Unable to Divorce After Signing the Marriage Contract

Chapter 14


After thinking about it, Lin Yuhe didn't say this kind of thing out of his mouth.

He still has to maintain Mr. Lu's image.

Lin Yuhe skipped this topic for the time being, and thanked Shen Huixi: "You called the doctor for your hard work just now."

Shen Huixi touched his eyebrows and said, "Actually, I didn't call the doctor."

Lin Yuhe was puzzled: "It's not you? Who is that?"

Shen Huixi said: "After I received your message, I went to find someone to call a doctor, but after the waiter went to ask, he told me that the doctor had been called away by Mr. Lu, and he went to the lounge just now."

Lin Yuhe felt strange: "Mr. Lu called? How did he know that a doctor is needed here?"

From the phone call that Mr. Lu received just now, it seems that he rushed over from some kind of meeting halfway.

Lin Yuhe thought, Mr. Lu rushed over even after he stopped seeing guests, was he afraid that something might go wrong on his side

Shen Huixi shook his head: "I don't know either, or you can ask Director Lu later?"

Lin Yuhe: "Okay."

He agreed with his mouth, but felt in his heart that there was no need to bother Mr. Lu with such a question.

Although it is not clear why the other party knew about this, but Lin Yuhe trusted Lu Nan's ability, and Mr. Lu would definitely make the most correct and best-fitting choice under any circumstances.

There is no need for Lin Yuhe to worry about these things.

Shen Huixi said again: "And the woman in the red dress you mentioned, I didn't see her in the lounge just now, but after I arrived at the hotel today, I saw a big wave in a red dress, and it was true that she only spoke English. I don't know if it's her."

With the lessons learned from the "fiancée", although these are just speculations, Shen Huixi decided to tell Lin Yuhe all about it.

"That person may be Dong Lu's cousin, Lu Qiqi."

Lin Yuhe: "Sister Tang?"

"Well." Shen Huixi said, "They are from Xiangjiang and don't come to the mainland very often, so I don't know much about them. I only heard that Miss Lu has a bad temper. If you want to know the specific situation, you might as well go to Ask Mr. Lu."

On the rooftop yesterday, he was still worried that Lin Yuhe would suffer too much from this agreed marriage, but now he has said to Lin Yuhe twice, "You can ask Mr. Lu", as if he guessed that Lu Nan would have a bad opinion of Lin Yuhe. It's the same as Crane Answers Every Question.

After only witnessing the relationship between these two people once, Shen Huixi changed his perception quite firmly.

—Because of being targeted by Lu Dong after being watched by He He a few more times, Shen Huixi never wants to experience it again.

Lin Yuhe didn't notice what his friend was thinking, so he just nodded. Shen Huixi patted him on the shoulder and said: "But there should be nothing more, don't worry, it will be eleven o'clock right away, get ready and participate in the ceremony."

He had been worried that Lin Yuhe would be at a disadvantage, but whether it was the other party's ability to deal with the accident just now or Mr. Lu's attitude, it showed that his worry was unnecessary.

The two came to the main hall together, and the guests were almost all there. Not long after, Lu Nan also came over.

He stepped on the spot very accurately, said "fifteen minutes later" to Lin Yuhe, and walked to Lin Yuhe's side in the fifteenth minute.

Lin Yuhe looked up, and saw the man reaching out to help him carefully adjust the tie on his chest.

The man's voice is low and mellow, with a more obvious magnetism when listening closely.

"Don't be nervous."

The heat of the slender fingers was too obvious, and Lin Yuhe breathed a sigh of relief until Lu Nan retracted his hand.

He smiled at the person, his brows and eyes curled up very well: "I will. I have memorized the process clearly, and there will be no mistakes."


Lu Nan, who had been staring intently at drawing the outline of his eyebrows and eyes, paused, and his gaze sank.

