
Chapter 26


Lin Wuyu's information arrived when Ding Ji was slaughtering Lao Liu, which really made people lose face.

I didn't expect that one day I would be able to fall into serial debt.

"Did you hear what your brother Peng said?" Ding Ji stared at the sixth.

Lao Liu glanced at Liu Jinpeng: "He is several years younger than me."

"I'm still in my mother's womb, and I'm also your brother Peng!" Liu Jinpeng stared.

"Did you hear it all?" Ding Ji asked the sixth, "Ping Qian, and he is your brother Peng."

Lao Liu nodded numbly.

"Go away." Ding Ji pushed him.

After Lao Liu walked away slowly, Liu Jinpeng clicked his tongue with some disgust: "Is he really in love?"

"Isn't it pretending?" Ding Ji said.

"Can this be pretended, he has this acting?" Liu Jinpeng said, "This reaction is that when he encounters true love and intends to live and die, a bolt from the blue makes the Queen Mother whip out a galaxy."

Ding Ji glanced at him: "The Queen Mother uses a gold hairpin."

"Golden hairpin?" Liu Jinpeng said, "Isn't the Milky Way silver? Why is it a gold hairpin?"

"Then the silver hairpin." Ding Ji said.

"It doesn't matter what the hairpin is!" Liu Jinpeng pointed in the direction where Lao Liu left, "Is he worthy of Lao Liu? If he doesn't have enough, he needs a whip!"

"I admire him a lot too," Ding Ji said. "Just fall in love. If you fall in love, you're going to kill your brain, don't you have any IQ?"

"You don't understand this," Liu Jinpeng waved his hand. "There is no water in the river of love. Those who love the river are all wine, and if you go down, you will be drunk."

"I can't be so clueless when I'm drunk," Ding Ji said.

"Just a metaphor!" Liu Jinpeng shouted, probably angry that he didn't get the praise he deserved for saying such a philosophical sentence, "With your IQ, you won't be too high in love!"

Ding Ji couldn't help laughing: "Why are you so good today."

"It's like that when you fall in love with someone," Liu Jinpeng sighed, "I've also loved someone... Of course! I'm not the same as the sixth one! His love is full of brain fragments."

"I know I know," Ding Ji put his arm on Liu Jinpeng, "but your love is a bit too blitz. I knew you loved it the day before, and you loved it the next day..."

"Just experience it," Liu Jinpeng said. "You can't understand it for a child like you, but it still feels beautiful."

"Tell me." Ding Ji shook his shoulder.

"What are you talking about?" Liu Jinpeng frowned, looking reluctantly, and kept saying, "It's just that you think about her all the time, think of her when you see anything, and when someone eats something, you just eat it. If you can recall drinking milk tea with her, when she doesn't contact you, you will be restless. You will always look at your phone. If the phone rings, you will be excited if it is her. What's the arrangement for today, she said let's go out to play, you'll be fine today..."

Ding Ji wanted to have fun all the way, but gritted his teeth and endured it.

He really felt that Liu Jinpeng's love had passed without paying too much attention. The girl had only seen the photo once, and it was shown to him when Liu Jinpeng recalled the past when he was delirious.

He has never had such emotional experience, but it's not that he doesn't think which girl is beautiful and which girl is good. Their squad leader is beautiful and attractive. He likes to watch it, but he doesn't feel any more.

But he didn't fully believe what Liu Jinpeng said. When this person saw that he liked the other, he could hear him compliment a certain girl for being kind, careful and beautiful every time. I jumped in the river of love, I have only jumped once in so many years, and the waves hit the shore as soon as I got in the water.

It is estimated that it is not as real as Lin Wuyu's experience of secret love.

Although he has a crush on a man.

After Liu Jinpeng expressed his feelings, he invited him to dinner.

It is a celebration of Liu Jinpeng's successful employment and his successful college entrance examination.

Ding Ji remembered that the last time he used a celebration as an excuse to eat, it was time for the end of the three molds.

When someone eats a word, you can recall drinking milk tea with her...


Sitting down in the restaurant, when Liu Jinpeng went to pick fish, he called Lin Wuyu.

"The news didn't get back to me either," Lin Wuyu answered the phone, "I thought you were going to start reneging on your bills."

"I've just had something to do, I'm in the restaurant now," Ding Ji heard that Lin Wuyu was very noisy, he should have been with a group of classmates, "Are you also eating?"

"Yes," Lin Wuyu said, "I have to go to K song after eating, I'm tired."

"Isn't it normal for young people to sing karaoke," Ding Ji said, "where are you an old man?"

