
Chapter 24


Lin Wuyu is not used to eating at other people's houses, or in other words, he is not used to eating together as a family, elders and children, no matter who's family.

He didn't even want to go to Xu Tianbo's house. He grew up so big. He never ate at any of his classmates and friends except for Lao Lin's house. When he went to Lao Lin's house to eat, he was with the people in his class, and Lao Lin was at home alone.

He is a little lonely today.

Only then did he agree to come to Ding Ji's grandmother's house for dinner.

I was lonely when I came out of the exam room.

No matter whether you do well in the test or not, whether you go back to school first or go straight home, the students around you will eventually go home for dinner.

The dormitory is empty.

This feeling of emptiness is completely different from the weekend.

All of a sudden, his entire high school life was gone.

very lonely.

If Ding Ji didn't ask him to eat, he probably wouldn't go back to the dormitory after he went home and got his things, so he would find a hotel to stay for one night and relax his mood first.

Xu Tianbo sent a message an hour ago asking him where he was at night. He didn't see the cucumber until he finished filming.

- Go back to the dorm after dinner with friends

- I have something to talk about, I have been free these days

-then you can continue to idle

- What the hell are you like!

- i don't play with big tongues

Lin Wuyu smiled and put the phone back in his pocket, and looked at the cucumbers that had turned into a black cucumber under Ding Ji's operation: "You're too embarrassed to say that mine is a pickled cucumber, you're not just a cucumber. Chopped pickled cucumbers?"

Ding Ji held the sesame oil bottle a little hesitantly: "Should I put sesame oil, I think the smell is a bit too strong now."

"That's it," Lin Wuyu said, "the juice is too much, will you pour some?"

"Smart." Ding Ji nodded, took the plate, went to the sink, and carefully poured out the excess soy sauce and vinegar.

"It's all about being smart, is your IQ a little incomplete?" Lin Wuyu took the plate.

"Shooting a cucumber can smash a person's face," Ding Ji said. "What's the point of saying that I am incomplete? Bring it out!"

Lin Wuyu turned around and took out the cucumber.

"Ouch, it's so deep," Grandpa glanced at the cucumbers on the plate, "Is this the cucumber Xiaoji made?"

"Well." Lin Wuyu nodded with a smile.

"Isn't this very good!" Grandma said next to her, "Now there are several children who can cook, but they don't even enter the kitchen. Look at this fairy child, taking a picture of a cucumber is like a flower from a goddess..."

Grandma really loves Ding Ji.

In order to support Ding Ji, he did not hesitate to step on the friend he met for the first time.

Lin Wuyu laughed: "I don't know it at all."

"This kid has a much better temper than Pengpeng," said grandpa. "If you say that, Pengpeng will definitely shout."

In order to save face for him, Grandpa did not hesitate to step on Liu Jinpeng.

Liu Jinpeng is so pitiful.

Lin Wuyu kept smiling.

"Eat," Ding Ji took the bowls and chopsticks out and put them on, and pulled Lin Wuyu to sit next to him, "Try my grandma and my craftsmanship."

"You have a fart," said Grandma.

"Be civilized," Ding Ji said, "there are guests here."

"What kind of guest," said grandma, "isn't it just a child... Xiaoyu, you're welcome, our family doesn't follow any rules, just eat."

"Okay." Lin Wuyu nodded.

"Eat more, don't be embarrassed." Grandma put two more pork ribs in his bowl, and then put two pieces in Ding Ji's bowl, "I've been too tired for a while, and now I'm done with it, just You don't have to worry about eating, drinking, and having fun."

Lin Wuyu doesn't like being served vegetables for him. Hygiene is not the most important thing. After all, he is also someone who dares to drink water after taking Ding Ji's bottle, and he is more uncomfortable.

But at the moment when he wanted to politely refuse, he pressed the hand he wanted to raise again.

The way his grandma served him vegetables did not seem to greet guests, without any courtesy, as if he was serving food to his two grandsons, which was natural and cordial.

He suddenly felt warm.

Not friends, classmates, or teachers, but the unreasonable love from family and elders.

"Don't mind him," Ding Ji quickly took a piece of spareribs from Lin Wuyu's bowl, "I tell you, he's a bottomless pit, if you don't stop him, this table won't be enough for him."

"Why are you still grabbing food from other people's bowls!" Grandpa glared at him, "Is there nothing from you on the plate!"

