Unable to Divorce After Signing the Marriage Contract

Chapter 111


Half a month after Geng Zhi was discharged from the hospital, Lin Yuhe visited him.

Geng Zhi was discharged early at the time, and his indicators were not completely normal, so Lin Yuhe specially urged him to go for a re-examination on the weekend, and the results showed that there was nothing serious, so Lin Yuhe relaxed a little.

The inspection process was smoother than expected, and it was less than eleven o'clock when we returned. Geng Zhi had a contract to give to Lin Yuhe, but he forgot to take it out in a hurry when he left the house in the morning, so the two went to Geng Zhi's together. residence.

Lin Yuhe came here once before, when Geng Zhi first moved here, but this time, he found a new face in Geng Zhi's house.


Lin Yuhe squatted halfway, looking curiously at the snow-white cat stretching lazily and grinding its paws on the sofa legs.

"Brother Geng, do you have a cat?"

Geng Zhi walked over with the file bag, bent down and stretched out his hand to scratch the cat's chin, then hugged the cat with one hand, lest it continue to harm the sofa.

"Come to borrow."

Lin Yuhe stared intently at the movements of one person and one cat, and whispered, "It's so good."

Geng Zhi put the cat on the cat climbing frame, and the cat climbed to a high place. After putting the cat away, he turned around.

"Stay away, and be careful that the trachea is uncomfortable."

Lin Yuhe suffered from asthma when she was a child, and for a while she was allergic to cat hair, which made Lin's mother have to send her cat to foster care elsewhere.

"I'm fine now." Lin Yuhe said, his eyes still following the figure of the cat.

He doesn't have a problem with short-term contact with furry animals now, but he may feel uncomfortable when he gets along with them for a long time, so he can't keep cats and dogs, and can only look at other people's babies every time.

After a few more glances, Lin Yuhe also noticed something: "Hey... Is this the cat raised by Big Brother Fang?"

Fang Musen showed Lin Yuhe the photo before, so he recognized it now.

Geng Zhi nodded: "En."

The snow-colored cat leaped up to the top of the cat climbing frame, turned back and licked the fur on its own neck, then turned its head to look at Geng Zhi, charged up and jumped, and jumped directly onto Geng Zhi's shoulder.

The weight of the long-haired cat is not too light, and the impact force when it jumps suddenly is not too small, that is, Geng Zhi can hold it. He looks tall and thin, but he has a lot of muscles that should be there, and his shoulders and neck have also accumulated strength. He lightly caught the cat that jumped at him.

"What's the matter, are you hungry again?"

Geng Zhi supported the cat with one hand, supported the cat's hind paw with his palm, turned around and walked towards the locker.

"Want to eat canned food?"

Lin Yuhe on the side looked at the man and the cat, almost wanting to write the word envy on his face.

Geng Zhi occasionally has a bad temper when getting along with people, but he is very patient with small animals. He has been very fond of small animals since he was a child, probably because of a special talent.

It's just that when Geng Zhi was a child, a pastoral dog that had been kept for nearly ten years passed away, and there was no new animal for a long time after that. Later, he planned to go abroad again, fearing that he could not be resettled after traveling back and forth, so he never raised him.

Geng Zhi went to open a can for the cat. Lin Yuhe watched the cat licking in the porcelain bowl. After a while, he remembered to ask, "Why is Brother Fang's cat here?"

His eyes lit up: "are you together?"

Geng Zhi didn't look up, he stroked the back of the cat's neck, the snow-white soft fur slipped between his slender fingers.

"Komori lives across from me, and sometimes the cat will come to visit."

After another pause, he answered Lin Yuhe's question.

"Not yet." Geng Zhi raked his hair, showing his straight forehead, "I'm still working hard."

Lin Yuhe said "ah", and patted Geng Zhi's shoulder from behind: "Come on."

Geng Zhi smiled, but didn't speak.

He didn't tell Lin and He that they had resumed their partnership on the bed, but they hadn't reunited off the bed. Since Geng Zhi forced Fang Musen's door open that day, there have been two times, and it was the same last night, so the cat temporarily stayed at Geng Zhi's house, fearing that there would be a lot of noise at night and it would be frightened.

