Unable to Divorce After Signing the Marriage Contract

Chapter 68


Lin Yuhe said: "He helped me a lot and took care of me all the time."

Geng Zhi tried to persuade: "Maybe he is a central air conditioner, warming everyone."

Lin Yuhe didn't speak, and looked at him silently with a pair of black and white eyes.

Geng Zhi: "..."

Forget it, thinking about Lu Yingsun's dead face, he didn't even believe what he said.

"Then you don't have to set yourself up."

Geng Zhi was a little irritable, and used his fingers to comb his precious hair from the front of the forehead to the back.

"Marriage can be big or small. If it's small, it's just a piece of paper. If it's big, it's a matter of a lifetime. You must be careful."

Lin Yuhe was silent for a while, and said softly.

"I'm happy with him."

Geng Zhi opened his mouth to speak, but heard Lin Yuhe say again.

"I want to make him happy too."


Geng Zhi thought to himself.

It's fucking over.

There is still room for change in the first sentence, but Geng Zhi understands that there is no hope after saying the latter sentence.

He held his throbbing forehead, and his heart began to throb.

Dead baby, it's really tragic.

How could he fall on the same person twice

Geng Zhi rubbed his face, took a long breath, and asked: "Have you thought about it later?"

He knew Lin Yuhe's situation, knew that the other party was heartbroken by that bastard father, and he no longer believed in feelings.

"Do you believe in the future?"

Lin Yuhe remained silent for a little longer.

It can be seen that he himself has not thought clearly. So I didn't start to weigh my words until I was asked bluntly, and I was forced to face what my subconscious was avoiding.

"I don't know... My problem is actually quite big."

Lin Yuhe is very honest.

"I'm overcoming."

After he finished speaking, Geng Zhi stopped talking.

There was silence for a long time, Lin Yuhe asked carefully: "What's wrong?"

Geng Zhi combed his hair again, showing a wry smile.

"It makes you realize that there is a problem and is willing to overcome it. He is also very good."

Growing up with Lin Yuhe since childhood, Geng Zhi naturally knows how difficult Lin Yuhe's knot is.

The most serious psychological problem is not realizing the problem. Geng Zhi also tried to help Lin Yuhe find a psychiatrist, but it was always difficult to find a suitable reason for Lin Yuhe to receive medical treatment. Based on Lin Yuhe's intimate experience since childhood and professional learning during college, he wanted to lie to him that he was in a situation without knowing it. It is impossible to accept inquiries.

Moreover, Lin Yuhe's mother is a psychiatrist, and it's hard to think of love when seeing things, and Geng Zhi doesn't want Lin Yuhe to suffer from the pain of uncovering the scars again.

Now that Lu Yingsun has achieved this step, although Geng Zhi is quite dissatisfied with him, he doesn't want to abruptly interrupt the progress.

Geng Zhi pinched the bridge of his nose and said, "Leave that aside, when do you plan to go home this year?"

When I go back and see some familiar scenes, it may be easier to clarify some words.

Lin Yuhe thought for a while: "It may take a few days, the time has not yet been determined."

"It will be the Spring Festival in a few days." Geng Zhi reminded him.

"Are you still going home for the New Year? Or wait until the day to go back?"

This day refers to the anniversary of Lin Mu's death.

Lin Yuhe said, "I'll go back and ask Mr. Lu."

Although Taiping had already finished the annual meeting, Lu Nan was still busy all the time, in order to deal with the affairs of the Lu family, and also to squeeze out the Chinese New Year holiday.

He seems to be always busy, like a shining genius, myth, legend that only survives on camera and in magazines, in short, there is not much vitality.

But this legend will always stare at Lin Yuhe and add sweaters to him, and won't let him out unless he wraps people into a ball.

As soon as Lin Yuhe got home, he was checked by a man again.

He checked his face and fingers, and it didn't feel cool. Seeing that he was about to check his mouth again, Lin Yuhe hurriedly stopped him.

"I have something to ask you!"

The man stared at his lips, looking a little absent-minded: "Huh?"