"If I eat slowly, there will be no more." Ding Ji laughed happily, with a coquettish little rogue expression on his face.

Lin Wuyu sometimes felt that Ding Ji was indeed very attentive and keen. He estimated that he hadn't moved his hand just now, but Ding Ji still found out.

When Ding Ji was about to steal the second sparerib, Lin Wuyu snapped at the back of his hand.

"Ah!" Ding Ji shouted.

"Shit!" said Grandma.

"You will believe it in a while!" Ding Ji glared at him.

"Believe it, I still don't believe it." Lin Wuyu took back the previous piece of pork ribs from his bowl and smiled at Ding Ji.

Ding Ji looked at him for a while and smiled, then leaned into his ear and whispered, "That's it, very enthusiastic."

"Very good." Lin Wuyu nodded.

In order to celebrate the end of the college entrance examination, grandpa opened two bottles of red wine, and also woke up an hour in advance according to Ding Ji's request. After taking a few bites, he felt that he should drink, and then he remembered that the wine had not been taken.

"I'll get it." Grandma got up.

"Don't move," Grandpa stood up, "I've been busy with a meal, and now I have to rest."

"Retreat means staying still," said grandma. "I told you that it's better to stay still. I don't have any problems walking around the house every day now."

"You are obedient." Ding Ji touched grandma's hand.

"It's okay to beat you." Grandma slapped him.

Grandma seems to be recovering well, mainly because she is not very old. Ding Ji said that she has always been in good health. Now, look at her, except for walking slower, her face is very good.

"Where did you put the sobered wine?" Grandpa asked.

"The balcony room," said Grandma.

"Okay," Lin Wuyu was a little surprised, looking at Ding Ji, "Does your family always drink red wine and have a decanter?"

"There's a fart," Ding Ji raised his chin in the direction of his grandfather, "I woke up with a cold water bottle."

Sure enough, after a while, grandpa brought a one-liter open glass cold water bottle with wine in it.

"There's no wine glass either," said Grandpa. "Take a tea cup?"

Ding Ji took four tea cups and placed them in a row, then took a cold water bottle and poured four full cups.

"Your mother said it would be enough to fill the bottom of the glass," said grandma.

"Then we have to pour it all the time, let's just taste it, who can tell if it's good or bad," Ding Ji said, "If you want to say that, our cup is wrong, we don't have legs, we take it up with our hands, The temperature changes the taste of the wine."

Grandma thought for a while, and took a sip of wine when she reached the mouth of the glass. After tasting it, she held the glass with both hands, waited for a few seconds, and took another sip.

"Nothing changed?" She tasted it.

Grandpa and Ding Ji laughed out loud, but Lin Wuyu couldn't hold back, and laughed together.

"So let's just say, let's drink it if we don't understand red wine," Ding Ji said happily. "After a while, we have to take the jar of wine that my grandfather hid under the bed."

"Drink it, drink it, Xiaoyu won't go home anyway," said grandma. "Just don't drink too much. I won't help you clean up if you vomit, and neither will your grandfather."

Lin Wuyu was stunned for a while, then glanced at Ding Ji.

"She means you don't have to go home, and you won't be told by the family," Ding Ji whispered, "it doesn't mean that you should live here, don't be nervous."

"No," Lin Wuyu also whispered, "how does she know that I don't have to go home?"

"I didn't say it." Ding Ji quickly waved his hand.

"I know." Lin Wuyu said.

"My grandmother is sometimes fascinated," Ding Ji said, "I don't know if it's a guess or a real calculation, but as soon as you finish the test, you come to my house for dinner with your luggage... Few people do this, it's normal. I shouldn't go home next time."

"... Yes." Lin Wuyu nodded.

Grandma's cooking skills are very good. Of course, it is also possible that Lin Wuyu only has canteens and street restaurants in his taste reserve. He doesn't have much experience with home-cooked dishes, and his mother's craftsmanship can basically only be divided into The one that doesn't eat dead people.

Grandma's dishes are not only delicious, but also quite large. All the dishes are piled up, and there are some soup pots that are used for the dishes.

Lin Wuyu ate a lot.

He was as surprised as his grandparents, that he was able to eat so uncontrollably in someone else's house, and still enjoy it.

He also drank two teacups of the wine that Grandpa had hidden. He didn't know what kind of wine it was.

When he finally stopped his chopsticks, he couldn't help but whispered, "I seem to have eaten too much."

