
Chapter 32


Lin Wuyu wanted to turn around and leave, but he didn't know how to answer the question of the lion nose. It was the first time he was so embarrassed when he grew up.

Was stopped on the street and asked if he was a fan

But even if this person is a fan, he is definitely not a big star.

A celebrity goes out with two people. A few days ago, they went to the supermarket together to buy groceries. At that time, they didn't wear a mask and didn't see anyone taking a second look.

"No." Lin Wuyu answered truthfully.

"Oh," said Lion Nose, and repeated, "what's the matter?"

"I want to talk to him." Lin Wuyu looked at the mask behind the lion's nose.

Lion nose looked back at the mask.

The mask didn't move, just looked at Lin Wuyu.

"Is your name Lin Zhan?" Ding Ji asked.

Lin Wuyu believed that at this moment, he and Ding Ji were both paying attention to the reactions of these people.

But when the three of them heard the name Lin Zhan, they were very calm, and they all seemed to be very unfamiliar with the name.

"Do you know Lin Wuyu?" Ding Ji insisted and asked again.

Lin Wuyu kept staring at the mask's eyes, but even with glasses, he couldn't see clearly.

He didn't remember much about Lin Zhan's appearance.

In those memories that he thought he would never forget after seeing it, and those memories that he and Lin Zhan did not have much, Lin Zhan's face was already blurred.

He couldn't tell with his eyes now whether it was Lin Zhan who hadn't seen each other for ten years.

"Lin Wuyu?" The girl glanced at the lion's nose, then at the mask, and finally looked back at Ding Ji, "I haven't heard of it, you've recognized the wrong person."

"Why is he wearing a mask?" Ding Ji was no longer polite and impolite. "Is he a big star?"

Both the girl and the lion nose laughed.

"He's got a cold," said the girl. "Let's go."

The mask turned around and continued to walk forward. The lion nose and the girl also followed, laughing and chatting while walking. After walking for a while, they turned back to them and looked at them again.

"Maybe I made a mistake." Lin Wuyu said, his voice a little hoarse.

"Wait for me three seconds." Ding Ji said.

"Don't..." Lin Wuyu quickly pulled him.

But Ding Ji rushed out before he finished speaking, and Lin Wuyu was empty.

Ding Ji quickly caught up with the three of them. The girl was the first to find out, and she was startled when she turned around: "What's going on!"

Ding Ji put a note in her hand into the open side pocket of her backpack: "My phone number, don't keep it useful."

"For me?" The girl was surprised.

"Well." Ding Ji turned and ran away before they could speak again.

When returning to Lin Wuyu, Lin Wuyu stared at him: "What did you do? What did you give her?"

"My phone." Ding Ji said.

Lin Wuyu sighed: "It's useless, I guess it's not..."

"Even if it's not," Ding Ji said, "what if that girl likes me? She's pretty good-looking."

"...Are you still conscious?" Lin Wuyu glanced over there, a few people had already walked across the road and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

"Are you still awake?" Ding Ji patted Lin Wuyu's face, "What about the brains you used to analyze my mental journey for me? Where did they go?"

"What?" Lin Wuyu frowned.

"I feel suspicious..." Ding Ji said, "Is your name Li Dashan?"

"What... Li Dashan?" Lin Wuyu was stunned.

"Not everyone would repeat the name mentioned by others in this situation, but their reaction was too calm, like it was too sudden and they didn't know how to answer," Ding Ji said, "Let's mention Lin Wuyu again. Then they repeated the name and made eye contact..."

"If they have never heard of the two names," Lin Wuyu said, "why are there two completely different reactions, is that what you mean?"

"Well," Ding Ji nodded, "They know the name Lin Zhan, but they don't know Lin Wuyu."

Lin Wuyu didn't speak any more, and stood there for a long time without moving.

When Ding Ji wanted to speak to break the silence, he raised his head and smiled: "Go eat something."

"What to eat?" Ding Ji asked.

"Don't you have a list there?" Lin Wuyu said.

"Don't watch out for other people?" Ding Ji asked, "These are just guesses. The girl he was wearing a mask said she had a cold, but why did the lion nose ask you if you were a fan? This person is probably a little famous, so he suddenly bumped into us. In such a sudden state, it is normal to have this kind of reaction that is different from ordinary people."