"Brother, how are you celebrating the Spring Festival? Do you want to be here in Yancheng?" Lin Yuhe hurriedly asked about the business.

"Where do you want to be?" Lu Nan asked him.

"I can be anywhere." Lin Yuhe said.

He never asked for anything.

He originally thought that Lu Nan would stay in Yancheng, after all, it is more convenient here, but he did not expect that the man lowered his head and kissed the tip of his nose, said.

"Then go home and go to Shu."

Lin Yuhe: "...?"

"I have to go home and have a look during Chinese New Year." The man's voice was low.

Going home during the Chinese New Year is a tradition and a custom.

It is also peace of mind and a home.

Lin Yuhe opened his lips, his throat seemed to be choked by something, he thought about it for a long time, but he still asked a question ignorant of the times.

"… And you?"

Is brother going home

Lin Yuhe didn't know which place could be called "home" and "homeland" for Lu Nan, whether it was Xiangjiang, where he was born and raised, or Yancheng, where the tomb of his parents was buried together when he first came here.

Or... Lin Yuhe thought of the insidious scar on Lu Nan's chest that was only a hair's breadth away.

Or nowhere is his homeland, his home.

Lu Nan gave him an unexpected answer.

"Go to my side next year, take turns."

Lu Nan said: "Aren't young couples like this now, once a year."

Lin Yuhe blinked blankly.

"where to?"

"Boston." Lu Nan said, "Shortly after I was born, my parents took me out of Xiangjiang and went to US. They bought a farm in Boston and lived there for ten years."

"That's where I grew up."

Lu Nan lowered his head and kissed the trembling eyelashes of the other party.

"That farm is still there, and we can go skiing there."

Lin Yuhe pursed his lips and nodded, feeling the full warmth in his chest for an instant.

Because. Brother. Brother.

Because of Brother Brother's beautiful and fulfilling past.

He nodded: "OK."

Lu Nan clenched his fist and raised his thumb, facing his thumb, the fingertips of the two stuck together, making an agreement.

"Then we'll go there next year."

Lin Yuhe carefully aligned his fingertips with Ren.

He used to do this when he made appointments with people when he was a child, and it was an action with the same meaning as pulling a hook.


Lin Yuhe remembered what Geng Zhi asked him before.

"Do you believe in the future?"

Lin Yuhe didn't know whether to believe it or not, and how to believe it.

But he and Lu Nan made an appointment for next year and decided on the next step. In the expectation of the conception, they included each other in their future.

No matter how long and distant the future is, it can be done step by step.

Now that I have decided to go back to Sichuan during the Spring Festival, I will start shopping and prepare some new year's goods for returning home during the New Year.

Lu Nan has prepared all the big items, but some trivial items must also be prepared. Lin Yuhe didn't have much time, so after finishing the live broadcast, he went to the shopping mall to buy things by himself.

It was already afternoon when I returned from shopping. There was some traffic jam on the road, Lin Yuhe opened the car window to get some air, but accidentally saw an acquaintance on the side of the road.

It's Fang Zishu.

Fang Zishu was wearing a big skirt with a gorgeous skirt, which was very conspicuous on the side of the road. She was walking with a group of well-dressed little girls, all of them were holding a lot of things in their hands, as if they had just come from somewhere. Fang Zishu herself was also carrying two paper bags, and she was still stepping on high heels, looking quite struggling.

There happened to be a fork in the road nearby where you could make a turn, so Lin Yuhe asked the driver uncle to drive the car to a side road first, then got off and walked over by himself.

"Do you need help?"

The other girls were still a little puzzled when they saw Lin Yuhe approaching suddenly, but Fang Zishu's eyes lit up.


"The car that picked me up was stuck outside and I couldn't get in. I have a lot of stuff, so I had to ask a friend to help move it there." Fang Zishu said bitterly.

"Let me do it."

Lin Yuhe took the bag from her, it was indeed a bit heavy, and it looked like it was made of paper.

"My car is over there, or you can move your things to the car first."

The little girls who carried the things all breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you so much!"

