Unable to Divorce After Signing the Marriage Contract

Chapter 83


Lin Yuhe looked at Lu Nan with a surprised expression, but Lu Nan looked indifferent, and even raised his hand to touch the back of his neck.

Lin Yuhe felt like a cat whose fur had been smoothed.

The rain was a little weaker than at the beginning, and it turned into fine and long rain, dripping on the eaves and in the ground. The wind is not very cold, and Lin Yuhe is also dressed thickly, not cold. Looking at the continuous rain in front of him, he gradually let go of his sight.

The quiet courtyard gradually became a beautiful landscape painting, and the ink was soaked by the rain. The familiar scenery overlaps with the things hidden in the depths of the memory, bringing out yellowed but clear memories one after another.

That is something that can only be recalled in this old scene, something that I thought I had forgotten for a long time, but it has long been remembered by the body.

Lin Yuhe said softly: "I remember... It turns out that we also like to watch the rain under the eaves."

It is rainy in Sichuan, and it lasts for many days at a time, so when it clears up, the sky is always as blue as if it has been washed.

"At that time, my brother seemed to be able to play the harmonica under the eaves." Lin Yuhe said.

Lu Nan learned some musical instruments when he was young, including piano and violin. His parents even built a pipe organ for him and built a house to house it. But there are no such gorgeous musical instruments in remote towns, and some are just picked leaves or wooden flutes cut from bamboo. Although it is simple, no matter what is in Lu Nan's hands, it will always make a wonderful sound.

Later, when Lin Yuhe went to Cangshan Mountain, he deliberately brought back a harmonica and gave it to Lu Nan.

The harmonica with a price tag of twenty-five yuan spent a long time with them.

Lu Nan stretched out his hand to tidy up the collar of the man, protecting the white neck more tightly, and said.

"Well, it was summer."

The winter rain is too cold, so Xiao Lin and He will not be released to blow the air.

"The summer rain is more beautiful."

Lin Yuhe shifted his gaze to the pomegranate tree in the yard, and murmured.

"But it rained so much... it broke the swing."

Under the pomegranate tree, there was originally a swing made by his grandfather himself. Lin Yuhe couldn't run and jump when he was a child, so swinging became the activity he had done for the longest time.

The ropes of the swing are made of straw rope, which will not freeze your hands. But it is rainy in Sichuan, and the yard has been vacant for more than ten years without care, and the swing has long been corroded by rain and broken.

This old house is located here, and it seems that no matter how long it has passed, some old things that were originally there are still disappearing bit by bit.

Nothing is immune to time.

There was a little warmth in Lin Yuhe's heart, and the man reached out and stroked his hair again.

Consolation is full of meaning.

Lin Yuhe smiled and said, "It's okay. I'm very lucky to be able to see this old courtyard when I come back after such a long time."

They stayed in the yard for a while, and didn't go back until the rain stopped.

As soon as they returned to the villa, Lin Yuhe was stared at to take a hot bath to dispel the chill all over his body.

He didn't catch a cold like Lu Nan worried about. In fact, Lin Yuhe has been in good condition, and he will work and rest on time for the next few days, getting up early and going to bed early.

When the day of his mother's death came, he got up earlier than usual.

Even earlier than Lu Nan who always gets up at six o'clock.

Before dawn, the room was gray, and before the night had completely dissipated, Lin Yuhe got up quietly.

He originally didn't want to disturb the man beside him, but just as he was about to get out of bed, he heard his voice.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Nan had already opened his eyes, his voice was a little hoarse and even more low magnetic.

"It's okay, you can rest for a while." Lin Yuhe said softly, "I'm going to pick some wild flowers."

Although he said so, when he actually went out, the two of them went together.

They went to Baishan again, went up the small road, and stopped beside the large wild camellias on the mountainside.

What Lin Yuhe picked were all white camellias. Before the sun came out, the dew was heavy in the morning, which quickly wet his fingers, cuffs and clothes.

But when Lu Nan wanted to help, Lin Yuhe refused him.

I picked a lot of white camellias, and there are nearly a hundred of them. Obviously, this is not the first time Lin Yuhe has done this. His movements are very skilled. The picked flowers are tied with straw ropes and placed in a basket. The plump and multiple petals are blooming, showing a bright white color in the gloomy morning. .

After picking enough flowers, they returned to the villa.

It was already dawn, and from a distance, a tall man was standing at the door of the villa. Lin Yuhe only recognized him when he approached.

It's Geng Zhi.

"What's wrong with coming so early?" He asked curiously.

Geng Zhi looked at him, pinched the unlit cigarette in his mouth.

"It's okay, get up early for a walk, and stop by to have a look."

Why do you suddenly want to go for a walk

Lin Yuhe looked at him, then at Lu Nan, and found that Lu Nan and Geng Zhi didn't seem to want to chat, so he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

But he didn't say anything, and the three of them entered the villa together.