Geng Zhi didn't intend to tell Lin Yuhe about this, after all, the other party hasn't had a relationship after half a year of marriage, and their respective situations are not very similar, Geng Zhi was afraid that Lin Yuhe would not understand.

"You have to read the contract, and you can give it to Lu Nan later, that's what he does." Geng Zhi said, "There is not much money in it now, but the benefits are not bad."

What he gave Lin Yuhe was a personal fund contract. Before that, all the money Lin Yuhe earned from accepting manuscripts was stored in it. Later, when he returned it to Father Lin, he took out most of it, but the fund was still kept. Now It is still under the name of Lin Yuhe.

"Okay." Lin Yuhe nodded and said, "Thanks for your hard work, Brother Geng."

Geng Zhi made a gesture to pat him with the file bag: "Be polite to me."

Lin Yuhe smiled: "Because it's really hard for you."

No matter how ignorant he is of economic common sense, he should know that personal funds cannot be owned casually. Moreover, this fund is managed by a private consultant, and he knows whose face it is.

Moreover, for so many years, Lin Yuhe just immersed himself in writing, and Geng Zhi took care of business matters. If the market price is really calculated, Lin Yuhe may not be able to hire him even if he multiplies all the money he earns by ten times. A gengzhi.

But Geng Zhi didn't take it seriously: "What's the matter, it's easy to do, I also prescribed one for you at the time."

Lin Yuhe didn't think much about it at first, but the cat that had finished eating the canned food just happened to pass by his feet, and he suddenly realized something: "Who was it... who brought me along by the way?"

Geng Zhi raised his eyebrows: "Okay, I've learned a lot, I've noticed that."

He did not deny that the personal fund that he had spent so much time finding someone to manage—

It was indeed prepared for Fang Musen.

"Does Brother Fang know about this?" Lin Yuhe was curious.

Geng Zhi let out a low snort, turned around and went into the kitchen: "No."

"Huh? Why didn't you tell him?"

Lin Yuhe asked, and he followed in, and saw Geng Zhi take out the prepared lunch box from the refrigerator and put it into the microwave.

"At that time, I prepared a million dollars."

The microwave oven started to run, Geng Zhi looked at the dancing red fire inside, and said calmly.

"I plan to tell Xiaomori when he earns 100,000 yuan by himself."

The two family backgrounds are different, Geng Zhi didn't want Fang Musen to think too much, so he came up with this plan.

He used to have many plans related to Fang Musen.

One million is not a decimal even now, let alone ten years ago. This amount was basically all the cash that Geng Zhi could come up with without being noticed by his parents, and it was all invested in the personal fund under Fang Musen's name.

"Oh yes," Lin Yuhe had a vague impression, "I remember a time when you suddenly didn't buy much, and you didn't go to the new car show. When someone asked you, you just said you were in..."

Geng Zhi rubbed his forehead with his fingers.

Lin Yuhe said: "Save money for your wife."

He looked at Geng Zhi, his tone was a bit surprised: "Everyone thought you were joking, but I didn't expect it to be true."

Geng Zhi took the lunch box out of the microwave, disapprovingly: "Can you joke about my wife?"


Lin Yuhe deeply agreed.

After taking the lunch box, Geng Zhi and Lin Yuhe went out together, Lin Yuhe was picked up, and Geng Zhi drove out by himself to deliver meals to others.

Fang Musen was not at the company today, so he couldn't go to the cafeteria. When Geng Zhi passed by, he hadn't finished his work, so he waited for another half an hour before finally eating.

The lunch box had been reheated, and Fang Musen was still on the phone while eating, and he couldn't be quiet for a while. Geng Zhi sat on the opposite chair with his arms folded and looked at him intently. After half a meal, he finally caught him off guard.

Fang Musen asked: "What's wrong?"

He subconsciously looked down at his neckline, reaping the benefits, the shirt was properly buttoned, the button was fastened to the top, and the hickey on the collarbone was not exposed.

