Unable to Divorce After Signing the Marriage Contract

Chapter 37


"Why..." Lin Yuhe stuttered in shock, "Why do you want to be together all of a sudden?"

Compared to Lin Yuhe's astonishment, Lu Nan's expression was very calm, as if he was talking about something that should be taken for granted.

"Ningning, tonight is our wedding night."

Lin Yuhe choked for a moment.

But obviously...

Lu Nan slowed down his voice, his tone was calm, like a patient instructor.

"Maybe I have to go to Lu's house tomorrow. What they care about most is our relationship."

Their relationship should be a real couple.

What do a couple in love do on their wedding night


Lin Yuhe was speechless.

It was only at this time that he realized that what Mr. Lu said in the car, "I have to work hard for you to cooperate", turned out to be to cooperate with this matter.

"I understand," Lin Yuhe nodded indiscriminately, "it's just..."

No matter how much preparation he had made in advance, when he was standing at the door of the bathroom with Lu Nan, it was still difficult for him to take this step.

It's too much to take a shower together...

Lin Yuhe was hesitating when he suddenly felt the man in front of him move.

Almost subconsciously, Lin Yuhe took a step back.

But after he finished retreating, Lin Yuhe realized that Lu Nan did not step forward, but retreated half a step.

The man didn't want to force him, but as if he was afraid of scaring him.

One step at a time, there was a considerable distance between the two of them.

And Lu Nan was still asking, "Are you nervous?"

Lin Yuhe opened his mouth, and his lips began to dry again. He heard Lu Nan say: "It's okay, don't be afraid, just forget it if you don't get used to it."

Lin Yuhe was stunned, he was still hesitating, but saw Lu Nan really turned around.

"Go and wash first, come out and talk."

The man left decisively.

"I'm going to answer the phone."

But Lin Yuhe didn't hear the phone ringing, Lu Nan said that clearly just to reassure him.

In the end, Lin Yuhe entered the bathroom alone as he wished, but it was not as relaxing as imagined.

On the contrary, bitter guilt rose from the bottom of his heart and spread to the root of his tongue, which could not be melted away or dissipated.

Mr. Lu's behavior made Lin Yuhe completely regret it.

He is so incompetent.

Lin Yuhe recalled the agreement they signed at the beginning, which clearly stated that the wedding is the most important display, and the Lu family must not let the relationship between the two become suspicious.

Moreover, the agreement also stated that on the night of the wedding, depending on the movements of the Lu family, if necessary, they must cooperate to make corresponding traces.

Just now, Lin Yuhe wholeheartedly resisted having a relationship, but only now did he realize that it was written in the agreement that the relationship must be voluntary, and Mr. Lu clearly did not say that he would really do it.

He just needs to make people think they did.

It was Lin Yuhe who thought too much and flinched.

Lin Yuhe pinched his palms angrily and sighed.

I can only make up for it after I go out.

He took a messy shower, hurriedly changed into a bathrobe and walked out.

The air outside was a bit cold, and Lin Yuhe's skin was aroused with a thin layer of shivering. He took a deep breath and walked towards the living room.

But when he walked to the living room, he found that Mr. Lu was still on the phone.

The man's face was serious, his thin lips were pursed into a cold line, he would occasionally respond a few times, and the words he talked about were all related to the Lu family.

Lu Nan has received too many calls related to the Lu family today, it seems that there are some difficult problems over there.

Lin Yuhe felt more and more guilty when he thought of his resistance just now.

He didn't bother the man, and went to brush his hair by himself.

Lin Yuhe thought while rubbing, it is really hard for Mr. Lu to deal with such a powerful Lu family. It was precisely because Lu Nan didn't want to be controlled by the Lu family that there was an agreed marriage in the first place.

This is something that has been decided long ago, and he really shouldn't lose the chain.

Moreover, Mr. Lu is much busier than him, and he mentioned sleeping on the cruise ship before, so Mr. Lu must want to finish it early tonight and go to bed early.

He can't waste Mr. Lu's time any longer.

Over there, Lu Nan had already finished answering the phone. He put down the phone, pinched his tall, straight nose, and his brows and eyes seemed a little tired.

But when Lin Yuhe walked over, the man quickly returned to his usual appearance, and even cared about his affairs: "Dry your hair."

"Okay." Lin Yuhe obediently agreed, "Brother, go wash it too."

Lu Nan got up and went to the bathroom.

Lin Yuhe took a breath and calmed down his gradually accelerating heartbeat.

He is ready.

Lu Nan came out quickly, as if he had confirmed Lin Yuhe's guess, and wanted to finish the work early and rest early.

Lin Yuhe didn't want to cause trouble for the other party, so he stepped forward and said, "Let's go to the bedroom."