"You're someone who drinks honeysuckle tea from a coffee mate bottle..." Lin Wuyu laughed.

"I haven't had a drink these days, and my grandma didn't make me tea." Ding Ji said.

"Do you have time tomorrow?" Lin Wuyu asked.

"What kind of job did you find me?" Ding Ji asked, "Why is it so impure?"

Lin Wuyu smiled and said nothing.

Ding Ji still remembered Lin Wuyu's saying "duck", listening to him laughing like that, he had the illusion that he was about to be pulled into the devil's den: "What the hell are you doing?"

"Tomorrow I'm going to take aerial photography early in the morning," Lin Wuyu said, "a documentary..."

"A drone? Are you taking me to play?" Ding Ji asked quickly.

"You think beautifully," Lin Wuyu said, "I'm going to make money, you're going to work to pay me back, but if you have something to do tomorrow, next time..."

"I'm free." Ding Ji said.

She said let's go out to play, you'll be fine today...

Ding Ji suddenly felt a little helpless. He was actually brainwashed by Liu Jinpeng's words. When Liu Jinpeng came in, he kicked Liu Jinpeng's ass.

"Crazy you!" Liu Jinpeng stared at him, covering his butt.

"That's fine," Lin Wuyu said over there, "wait for me at the entrance of your grandma's supermarket tomorrow, the car will go around to pick you up..."

"But I won't," Ding Ji was a little worried, "what can I do when I go?"

At four o'clock in the morning, Ding Ji stood under the lonely street lamp with Lin Wuyu's drone bag at his feet. His eyes were full of tears of seven yawns. He watched the cross-country approaching from the end of the road. Seeing the car stop, Lin Wuyu jumped out of the car.

He pulled open the trunk door.

"These are the tasks you will do today." Lin Wuyu said, "Bring the bag up."

Ding Ji picked up his bag and walked over. His lack of sleep made him think that if a police car came over in this scene at this moment, he would immediately raise his hands above his head.

There were a lot of things in the trunk. There was a silver bag, which looked the same as Lin Wuyu's black one. It looked like a big backpack with a hard shell. It was probably a drone. He put the black bag on top.

He glanced at the things next to him and could roughly see them, cables, several notebooks, battery boxes...

"Go, get in the car," Lin Wuyu closed the trunk door and patted him on the back, "Your job today is to do chores for me, help me get things, and follow me."

"...Oh." Ding Ji responded and got into the back seat of the car.

Five alarms were set at four in the morning.

Get up to do some errands

This debt is...

"Brother Ben, this is my assistant, Xiao Ding," Lin Wuyu got into the car and introduced Ding Ji to the driver, and then pointed to the driver, "I have known the eldest brother for many years, Brother Ben."

"Brother Ben." Ding Ji greeted.

"You kid," Brother Ben glanced at Lin Wuyu with a smile, "I just told me that I was a friend, but now I'm an assistant."

Ding Ji quickly stared at Lin Wuyu.

"The official statement," Lin Wuyu said calmly, "he wants to share the money for this job. How can I bring a friend over to share it."

Brother Ben smiled and drove out the car: "Okay, Assistant Xiao Ding, you should go to sleep first, it will take more than an hour to get there. I think you haven't woken up yet."

"Ah," Ding Ji rubbed his eyes, "I never got up so early to study for the college entrance examination."

"Go to sleep," Lin Wuyu said, thinking about it and asking again, "Or should I eat something before going to bed?"

"What's there to eat?" Ding Ji asked.

"Fried dumplings," Lin Wuyu said, "I just bought them, and they are still very crispy."

"I smell it," Ding Ji sniffed, "I'll eat some first."

Brother Ben laughed: "It's still important to eat, it really is Lin Wuyu's friend."

Lin Wuyu took a big round lunch box from the co-pilot, opened it, and handed it to Ding Ji: "Here."

"Have you eaten?" Ding Ji squeezed a fried dumpling.

"Eat," Lin Wuyu said, "this is my snack on the way."

Ding Ji looked at him and said after a while, "You really have to thank the country for its prosperity. With your appetite, you can't even live to be 10 years old."

Lin Wuyu smiled and leaned back on the chair.

Brother Ben was also happy while driving: "This kid has known from the day I met him that on the day he flew, the food would have to be prepared by two more people."

"Eat," Lin Wuyu smiled and raised his chin at Ding Ji, "It's all yours."

Ding Ji originally wanted to be polite and leave some for Lin Wuyu, after all, this is someone else's snack, what should I do if I starve to death if there is no snack on the road.