Breakfast has been delivered, enough for three people. Geng Zhi didn't speak much during the meal, but he would glance at Lin Yuhe from time to time, making the latter a little confused.

It wasn't until after breakfast that Lin Yuhe went to arrange the camellias that Geng Zhi asked him.

"When are you going today?" Geng Zhi switched to an electronic cigarette, which had no smell of smoke, and his voice was a bit vague with a cigarette in his mouth, "Together."

Only then did Lin Yuhe realize his intention of coming.

"It's still early, don't worry." Lin Yuhe said, "I won't go until noon."

Geng Zhi didn't say anything more, sat down beside him and watched him arrange the camellias he picked.

Lu Nan came over and handed Lin Yuhe the scissors he wanted, with the handle facing Lin Yuhe.

After Lin Yuhe took over the scissors, Lu Nan also sat down and stretched out his hand to tidy up the scattered green leaves of the camellia.

But Lin Yuhe stopped him.

"It's okay," he said with a smile, "I can do it myself."

Lu Nan didn't move anymore.

He watched Lin Yuhe move by himself, neatly tying up the bouquet.

It was the same before, Lin Yuhe seemed to insist on doing everything related to the mother's day.

After the bouquet was tied up, Lin and He tidied up the other things they had prepared, and the three of them left the house around noon.

The cemetery was not far away, and the bamboo forest was originally a suburb. However, the wind was a bit chilly today, so in the end Lu Nan drove people to the cemetery.

The cemetery in the small town is not large, and there are no guards. Anyone can enter. Looking around, the cemetery is a bit desolate, and there are even yellow weeds in the cracks in the bricks in the corner.

The weather has not been very good. Although it hasn't rained, the sun hasn't come out yet. There is still a faint mist around, and the surroundings are gray, which makes people feel a little depressed.

When entering the cemetery, Lin Yuhe almost fell down before tripping.

Lu Nan quickly stretched out his hand to help him, but Lin Yuhe had already stabilized himself, Geng Zhi looked at the ground and frowned, the place Lin Yuhe just walked by was not uneven, and he didn't know what happened to him. tripped over.

Lin Yuhe just waved his hands and said it was all right: "I was not careful."

There was nothing unusual about his expression and voice, and there was still a faint smile on his lips.

Geng Zhi didn't ask any more questions.

They walked in together and walked to Mama Lin's tomb.

The tombstones are of the same standard, but the surrounding area of this tombstone is much cleaner than the others. Lin Yuhe came here to clean it when he first returned to Baixi.

There is a color photo embedded in the tombstone, which is separated by glass, and it has not faded after many years. The mother in the photo is smiling, as if she is still looking at her child tenderly.

Lin Yuhe stopped laughing.

There was no smile on his face anymore, and even the usual softness had completely faded away, leaving only a pale dullness.

Lin Yuhe bent down and put the things he brought on them bit by bit. The tied white camellia is my mother's favorite flower, and the cat made out of marian grass is the kitten my mother raised, as well as some fresh fruits, and the glutinous rice candy that my mother likes to eat.

Geng Zhi and Lu Nan also placed the flowers they brought on both sides.

But only Lin Yuhe moved the slowest.

The color of his lips gradually faded, against the already pigment-depleted skin, it was more like the snow in winter in the southern country, cold and fragile and easy to melt.

Lin Yuhe didn't get up after finishing putting things away. He half-kneeled in front of the tombstone, looking at his mother's photo, his eyes were empty, as if he was in a daze.

He didn't move for a long time, and finally Lu Nan gave him a gentle support from behind, making him stand up, and didn't continue to put pressure on his stiff and trembling legs.

Lu Nan said in a low voice: "Let's go to the side first, can you talk to your mother yourself?"

Lin Yuhe seemed to have just come to his senses at this moment, a little stunned: "Ah... no need."

He sniffed and said to the tombstone.

"Mom, we came to see you, and brother Lu from childhood is also back, we..."

But Lin Yuhe's voice was very low, and as he spoke, it was completely blown away by the wind and could not be heard.

His lips and petals seemed to have been blown dry, sticking together, unable to open his mouth anymore.

Lu Nan watched from the side. He had imagined many possibilities. He thought that Lin and He would talk to their mother when they visited the grave. But this is not the case, Lin Yuhe only said a few words, and then got stuck.

Silence lasted for a long time, only the sound of the wind nearby.

For children who are too young, the loss of a parent is not an illness that can be easily overcome. It was more like a kind of inner bone crack, which couldn't be seen on the surface, and when others looked at it, the appearance was glamorous and complete, but the periosteum was whining every second, and the sound could only be heard by oneself.

They lost an arm prematurely and lost half the support of their lives forever.

Lin Yuhe stood for a long time, until the pinnae of his ears were red from the cold and then turned pale, before he finally moved.