Geng Zhi watched him finish his movements, and then said casually: "It's okay, eat well, it's going to be cold in a while."

Fang Musen looked at him, but couldn't see anything, so he lowered his eyes and continued to eat.

As a result, he was stared at for the rest of the meal.

At the end of lunch, the owner of the hot gaze began to look away slowly, but when Fang Musen packed up his things and was ready to go out, the other party noticed his movements immediately.

"Where are you going?" Geng Zhi asked.

Fang Musen glanced at his watch: "Go and pick someone up."

A subtle change appeared in Geng Zhi's expression.

Yancheng West Railway Station is a ten-minute drive away, and there is no direct subway. Fang Musen did not refuse Geng Zhi's ride. This time, it was his personal business, and it was not convenient to use the company car.

The road was quiet for half the time, but the man who drove the car finally couldn't hold back, tapped the steering wheel with his fingertips, and asked, "To pick up your friend?"

Fang Musen said, "No."

Geng Zhi paused, his expression became more subtle.

Not a friend, who is that

Fang Musen was always polite during the day: "If Mr. Geng is busy, I can go there by myself."

"Not busy," Geng Zhi's tone is getting calmer day by day, only occasionally revealing a bit of uncontainable sourness, "I'm afraid you are busy, last night you were distracted by picking up people."

Fang Musen didn't seem to understand anything, he smiled and said, "It's his first time here, so I'm a little worried."

Geng Zhi: "..."

If I remember correctly, the person who was going to pick him up was from Sichuan.

Recalling the blind date Chen Jiasai gave to Fang Musen, Geng Zhi's forehead began to throb again.

After a moment of silence, he asked, "Where are you going after you pick it up?"

Fang Musen said, "I'm going home and I'm taking leave this afternoon."

Geng Zhi asked, "Did you find a hotel near the neighborhood?"

Fang Musen shook his head: "He lives with me."

The car horn sounded suddenly, Fang Musen turned his head, saw Geng Zhi moved his finger away calmly, and said lightly: "I accidentally pressed it."

It almost didn't break.

The bright blue Porsche stopped near the West Railway Station, and I couldn't get in any further, it was too congested. Fang Musen got off the car alone and went to the station to pick up people. The nearby parking spaces were too tight, so Geng Zhi could only drive the car and went to the main road outside the station.

The waiting process was quite long, even though it was only ten minutes, it was a real torment of cooking on a low fire. It wasn't until Geng Zhi fidgeted the third cigarette in his hand that he finally saw the familiar figure.

and the people next to each other.

Geng Zhi paused.

The driveway and the sidewalk are not in the same place, Geng Zhi found the nearest place to wait, but went around behind the sidewalk, and now he still has to follow the person's back. The inquiring gaze fell on the boy in the coat with a big check mark, Geng Zhi squinted his eyes, his eyes were somewhat unclear.

The two people not far away didn't see the car directly. They just came out of the station, Fang Musen reached out to pick up the suitcase, but the other party avoided it again.

"What are you doing?"

The boy frowned, his tone impatient.

"I told you I don't need you to pick it up."

Regarding his attitude, Fang Musen's voice was still very patient.

"Aren't you coming to the competition? The competition venue is near where I live, and you can get there in five minutes."

The boy didn't appreciate it at all, raised his hand and pressed his baseball cap, and wanted to leave while pulling the suitcase: "Who wants you to meddle in your own business..."

While the two were talking, a car suddenly drove up behind them. Although the speed was slow, it did not dodge or avoid it. It was about to drive behind the two of them and was about to collide.

Before the boy finished speaking, he quickly pulled Fang Musen over, exposing himself to the front instead.

But the car didn't really hit it, but stopped in good time. The boy still did not relax his vigilance, looked at the car warily, and subconsciously took a step to block Fang Musen behind him even more.

He frowned and looked at the person in the driver's seat: "Hey, drive carefully."

The sun was just right, the front glass reflected light, and the driver's figure could not be seen clearly. It was not until the front window was lowered and the driver hooked the sunglasses off his face with his index finger that the boy finally saw his face clearly.