Lin Yuhe helped move the things to the car, and the uncle driver who had parked the car also came to help. Most of the things the little girls took were Fang Zishu's, and there were indeed a lot.

When the two were putting things in the car, Lin Yuhe heard the girls waiting not far away chatting quietly.

"... So handsome... Is this my wife's boyfriend?"

Lin Yuhe didn't hear very clearly, only heard some key words.

Fang Zishu seemed to say: "No, he has a husband...he's a doctor..."

Then there was a burst of exclamation with joy.


Lin Yuhe went back to pick up things from the group of little girls, but he always felt that the eyes of these people looking at him were a little strange.

With a subtle... eagerness, it made his heart shudder.

After finally moving things, piled up bags filled the trunk and the passenger seat, and several bags were stuffed even in the back seat.

In addition to paper products, there are puppets, pillows, posters... and even large and small bags of snacks. No wonder so many people are required to help move them.

Fang Zishu's car was still stuck outside, Lin Yuhe and the driver uncle looked at the road conditions, Fang Zishu said: "There are so many things, otherwise we will take you back first."

Fang Zishu's residence is near Yanda University, and he happened to be on the same road with Lin and He.

Fang Zishu agreed, said goodbye to his friends and got into the car.

The two sat in the back seat, carefully avoiding the bag.

"What are you going to do?" Lin Yuhe asked, "Is it a manga exhibition?"

"Yes," Fang Zishu nodded, "Does Hehe also know about this comic exhibition?"

"Not very familiar," Lin Yuhe said, "But I have a roommate who is doing live broadcasts and has participated in such activities."

He asked, "Did you buy these things at the Comic Con?"

Fang Zishu smiled, looking a little shy: "Most of them are exchanged with other wives, and there are also gifts from little girls."

"A fan?" Lin Yuhe said, "This is a gift from them..."

While they were chatting, the car turned a corner, and an unsteady bag fell down due to inertia, and the contents inside poured out.

The word "gift" was stuck in Lin Yuhe's throat, and he couldn't finish it.

The things in the bag fell out, and most of them were paper products. The colorful books showed their true colors, and the cover alone was particularly eye-catching.

—It was all the same type of document that Fang Zishu mistakenly sent to Lin Yuhe last time.

Fang Zishu frantically tried to pick things up, but her skirt was in the way and it was inconvenient to pick them up.

In the end, Lin Yuhe reached out to help.

Fang Zishu felt that he had already started his life on a revolving door.

"Thank you... Thank you so much, Hehe."

She was forced to confess.

"We have a group of like-minded people who will exchange these things. Sometimes we will write something and print it into a booklet for small-scale distribution. I was not in China before, and today is the first time to participate in a domestic comic exhibition. In addition, there is another signing, Received more things…”

Fang Zishu said it very euphemistically, but Lin Yuhe also did a live broadcast and learned a little bit about it. Judging from the gifts Fang Zishu received today, it is by no means "small scale" that can be summed up.

It seems that this shy and reserved young lady should also be a god-level figure in the fan circle.

Lin Yuhe didn't think there was anything wrong: "My roommate is from a medical family. He has studied medicine for three generations, and his family conditions are also very good, but he just likes to play games and do live broadcasts."

With Fang Zishu's family background, there is no need to rely on other means to increase income.

"Just a hobby."

Seeing that he did not reject him, Fang Zishu heaved a sigh of relief and nodded repeatedly.

"It's just interest."

It's almost a matter of directly saying "Porn is the source of life".

But Fang Zishu had just finished saying the word "interest", when Lin Yuhe reached out to pick up something, and picked up a book with a conspicuous cover.

On the cover, a thin young man was tied up and hung in mid-air, almost naked, only a long rough rope wrapped around his white skin. The young man was wearing all kinds of weird props, his body was trembling slightly, his thin chin was lifted by a black whip, and the long handle of the whip was being held in the hands of a tall man.

Compared with the distressed young man, the man is in a suit and leather shoes. He is spotless from head to toe, and even the toes of his leather shoes are shiny and spotless.