"Did you know?" Grandma was a little worried next to her. "You've eaten as much as a pig... Xiao Ji, go find a box of that digestion tablet and give it to him."

Lin Wuyu leaned on the chair and smiled for a long time: "Grandma, what do you describe?"

"Eat so much and you won't get fat," Grandma pinched his face, "I want Xiao Ji and his aunt to know, I have to kneel down and ask for a recipe that doesn't grow fat for you."

Ding Ji brought a box of Xiaoshi tablets over, picked a few and handed them to him: "Hurry up, eat."

"For a while," Lin Wuyu sighed, "I can't drink water now."

"This one is chewable, don't need to drink water." Ding Ji said.

Lin Wuyu directly lowered his head and took a bite in Ding Ji's palm, bit the tablet into his mouth and chewed it, frowning: "It's not delicious."

Ding Ji sighed, took a lollipop from his pocket, peeled it, and handed it to his mouth: "Milk lollipop."

"Thank you." Lin Wuyu took the lollipop.

After a while, I didn't feel so strong anymore.

There are still quite a few dishes left on the table, if it weren't for him today, more than half of the dishes would be left over.

Grandparents are really enthusiastic.

That's why there will be a grandson with such a character as Ding Ji.

Lin Wuyu stood up, helped Ding Ji clean up the table, and then stood by the sink, watching him wash the dishes and threw his hands.

"Don't go back to the dormitory for a while," Ding Ji said, "it's too late, just stay here today."

"Is it convenient?" Lin Wuyu asked nonsense, and before Ding Ji could speak, he rushes to answer, "It's convenient."

Ding Ji laughed: "Pengpeng often spends the night here, just like my own home. I used to have other classmates who ran away from home. I didn't dare to go home after the exam, or someone from the neighbor's child was with their parents. If you quarrel, you will hide, my grandparents are used to it."

"Your family is like a Jianghu." Lin Wuyu smiled.

"That's still incomparable, they are all little brats, Jianghu said that they can't support them," Ding Ji handed him a washed bowl, "Then you can sleep in my room, my bed is big."

"Oh." Lin Wuyu paused.

"Ah," Ding Ji suddenly felt a little embarrassed, "How about I sleep in my aunt's room, and you sleep in my room."

"Huh?" Lin Wuyu looked at him.

"No," Ding Ji explained, "that is, if you don't want to sleep in my room, then... go to my aunt's room... "

"Liu Chapeng, your classmates, friends and neighbors, where do you sleep when you come here?" Lin Wuyu asked.

"Squeeze a bed with me," Ding Ji rubbed his nose, "It's convenient to chat at night."

"Then why did you support me in your sister-in-law's house?" Lin Wuyu smiled.

"I'm not... afraid you're uncomfortable?" Ding Ji said.

"Why am I uncomfortable?" Lin Wuyu asked.

"... Who knows why you're uncomfortable!" Ding Ji was a little annoyed, and viciously put a washed bowl on top of his hand.

That's why you're uncomfortable.

If it was normal, Lin Wuyu would definitely say this.

But I didn't say it today. Today, Ding Ji was a little embarrassed after helping him fight his mother. He didn't want to let Ding Ji continue to be embarrassed.

After the Tiantai shouted, the familiar people expressed tolerance and support to him, but he received a lot of malice, and the biggest malice even came from his parents.

Although Ding Ji was surprised at first, he was always sincere.

At this point, he didn't want to embarrass Ding Ji.

Fortunately, Ding Ji returned to normal after washing the dishes, but he turned on the state of reappearance after drinking.

"Let's go for a walk!" he said to his grandparents, standing in the living room.

"Go." Grandma waved her hand, "I see dizziness."

"Go!" Ding Ji waved at Lin Wuyu.

Lin Wuyu followed him out the door.

After going downstairs, he looked around. This old community was a bit crowded, and the street lights were much more broken. When he came out at 10 o'clock in the evening, there was no one around.

But he looked up and saw that there were a lot of stars tonight, and it was quite comfortable.

"Where to go for a walk?" Lin Wuyu asked.

"Usually when I take a walk with my grandma, I go out through that opening, walk to the street, then walk around the street and come back through the opening where we got a taxi today." Ding Ji gestured.

"Okay." Lin Wuyu said.

Ding Ji took a few steps and stretched: "Hey - I was about to start staying up late at the moment, but now I'm so leisurely, I'm really not used to it."