But I don't know where I bought this fried dumpling. The skin is fried very well. It's fragrant and crispy when I bite into it. It's more than the big meat stuffing inside. Ding Ji only noticed the stuffing after eating three of them. It's pure meat, with no side dishes at all, as expected of a snack for Lin Wuyu, who has never eaten cucumbers.

In the end, he only kept four of the box of fried dumplings for Lin Wuyu.

It's a friendship that lasts forever.

After eating the dumplings, I am satisfied.

Ding Ji just stared at the back of Brother Ben's head for three seconds, without saying a word to Lin Wuyu, his eyes closed.

When he fell on Lin Wuyu next to him, he saw in his remaining consciousness that Lin Wuyu quickly picked up a small waist support and put it on his shoulders, and immediately fell asleep after his face hit the waist support. on.

Also took the time to have a dream.

After the car arrived at the place, Lin Wuyu conjured a drone the size of a helicopter from the trunk, let him sit on it, and told him that his job today was a test flight.

Then he went up, and after he flew into the sky, the magic disappeared, and the helicopter changed back to a drone. With the size of his ass, he kept his balance in the turbulent air while howling, and even took time to swear at Lin Wuyu. .

"Hey." After being slapped on the face, Ding Ji woke up.

At the same time, the car was found to be jumping.

Lin Wuyu held his face with one hand and grabbed his arm with the other, with disgust on his face: "How can you sleep like this?"

"What's wrong?" Ding Ji hurriedly sat up straight, only then did he see that the car had left the city and was running on a broken dirt road full of potholes.

"You won't wake up after ten minutes." Lin Wuyu let go of his hand, "If I didn't drag you, you would kneel down and kowtow to me for more than a dozen times."

"Sorry." Ding Ji wiped his mouth.

"Not really." Lin Wuyu said.

"What?" Ding Ji asked.

"It won't come out of the mouth." Lin Wuyu said.

"Shut up!" Ding Ji glared at him.

"Hold on," Brother Ben said in front, "this section of the road is short, the past is the provincial road, and it will be there in half an hour."

"Are you still sleeping?" Lin Wuyu asked him while holding the small waist.

"Don't sleep anymore," Ding Ji grabbed his waist and pinched it, it was a little yellow starfish, quite soft, "Is there still this stuff in the car?"

"Lin Wuyu's car sleeping pillow." Brother Ben said.

"Yeah." Lin Wuyu nodded, "I picked out more than a dozen dolls."

"...You are very busy." Ding Ji said.

"Some of the filming is quite tiring. The time in the car is much longer than the time at work. It's not good without a good pillow." Lin Wuyu put the little starfish on the window and leaned his head on it, "See, the size is soft. It's just right, you can sleep anywhere."

Ding Ji laughed.


Brother Ben's estimate was accurate. Half an hour later, their car merged with two other off-road vehicles on the provincial road.

Then drove forward for a while, turned into a mountain road, and soon there was no road ahead.

"It's here," Ben said.

"Go." Lin Wuyu patted Ding Ji, opened the door and got out of the car.

Ding Ji jumped out of the car and smelled a strong grassy fragrance.

It is not only grassy, but also mixed with earthy smell. In the air with a little moisture, people feel clean at first.

"You carry this on your back." Lin Wuyu opened the trunk for a while and then handed him the black drone bag.

When Ding Ji took the bag, he was stunned: "Why is it so heavy?"

"Camera, notebook, battery," Lin Wuyu said, "it's all inside."

In front of the creditor, Ding Ji honestly put the bag on his back: "Then what do you take?"

"I'll carry the other one, the spare one," Lin Wuyu said, and put the silver one on his back. "The one you're carrying is my most expensive piece of equipment. If you break it, I'll kill you."

Creditors also have to carry things, balance.

"Don't worry," Ding Ji adjusted the straps of his backpack, "Who am I."

The shoot didn't shoot the sunrise, and if it did, they might have to leave last night.

Ding Ji didn't realize it until 20 minutes later. They came by car, but there was still 40 minutes of mountain road behind, and we didn't shoot until we got to the top of the mountain. It meant that we wanted a shot from the highest point down.

"Are you hungry?" Ding Ji couldn't help but asked Lin Wuyu next to him in a low voice, a little regretful that he had eaten all his snacks. I'm afraid that four fried dumplings would not be enough to support Big Stomach's forty-minute mountain journey.

"I'm not hungry," Lin Wuyu felt in his pocket and took out a Snickers bar, "Here."

"Huh?" Ding Ji was stunned.

