
Chapter 29


"Damn it," Liu Jinpeng was holding four corgis in his left hand and a shit shovel suit in his right, "I want to go too. If I didn't perform well at work, I would definitely have taken leave."

"Be honest, don't ask for leave if you just went to work," Ding Ji said, "Ren Lin Wuyu is going to take care of his own family affairs, so I'll follow along and figure out what it means."

"Afraid of embarrassment? Don't you two have a good relationship," Liu Jinpeng said. "If I go to my cousin's business, wouldn't it be normal for you to follow me? What's the point of that?"

"Really?" Ding Ji looked at him.

"Isn't it?" Liu Jinpeng bent over to shovel shit for a Sanhua Corgi.

"Lin Wuyu is not you!" Ding Ji said, "My relationship with him is not as good as we are!"

"Hey—that's right," Liu Jinpeng said in a loud voice, "I like to hear this, and I say it with a sense of conscience... But the relationship between the two of you is considered to be very good, but it's normal to surpass the two of us. , We have been in friendship for many years, but he is the only friend besides me."

Ding Ji didn't speak.

He didn't tell Liu Jinpeng too much, he only said that Lin Wuyu had something to do at home, he went there ahead of time, and he didn't say that Lin Wuyu refused him without waiting for him to go, but Liu Jinpeng's words still made sense. of.

He was just worried about what would happen to Lin Wuyu alone in the past. In fact, there is a high chance that he could not find anyone, and it would be the best outcome if he could not find anyone. If he could be found, who knows what Lin Zhan's situation is now? A good person or a bad person, who is he with, and what is his attitude towards Lin Wuyu

Lin Zhan was only a junior high school student when he left. For such a small child, if nothing happened, he would just hang out like this, and if he didn't study well... It's not necessarily something that Lin Wuyu can handle.

He was escorted by Ding Ji, a person from all corners of the world.

"If you don't take me, I'll definitely be unhappy... Come here, Xiaoke, go this way, don't go around in circles! The rope is twisted!" , while self-substituting, "I haven't seen the flag raising since I grew up, I want to see the flag raising... Slow down, Xiaoji, don't bite Kiki!"

Ding Ji turned to stare at him.

"This family's four dogs! Xiao Ke Xiaoji Ke Kejiji! Really!" Liu Jinpeng said like a tongue twister, "I don't know why these owners are so uninspired in their names. There is also a golden retriever named Mao Mao in the store, a Thai Dee's name is Dee Dee..."

Ding Ji laughed.

"Anyway, if you don't take me with you, I'll have to go myself, I'll take a hundred videos of raising the national flag and send it to the circle of friends, I'm mad at you..." Liu Jinpeng said.

"You go all the way to see the flag raising?" Ding Ji said.

"I'll make an analogy." Liu Jinpeng rolled his eyes at him.

It's not until the end of the tenth day that the volunteers will be sent out, and there are still ten days in between. When Ding Ji was leaning on the sofa to watch TV at night, he had a hunch that Lin Wuyu couldn't wait for so long.

"Old lady," Ding Ji tapped lightly on grandma's arm with his foot, "help me calculate..."

"I can't kill you, you unruly!" Grandma quickly slapped him on the calf.

"Ouch," Ding Ji retracted his legs and rubbed his legs happily, "This reaction doesn't look like an old lady."

"This is what you trained to recruit your grandma all day long." Grandpa said beside him.

"How do you talk!" Grandma glared at him, "Who is training, I am a dog training!"

"I didn't say it," Grandpa said, "I can't bear to scold your grandson, come around and scold me."

"Are you willing to scold?" Grandma said.

"My grandfather is reluctant to scold," Ding Ji raised his feet and swayed his toes, "he is willing to fight."

"You are picky!" My aunt came over and poked him twice in the stomach, "You have been fighting your grandparents all day long since you were young, and you are fighting crickets!"

"Hey!" Ding Ji grabbed the aunt's hand, "Who are you talking about, cricket!"

"Tell you!" The little aunt patted him and took the red envelope from her pocket. "Take it, I forgot it when I left."

"Money?" Ding Ji took the red envelope, "Thank you auntie, I love you."

"How much?" Grandma immediately came over, "If you don't have it, don't worry."