The boy was stunned, and frowned: "Mr. Geng?"

"Just call me brother."

Geng Zhi opened the door and walked down, seemed to be in a good mood, and greeted people with a smile.

"This is your first time in Yancheng, brother?"

Chen Xiao, the only son born after the Chen family adopted Fang Musen. Studied in Shudi Middle School, came to Yancheng to participate in the competition, and stayed at my brother's house.

The climate in Yancheng is dry and the weather is changeable. It is early summer, and there is a high temperature of 30 degrees, which is not suitable for outdoor activities at all. By the time Fang Musen finally finished the process of dining, identifying the venue, and properly settled the people down, it was already night.

Chen Xiao was watching the computer in the guest room, checking the final train of thought of the model, Fang Musen didn't bother him. Not long after returning to his bedroom, he received a call from home.

"Hello, auntie? Well, we've come back from dinner, and Xiaoxiao is busy by himself. Yes, I'll take him to the game tomorrow afternoon."

A gentle female voice came from the phone: "He didn't get into trouble with you anymore, did he? This kid, really, how long has it been since Chinese New Year, and he's still angry."

"He was just thinking that you didn't come back for the Chinese New Year, so he was unhappy. Your uncle and I only found out later that he put together all the LEGOs you bought for him, and was just waiting to show you... Yes, more than 3,000 pieces, Neither of us knew how long he fought."

Fang Musen's voice was slightly apologetic: "I'll go back after saving up my annual leave in a few days. When he finishes his final exam, I'll just go out for a walk."

During the Chinese New Year, because Cheese fell ill and was left unattended, he did not return to Sichuan.

"Oh, it's okay. Xiao Xiao, you know it, but you just talk hard. Or is your work important, are you busy recently?"

Mother Chen asked about Fang Musen's recent situation.

It is inevitable that the elders will chatter a little when they are old, and they can't stop worrying. They talked on the phone for more than ten minutes without knowing it. It wasn't until Father Chen said something over there that Mother Chen stopped talking.

"Hey, Xiaoxiao sent a WeChat message to his dad!"

Teenagers are at the time of rebellion, and they usually don't want to say a word. Mother Chen couldn't help sighing: "Really, getting him to send us a message on his own initiative is as difficult as climbing the sky... Take a look, what did he say?"

On the other side of the phone, Father Chen's voice came from afar.

"He said that the person who picked him and his brother up today seems to be the one from the Geng family..."

The call suddenly went silent, but it didn't hang up, but there was still a rustling sound, which was the effect of covering the receiver with your hand.

Fang Musen stood by the window, looking up at his own shadow reflected on the glass window.

Outside the window, the lights flickered on.

After a while, the voice came back from the phone again, and Mother Chen's tone was a bit cramped: "Xiao Mori, you, today..."

On the other hand, Fang Musen's tone was calm and his voice was gentle: "Mr. Geng came to pick us up."

Mother Chen's voice became even more flustered: "You, you and him... I have no other intentions, just worried..."

Fang Musen comforted her: "Well, I know, take a breath and don't worry."

"We're not together," he said with a smile, "It's just that we have some intersections at work, so we can be considered friends now."

"He had time at noon, so he gave us a ride along the way."

The other side of the phone listened in silence, and there was a faint, depressing, intermittent sound of breathing.

After a long time, the thin and taciturn boy has now grown into a warm and vigorous green bamboo, which can be used as a shelter from wind and rain.

His tone was so gentle that people couldn't help but want to expose the boulder that had been suppressed in their hearts for many years.

"Xiao Mori, Xiao Mori..." Mother Chen's voice choked up, "At that time, we were the ones who let you down."

"I'm sorry, we only wanted you to have a good relationship with the Geng family, and we didn't consider your feelings..."

After so many years, that supposedly pure youthful love song had already ended hastily, and they never dared to bring it up, for fear of re-exposing old wounds, fearing that Fang Musen just wanted to let the past pass.