It didn't seem that difficult to say this sentence, Lin Yuhe himself was relieved. It's just that when he walked into the bedroom, he felt a faint chill on the back of his neck, like an instinctive warning of danger.

But when he turned his head, there was nothing unusual behind him, he just met Lu Nan's deep eyes that were as calm as the sea.

Lin Yuhe continued to walk into the bedroom first.

The entire suite is arranged according to the wedding room, and the bedroom is no exception. The room is filled with red silk and flowers. Those bouquets are not roses, but delicate and beautiful red camellias.

These camellias were specially airlifted from Sichuan, and they are also Lin Yuhe's favorite flower.

It's just that now, Lin Yuhe doesn't have the heart to care about these anymore. He took a long breath and walked to the bed: "What steps are we going to do?"

The man followed him and walked over. The two of them were only half a step away, and each other's breath could be heard clearly.

"Leave some traces first." Lu Nan's voice was still slow and calm, "In a place where you might be seen."

Lin Yuhe was infected by his calmness, and quickly nodded: "Okay."

But when he actually lay down on the huge soft round bed, Lin Yuhe found that the infection just now was not enough.

It was only when he was hugged by a man around his waist that he became nervous again.

Getting along these days gave Lin Yuhe a little blind confidence, making him think that he was used to close contact. But only when he actually practiced it did Lin Yuhe realize that this was not the case.

It was like no matter how many times he was kissed, the back of his neck would still be numb from Lu Nan's deep kiss.

As soon as Lu Nan stretched out his hand, Lin Yuhe would still be burned.

Bai Xi's wrist was held loosely, with little strength, but the feeling of being controlled was strong. Lin Yuhe curled his fingertips unconsciously, and his trembling eyelashes were kissed lightly.

"It's fine."

Lu Nan's voice was very low, comforting him.

"Don't be nervous."

Lin Yuhe blinked, and moved the big palm holding his wrist to the top of the wrist bone, and rubbed a light red mark there with the rough fingertips.

It was the scar left by Lin and He when they inserted the indwelling needle.

The long finger continued to go upwards, passed through the gap between the fingers, and intertwined with Lin Yuhe's ten fingers. The hand was raised, Lu Nan bowed his head, and kissed the red mark lightly.

It's lighter than kissing your lashes.

Lin Yuhe only felt a little itchy, he moved his fingers, the man held his palm more tightly, gradually moved upwards, and stopped at his protruding wrist bone, Qichen sucked in his mouth.

"Well… !"

I was bitten on the wrist bone, but it didn't hurt.

Then it felt slightly damp to the touch, and the place where the trace was left was wet.

The slightly rough surface of the tongue rubs against the skin feels weird, but acceptable.

Lin Yuhe blinked his wet eyes, and his guard was gradually let go. The man's movements have always been very gentle, moving up his arms very slowly, pecking and kissing all the way, it took a long time to reach his thin shoulders.

It seemed that Lu Nan's voice was a little hoarse because of too many movements just now, but his tone was still very gentle.

"Don't be afraid."

Lin Yuhe heard that people were still comforting themselves repeatedly at this moment, and their hearts swelled slightly.

He said, "I'm fine... woo!"

Before the end sound fell, it raised and changed its tone.

This time, Lu Nan landed on his collarbone.

The man's movements were not too heavy, but he squeezed the thin skin again, grinding it finely with his articulate teeth, and the fiery breath hit the side of the neck, which had never been able to withstand frequent touches, like soft leather, Arouse the electric light touch, escape the throat upwards, and hit the heart directly downwards.

A kiss from the collarbone to the side of the neck takes longer and feels longer than the kiss from the wrist to the shoulder. Through a layer of skin, it seemed that even the throbbing artery had been directly bitten.

The most vulnerable and fatal part suddenly falls under the control of another person.

The trembling seemed to rise from the tailbone, and climbed up the back, making half of Lin Yuhe's body numb. At this moment of shortness of breath, the fortress of the trachea was strangled, and without the supply of oxygen, even his mind became extremely drowsy.

The ups and downs of the chest are covered, separated by a layer of soft fabric, and the softest part is pressed by the heels of the palms. A seemingly unintentional light press will cause a faint muffled sound and a subconscious struggle.

But it is impossible to succeed even if it is a rejection with all its strength, let alone this level of strength.

There is a clear difference in skin color where the two meet, and it also contrasts the power gap hidden under the surface.

The feeling on the chest and the ensuing confinement finally brought back a little bit of sober consciousness. In a daze, Lin Yuhe suddenly remembered the dangerous premonition he had before he entered the bedroom.

Only then did he realize that the low and low "Don't be afraid" didn't seem to be a sincere comfort, but more like a seductive coaxing.

And it was too late to wake up at this time.

The beast bared its fangs, and the weapon was loaded. The dull prey finally offered its fragile neck to the most voracious beast, revealing the softest belly.