"Eat this when you're hungry." Lin Wuyu said.

"I'm not hungry, and I'm not you!" Ding Ji shouted in his voice.

Lin Wuyu laughed: "Is it fun today?"

"What did you play?" Ding Ji asked.

Lin Wuyu smiled even more happily: "On foot."

"...Okay." Ding Ji sighed.

"Look around," Lin Wuyu said, "Look at this tree, that grass, and the hill opposite, it won't be so boring."

"Yeah." Ding Ji nodded.

Lin Wuyu turned his head to the right and pointed to a bush on the side of the road: "This is called a dead bird."

"What?" Ding Ji quickly turned his head and saw the long thorns on the bush, "So vivid?"

"The name of the fellow," Lin Wuyu turned to the left again, pointing to a clump of plants with small yellow flowers, "This, the fellow calls it Dingdingcao."

"Dingdingcao," Ding Ji was a little curious, "Why is it called Dingding?"

"I heard," Lin Wuyu whispered close to his ear, "This flower is smashed into pulp, and it can last all night when applied."

"What..." Ding Ji was stunned, and it took at least ten seconds to react, "What am I? Is it true or false?"

"Fake," Lin Wuyu pointed at Brother Ben, "Brother Ben tried it."

"Ah?" Ding Ji glared at Brother Ben who was walking with his head buried in front of him.

Brother Ben also turned his head at this moment: "Lin Wuyu, are you pulling me into the water again?"

"No," Lin Wuyu smiled at him, then bent down and grabbed a small grass with fluff from the side of the mountain road, "Do you know what this is?"

"What?" Ding Ji looked at the grass.

"Itchy grass, slightly poisonous, it will itch when it touches the skin," Lin Wuyu said as he raised his hand and rubbed the grass on his face, "but as long as the skin is not broken, it will be healed soon."

"Damn it!" Ding Ji roared, and instantly felt itchy on his face, "Lin Wuyu, I think your skin is itchy!"

"It'll be fine in a while," Lin Wuyu looked at his watch, "Last time I rubbed it on for about a minute."

Ding Ji grabbed it on his face, feeling like he was bitten by a mosquito, he took out his mobile phone again, opened the camera and looked at himself, there was no change, only a few red marks that he caught, He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Isn't it very interesting, just looking around like this, I don't feel anything," Lin Wuyu said, "Walk a few more minutes and you will reach the top."

"Well," Ding Ji looked at him, "do you always come? You know so many inexplicable plants."

"Where do I know each other?" Lin Wuyu said.

"Huh?" Ding Ji didn't understand.

Lin Wuyu said: "I'm not a plant lover. Where can I know so many plants and know their nicknames?"

"Fuck me?" Ding Ji was shocked, "Lin Wuyu, are you lying to me?"

"Yeah," Lin Wuyu laughed, "I'm afraid you are too boring."

"That dead bird caught me?" Ding Ji asked.

"Yeah." Lin Wuyu nodded.

"Then... That Dingding... I rely on it?" Ding Ji looked at him, "I should record it for you, so that all the teachers and students in the attached middle school can see what virtues are behind their learning gods!"

Lin Wuyu smiled and took a sip of water.

"What about that itch grass?" Ding Ji asked, "I just got really itchy."

"The trick that Little Prodigy played when he was five years old," Lin Wuyu patted him on the shoulder, "Why did you forget?"

"Okay, psychological suggestion." Ding Ji clenched his fists at him, "You are awesome."

Lin Wuyu is really powerful. If itchy grass swiped directly at him, he would have immediately realized that he wanted to play psychological cues, but there were several preparations in front of him, and he even took out Brother Ben...

"It's here!" Someone shouted in front.

"Come." Lin Wuyu bumped against Ding Ji lightly and walked forward.

Ding Ji followed him straight forward, and after passing the others, he reached the edge of the top of the mountain, a viewing platform that was built very well at first, but now it is a dilapidated observation deck.

"Look." Lin Wuyu waved his arm.

"It's spectacular." Ding Ji looked at the shades of green in his eyes.

The top of the mountain that was next to them was already behind them, and this side was an open, intertwined waterway, and a large tract of neat farmland in the distance.

"Do you know why I like drones?" Lin Wuyu said.

"As long as the angle is changed a little," Ding Ji said, "the scenery will be completely different."

"Yeah," Lin Wuyu smiled, "I will live this whole life, I can watch as much as I can."

"Well." Ding Ji turned to look at him.

"Look at me." Lin Wuyu nodded.

"Go away." Ding Ji said.