But the fruit of remorse is endless, and how can the daily relationship be erased by a word of "adoption". The pain and love grow into the flesh, grow inward, and can no longer be plucked out.

"I just want you to stop being influenced by us and find a partner you like. You don't have to think about anything else..."

Mother Chen was sobbing, her voice trembling slightly.

"I'm sorry, I know, I may not be qualified to tell you these things..."

"I understand what you mean," Fang Musen gently interrupted her, "It's all over."

He lowered his voice, and in front of him was the bright night of the city, with lights and stars falling into his eyes.

"Mom, it's okay."

When Fang Musen was adopted at the age of fourteen, Fang Musen was already sensible. The Chen family was afraid that he would not adapt, so they did not force him to change his words, and only called him Auntie and Uncle.

Fourteen years later, they accompany each other day by day, finally condensing the years into blood and flesh and blood.

Chen's mother's voice was completely stunned. It was not until Chen's father's hastily reminded her that she suddenly came back to her senses.

"Hey, hey... good boy, good..."

The summer night is windy, the day is hot and boring, and the rest is refreshing and cool.

Early summer has arrived, and in a blink of an eye, it will be a prosperous season.

When Lin Yuhe came to Geng Zhi's house for the third time, he happened to see Fang Musen coming back from the opposite door.

Geng Zhi carried the big and small bags of ingredients, but didn't enter the house, and went directly to Fang Musen's place, and went to the kitchen familiarly.

Lin Yuhe looked at it, and always felt that although they were not together yet, it seemed that there was not much distance between them.

"Brother Geng can cook?" Lin Yuhe couldn't help being curious as he looked at the tall figure from behind.

"It seems that I learned it when I was studying abroad," Fang Musen said, unpacking the packed puffs, took out one and handed it to Lin Yuhe, "But it will take a while to make it, so let's eat something to cushion it."

After thanking Lin Yuhe, he took it and took a bite: "Huh, cheese?"

"Well, flame cheese, a new flavor." Fang Musen said.

The plump cheese that couldn't hold it slowly flowed down the gap opened. Lin Yuhe hurried to bite, making a little fuss, and finally finished a fist-sized puff.

After Fang Musen gave it to him again, he waved his hands away, so he watched Fang Musen eat the remaining three by himself.

"Brother Fang likes eating puffs so much." Lin Yuhe couldn't help but sigh.

Fang Musen smiled and said, "This tastes pretty good."

"Does it taste like cheese?" Lin Yuhe asked, "I remember that last time brother Geng bought puffs, they were all cheese-flavored."

Speaking of this, he remembered another trivial matter: "Oh, by the way, Brother Fang, have you noticed Brother Geng's WeChat name?"

"Huh?" Fang Musen said, "Geng Lili?"

"Yes," Lin Yuhe said, "Do you know why he called it that?"

"I remember Brother Geng said that when he met you once, someone called him Geng Zhizhi. You heard him say 'knowledge is power'."

"Afterwards, regardless of WeChat or other names, Brother Geng's id is called Geng Lili."

Fang Musen nodded: "So that's the case."

"This seems to have happened a long time ago." Lin Yuhe asked, "Do you still remember this incident?"

Fang Musen smiled: "Well, it's quite early."

Thirteen years ago, so early, do you still remember

It was a very ordinary banquet, but it had clear boundaries. The newly adopted child didn't have any friends. He tried hard to blend in with his peers, but he couldn't find a topic at all. He only finally found out when others were laughing and joking. He mustered up the courage to interject.

"Geng Zhizhi... Is knowledge equal to power?"

Before he was adopted, he had never even seen such a thing as cheese.

There was a roar of laughter at the scene, and in the piercing laughter, the slightly dull boy finally realized in embarrassment that he was out of place.

Until the most dazzling tall slender young man who was overshadowed by all the stars raised his eyebrows and put one hand on his shoulder.

"Yes, I am the most knowledgeable one."

The young man lowered his head, raised the corners of his lips towards him, his smile was as bright as the sun.

"you're so sight."

The sun fell on his heart forever.

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