"Huh?" Lin Wuyu looked at him.

"So it's possible that it's really not them. You can look at others again." Ding Ji said.

"Why are you more persistent than me?" Lin Wuyu asked.

"Are you going to give up?" Ding Ji smiled, "You didn't, you just realized that facing him might not want to recognize you, you were scared, right?"

"You can apply for psychology when you get your points." Lin Wuyu said.

"I promised my parents," Ding Ji tutted, "If you say it, you have to count."

Lin Wuyu laughed.

"Then go eat first," Ding Ji thought for a while, "slow down."

For so many years, Lin Wuyu has not deliberately searched for Lin Zhan, except when Gong Lan mentioned that the clues are in the local area, he will go to see.

Just find a place to sit, watch, listen, and think.

When the time is up, he will leave.

He is now sure that he wants to find Lin Zhan, but he is also sure that he has always thought that he will never find Lin Zhan again.

He thought the same thing when this candid photo appeared.

Now he is not even sure whether this person is the same person as the person in the photo, but the reactions of those few people and Ding Ji's analysis made him feel that the truth is already in front of him.

It's too quick and too easy.

It came too quickly and suddenly.

Ten years and three days.

Such a time comparison made him unable to adapt at all.

During dinner, Lin Wuyu received the first call from his father after he left home.

He felt numbness in his fingertips when he answered the phone.

It wasn't yesterday, it wasn't tomorrow, it was today. He even had some doubts if it was a telepathy between parents and children.

Although he never had contact with his parents.

"How are these days?" Dad asked.

"It's okay." Lin Wuyu said.

"Is there any progress in finding someone?" Dad asked again.

"You don't really think that with just such a photo, I can find this person when I come here, right?" Lin Wuyu said.

"There's still hope," Dad said. "Your mother had a dream about him yesterday..."

"I didn't find it," Lin Wuyu said. "I don't have any clues. All I can do is wait for this person at the subway entrance, but he didn't show up. I waited for three more days, and I went back if I didn't meet me."

"You..." Dad didn't seem to know what to say.

"That's it," Lin Wuyu said, "I'm his younger brother, not his father, that's all I can do, and that's it."

Before waiting for a response from the phone, he hung up the phone and turned off the phone.

Ding Ji held his chin and looked at him: "Will you be back in three days?"

"Well," Lin Wuyu nodded, "A week before and after, normally if a person lives near here, he has to show up once or twice a week, if not, it means he doesn't live here, and I'll stay longer. It doesn't make sense either."

"Well." Ding Ji nodded, "What if it was the masked man? Have you ever thought that he might not recognize you if he didn't recognize you, but you were so ugly when you were a child that he can't recognize you now."

Lin Wuyu narrowed his eyes.

"You were really ugly when you were young." Ding Ji insisted.

"Then he should also ask us what our relationship with Lin Wuyu is." Lin Wuyu said.

"Don't know him anymore?" Ding Ji asked.

"You've left your phone number, I really want to meet, he will find you," Lin Wuyu said, "there's no need to wait here, it's a waste of time."

Ding Ji stretched out his hands and applauded in front of him: "That's it, I still like your ruthless appearance..."

Lin Wuyu glanced at him, and soon looked away again.

Ding Ji's hand froze in the air for a moment, then took it back: "When you look like this, it means you have calmed down and made a decision."

"Well." Lin Wuyu nodded.

Ding Ji was not very satisfied with his finding a remedy, but there was nothing better to say for a while.

Lin Wuyu's parents have a magical ability, which can't be said to be good or bad. They can clear Lin Wuyu's confusion and panic in a second, and summon the calm and decisive scholar with one click.

After the phone call, Lin Wuyu's trance for the past few days disappeared.

When waiting at the subway entrance every day, Ding Ji could feel that his state was different from the previous days, and his eyes were also different.

Ding Ji held his mobile phone in his hand every day, hoping that a call or information would come in.

