Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 16: Set up the formation


At the same time, the villagers of Panshan Village had also set off.

Following Xu Que's instructions, they went into the fields, dug snake holes, caught snakes and bled them; some went to the pond to catch turtles, and others went into the woods to catch birds.

Everyone worked together, and within a short time, three large basins of fresh blood were placed in the village.

"Xian Chang asked us to get this blood, what is the use of it?"

"Yes, can the blood of just a few types of animals stop those immortals?"

"well… "

The villagers looked nervous, shook their heads and sighed.

Xiaorou picked up her little pink fist and said seriously: "Don't worry, folks, brother Xu Que will definitely protect us."

She raised her head and looked towards the back hill, silently saying in her heart, I believe in brother Xu Que.

At this time, Xu Que stood on the top of the mountain and stopped shouting. After all, talking too much was quite tiring.

He turned to look at Panshan Village at the foot of the mountain. His advanced cultivation allowed him to see far better than ordinary people. He happened to see the villagers gathering in the village, and even guessed that they had already collected the blood of the three types of animals.

In other words, now there is only one tiger blood left to activate the Eight Desolations and Four Symbols Formation.

Xu Que rolled his eyes and looked at the many immortal cultivators on the opposite mountain. He sneered and said, "Since you trash don't dare to challenge me, I'll go back to sleep. Goodbye."

After saying that, he turned around and jumped into the forest.

Immediately afterwards, he used the Three Thousand Thunder Movement Technique and quickly wandered around the mountain forest, looking for tiger beasts.

However, several elders on the opposite mountain turned pale and whispered coldly:

"This child's movement is so weird, with lightning, it is simply unheard of."

"His master is definitely not simple, but we have never heard of any big shot appearing recently. Who could it be?"

"Why don't we pretend to be polite to each other first, visit each other, and find out what's going on before we make a decision?"

"No, absolutely not!"

At this time, Elder Liu spoke again.

He stroked his white beard strategically and said in a deep voice: "This son originally tried to anger us first, but now he suddenly left, presumably to lure us in so that his master would have an excuse to take action. Don't be fooled!"

"But we can't wait here, right?" Someone frowned.

Everyone was in a deadlock.

"By the way, I remembered."

At this moment, an old man suddenly screamed, startling everyone.

"Elder Wang, why are you so surprised?" an old man said with a look of displeasure.

Elder Wang looked horrified, glanced at Panshan Village with fear, and then said cautiously: "I remembered, this son's master is most likely that person."

"Who?" Everyone's attention was immediately attracted and they all looked at Elder Wang.

Elder Wang pondered: "This matter should start from ten years ago. At that time, I traveled around the world and visited a large sect in a neighboring country. I was lucky enough to hear a legend from the head of that sect."

"Oh?" Everyone became more and more curious.

Elder Wang continued: "Legend has it that there is a big shot in the world of cultivation, named Duan Jiude. This person has a weird temperament, likes to steal people's treasure houses, and will kill people all over the house when he feels like it. He is a person full of evil, but his cultivation is extremely advanced. It has been estimated that even the sect leader-level powerhouses in the infant transformation stage have been stepped on by him."

"What? There is such a person in the world of cultivation?"

After everyone heard this, they were shocked.

Generally speaking, there are many such robbers and thieves in the world of immortality. But as a strong person, a being stronger than the infant transformation stage, almost equal to the supreme, how could he do such a thing

"Don't believe me, this is absolutely true. If I hadn't seen this boy's temperament today, and if he had stolen the Tianwu Sect's treasure house, I really wouldn't have been able to think of Senior Duan."

"That means that this boy is most likely the disciple of Senior Duan?"

"Oh, this is not easy to offend!"

"But... it's hard to say. If Duan Jiude really has profound and unpredictable cultivation, he probably wouldn't be able to come to a remote country like ours."

"How about sending someone to Tianwuzong to ask for help?"

"No, if Tianwuzong comes, wouldn't the reward be gone?"

"That's right, and this guy also stole a treasure house from the Tianwu Sect. If we can capture him, won't all those treasures be ours?"

"It makes sense. No matter what, we can't come here in vain, right?"

While the immortal cultivators were making random speculations and discussions, Xu Que had already walked around half of the back hill of Panshan Village, and his hard work finally paid off.

He found a resting tiger beside a stream on the mountainside.

Overall, this tiger does not look like tigers on Earth.

Its appearance is huge, almost comparable to a rhinoceros, and there are two sharp long teeth protruding from its mouth, which looks very much like the saber-toothed tiger, an extinct prehistoric animal on earth.

But with Xu Que's current cultivation level, it would be effortless to deal with such a tiger.

With a "swish", lightning flashed under his feet, and three thousand thunderbolts were instantly unleashed. They appeared behind the "saber-toothed tiger" in an instant, followed by a swing of the palm knife, and struck down on the tiger's back!


There was only a sound of broken bones, and the "saber-toothed tiger" died in a daze.

Xu Que didn't waste any time. He picked up the tiger's body and headed to the village down the mountain.

The villagers had been waiting for a long time. When Xu Xianchang appeared carrying a tiger beast, everyone was shocked and amazed again.