The little aunt laughed: "A lot! A lot of promises, I don't dare to give it to him in front of you!"

"When Xiao Ji is working, it's time to get a red envelope for Xiao Mung Bean," said grandma with a smile. "It's not enough if you don't have it! Let Xiao Mung Bean trouble him."

Ding Ji followed Hehe and had a good time, but it was a little uncomfortable.

Little Mung Bean is the daughter of my aunt. Now she is in elementary school. It is said that my aunt gave him a red envelope. The corresponding relationship should be that my father gave Little Green Bean a red envelope, but my grandmother didn't mention him.

This son raised... It cannot be said that he is not excellent. Not only is his son excellent, but his daughter-in-law is also very good, but the better he is, the farther away he will be from him, and eventually he will be gone.

"What did you just ask me?" Grandma asked.

"Will it or not." Ding Ji said.

"Calculate it yourself," Grandma was very disdainful, "Is it also for me?"

"You're right." Ding Ji said.

"Will you get the champion?" My aunt guessed.

"Don't guess!" Grandma said, "you can't do it if you guess!"

The little aunt smiled and sat down on the chair: "Oh, does that count?"

"He won't count as the champion," grandma told my aunt. "I want to save face, I really want to count this, I would have done it by hiding in the house, and I won't let me count it for him."

"Really." The little girl nodded.

"Yes." Grandma patted Ding Ji's leg.

"Let me go on a trip these two days," Ding Ji said, "Is that all right?"

"Okay, what can't you do," said grandpa. "Do you want to go with your classmates? Or go with Pengpeng?"

"Go with Lin Wuyu." Ding Ji said, he was embarrassed to say that he was going alone, and Lin Wuyu would not take him.

"Who is Lin Wuyu?" the little aunt asked.

"The provincial champion is ready to run." Grandma said, "The little fairy from the attached middle school."

"...Grandma, don't you follow Pengpeng to call people a nickname?" Ding Ji laughed, "I'm talking about the reservists, Pengpeng said that it's ready, and to you, it's a reserve run."

The little aunt couldn't smile: "Then you two go? Are you rich?"

"You give?" Grandma asked immediately.

"You give it, he's not my grandson," the aunt said with a smile, "I'm going to take my little mung bean to go abroad during the summer vacation, so prepare two copies of your money."

"It's so annoying," Grandma frowned and instructed Grandpa. "Get them some money."

Lin Wuyu only sent a message to tell Ding Ji before he set off. The only one who knew about it was Ding Ji. Ding Ji didn't say that he wanted to go with him, but only told him that things could be put at his grandparents' house.

However, Lin Wuyu took a look and saw that in addition to what he brought with him, he basically only had clothes in the dormitory, and there was nothing that needed to be specially kept.

After packing the simple luggage, he stood in the dormitory, a little dazed.

All of a sudden, there was no whereabouts at all. Except for these luggage, he felt that he had nowhere to come and nowhere to go.

He didn't even have the urgency to look forward to the end of the summer vacation and start a new life. Before that, Lin Zhan's news and his mother's illness were all hurdles he hadn't crossed.

There are many people at the station, and I can see a lot of excited young faces. The students who went out to play after the college entrance examination were with their parents, and there were also three or five of their own classmates.

Lin Wuyu looked around, not wanting to meet his classmates, he was not in the mood to chat with people along the way.

I knew I should buy a plane ticket.

Ding Ji also asked him why he didn't buy a plane ticket, and he told Ding Ji that he lent him all the money.

Ding Ji gave him a bunch of thumbs back.

Lin Wuyu is still a little happy when he thinks about it.

He looked down at his ticket, the entrance to the station was a bit far, and he had to walk for a while, but he came a little earlier and heard that there was a Mala Tang restaurant at the station that was delicious...

The phone rang, and Ding Ji sent it.

- Be safe, put away your phone before dozing off

- Don't worry, it's not the first time I've gone out

- but you fell asleep

Lin Wuyu took the phone and smiled, and told Ding Ji that he knew.

Until he found the Mala Tang and finished buying and eating in line, Ding Ji didn't reply.

Lin Wuyu sat on the seat and drank two sips of the spicy soup before standing up and walking towards the entrance.

Maybe when Ding Ji said he wanted to go with him that day, he refused too quickly and simply. Ding Ji is a sensitive person. Whether this is the way he cares about his friends or not, it will definitely hurt his self-esteem.