This kind of day is very boring. It’s not the same as before when he was in a daze in the small square. When he was in a daze, he could think about all kinds of ideas. Now he has to stare at the people who come and go, and he has to keep rummaging out the blurry picture in his mind. The photos that Mom doesn't recognize are repeatedly compared.

Even if the person next to him was his best friend Liu Jinpengpeng, he couldn't bear it.

But he just endured it because the person next to him was Lin Wuyu who had only known him for a few months.

No, not even intolerable at all.

He somehow found it interesting.

"Let's bet." Lin Wuyu said.

"What are you betting on?" Ding Ji asked.

"Left and right feet," Lin Wuyu said, "the brick line in front of me, the loser will buy milk tea."

"Okay." Ding Ji nodded, "That girl, the girl in the little black dress with long legs."

Lin Wuyu looked over, and two seconds later, the two of them said at the same time, "Right foot."

Ding Ji looked at him.

"You change your foot." Lin Wuyu said, "you change to your left foot."

"No, it's definitely the right foot," Ding Ji refused, "I want to change it for you."

Lin Wuyu squinted at him and said nothing.

The long-legged girl in the little black dress crossed the brick line in front of them with her right foot.

"Come on again," Lin Wuyu looked to the left, "Choose the one far away, the big brother in the blue T-shirt over there, one, two, three..."

Ding Ji spoke again at the same time as him: "right foot."

"It's a gamble." Lin Wuyu was a little helpless, "You have to be different from me!"

"Then what if I'm the same," Ding Ji said, "there is only one correct answer."

The big brother in the blue T-shirt lived up to their gaze and stepped over the line with his right foot.

"Another way," Lin Wuyu rubbed his hands, "I'll start by saying... The beauty in green shoes crossed the line in 27 steps."

Ding Ji looked at the green-shoe beauty: "That's right."

"Ah..." Lin Wuyu grabbed his shoulder and shook it, "Speak to someone else!"

"Grandma carrying vegetables," Ding Ji said, "33 steps across the line."

The green-shoeed beauty and the grandmother who carried the vegetables crossed the line one after the other, 27 steps and 33 steps.

"How can I play this?" Lin Wuyu hugged his head, sighed and stood up, "I'm going to buy milk tea, what do you drink?"

"Anything will do, add some coconut fruit to me." Ding Ji said.

After Lin Wuyu walked for a few minutes, Ding Ji's cell phone rang, and he quickly closed his smile and glanced at the phone screen.

… You actually keep smiling

He clicked on the message, which was sent by Liu Jinpeng.

-what's wrong with you! Did you just watch a flag raising? Haven't you been anywhere else


- Then what do you do every day

- see street view

Ding Ji looked at Lin Wuyu who came over with two takeaway bags.

- are you crazy

I hadn't noticed before, Lin Wuyu's face was actually very handsome in the shadow cast from top to bottom by the bright noon sun.

This kind of handsomeness mixed with his own temperament is not aggressive, gentle and firm... What is this description, but Ding Ji really can't think of another word, in short, it is comfortable and willing to watch.

It wasn't until Lin Wuyu stood in front of him, stretched out his hand against the tip of his nose and snapped his fingers, that Ding Ji suddenly recovered and jumped up.

"I thought I hypnotized you when I left?" Lin Wuyu said.

"No," Ding Ji rubbed his nose, "I'm lost."

"Stop watching here," Lin Wuyu frowned, "Go play."

"It's the last day." Ding Ji said.

"Go." Lin Wuyu turned around and left.

Ding Ji paused and followed him.

Tomorrow's tickets have been bought, and they are sitting in the house.

The two of them have been here for so many days. In addition to raising the national flag, they also went out to play today.

And not to eat.

Lin Wuyu chose a park from the list given by Liu Jinpeng.

The two spent the afternoon in the park, even paddling.

The lake is quite big, and there are many boats on the lake, all of them are couples, but they are different.

"I took a photo, and Pengpeng also scolded me for not playing anywhere in the past few days..." Ding Ji raised his phone, ready to take a selfie.

Lin Wuyu hesitated for a moment, then ducked to the side.

Ding Ji quickly changed direction, turned a half circle, and changed the background.