But at this time there was no time to communicate any more, the ceremony and music played, it was already eleven o'clock sharp, and the engagement ceremony officially began.

The voice of the master of ceremonies spread through every corner of the auditorium through the microphone: "Two newcomers are invited to enter!"

Decorated with lanterns and festoons, the house was full of relatives and friends, and the guests showed off their faces, and they were all beaming.

Among the overflowing joy, only Lin Yuhe felt the moment when his palm was held, and the force of the opponent's slap was so heavy that he almost lost control.

What the strength caused was a momentary pain like being trapped in another person's flesh and blood. But the force was quickly removed, so there was only the heat of skin contact, a kind of scorching heat induced by an excessive difference in body temperature.

Those feelings were too obvious, even if Lin Yuhe was concentrating on completing the process with the master of ceremonies' ups and downs, he couldn't ignore them.

Fortunately, his distraction did not affect the process, and all the arrangements that should have been completed as expected.

Although an engagement is not as complicated and grand as a wedding, all the arrangements are also very formal, and one can tell that it has been carefully prepared. The two newcomers are both outstanding and eye-catching.

There is no need to introduce Lu Nan. Lin Yuhe, who appeared for the first time, also has a first-class appearance. Coupled with his gentle temperament and heart-warming smile, many people are amazed and sincerely feel the two good match.

The ceremony and music were melodious and the atmosphere was excellent, and the engagement ceremony went smoothly.

Today's process basically revolves around the two newcomers, and there is no link between relatives and friends of both parties. Because the Lu family did not have any elders to attend, even though Father Lin and Wu Xin were present, they did not arrange their procedures.

Everyone saw the presence of Father Lin and the Wu family, but on this occasion, the status of the Wu family was obviously not enough, so no one questioned their low sense of existence from the beginning to the end, and even the Wu family felt reasonable. As it should be.

Nearly an hour later, the engagement process ended smoothly, and the banquet officially began.

In addition to a hearty meal, this lunch is also a good time for chatting and networking. Everyone didn't want to miss this rare opportunity to chat with Lu Nan, and many people were eager to have a chat with Lin and He.

Lin Yuhe has been following Lu Nan since he stepped down from the stage. He originally thought that Mr. Lu would be as busy meeting guests as he was in the morning, and he just needs to follow quietly. But when the guests really came forward one after another, Lu Nan's first words were all to Lin Yuhe.

He introduced these people to Lin Yuhe one by one.

He also introduced Lin Yuhe to every guest.

"This is my love."

Not only the guests were surprised, Lin Yuhe himself was also a little surprised. He originally thought that he was just here to go through the process as a foil, but he didn't expect that the other party would introduce himself to the guests.

I don't know how many times Lu Nan solemnly repeated that sentence to so many people.

The conversation time passed quickly, and Lin Yuhe gradually got used to talking with many guests. However, after being busy for so long from morning to now, his body is inevitably overwhelmed, and his stomach is also uncomfortable.

There were also guests talking with Lu Nan, but Lin Yuhe didn't bother him, he pressed his abdomen calmly, and was planning to go down and ask the waiter for a cup of hot water, but suddenly heard Lu Nan's voice.

"Stomach upset?"

As soon as Lin Yuhe raised his eyes, he met those pure black eyes.

He froze for a moment, waved his hand: "No, I'm fine."

Lu Nan still said to the guests: "My wife is tired, I will accompany him to eat something."

The guests were very considerate and nodded quickly: "It should, it should."

Lu Nan took Lin Yuhe and left the main hall through the side door.

Lin Yuhe was afraid that he would delay the other party's business, so he said, "I'll just pad it up a little bit."

His stepmother had told him many times before that he must obey the orders of the Lu family. After all, wealthy families are very particular, and they may have to abide by the rule that the bride is not allowed to eat during the day on the wedding day. Wu Xin specially warned Lin Yuhe not to take the initiative to ask for food, and he himself was prepared for a busy day.