But Xu Que had no time to show off, and ordered Da Zhuang and the others to quickly bleed the tiger. At the same time, with a wave of his wrist, he put the three large basins of snake blood, turtle blood, and bird blood that had been prepared into the system storage space.

Not long after, the tiger's blood was drained, and Xu Que quickly left using the Three Thousand Thunder Movement Technique without even having time to say hello.

Time was running out, and he had to quickly activate the formation before the group of immortal cultivators decided to come in to ensure the safety of the villagers.

The process went surprisingly smoothly.

Xu Que returned to the position of the four formation eyes and poured the snake's blood into the Dongfang Qinglong position.

The red blood was instantly absorbed by the ground. Centered on the formation eye, a blood-red portrait appeared on the ground, which turned out to be a giant dragon totem.

After Xu Quean claimed to be strange, he rushed to the direction of Xuanwu, followed the same pattern, poured in turtle blood, and a giant turtle totem also appeared on the ground.

Soon, when he poured the bird's blood at the position of the fourth formation eye, the Vermilion Bird, the momentum within a ten-mile radius of Panshan Village obviously fluctuated.

When the Suzaku totem on the ground was formed, there was a sudden muffled sound in the cloud sky, like a muffled thunder exploding.


In an instant, a stream of spiritual energy from heaven and earth quickly condensed from all directions, forming a huge whirlpool over Panshan Village, like a bottomless abyss, greedily absorbing spiritual energy from all directions.

Immediately afterwards, the spiritual energy turned into a huge bowl-shaped barrier, which flipped down directly, covering the village and all places within a ten-mile radius.

Then, the sky above Panshan Village in the four directions of east, west, north, and south suddenly bloomed with blazing light, hanging high like stars.

The Eight Wastelands and Four Symbols Formation is activated!

Such a big movement immediately alarmed the villagers in the village.

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the light barrier that suddenly appeared in the sky, thinking that the immortals were taking action. They turned pale with fear and knelt down to beg the gods for blessing.

Xu Que rushed back and when he saw this scene, he was stunned for a moment: "Why are you kneeling? This is the formation I set up. Folks, get up quickly. No one can bully you in the future."

"Array... formation?" The villagers were stunned.

It turns out that this is the formation!

But... can such a thin light curtain block so many immortals

The villagers looked at each other, a little suspicious in their hearts, but no one dared to question it.

However, Xiaorou ran over with a face of joy and said happily: "Brother Xu Que, are we really safe?"

"Of course it's true." Xu Que smiled.

Looking at Xiaorou's cute appearance, I couldn't help but reach out and pinch her little face.

Xiaorou was stunned for a moment, and then her whole face turned red again.

Seeing how shy she was, Xu Que couldn't help but laugh: "Haha, okay, you just wait here and see how I deal with them."

"Ah, brother Xu Que, aren't you going to stay?" Xiaorou asked in shock.

"I will come back after I deal with them. This formation itself was set up to protect you. Only when you are safe can I deal with them without any scruples."

"But...but there are so many of them..." Xiaorou said worriedly.

"No matter how many people there are, I will never let them bully the people of our village." Xu Que said in a loud voice.

The appearance of "I am for the common people" immediately moved countless villagers.

"Ding, congratulations to the host 'Xu Que' for successfully pretending to be cool. You will be rewarded with five points of pretending."

The system prompt sounded, and Xu Que smiled proudly: "Haha, I'll be back as soon as I go, don't worry, everyone."

After saying that, the Three Thousand Thunder Movement Techniques were instantly used, and the whole person turned into a bolt of lightning and swept up the top of the mountain again.

At this time, the immortal cultivators on the opposite mountain had already been alarmed by the movements of the Eight Wastelands and Four Symbols Formation, and they all raised their eyes to look at it.

"What's happening here?"

"Someone must have set up a formation."

"The movement is quite loud, but it looks ordinary and has no power."

"Yes, the light curtain formed by only one layer of spiritual energy is far worse than the mountain-protecting formation I sent."

"It's just a small trick."

After observing the formation, everyone shook their heads with disdain.

Only Elder Liu looked thoughtful. After a while, he was suddenly shocked and shouted: "No, we were fooled by that little bastard. If Panshan Village really has an expert in charge, why would he need to set up a formation?" ?”

When everyone heard this, they suddenly woke up.

"That's right, and it's still an ordinary little formation. It doesn't look like it was made by a master at all."

Elder Liu stroked his white beard and laughed loudly: "Haha, we were confused before and were deceived by that little bastard's fake power, but this time he was smart and set up the formation with a guilty conscience. It was simply unnecessary. Comrades, I can guarantee that , there are absolutely no masters in Panshan Village, let’s break the formation.”

After saying that, Elder Liu took the lead in picking up the magic formula. With a majestic look, he stepped on the flying sword and immediately jumped into the air. The elders and disciples behind him also drew their flying swords one by one and planned to kill.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly flew out from the direction of Panshan Village, as if it was riding lightning. The previous breath seemed to be far away, but the next breath suddenly appeared above Elder Liu.

"Huh?" Elder Liu felt that there seemed to be a shadow above his head, felt something in his heart, and suddenly looked up.

Whoosh, blazing lightning flashed across his eyes. Elder Liu's eyes were wide open, and he thought something was wrong in his heart.

However, before he could react and prepare to escape, a big smelly foot suddenly stepped on his face.