He bent down, facing the tombstone, bowed deeply, bent down fiercely, and did not move for a long time.

The cold winter froze him into a sculpture.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Yuhe finally made a sound from his throat.

He said, "Mom, goodbye."

Lin Yuhe rubbed his face, turned around and said, "Let's go."

He seemed to be smiling at the other person, but he had been frozen for too long, and even the original smile was not very proficient, and in the end he only pulled out a little stiff arc.

But fortunately, he himself did not show any abnormalities.

The three of them went back in the car together, Geng Zhi kept staring at Lin Yuhe on the way, seeing that he was still drinking water to keep warm normally, he spoke and answered, he was a little relieved.

When returning to the bamboo forest, the car stopped beside the old courtyard. Lin Yuhe had to go to the old courtyard first before going to other places. This is the custom in his hometown. When returning from tomb sweeping, they bring the dead back home.

They got out of the car and walked in. Lin Yuhe put the only remaining white camellia in a vase inside the house.

Seeing people finish all this, Geng Zhi felt relieved.

Although Lin Yuhe's face was a little pale from the cold, he was still in a normal state. It seems that his body is indeed much better this year than in previous years.

They walked into the yard and were about to go back. When they passed the pomegranate tree, Lin Yuhe suddenly looked up at the bare branches, and reached out to touch the rough trunk.

Lu Nan beside him asked him, "What's wrong?"

Lin Yuhe said softly without looking back.

"The swing is gone."

For too long, too many traces have been disappeared and erased. But the past cannot be changed. Earlier, this swing was not specially made for Lin Yuhe.

This was originally a swing that my grandfather made for his daughter.

Before my mother became a mother, she was a little girl who liked to play on a swing.

He was the one who took my mother's swing, and then my mother left and the swing broke.

So many things are missing.

The flower bed in the corner disappeared, the withered flower plants were uprooted, the spring was no longer in full bloom, and the people in skirts humming and watering the flowers walked away very early.

This old courtyard is the place where Lin Yuhe and his mother have lived for the longest time. Later, he went back to the city to go to school, and after a year of school, his mother passed away, and time was too short to grasp.

So for a long time afterwards, Lin and He could only return here, relying on those familiar traces to remember.

Imagine what it would be like if mom was still here.

But more and more things disappeared, so completely.

As if he didn't want to leave him with memories.

Geng Zhi at the side greeted: "It's nothing, I'll go back first..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard Lu Nan's voice.

"Ning Ning?"

"What’s wrong with you?!"

Geng Zhi paused, stepped forward, and saw Lin Yuhe was still looking up at the pomegranate tree. He didn't realize anything at all, the expression on his face was still calm, but his breathing was completely uncontrollable, his face was pale, his chest heaved greatly, and there was a dull and terrifying sound in his throat.


The pretense of peace and tranquility was finally broken, the frozen wound was still bloody and ferocious, scraping off the snow and frost on the surface, there would still be fresh blood gushing out.

The yard suddenly became chaotic.

"Hasn't his asthma been cured long ago?!"

"Medicine! Get the medicine quickly!!"

The author has something to say: Tomorrow it will be updated between 7:00 and 8:00 pm, please leave a message, memoda 030

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: 1 Buddhist Tao Xiaochun;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: sunny89, update 1 soon;

Thanks to the little angels who cast the landmines: Waiting every day for better urgency, breeze, yos sauce that is getting rounder and rounder, Ban, looks like me, ashley, Qiyue, A Luo, Ming Dynasty intentionally, Jin Sheng Sheng Sheng. , a cup of oolong tea, hair cake really good times, biu biubiu, 19816555, Lvqiao, Jiujiu, yours for a long time, envy, chirps, h4z, 1 star lighting;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 57 bottles of Hawthorn; 50 bottles of Qingfeng; 10 bottles of Ye Beizhou, Leaf Cube, The Brightest Star in the Sky, medfrffd, Chijiu, Just Want to Eat Sugar; 9 bottles of Mao Nu No. 1, Teacher Ju’s Old Fan Girl; 8 bottles of Eighty-one Difficulties; 7 bottles of hg ; Tangyuan Ruixue, 6 bottles taller than me; Shen Xue, 18873077, the author is a little cute, Yan Chufei, Qi Xiaoyueer 5 bottles; la. Xiaona, Tete too gentle, Qu Yan Ting 4 bottles ; Enthusiastic netizen, enough, 3 bottles of quiet mother-in-law; little salted fish turning over, Zemu, co, joanna__kain, picking a star, A Luo, 2 bottles of taro balls today; little Dolly, Jingyin Huimo, Mu Kang Qiuqi, Radish Qiqi, Blind, Zhu Xia, auf-wiedersehen, Nian Jin, 40296497, Don’t Smile Yanyan, Happy Peach Soda, Ye Shiqi, Xue Jinxing 1 bottle;