Lu Nan heard, did not speak, but led Lin and He through two corridors and came to a private room.

There was no one in the box, only a table of untouched food, which was exactly the same as the banquet in the main hall.

Lu Nan said, "Sit."

Lin Yuhe looked at the steaming sumptuous lunch, opened his mouth to speak, and finally stopped under the man's gaze, obediently picked up his chopsticks.

Only then was Lu Nan satisfied: "Don't be in a hurry, eat slowly."

As soon as the two entered, there was a knock on the door.

It's Fang Musen.

Lu Nan went to the door to talk to him, but the door was not closed, and Lin Yuhe at the table heard their conversation.

"Mr. Lu, there are still three boxes on the right side of the west hall. Inside are people from AXA Investment and Linhai Securities. The receptionist has already arranged, you can go there first. I will wait here for Young Master Lin until he finishes eating I will send him back to the main hall to find you."

Lin Yuhe listened, a little surprised, Mr. Fang is so busy, how could he let him stay here and wait for him? Just hurry up and finish eating and go back the same way.

The conversation at the door was still going on, Lu couldn't help it: "No, you go to the west hall."

Lin Yuhe thought: Sure enough, there is no need for Fang Tezhu to stay.

As a result, before he was relieved, he heard Lu Mou.

"I'll accompany him."

Lin Yuhe was choked directly: "Cough, cough cough..."

Both of them looked back at him at the door, Lu Nan walked over directly and helped him to relax on his back: "No hurry, eat slowly."

Lin Yuhe covered his mouth and shook his head, indicating that he was fine.

Lu Nan waited for him to calm down before saying to Fang Musen, "Go."

Fang Musen was obviously a little surprised by Lu Nan's arrangement, but when Lu Nan told him, he nodded in agreement, closed the door and left.

There were only two people left in the room, Lu Nan sat down beside Lin and He.

Lin Yuhe ate for a while before realizing that Mr. Lu hadn't moved his chopsticks.

There was only a slight sound of bowls and chopsticks colliding in the room, and the atmosphere was a little dull for a while.

Lin Yuhe pursed his lips and asked, "Lu... brother, would you like some?"

He looked at the food in front of him and said, "I think it tastes pretty good."

Lu Nan still didn't intend to move his chopsticks, and his voice was cool: "This is the only advantage left in this wedding banquet."

Lin Yuhe: "...?"

He vaguely felt that Mr. Lu seemed unhappy, but after thinking about it again, he couldn't figure out what went wrong.

Didn't the process of the wedding banquet just now go smoothly

At this moment, Lin Yuhe's cell phone rang suddenly.

Worried about making the man unhappy, Lin Yuhe was about to hang up, but he heard Lu said, "Just pick up if you have something to do."

Lin Yuhe looked at him to make sure that the other party didn't mean to be angry, so he picked up the phone.


The call was from Zhen Ling, and his voice was full of excitement.

"The results are out! You got the first overall score!"

Lin Yuhe only said that he was going out on Sunday. Except for Shen Huixi, the other students didn't know about his engagement, so as soon as the results came out, Zhen Ling, who couldn't wait to share the good news, called him.

"90+ in general subjects! It's too strong!!"

Lin Yuhe, who originally planned to hang up the phone with just one sentence, was also taken aback by the news, and blurted out: "Really?"

Lu Nan's eyes fell.

Lin Yuhe thought that his voice had disturbed the other party, so he made an apologetic gesture, got up and walked to the window to fight.

After all, he was still concerned about the time, so he hung up the phone after saying a few words, but the joy and excitement couldn't be concealed. After the phone call, his whole body brightened a little.

After lunch, the two left the box, and within a few steps, they met several guests in the corridor.

The guests greeted them with a smile, and some people even complimented Lu Nan: "The relationship between the two of you is really good. We just saw the two of you from a long distance, and found Mr. Lin standing next to Director Lu, with the joy and happiness on his face. I can't hide it."