Lin Wuyu sighed.

If he thinks too much about it and doesn't handle it well, bring a gift to Ding Ji and invite him to dinner when he comes back.

There are many people walking forward together, and there are many noisy voices, laughing and shouting. Lin Wuyu does not dislike such a voice. He used to be able to endorse in such an environment, especially now, in this kind of environment. In the chaos, he felt at ease.

Even in the mood to listen carefully to those voices.

"I told you not to bring so many things..."

"I told my sister that she will be picked up at the station when she arrives..."

"... Stop crying! If you drop it, you will drop it! It's annoying!"

"I haven't pitted yet..."

Lin Wuyu paused for a while, then looked up abruptly and glanced forward. Although it was a bit unbelievable, he was very familiar with this voice.

I haven't replied to the news before, I'm afraid I'm busy with the security check, right

"You're so interesting," Ding Ji held his phone, "I didn't even get in the car, so you gave me the list first."

"I don't know if I can buy it," Liu Jinpeng said. "If these stores are too scattered, you can't start looking for them as soon as you arrive."

"Pengpeng?" Ding Ji said, "Did I go on a tour or buy it for you?"

"It's not a purchasing agent," Liu Jinpeng said. "I don't give money."

"...Okay." Ding Ji nodded.

"Did you tell Lin Wuyu that you're going too?" Liu Jinpeng asked, "If we meet earlier, will he think you're not funny? And you still intend to piss off people."

"He's not very interesting," Ding Ji said. Although he planned to contact Lin Wuyu when he arrived, he still cooperated with Liu Jinpeng seriously, "I'm afraid of shit!"

After he finished speaking, he still looked around. After all, he didn't want to meet Lin Wuyu now: "There are so many people, I guess I can't find him when I go to him specifically, and I came early."

"What if he is ahead of schedule too?" Liu Jinpeng said.

"His character is not the one who arrives at the station half an hour early," Ding Ji said. "He is confident and has a plan. He must find the most reliable plan to make him arrive at the time of the ticket check."

"You're still accurate," Liu Jinpeng said. "Remember, take a few videos, send them to a circle of friends, and travel with the wind and clouds. This is the most annoying."

"Well," Ding Ji continued to walk forward with his head down, "I'm almost at the hole, I'll get in the car in a while..."

Someone blocked his way in front, and he took a wrong step to the side: "I'll get in the car later..."

The man also took a step to the side.

Sometimes I am afraid of this amazing synchronization rate. Two strangers are left and right together, and sometimes they can collide with each other for a long time.

"I'll..." Ding Ji simply stopped, raised his head, and planned to wait for the man to walk away before continuing on.

As soon as he raised his head, in deep embarrassment, he realized that some words could not be said with certainty, and also realized that his analysis of people was not necessarily accurate, especially for a person like Lin Wuyu.

"Hang up the phone first." Lin Wuyu stood in front of him holding on to the tow bar of the suitcase, and said in a low voice.

"What did you say in this series?" Liu Jinpeng was inexplicable over the phone, "Okay, I understand, get in the car and tell me again."

"Well," Ding Ji looked at Lin Wuyu, "Hang up."

Liu Jinpeng hung up the phone over there.

"So coincidental?" Ding Ji put the phone back in his pocket and said.

Lin Wuyu was probably a little surprised that he could speak such a blunt line so confidently. He opened his mouth and didn't say anything, and just laughed.

"Laughing fart?" Ding Ji glared at him.

"It's a coincidence that you don't know?" Lin Wuyu said.

"I'm going to see the flag raising." Ding Ji said.

Lin Wuyu didn't say anything.

"Okay," Ding Ji sighed, "I'll be honest, I just don't think it's reliable for you to go and do this."

"Well." Lin Wuyu responded.

"Whether Lin Zhan lives near there or passes by occasionally, you don't know," Ding Ji said, "he would like to see you or not, you are not sure what kind of person he is now Whether it is good or bad, whether there is any trouble, you don’t even know, to put it bluntly, you are not even 100% sure that it is him.”

Lin Wuyu didn't speak, put his hand in his pocket, leaned against the pillar next to him and looked at him.

