Unable to Divorce After Signing the Marriage Contract

Chapter 85


Lin Yuhe was crying all the time. He was finally willing to speak, and Lu Nan wanted to wait for him to confide all the painful scars, but soon Lin Yuhe couldn't speak the whole sentence, and could only whisper over and over again, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, mom.

His tears kept falling, and even people began to worry about whether he would be dehydrated. Lin Yuhe couldn't stop crying, and he was a little out of breath. His breathing became more and more rapid, and his face turned pale. Lu Nan had to reach out again and covered Lin Yuhe's mouth.

Prevent him from hyperventilating again.

Lu Nan's palm was covered with wet softness, and the movement under the palm was quick and weak. But it wasn't the inside of the palm that got wet the most, but the back of his hand.

Big drops of tears fell down, hitting the tight back of the hand, splashing little by little.

The temperature is slightly cool, but it is scorchingly painful.

Those falling tears slid onto the man's muscular arm, mixed with the scratches made by the struggle, and merged into twisted and flowing blood, slowly dripping down the forearm.

It took Lu Nan a long time to calm down the trembling person, so that the other person would no longer curl up and hurt himself.

It was so dangerous that Lin Yuhe survived with difficulty and did not induce breathing again.

The living room was too big, and there were no edges around. Lu Nan hugged Lin and He, carried them to the bedroom, turned off all the lights, and drew the thick three-layered curtains.

The room was suddenly darkened, and no light could penetrate, creating a closed space that barely made people feel safe.

Lu Nan wrapped Lin Yuhe in a soft quilt, which was tightly wrapped and warm. He fed the person a little water in the dark, and added a few spoonfuls of autumn pear paste in the middle to cushion the person's stomach.

Lin Yuhe never responded soberly, but he didn't resist either. He barely drank some of the water that was fed, which was better than nothing.

Lu Nan put the bowl aside after feeding, and took him into his arms. The room was not completely dark, and some scenes could be vaguely seen. Lu Nan hugged the man, watching him open his eyes and shed tears silently, without making a sound. Every time he blinked, drops of water fell from his eyes.

Lu Nan first used paper towels to gently wipe off the water marks on people's faces. But Lin Yuhe's skin is too thin, and it will turn red after being wiped with a dry tissue for a long time. Later, Lu Nan switched to wet wipes, wiped away the tears and kissed again, on the wet and soft cheeks.

After Lin Yuhe's aura finally calmed down a bit, Lu Nan asked.

"When did the family portrait take place?"

He knew that it was impossible for Lin Yuhe to rest in peace now, and the scraping sores and pus should be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise there will still be pain in the future.

The dim room was silent for a long time, only Lin Yuhe's weak breathing could be heard.

After a while, a hoarse voice spoke.

"When I was eleven."

That year was the second year of Lin's father and Wu Xin's marriage, and it was also the time when Lin Yuhe was forced to move to Wu's house.

"At the beginning, it wasn't like this." Lin Yuhe said in a low voice, "Dad said when he got married that even if he wanted to live in his stepmother's city in the future, he would keep the house in Cangshan, because here is where we share Where there is memory, keep it as a souvenir.”

"As a result... As a result, he was going to move out a year later, so he immediately found someone to sell the house."

As he spoke, Lin Yuhe's nasal voice became thicker again.

"I went to ask him, didn't he say that he wanted to keep the house? He said that the family needs money. Children don't understand these things. We will move to a better house and let me be more sensible."

Know about his uncle.

Lu Nan took a slow breath, and while wiping his face with a wet towel, he cursed inwardly.

Lu Nan seldom swears, because no one is worthy of his anger before, even if it is a matter of work, those people have been frightened and softened long before he started to swear.

But this time is different. It is this sentence "you must be sensible" uttered by a perfunctory and irresponsible parent, which makes Lin Yuhe's later life so depressing.

How could a teenager bear these blows

And if Lin Feng didn't give Lin Yuhe hope at the beginning, he wouldn't be so sad later.

Lu Nan waited for Lin Yuhe to calm down before continuing to ask.

"Where's the tape?"

"What about the tape?"

The matter of the tape obviously hurt Lin Yuhe even more, so much so that he didn't dare to mention it when he just broke down.

It was not until being questioned that Lin Yuhe revealed the memory with difficulty and trembling.

"That's... my mother left it to me, a birthday present, and asked me to open a volume and listen to it every year on my birthday."

Lin Yuhe's voice was muffled.

"When I was twelve, I lived in my stepmother's house, and the tapes moved there."

As a result, Wu Xiaohan, the stepmother's daughter, took out the tape while Lin Yuhe was away, and pulled the tape out to play. She pulled it too much, and entangled herself and strangled her neck.