Lu Nan's expression became somewhat unpredictable.

He responded lightly: "Well, he is very happy."

Lin Yuhe: "..."

Lin Yuhe touched the tip of his nose, feeling guilty.

His acting is really not that good.

If I had known earlier, he should have completed the engagement process with the mood of imagining that he had passed the exam from the very beginning, and his performance must have been much better than just now.

After chatting with the guests for a while, a waiter came over and said that the master of ceremonies invited two of them.

Back in the main hall, the master of ceremonies was waiting for them on the side stage, and the waiter beside him was holding a tray with a square box in his hand.

The master of ceremonies said: "The two of you still have one task to complete - to write a love diary together."

Another waiter stepped forward and opened the square box on the tray. There was a thin soft leather book in the box.

The master of ceremonies took out a pen and said, "The love diary should record every special day. The two of you need to discuss it now and write down the happiest thing on this engagement day together."

The happiest thing

Lin Yuhe thought, what should this write? If it's a wedding, it's easy to write, swearing in oaths, exchanging rings, etc. There are a lot of commemorative things, just pick one. But today is an engagement, so it's hard to imagine a representative event...

He was thinking about it, but Lu Nan took the pen and started writing directly on the page of the engagement day in the notebook.

Hey, Mr. Lu has already thought about it

Lin Yuhe looked closer, but when he saw the line written by the other party, he could hardly believe his eyes.

The man's handwriting was flowing and unrestrained, and he wrote a sentence very beautifully——

The first place in the midterm exam.

Lin Yuhe was stunned.

Although this was indeed his happiest thing today, he never thought that a man would write this.

The master of ceremonies was also stunned.

He is the most popular gold medal host in Yancheng, and he belongs to the No. 1 high-end wedding company in Yancheng. He has presided over countless weddings, and there are many dignitaries, celebrities and celebrities among his clients.

But it was the first time he met a newcomer who wrote about commemorative events like this.

... How can anyone write their academic performance in a love diary

In conversion, this is equivalent to writing "The happiest thing on the day of the engagement is that Taiping's stock price has risen by n points" - but even if it is written that the stock price has risen, it is more in line with Director Lu's personality.

Only the "first place in the mid-term" that was written down was truly unpredictable.

The master of ceremonies did not dare to jump to conclusions, coughed, and said: "Oh, Mr. Lu has a heart. Such a good result indicates that Mr. Lin has a bright future. It is really a special way for the two to show their affection!"

Lin Yuhe felt embarrassed for him when he heard it, this is really biting the bullet and talking nonsense.

Lu Nan remained expressionless, and handed a corner of the book to Lin and He according to the procedure, and they put the "Love Diary" back in the box together for storage.

Once this is done, they can leave.

Walking down from the side platform, Lin Yuhe hesitated and said softly, "I'm sorry."

Lu Nan looked up at him.

Lin Yuhe took a deep breath and said, "My performance at the engagement banquet today may not be very good, but it is obviously not as happy as when I knew the results..."


The man interrupted him.

"No need to apologize," Lu Nan said, "I didn't mean to blame you."

Lin Yuhe was a little at a loss.

Lu Nan continued: "I just wrote that because it is also my happiest thing today."

"You did a good job today, you worked hard."

Lin Yuhe looked at him carefully, not knowing whether the other party really thought so, or was talking ironically.

Lu Nan had no expressions or movements at first, but after being watched like this, he still couldn't hold back, and raised his hand to pinch Lin Hehe's pointed jaws.

Before the other party was scared, he quickly retracted his hand and said calmly: "The only thing I want to say is that if I write this kind of diary next time—"

The man's voice was so low that it made the eardrums tingle slightly. The crispy numbness seemed to be able to spread all the way down, fully accumulating in the chest cavity.

Until it explodes in the softest heart.

"—I hope that the happiness you recorded at that time can be related to me."