But I suddenly lost the mood to take selfies. I clicked a few random photos, and sent the photos of my unhappy face to the circle of friends.

Liu Jinpeng was the first to reply.

- What kind of expression is this, is it being robbed

Ding Ji couldn't hold back the joy when he saw it.

Lin Wuyu sat with him all the time, and now he was a little embarrassed when he looked at Ding Ji's bitter face in the circle of friends.

After hesitating for a while, he took a step forward and sat next to Ding Ji.

"Is it blocking you?" Ding Ji looked at him.

"No," Lin Wuyu took out his mobile phone and held it up, "I'll take a picture..."

Before he could speak, Ding Ji in the camera suddenly appeared out of the picture and sat in the back row.

Lin Wuyu turned to look at him.

"Why?" Ding Ji asked.

Lin Wuyu didn't know what to say, and finally took a photo of Ding Ji directly, still with a bitter expression.

"Ugly?" Ding Ji asked.

"Huh?" Lin Wuyu glanced at the phone, "It's not ugly, it's quite dragging."

"Let me see." Ding Ji leaned forward.

Lin Wuyu handed the phone to him.

"It's okay." Ding Ji nodded and leaned back on the chair.

When he came out of the park, the sun had already set, and the afterglow was beautiful. Ding Ji took another shot at the setting sun. When he turned around and walked away, he saw that the shadows of him and Lin Wuyu were stretched very long on the ground, walking side by side toward When walking forward, it swayed gently in a consistent rhythm, and it seemed to have a very hidden and wonderful feeling.

Like something light and fluffy jumped over him.

Lin Wuyu's shadow raised his hand, stopped above his head, and made a dog's head.

very alike.

Ding Ji didn't have this skill. When he was a child, his grandfather teased him so much. He also learned it, but he didn't know why, it was always different.

Lin Wuyu walked behind him, took out a key in his hand, and made a chicken on his head.

This is unbearable.

This chicken is more like a dog.

"Be careful!" Ding Ji tilted his head.

"Yeah." Lin Wuyu responded, but didn't put his hand down.

The chicken in the shadow pecked on Ding Ji's head.

"Your uncle." Ding Ji couldn't help laughing and clapped his hand away, "Are you naive?"

"The talents who are unknown and popular are naive." Lin Wuyu smiled.

Ding Ji glanced at him and said nothing.

After the landlord fixed the TV, they would go back to the rental house every day to eat snacks and drink some beer, chat and watch two movies.

It's still the same today, drinking and chatting with each other.

Lin Wuyu could feel that Ding Ji had something in his heart, but he had no way of guessing what it was. Ding Ji was not good at concealing it, but it was precisely because many of his emotions were written on his face that it made him even more uncomfortable. People can't tell which one is the real one.

"Pengpeng is really beautiful in spring," Ding Ji shook his mobile phone, "Just sent me a photo of the cashier sister in their store, and I am so proud of it."

"Did you take it secretly?" Lin Wuyu asked.

"No, it's a serious photo," Ding Ji showed him the photo, "it's pretty cute, I guess this kid is tempted."

"Is he always tempted?" Lin Wuyu asked with a smile.

"Yes," Ding Ji nodded, "If you move every three days or two, he will definitely not have heart problems. Although people don't like sports, their hearts have always been active."

Lin Wuyu smiled for a long time: "How do you describe it?"

"Really," Ding Ji said, "I admire his heart rate like a small motor, which ordinary people can't compare."

Lin Wuyu smiled and said nothing.

"Hey," Ding Ji touched him with his arm, "I want to ask you a question."

"Is it about my crush?" Lin Wuyu asked.

"Can you not be so boring." Ding Ji said.

"Then you ask." Lin Wuyu said.

"When you have a crush," Ding Ji said, he was amused, "Would you say that to someone?"

"No." Lin Wuyu replied.

"Ah," Ding Ji rubbed his face, "I forgot, your situation..."

"That's not true," Lin Wuyu squeezed the beer can, "I'm afraid."

"Afraid?" Ding Ji was stunned, "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that your secret love will fail?"

"How can a secret love be afraid of failing, a secret love is always a failure," Lin Wuyu laughed, "What I am afraid of is the love itself."