"Dirty," Ding Ji pointed behind him with a frown, "Don't you think I'm upset next to the trash can, I'm going to sit on the trash can now."

Lin Wuyu left the pillar again and walked in front of him.

"It's actually best to not find it, if God is crazy and let you come across such a coincidence," Ding Ji said, "There must be someone on the side who is better than yourself, and many things are not entirely about whether you can The problem that can be dealt with is that one person will be... very lonely."

Lin Wuyu still didn't speak, was silent for a while, reached out and patted his shoulder, and scratched it usefully.

"Do you eat Mala Tang?" Lin Wuyu asked.

"... What?" Ding Ji was still immersed in his own words.

"Don't you know that there is a famous Mala Tang in the station?" Lin Wuyu said, "There are several branches, but the one in the station is the best. I'll treat you to it."

"Ah." Ding Ji just wanted to give Lin Wuyu a compliment, what kind of obsession does this person have for eating, and he can suddenly appear in such a moving plot by himself.

"There may be no time to eat here," Lin Wuyu said as he walked back, "There are a lot of people in line, buy it and you can take it and eat while walking."

"Wait," Ding Ji grabbed his suitcase, "Have you just eaten? You can't have not eaten."

"Eat," Lin Wuyu said, "I came half an hour earlier just to leave time to eat."

Ding Ji clenched his fists at him: "I don't want to eat, I want to check the ticket and enter the station."

As a note, when analyzing any behavior of Lin Wuyu, the variable "eat" must be considered.

"Okay," Lin Wuyu thought for a while, "then come back and eat, I originally wanted to come back and invite you to eat."

"A meal of mala tang won't kill me." Ding Ji said.

"Order whatever you want." Lin Wuyu said, and after walking a few steps, he paused again, "I'm sorry that day, I didn't say I wouldn't let you go, I just thought..."

"I know," Ding Ji interrupted him, "but can you wait for me to finish before rejecting me, so I don't want to finish talking in such a hurry, I'm very shameless."

Lin Wuyu didn't speak, and patted him lightly on the back.

The number of their trains is the same, but the carriages are separated by two.

Ding Ji stood in front of the yellow line and complained, "I'm comfortable now, don't let me go, now it's alright, there are no people chatting along the way across two carriages!"

"If I hadn't met you, you wouldn't have chatted along the way." Lin Wuyu said.

"But now that I have encountered it," Ding Ji glared at him, "the assumption that it has not been encountered no longer exists."

"I'll change with someone at that moment," Lin Wuyu said, "What a big deal."

"I'm the most annoying when people change seats with me in the car," Ding Ji said. "Especially when I want to change to another car, I have to squeeze my luggage with my luggage."

"Then go to the dining car to chat." Lin Wuyu sighed.

Ding Ji laughed: "It's your style."

The seat change went smoothly. There was a girl next to Ding Ji. He went to a relative's house alone and asked if he was a sophomore in No. 8 Middle School and High School. He readily agreed to change seats.

"Wow," the girl was a little surprised when she saw Lin Wuyu who came with a suitcase, "Lin Wuyu? Are you Lin Wuyu from the attached middle school?"

"Huh?" Lin Wuyu looked at her, "Yes."

"I've heard of you, Xue Shen," the girl smiled. "The city news also reported on you before. What kind of youngest professional guidance is there for drones in the city?"

"It sounds a little shameful," Lin Wuyu also smiled, "I'll help you carry your luggage."

"No, no," the girl picked up her backpack, "I only have this bag, you sit down."

Lin Wuyu still insisted on sending the girl to his car, and after taking her to the seat, he returned to Ding Ji's side.

Ding Ji sighed with emotion. This means that he is not interested in girls. Otherwise, with Lin Wuyu's condition, his competitiveness is quite strong.

"Let's talk." Lin Wuyu sat down and patted his legs.

"What are you talking about?" Ding Ji was stunned.

"My God," Lin Wuyu said, "Isn't the seat just for this?"

"... Live chat?" Ding Ji looked at him.

Lin Wuyu laughed, Ding Ji sighed and followed suit.

"Thank you," Lin Wuyu said, "I really... I didn't expect you to come here."

"People are in the rivers and lakes," Ding Ji said.

Lin Wuyu turned his head and glanced at him.

"No thanks." Ding Ji said.