"Then why don't you find some questions to do." Lin Wuyu took out his mobile phone.

"Are you sick!" Ding Ji quickly ducked to the side for several steps, "Have you not been abused enough?"

Lin Wuyu laughed: "You're not used to it."

"I haven't worked so hard yet," Ding Ji said, "I don't know what the final score will be."

"It has to be the top three anyway." Lin Wuyu said.

"Why didn't you say champion." Ding Ji clicked his tongue.

"Because of me." Lin Wuyu smiled.

"It's so fucking arrogant," Ding Ji glanced at him, "How do you choose to fill in? Your parents should be answering a lot of calls these days, right?"

"Well." Lin Wuyu responded.

"Is H big?" Ding Ji asked.

"Are you planning to apply for H University?" Lin Wuyu asked.

"It should be, I have no idea, I can go anywhere, my parents are big, they definitely want me to go," Ding Ji said, "I don't plan to be stubborn with them about this, I have no other thoughts anyway. I'm going to school, let's be personal."

Lin Wuyu laughed: "You said that."

"What about you?" Ding Ji asked again, "It should be H too."

He really wanted to know where Lin Wuyu would report to. He hoped to share a school with Lin Wuyu, but he was a little worried. Lin Wuyu has a lot of plans and ideas. Who knows if he will not unexpectedly Play as usual.

"Not necessarily, what if I go abroad?" Lin Wuyu said.

Ding Ji was stunned, staring at him for a while before he snorted: "Go to a fart country, you can go to Vietnam even if you haven't made a move now."

Lin Wuyu couldn't stop laughing.

However, this reaction made Ding Ji know that he should still play the cards according to common sense. If he didn't say it, he wouldn't say it. He kept asking as if he was interested in this person.

"What major?" Lin Wuyu asked.

"Who?" Ding Ji didn't respond.

"What major are you applying for?" Lin Wuyu smiled.

"Engineering mechanics." Ding Ji said.

"Ah." Lin Wuyu raised his eyebrows.

"What? Do you know anything about this major?" Ding Ji asked.

"Did you report it without knowing it?" Lin Wuyu also asked.

"I just thought it sounded interesting," Ding Ji said, "but I'll have to think about it after I get the score."

"It's quite interesting." Lin Wuyu patted him on the shoulder.

The two of them didn't follow Ding Ji's planned route on the street, and they went back downstairs after a few random turns, as if a ghost had hit the wall.

"Is this back?" Lin Wuyu was a little confused.

"Take you to see the stars?" Ding Ji pointed up.

Lin Wuyu raised his head: "Can you see it from the rooftop?"

"Yes," Ding Ji nodded, "My grandfather grabbed a small piece during the rooftop occupation movement, planted some peppers or something, and kept it clean."

"Go." Lin Wuyu was very interested.

The rooftop is quite large, and at first glance, there is no interest in it. The clotheslines pulled by each family are pulling, and there are many empty flowerpots and half-empty flowerpots, all in a mess.

But when I walked to the southwest corner, I felt comfortable.

This is the site occupied by Grandpa Ding Ji. There is a small open space separated by a wrought iron flower stand. In addition to peppers, there are some unknown plants. There is a small wooden table and two bamboo loungers in the middle.

"How is it, not bad." Ding Ji took a lighter from the table, lit a few plates of mosquito coils under the table, circled around a reclining chair, put it away, and sat on it.

"Don't you choke?" Lin Wuyu was a little funny.

"I can hold on," Ding Ji shook his chair and pointed to the sky, "See, the Big Dipper."

"Well." Lin Wuyu sat on the chair and looked at the sky, "Do you have any research on astrology?"

"No, we are separated from the stars like a mountain." Ding Ji said.

Lin Wuyu smiled and said nothing.

Ding Ji looked at the stars for a while, sat up, and turned to look at him: "I just counted the words."

"What word?" Lin Wuyu asked.

"No." Ding Ji said.

"Then what?" Lin Wuyu rested his arms.

"Are you planning to apply for engineering mechanics as well?" Ding Ji asked.

"How did you figure this out?" Lin Wuyu also sat up.

"When I said it just now," Ding Ji pinched his fingers, "your reaction was obviously a bit surprising, and then you added 'it's quite interesting'. Related... If I hadn't had a drink today, I'd have come out just now... "

"What do you call this?" Lin Wuyu held back a smile.

"Ah," Ding Ji nodded, "Is that right?"