Wu Xin was very angry when she saw it, so she threw away all the tapes. She never talked to Lin Yuhe, but she scolded him for more than an hour that day, telling him not to trouble her daughter, and never allow such a dangerous thing in the future. Keep things at home.

"Those tapes..." Lin Yuhe blinked, tears fell again, "I've only listened to two volumes."

He rubbed his eyes and whispered, "If I put the tape in a little better it'll be all right..."

Lu Nan wiped the dry lips of the person in his arms with a wet towel, and asked in a low voice, "Did you not put it away?"

Lin Yuhe wanted to nod, but heard Lu Nan say.

"Ningning, when you were six years old, you would keep your room very clean, and you would never mess things up."

"Besides, it's something so important to you."

Lin Yuhe was stunned, and the movement of nodding was stuck in the middle.

But it was not of much use, he was silent for a while before he spoke.

"No matter what, it won't come back."

Lin Yuhe stretched out his hands to cover his eyes.

"A gift from my mother...I lost it."

Lu Nan hugged him even tighter, and said, "Mom will leave these gifts for you, because she wants to bless you, Ningning."

He said slowly: "During the two years I was with you, Aunt Zhu was in poor health, but she never blamed you. When she was lying on the bed, if you ran over and kissed her, she would Happy for a long time."

The person in his arms trembled.

After a while, he said vaguely: "Mom is fine, I hurt her..."

The better her mother's temper is, the less she blames him, the more uncomfortable Lin Yuhe will be, falling into a vicious circle of self-blame.

Lu Nan is also clear.

The scar has existed for too long, and it can no longer be moved by a few simple words.

He patted Lin Yuhe's back lightly, and said, "But Mom will want you to be happy."

Lin Yuhe's nasal voice became heavy again, and he asked in a low voice, "Will you?"

"Will do."

Lu Nan pressed the person into his arms, and gently rested his chin on the soft heart.

"You'll hear it, I promise."

Lin Yuhe cried for too long, and said so much intermittently, his energy was really unsustainable, and it didn't take long before he fell into a drowsy sleep.

Lu Nan waited for a while, and after the person fell asleep, he gently put him back on the bed, settled him down, got up and walked out of the bedroom.

He closed the door silently, walked to the living room where no one would be disturbed, and then took out his mobile phone and made a call.

The phone was quickly picked up: "Hello, Director Lu?"

It's Fang Musen.

Lu said: "Take out the contents of the No. 18 box in the No. 16 cabinet of the Huiping branch's safe."

This order is simple and clear, and Fang Musen should have executed it immediately, but he rarely violated his professional standards, hesitated, and said: "Boss, that hasn't been fully repaired..."

Lu Nan said: "Take the top ten numbers first."

After Fang Musen listened, he asked one more question.

"Allow me to talk, have you considered it?"

Fang Musen knew what was in the safe, and it was about Lin and He, so he had to overstep the rules.

"If Xiaohe knows..."

Lu Nan's voice was very calm, without impulsiveness.

He said lightly: "Letting him know that I am a pervert who stalks him is better than making him feel that I am the murderer who killed his mother."

"...Okay." Fang Musen didn't say any more, "I'll go now."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Nan poured some warm water in a thermos, and returned to the bedroom.

He quietly went to bed and rested with Lin Yuhe.

The young man who fell asleep rarely approached the heat source. He didn't rub himself into Lu Nan's arms, but curled up and fell asleep hugging himself.

The tomb-sweeping was at noon, even though there were many twists and turns in the middle, when Lin and He really fell asleep, it was only in the afternoon, not evening yet.

He went to bed early and woke up early. In the middle of the night, Lu Nan felt the quilt in his arms move.

A white hand reached out and dazedly touched it around, and it was held in the palm of Lu Nan.

"Awake?" he said. "Are you still asleep?"

Lin Yuhe's reaction was a bit slow, but he did wake up: "No... no."

His voice was a little hoarse, the first word changed its tone, and he coughed before he finished speaking.

"Then are you hungry?"

Lu Nan squeezed his palm and asked.

There was a moment of silence under the quilt before a hoarse voice came out.

"Is there anything to eat?"

"Yes." Lu said, "Come on, get up and eat something."

The food has been kept warm in the incubator, and it can be eaten immediately after taking it out. Lin Yuhe rejected Lu Nan's proposal to bring the meal to the bedroom: "Don't bother."

He went to the bathroom to wash his face, then went to the restaurant with Lu Nan.

The dishes are very light, which is suitable for the weak stomach after not eating for a long time. Lu Nan handed the spoon to Lin Yuhe, watched him bow his head and took a sip, then saw him frown slightly.

"Can you eat it?" Lu Nan asked.