The painter's level is too high, and the temperament contrast between the two is vividly displayed. Although it is a static picture, it shows dynamic charm and ambiguity.

The most impossible thing to ignore is that the bound young man was still wearing a white coat.

Half-covered, but more intriguing than full-exposed.

White coat play.

Lin Yuhe: "..."

The familiar feeling of trembling in the bottom of my heart reappeared.

Fortunately, Fang Zishu didn't notice what was in his hand. Lin Yuhe quickly stacked the books he had picked up, and put them back into the bag after tidying up.

Fang Zishu thanked him again, and asked, "By the way, Hehe, what did Director Lu say after the oolong last time?"

say what

Lin Yuhe thought, if it's a hobby, then he will be with him... no more.

He quickly threw out the messy thoughts and asked, "What's wrong?"

Fang Zishu smiled sweetly, but it was a pity that Lin Yuhe, who had seen the things in the bag, could hardly regain the initial good impression.

Fang Zishu said: "Actually, I always thought... Lu Dong has potential in this area."

She explained very seriously: "When he asked his assistant to find me, I thought he wanted to get involved in this aspect, but later found out that he didn't."

"Dong Lu has never been there." Fang Zishu held his chin with one hand and said, "He really likes you."

Lin Yuhe was startled, not quite understanding how the other party came to this conclusion.

Although in the eyes of others, this has long been a clear thing.

Fang Zishu explained: "Pornography is the source of life. If you don't do it, you can only dislike it, or like it too much, and don't want to part with it."

"He has liked you for so long, but he only thinks about your thoughts and has not acted. He must have liked you badly..."

Lin and He paused for a moment, and before they had time to think carefully about the logic of these words, they suddenly realized something was wrong with the given conditions.

"Like me...for so long?"

"Yes," Fang Zishu's tone was quite reasonable, "Why else would he be so anxious to marry you?"

Lin Yuhe thought to himself, it was because of a paper agreement.

It's just that he couldn't say that, so he didn't open his mouth.

But Fang Zishu's next sentence was: "I know it's because of the agreement."

Lin Yuhe froze for a moment.

Could it be that the news that the Lu family was cheated by a marriage agreement has already spread

But after all his thinking, he couldn't expect what Fang Zishu said next—

"But Director Lu is different from other people. Director Lu took the initiative to find the Wu family."

Lin Yuhe frowned.

... The Wu family

"Didn't the Wu family give your information to many people at that time? They were looking for people everywhere to make an agreement through marriage."

"But at that time, the Wu family had too many bad debts, and it was very difficult to pick them up. The several companies we were talking about were waiting to see. As a result, Director Lu went directly to the Wu family, and agreed to all the conditions as soon as he went..."

As Fang Zishu spoke, his voice became smaller and smaller.

Looking at Lin Yuhe's expression, she suddenly realized something, almost unbelievable.

"Hehe, you... you don't know these things?"

The author has something to say: He doesn’t know, and he doesn’t know that my brother really wants to shoot with a whip, let’s try it out

Well, do it.

This chapter will be updated with 300 red envelopes later, please leave a message, I am afraid that the 300 red envelopes will not be distributed...

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: 1 goldfish;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 yos sauce that is getting rounder and rounder;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Mu Yi, Wa Bing Xiaohan 2; One is me, well one;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: Xiao Qing, Xiao Xixi, good morning! 30 bottle; 10 bottles of candy; 9 bottles of ele; 7 bottles of Aliang; 6 bottles of 31588052; 5 bottles of Cuckoo, estela, 52 Hz whale love, 1 crane peach; 4 bottles of dongdongdong; , Zhoujiang, peace with the situation, lfzdyg, Chen Ci, Qizhicheng 3 bottles; Xiaochuan. Hui Mo, Yun Chui Plain, Little Chrysanthemum, Jiu Jiu, Your Long Time, The Sun at the End of the Mountain, Er Mu, Xi Shu Shu, A Bottle of Wangzai, Mo Dian, Yun Mist and Su 1 bottle;