Lang Nose was disdainful. Tang Hua ignored him, but raised his hands sadly: "Queen, I want to meet the queen."

"I am the queen!" said an old lady.

"Your Majesty the Queen, our mission has been completed. The black dragon will be executed."

"Hmph! Of course I know. But why didn't you listen to me and move the seal on the wall? If you move the seal, the formation will be broken. I believe that the Di human race will no longer have youth and immortality."

"Report to the Queen. The seal... was not moved by us." Tang Hua first introduced himself and Sha Po Lang Fen Yong, who was 'valuable' and was not afraid of sacrifice or fatigue. He went through all kinds of hardships to kill the Black Dragon King. But I never thought that a bastard named Yuwen Tuo would split the sea water with Xuanyuan Sword, enter the Dragon Palace and take away the divine seal. Although the two of them continued to entangle with him for valuable reasons, they were unable to resist the despicable robber, and they robbed him and fled away.

This time it was a frame-up, and Sha Po Lang looked at him coldly.

"Is that true?" The Queen was dubious. Seeing that Tang Hua was telling the truth, she also knew that Yu Wentuo, the great master of the Sui Dynasty, was really not lying. Moreover, I really didn’t feel any trace of the existence of the divine seal on these two people.

"Of course!" Tang Hua said seriously: "Queen, please rest assured that there is no need to issue any more tasks to us this time. We will definitely get the divine seal back."

"That's all, even if I get the divine seal back, I'm afraid no one can set up the formation." The queen sighed. It turned out that this formation was set up by an overseas immortal. Even if I get the seal back, I am afraid it will not help if I cannot find this immortal: "I have misunderstood you two heroes, please follow me."

Moji's words aside, the two 'strong men' finally got their rewards through coaxing and coaxing.

Both of them got a skill of their own, but both skills were extremely tragic.

Five-pointed Evil Suppressing: Passive skill. When you are near death (1% life remaining), there is a certain chance to forcefully activate the Five-pointed Evil Suppressing for one minute. After activation, the power of the skill increases by 300%. After the effect disappears, you cannot use any skills for one day. . Upgradeable!

Shura's Killing Array: Passive skill. When in a state of near-death (1% life remaining), there is a certain chance of forcibly activating the Shura's Killing Array for one minute. After activation, the spell power increases by 300%, and no spells can be used for one day after the effect disappears. Upgradeable!

(Quanben Novel Network