Lin Yuhe nodded, swallowed the soup, and continued to eat slowly and quietly.

The light in the restaurant is warm, shining on Lin Yuhe's face, adding a bit of warmth to that pale look. After the rest, Lin Yuhe's condition was better than during the day. Although the eyes were a little swollen, the lips and petals were not dry and cracked, and the light pink color returned.

And he also ate a lot, it seems that the situation is indeed much better, which makes people feel more at ease.

Lu Nan was not in a hurry to mention the day's affairs. After dinner, he asked Lin Yuhe to go to the sofa first, and simply cleaned up the dining table by himself.

But just as he took the bowls and chopsticks away, he heard a suppressed retching sound.

Lu Nan went to the living room, but the person was gone. He was Lin Yuhe who was found in the bathroom. The thin young man hunched his back facing the sink, coughing violently.

Lin Yuhe vomited out everything he had just eaten.

It took him a long time to recover, took the lukewarm water handed by Lu Nan, rinsed his mouth, reached out weakly to turn on the switch, and washed away the filth.

Lu Nan looked at him and said, "You don't have to force yourself if you don't want to eat."

Lin Yuhe lowered his head, his face was as white as paper, and whispered, "I'm sorry."

They walked out of the bathroom, it was still dark, only the villa with the lights on was emitting light alone in the middle of the night. Lu Nan sighed and said, "You don't eat to make me feel at ease, Ningning."

"Stop hurting yourself because you don't want others to worry."

"No need." Lu Nan said, "Relax."

He took a warm wet towel and wanted to wipe his face, but Lin Yuhe reached out to take it.

Lin Yuhe didn't nod his head in response, he looked at the towel in his hand and said softly.

"You said you wanted me to be self-willed."

Lu Nan nodded: "En."

Lin Yuhe wiped his face, his face was still pale, like the frost and snow that had condensed for many years, it would be difficult to melt.

"However, not everyone is qualified to be willful."

He finally raised his head to look at Lu Nan, his eyes were calm and calm.

"Brother, I don't believe in salvation." Lin Yuhe slowly shook his head and said, "I can't believe it. If I pin all my hopes on one person, there will always be a day of collapse."

He has already used very euphemistic words, not using "hurt" and "betrayal".

People get warmth when they are hurt, and if they put everything on this warmth, they are destined to be hurt even worse.

After the death of her grandfather and mother, Lin Yuhe also pinned her emotions on her father.

The lights are dim, and the winter in Shu is hard to escape the severe cold. There was a wind blowing outside, and the cold wind hummed in the dark night, which made people feel chills all over their bodies.

Silence spread in the room, and I don't know how long it lasted before it was finally broken.

"Don't you believe it?"

Lu Nan asked.

His tone was calm, unexpectedly calm. No matter how good-tempered Ren is, he should be angry if he is repeatedly rejected to this extent. During the day, Geng Zhi only heard Lin Yuhe say "it's okay" twice, and he was so angry.

But Lu Nan did not.

It's not because of how stable he is, in fact, Lu Nan's calm comes from his honesty.

"I believe."

It's hard to say.

He looked into Lin Yuhe's eyes and said slowly.

"Because I was saved."

"Supported by one person for so many years."

The author has something to say: Lin Yuhe: I will always donate the body temperature I saved to someone else

Lu Nan:? Come take your temperature


Originally, I wanted to break the sentence of He He, because I wanted to write "Don't believe that others can save you", but after thinking about it, I wrote an extra answer of Lu Nan, which is a little sweeter.

Uncle Lu can turn a sentence into sweetness, or a word into yellow (pushing glasses

Please leave a message 030

Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket launcher: 1 Deadwood Frost;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: sunny89, 1 Jinyuan;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 7 spots; 4 tomato-flavored potato chips; 2 diced radishes; Jiujiu, how about your Jiujiu, just want to eat sugar, sunny89, Qianxi’s wife likes exo? , 3 scallion pancakes, Jiang Baijing, Bianhua Blossoms, light clouds and light breeze near noon, 1 hair cake really good times;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 101 bottles of Nigong Qingdu; 64 bottles of Xiao Qing; 50 bottles of Muque; bottle; Sakata Qian, the wind and rain are dark, Jiangnan Duck King, Qiushui Fangmao, ah ah Ayao! , Master Ziyue Pavilion, 10 bottles of Yuyu; 6 bottles of a friend; gray sauce, yes, no fish. ,... , good boy, wife of Qianxi likes exo?, a naive, 5 bottles; is missing. , Yin Yeran 2 bottles; friggaz, Ye Shiqi, Xue Jinxing, Xiaoxin, don’t eat taro balls today, (~o~). Cute, C, Xiaozhu snail, dawn, Aren, z Baishui j three j, co 1 bottle;